Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
Оценка 4.6

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Оценка 4.6
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11 кл
Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
The problem of migrants is growing daily in Europe and that its gravity is greater than before. The number of migrants this year has already exceeded 100,000 (about 15% higher than the last, record, year); Practically every European country thinks about either deporting migrants, making the asylum laws more difficult, or simply shutting the borders: from France that under Sarkozy deported EuropeanAccording to the EU’s internal rules, the country in which migrants first arrive is supposed to deal with them, giving them a temporary authorization to stay or grant political asylum.
Reasons Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem.pptx

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions Teacher Salnikova O.V. School 13 Klin

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
The problem of migrants is growing daily in Europe and that its gravity is greater than before. The number of migrants this year has already exceeded 100,000 (about 15% higher than the last, record, year);

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
Practically every European country thinks about either deporting migrants, making the asylum laws more difficult, or simply shutting the borders: from France that under Sarkozy deported European

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
According to the EU’s internal rules, the country in which migrants first arrive is supposed to deal with them, giving them a temporary authorization to stay or grant political asylum.

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
But many migrants wish to go north, to Germany and Scandinavia, where they have relatives and better prospects of finding a job.

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
Every country in Europe is willing, at most, to be the transit point for migrants; none is willing to be the point of settlement. Thus everybody tries to pass the hot potato of migrants to its neighbor.

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
Perhaps it might seem odd to an impartial observer that rich Europe of more than 1/2 billion people is unable to cope with one hundred thousand migrants and refugees

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
The difference is that the African and Middle Eastern migrants who come to Europe have often no relatives, friends or even the vague possibility of a job.

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions

Reason Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With Different Solutions
These trends look even more unmanageable for Europe when one takes a longer-term view and realizes that sub-Saharan African population which is currently only slightly greater than that of all of Europe is expected to be almost six times greater by 2100. Thus, economic migration will, if anything, increase.
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