Оценка 4.9


Оценка 4.9
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Smash 4 Test 10 formatted AP 7.3.07.doc

Test 10 (time: 50 minutes) 80 marks




Read the text. Then do Exercises A and B.

Let’s imagine that for some reason schools all over the world decided that the most important way to teach was to use a new method. Instead of letters, words would be made up of numbers, and sentences would look like algebraic equations (eg a2 + b2 = c2). 0) a  How many of us would be able to take in what they were talking about, or be interested in it?


Unfortunately, traditional systems of education, based on the spoken and written word, created a similar kind of problem. Many students were not interested in learning or were unable to learn because they could not understand the way something was being taught.


In 1983, Harold Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, recognised that there are many different kinds of intelligences and ways of learning. 1) ____  According to Gardner, there are seven different kinds of intelligences: Linguistic,  Logical-mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal. Most people have a combination of intelligences, but usually have one or two types which are stronger than others.


Gardner realised that real-life problem solving requires a number of different kinds of skills as well as cooperation with others. 2) ____  He knew that students would become interested and involved in learning if tasks were presented in a way they could effectively understand rather than simply having to memorise facts and information and repeat them in a test.


Most schools traditionally taught in a way that focused on students’ linguistic and logical-mathematical skills. They relied on written materials to present information and on written tests to assess students’ progress. 3) ____  It resulted in a great many students having negative feelings about learning and not being given the chance to develop themselves fully and completely.


Nowadays, most teachers try to use a variety of teaching methods in their classrooms. 4) ____  Instead, they may also use a simple song or chant (Musical intelligence), or bring in colourful objects or pictures which students can look at and touch (Spatial and Bodily-kinesthetic intelligences). They may encourage students to work together in pairs or groups or to do role-play activities (Interpersonal intelligence).


With a Multiple Intelligences approach to teaching, students have the opportunity to learn according to their needs, interests and talents. 5) ____  They also become more responsible for their own learning and learn to value their individual strengths. Last but not least, they become more aware of other people’s feelings and how to work together with others, skills which will benefit them throughout their lives.


A Match sentences a-f with the gaps in the text. [5 points]

a Instead of asking and answering questions, teachers would give students mathematical problems to solve.

b They become more interested, more involved and more positive about learning, which is also a benefit for teachers.

c For example, if the aim of the lesson is for students to learn to count from 1-10, teachers do not simply say the numbers and write them on the board for students to copy (designed for Linguistic and Logical-mathematical intelligences).

d His theory, called Multiple Intelligences, changed educational systems worldwide.

e Unfortunately, this approach was not very successful since it failed to meet the needs of the large number of students with other types of learning styles.

f For this reason, he encouraged teachers to use a variety of different teaching approaches in the classroom.


B Write true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS) if the answer isn’t in the text. [5 points]

0 People can’t learn something if it’s not taught in a way they can understand. T

1 Gardner realised that people learn in different ways. ____

2 Students with Musical intelligence did well in Physics after 1983. ____

3 Gardner supported traditional teaching methods. ____

4 Teachers enjoy using the Multiple Intelligences approach to teaching. ____

5 Using a variety of teaching methods benefits both teachers and students. ____





C Choose the correct answer. [5 points]

Everyone wants to 0) ____ the new Literature class because the teacher makes it so interesting. Every two weeks, the teacher 1) ____ a list of books, plays and short stories for students to choose from. Each student reads a different book on his/her own and then we 2) ____ them in class. The discussions are not at all boring and everyone is able to 3) ____ the point of the lessons. Since we do the reading at home, we’re able to 4) ____ words we don’t know in a dictionary or on the Internet. Lessons 5) ____ in a special study room in the library, which makes them even more pleasant.


0 a go into  b get into  c take part  d take place

1 a puts up  b looks up  c gets into  d takes in

2 a get into  b take up  c look up  d go over

3 a take up b look up  c take in  d take part

4 a look up  b take down  c look into  d get into

5 a take part  b take place  c put up  d get into


D Circle the correct answer. [5 points]

0 My brother is doing / having a summer course in English.

1 Next year I’ll be writing / sitting my college entrance exams.

2 I took / got the highest mark in the class on my Geometry exam.

3 I’m not doing / making much progress on my Science project.

4 Jack is taking / getting too many courses, so he’s not doing well in any of them.

5 I really took / had a good education at primary school.


E Complete with the correct form of the word in brackets. [10 points]

0 It was only logical for the match to be postponed – the pitch was covered with ice. (logic)

1 Joey’s very _________ . I’m sure he’ll help me if I ask him. (depend)

2 Wearing high-heeled shoes on a hiking trip isn’t at all _________ . (sense)

3 The director wanted to know who was _________ for writing graffiti on his window. (response)

4 My mum is good at finding _________ solutions to problems. (practice)

5 I can’t take in this book – it’s too _________ for me. (intellect)

6 My dad always tells me that a good _________ will help me get a good job. (educate)

7 After the doctor’s _________ , Sara was sent for an X-ray. (examine)

8 Students can behave badly if they are not _________ during the lesson. (motivate)

9 Josephine probably didn’t pass the exam because she hadn’t done enough _________ . (revise)

10 From the age of 12 to 17, I was at _________ school. Then I went on to university. (second)


F Complete with these words. [5 points]

assessment, bullies, disapproves, flexible, grade, ideal


0 The meeting was a(n) ideal opportunity for parents to give their views on the way the school is run.

1 The teacher _________ of students who cause trouble in class.

2 Three teachers are involved in the _________ of our final exams.

3 That boy always _________ the first-year students.

4 I have a(n) _________ work schedule, so I can start early and finish early if I want to.

5 If I don’t get a passing _________ in Maths, I can’t go to university.


G Choose the correct answer. [5 points]

When I got my mid-year school report, most of my 0) marks / assessments weren’t very good. I had done 1) bad / badly in most of my subjects and I was 2) taking / running the risk of failing the year. I expected my parents to get very angry about it, so I was surprised when they sent me to speak to my grandparents. My grandparents told me that when they were young, most people didn’t have the chance to finish secondary school they had to go to work. In those days, the job market was different – you didn’t need a 3) certificate / licence to prove that you knew how to speak a foreign language or show that you were qualified to do a job – you just had to be willing to work hard, often for not very much money. That’s why it was my grandparents’ dream for their children and grandchildren to have a better life by going to university and getting a

4) diploma / degree. As I listened to my grandparents, I began to realise that I was lucky to have the chance of getting an education. I decided to become more

5) disciplined / negative and work harder in the future.





H Circle the correct answer. [5 points]

0 I wish I speak / spoke English better.

1 When I eat too many sweets, I get / will get a stomach ache.

2 I wish I couldn’t eat / hadn’t eaten so many biscuits.

3 If I were rich, I will travel / would travel around the world.

4 If you ask / will ask Bob, he will help you.

5 I wish I can get / could get a driving licence.


I Choose the correct answer. [5 points]

0 I promised not ____ anyone Elsa’s secret.

a tell  b to tell  c telling

1 Why has the bookshop stopped ____ foreign language newspapers?

a sell  b to sell  c selling

2 We might ____ a test tomorrow – you’d better revise.

a have  b to have  c having

3 Have you ever considered ____ music professionally?

a play  b to play  c playing

4 Let me ____ you carry some of your books.

a help  b to help  c helping

5 I don’t expect ____ the best university, but I wish I could.

a get into  b to get into  c getting into


J Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. [10 points]

0 If you don’t get (not get) a grade of 60%, you fail the test.

1 I wish I ______________ (not forget) to study for the test yesterday.

2 If you hurry, you ______________ (be able to catch) the 8 o’clock bus.

3 The teacher promised ______________ (let) us watch a video after the test.

4 If only I ______________ (work) harder last year!

5 I wish I could ______________ (play) the piano!

6 If I ______________ (win) the lottery, I would give half the money to charities.

7 If you ______________ (train) more, you would be a better swimmer.

8 If my grades continue to improve, I ______________ (get into) university.

9 If Timmy ______________ (be) more respectful to the teacher, she would be more patient with him.

10 When I have to sit an exam, I ______________ (worry).





K Imagine that the Minister of Education has just announced that students will only have a one-month holiday during the summer. Write a letter (120-150 words) to the minister saying why you agree or disagree with this policy. [20 points]


1 Make a plan for your letter before writing:

·         Introduction: State the reason for writing; include your point of view.

  • Paragraph 2: State one reason why you feel the way you do. Give details to support your view.
  • Paragraph 3: State another reason and give supporting details.
  • Conclusion: Use appropriate closing phrases/expressions (eg to thank the minister for considering your ideas, say you are looking forward to receiving a reply, etc).

2 Remember to use an appropriate greeting and ending.

3 Use fixed expressions and linking words/phrases.

Test 10 (time: 50 minutes) 80 marks

Test 10 (time: 50 minutes) 80 marks

For example, if the aim of the lesson is for students to learn to count from 1-10, teachers do not simply say the numbers and…

For example, if the aim of the lesson is for students to learn to count from 1-10, teachers do not simply say the numbers and…

Joey’s very _________ . I’m sure he’ll help me if

Joey’s very _________ . I’m sure he’ll help me if

As I listened to my grandparents,

As I listened to my grandparents,

If Timmy ______________ (be) more respectful to the teacher, she would be more patient with him

If Timmy ______________ (be) more respectful to the teacher, she would be more patient with him
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