Контрольная работа для 9 класса
Оценка 4.7

Контрольная работа для 9 класса

Оценка 4.7
Контроль знаний
английский язык
9 кл
Контрольная работа для 9 класса
Данная контрольная работа будет закреплением материала который ученики изучили за 1 и 2 четверть, также можно ее использовать для закрепления обычного материала который ученики прошли за урок, задания следующие: вставить подходящие слова, прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы, открыть скобки и вставить условные предложения
контрольная 9 кл 3 четв.docx
Control work 3 term 9 th form 1) Complete the sentences with the word on the right in its appropriate form. 1. … movements have caused a lot of serious military conflicts in different parts of the world. (separatist) If people say that their race is better than others, they are called … (rasists) In all civilized countries, any … against people of other nationalities is prohibited by law. (descrimanation) 4. The president … that he would use all possible means to prevent an ethnic conflict in the 2. 3. 5. The constitution guarantees the … of people of different ethnic groups in the eyes of the 6. Religious … led to numerous religious wars in Europe in the 16-th and 17th centuries. country. (declared) law. (equality) (intolerance) 2) Read the text about the separatist movement in Spain and answer the questions The government and the people of Spain a facing a problem of rising a violence from the Basque separatist group “ETA” The group was founded in 1959 and fought for self- descrimination for the Basque country in Nothern Spain and southwestern France. Despite the fact that the Basque religion of Spain is an authonomous community nowadays and has got its own regional government, the Basque separatists go on with their violent struggle. They believe that the Basques should have full independence from Spain. They arrange bombing in public places and kill people. The radical part of the group is quite small, but they have already killed more than 800 people in Spain. 1. What kind of problem are the people of Spain facing? 2. What are the separatists fighting for? 3. Do the separatists use peaceful or violent means? 4. Do you think the Basque people suffer from the actions of the separatists as well as the other people of Spain? 3)Open the bracket and use Conditional 3. 1. If I (not refuse) his offer, I (regret) it afterwards. 2. If it (to rain), we shall have to look for a shelter. 3. If in the 16th century travelling (not be) slow and difficult, people (to enjoy) going on long journeys. 4. If he (to lost) all his money, so he (not to go) to Europe with me. 5. If Mr. Brown (not to work) late, he (to catch) his train. 4) Read the text and fill in the

Контрольная работа для 9 класса

Контрольная работа для 9 класса
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