"Children's games"
Оценка 5

"Children's games"

Оценка 5
Презентации учебные
английский язык
4 кл
"Children's  games"
Презентация содержит описание детских игр с иллюстрациями и подходит при изучении темы сорт в 4 классе /// /// /// /// // // // // // // // // // // /// // // // // // / /// / //
Children’s games.ppt

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
PLAY BALL GAMES •football, • basketball, •volleyball, •tennis, •baseball;

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
PLAY CHAIN TAG • Some players hold hands to form a chain. Their job is to capture the other players. This fun game ends when all players are part of the chain.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
one player closes his eyes often counting to 100 when the other players hide. The seeker opens his eyes and tries to find the hiders; the first one found is the next seeker, and the last is the winner of the game.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
• The children sit in a circle,pass a beanbag around the circle to music, showing that the beanbag is a very, very, very hot potato. • When the music stops, the person holding the beanbag is out. • The music starts again and the remaining children continue passing the hot potato until the music stops. • The last person in the circle is the winner.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
RED ROVER Two teams of two lines of players play this game ,with hands linking together. The game starts when  the first team calls a player out,  saying a line like "Red rover, red rover, send right over“. The goal for  the person  is to run to the other line and break the opposite team's chain. If the player fails to break  the chain, they join this team. If the player breaks the chain, they may select either of the two "links",  and take them to join the own team. Then his team calls out "Red rover" for a player on the opposite  team, and game continues.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
SIMON SAYS One person is Simon and the others are players. Simon stands in front of the players and tells them what they must do. The players must do commands that begin with the words ”Simon says”. •For example, if Simon says, “Simon says play air guitar,”, players must play guitar. Then if Simon says “touch your nose”, WITHOUT first saying “Simon says,” players must not touch. Who follows the command that doesn’t have Simon says are out of the game.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
MUSICAL CHAIRS Musical chairs is played by walking around chairs to music. When the music is turned off the players find a chair to sit down in.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
• you sit in a circle and the first person whispers a phrase in the ear of the person next to him, until the phrase reaches the last person. TELEPHONE

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
FREEZE DANCE • When the music is playing you dance. When the music stops you freeze. The last one moving is out of the game.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
LABELLING. ACTIVE STRATEGY “IDENTIFY NEW WORDS” Descriptor: A learner •• label the words; •• pronounces words and expressions clearly; •• matches the words to the needed pictures

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
SPEAKING IN GROUP. ACTIVE STRATEGY SUPPORTED WITH “MODELLING” TECHNIQUE 1)When are you dropped out of the musical chairs game? 2)What happens if you are tagged in Chain Tag? 3) What happens in a game of Hot Potato when the music stops? 4) What is the goal in a game of Red Rover? 5) What do children do when they play in Simon Says? Descriptor: A learner •• answers questions using supporting picture; •• uses topic words appropriately; •• pronounces words and expressions clearly.

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
• Let’s play a game “Simon says” RELAXING TIME

"Children's games"

"Children's  games"
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