Контрольный тест 6 класс Present Simple
Оценка 5

Контрольный тест 6 класс Present Simple

Оценка 5
Раздаточные материалы
английский язык
5 кл—6 кл
Контрольный тест 6 класс Present Simple
6 тест Present Simple.docx

Spotlight 6, Module 4, TEST.                                                                                                                                           Variant 1


1. Переведи:

в пятницу






в выходной






в полдень


в воскресенье


2. Составь предложения:

TV / David / to watch / like / doesn’t.____________________________________________________________

I / early / up / always / get. ___________________________________________________________________

in / Bill / teeth /the morning / brushes. _________________________________________________________

to / you / do / school / go? ___________________________________________________________________

3. Поставь глагол в нужную форму и переведи:

They often ……………………(go) to bed early. _______________________________________________________

Mum always ……………… (cook) a delicious dinner. _________________________________________________

Ron ………………………(not / walk) to school. _______________________________________________________

I …… …………………(not / do) my homework in the evening. ___________________________________________

4. Поставь Do или Does в вопросительные предложения:

1.……………… your dad like sitcoms?                                         2.  ……………… your friend  like drama?     

3. ………………your parents go to the cinema?                       4. ……………… Harry Potter live with The Dursley family?



Spotlight 6, Module 4, TEST.                                                                                                                                       Variant 2


1. Переведи:

в полдень


в четверг


в среду


в выходной










2. Составь предложения:

to go / wants / Tom / the zoo / to. _____________________________________________________________

Harry / football / usually / play / doesn’t/________________________________________________________

never / hamburgers / they / eat. _______________________________________________________________

go / in / I / jogging / the park. _________________________________________________________________

sing/ doеs / in class / your teacher? __________________________________________________

3. Поставь глагол в нужную форму и переведи:

I …………………………….. (have) six lessons at school on Monday.________________________________________

We …………………………. (not / play) sports in the morning..___________________________________________

My sister ……………….. (not / do) house work.______________________________________________________

His brother …………..… (get) dressed very quickly.__________________________________________________

4. Поставь Do или Does в вопросительные предложения:

1. …….…….. you like pizza?                                                                     2. ……………… your friends watch TV after school?

3.  ……..…… Harry Potter play quidditch?                             4. ……..… Ann and Christina set off for The Scout Club?


5.Read the email and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.


     Hi! Thanks for your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests.

During the week, I 1) ………... my homework in the evenings and 2) ………..…. that I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD.

     3) ………the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go 4) ………..…. the cinema with friends on Saturday night and then on Sunday I relax at home and read a book or 5) ………………….. I go cycling.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email.

e.g. A  you  

B   your

C   our

3.   A   in

B   At

C   For

1.   A   make

B   do

C   study

4.   A   at

B   in

C   to

2.   A   after

B   then

C   when

5.   A   sometimes

B   never

C   always




6. Match the words.

1. brush

7. Put the verbs  into the correct Present Simple form.
1. We …………………………. (not/study) a lot at the weekend.
2. ………………….. (your parents/go) out on Saturday night?
3. Paul and Jack ……………………………... (meet) every Friday.
4. ………………………………………………. (he/like) watching TV?
5. My little brother often ……………..……….…. (cry) at night.
A   dressed

 2. surf

B   a shower

3. get

C   to music

4. go out

D   sports

5. have

E   my teeth

6. listen

F   around the house

7. play

G   the Net

8. talk

H   with friends

9. help

I   on the phone






















5.Read the email and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.


     Hi! Thanks for your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests.

During the week, I 1) ………... my homework in the evenings and 2) ………..…. that I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD.

     3) ………. The weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go 4) ………..…. the cinema with friends on Saturday night and then on Sunday I relax at home and read a book or 5) ………………….. I go cycling.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email.

e.g. A  you  

B   your

C   our

3.   A   in

B   At

C   For

1.   A   make

B   do

C   study

4.   A   at

B   in

C   to

2.   A   after

B   then

C   when

5.   A   sometimes

B   never

C   always






     6. Match the words.

1. brush

7. Put the verbs into the correct Present Simple form
1. He …………………………….... (not/play) football very often.
2. She …………….…..…... (wash) her hair three times a week.
3. What time ………………………………..…. (you/have) lunch?
4. How often ………………..……. (he/visit) his grandparents?
5. Bob …………..………………... (go) to the cinema on Sundays.

A   dressed

 2. surf

B   a shower

3. get

C   to music

4. go out

D   sports

5. have

E   my teeth

6. listen

F   around the house

7. play

G   the Net

8. talk

H   with friends

9. help

I   on the phone






















Spotlight 6, Module 4, TEST.

Spotlight 6, Module 4, TEST.

Read the email and choose the best word

Read the email and choose the best word
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