1.Образуй словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж.
Ben + pen = _________ mother + letter =__________ friend + stamp = ____________ Brown + paper = _________
2. Преобразуй словосочетания с предлогом в словосочетания с притяжательным падежом.
the house of my cousin - _________________________
the computer of her father - _______________________
the garden of Mike’s parents - ______________________
the address of the post office - ______________________
the pens of the pupils - ___________________________
the postcards of the postman - _____________________
3.Выбери верные слова и запиши получившиеся предложения.
1) My (sisters/ sister’s) hair is dark.
2) My (sisters’ / sisters) toys are nice.
3) The (childrens/ chidren’s) faces are beautiful.
4) The (dog’s/ dogs) tails are long.
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