Материалы для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку
Оценка 4.7

Материалы для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку

Оценка 4.7
Домашнее обучение
английский язык
11 кл
Материалы для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку
Задания данной разработки помогут учащимся подготовиться к ГИА по английскому языку на профильном уровне, дан детальный теоретический материал - объяснение в постановки вопросов 5 разных типов, приведен пример разговорной темы в соответствии с планом экзаменационного билета, приведены образцы тестовых заданий по грамматике.






1.Прочитайте, переведите,перескажите и задайте 5 вопросов разных типов к данному тексту.

For thousands of years comets have been a mystery to a man. They travel across the sky very fast and have a bright 'tail' of burning gas. The comet Tempel 1 has an orbit far outside the orbit of the furthest planet in our solar system, Pluto. It has been there for 4.6 billion years, 133 million kilometres from Earth. Last week a little American spacecraft crashed into Tempel 1. The spacecraft had a camera and it took a photograph of the comet every minute before it finally crashed into its surface. The space mission to Tempel 1 cost $335 million and was called Deep Impact. The spacecraft was travelling at 37,000 kilometres per hour when it hit the comet and the crash completely destroyed the spacecraft. But before it hit the comet, the spacecraft took some amazing photographs. The last one was a close-up picture which the spacecraft took just 3 seconds before it crashed into the comet. "Right now we have lost one spacecraft," said a delighted NASA engineer. Deep Impact was like an American Independence Day fireworks display. It took many years to plan and ended in an enormous explosion. Comets like Halley's Comet which visit the Earth frequently are notso interesting for scientists. But comets like Tempel are so distant that they could hold the secrets of the planets, the Earth's oceans and even of the original organic chemistry from which life developed. "If you are thinking of comets as possible sources of organic material, then you are looking for the organic elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen," said John Zarnecki of the Open University. Taken from "NASA Gladly Loses a Spacecraft" by Tim Radford, The Guardian Weekly,2005.











1. Общий вопрос (General Question)

Порядок слов в общем вопросе следующий:

Вспомогательный глагол (Auxiliary verb) - Подлежащее (Subject) - Сказуемое (Predicate) - Дополнение (Object) - Обстоятельство (Adverbial modifier)?

Do you have a cup of coffee every morning?

Does he swim? 

Если в предложении используется модальный глагол (все, кроме have to и need to) или глагол to be, тогда не требуется помощи дополнительного вспомогательного глагола,так как эти глаголы сами становятся вспомогательными 

Are you a manager?
Can you sing well?
May I come in?
Must he sign his name here?
Would you like another piece of cake?

Общий вопрос может быть также отрицательным. 

Don't you like this film?
Isn't she adorable?
Can't we meet another day?

Does she get on your nerves? -Yes, she does. -No, she doesn't. 
Did you get a good mark for this exam? -Yes, I did. -No, I didn't. 
Are you Jared's sister? -Yes, I am. -No, I'm not. 

2.  Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative Question)                     or


Do you like apricots or peaches? 
Is he from England or Wales? 
Can she sing or dance? 

3. Разделительный вопрос (Tag Question)  

"не так ли?"

John is a good student, isn't he? 

Linda is the most beautiful girl in the class, isn't she? 

We aren't going to London tomorrow, are we?
You don't like your neighbours, do you? 

4. Специальный вопрос (Special Question)

where? (где?) when? (когда?) how much? (сколько?) whose? (чей?)
Why did you fight with him again?
Where did you fight with him again?
When did you fight with him again?

What are you looking for? 
What are they talking about? 

5. Вопрос к подлежащему (Subject Question)


Who came to the party? 


What is black?




I am going (I want, I would like) to retell a (funny, humorous…) story…
The title of it is…
This text is about…(is about how)…
The story shows…
At the beginning of the story the author describes…
The story is set (develops) in the forest (in the street, at home)…
It takes place in winter (in the evening, at night, during some days)…
We first meet the main character when…
As I said before…
In the next paragraph…
The general (main) idea expressed is…



The Internet has provided the world with a wonderful tool of communication.

How has the Internet allowed people from different cultures to interact?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?

In what way has the Internet changed the modern society?


            Just a century ago we didn’t even know about the Internet. But today we take it for granted and can’t imagine our life without this invention. I think that the Internet (or World Wide Web) is the greatest invention ever and it has made a significant impact on our lives.

The Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized communications to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication.

            Nowadays the Internet is affordable almost for anyone and it connects people all around the world. You can stay in touch with your friends, relatives and colleagues. Our modern life will stop without the net because it helps to make on-line business transactions, manage our bank accounts, pay our gas or electricity bills and send important e-mails, for example.

            The Internet is the largest source of information. There are millions of Internet sites storing plenty of useful data about everything: science, history, psychology, sports, fashion, music, cooking and many other subjects. We can also download our favourite movies or songs, listen to radio channels or play games. Learning or practising foreign languages is possible with the Internet too.

            I think using internet has more advantages thаn disadvantages. First of all, Internet provides access to a lot of information. Searching the net with Google, you can find everything you want. In almost everything we do, we use the Internet. Ordering a pizza, buying a television, sharing a moment with a friend, sending a picture over instant messaging.

You can also do shopping using Internet. You need only to select what you want, fill in some forms and click ok. In a few days you will get what you have ordered directly to your home, without going anywhere. You can pay with your credit card, pay postman when you get the package, or transfer money from your bank account. Next advantage of internet is email. Internet mails get in a few seconds in their destinations.

            The Internet saves our time. We often don’t need to go to the library: surfing the net can easily help us to find and open the book we need.

            Moreover, the Internet helps shy people or those with low-esteem to find each other on dating sites. On-line chatting through social networking websites is more comfortable for Internet users with the lack of social skills.

            Beside a lot of advantages, Internet has some disadvantages too. First of the disadvantages is that people who spend too much time sitting in front of the computer can easily get ill. Radiation emitted by computer’s screen is harmful to eyes. People who spend too much time at their homes (because they needn’t go anywhere, they can do everything using Internet) are getting weaker. Sitting for  a long time is also harmful to the spine. The second disadvantage is that Internet can be addictive. Some people just can’t live without it. They have no real friends and when Internet is down they are getting furious.

            All in all, I am sure that the Internet has changed our life for the better. There is only one disadvantage about it: some people become rather addicted to it and spend all days long surfing the net, on-line dating or playing games. Over-using the net can be dangerous because new technology victims start neglecting their families, friends, work and real hobbies. That is why people should use the Internet wisely and remember that everything is good in moderation.


3.Тест пограмматике (углубленныйуровень)


1.        I want to know what... a)are you doing b)were you doing c)will you do d)you are doing

2.        Do you know when he...? a)comes b)will come c)shall come d)come

3.        Next June my cousin...from high school. a)graduate b)graduated c)will graduate d)has graduated

4.        The news...so shocking.   a)are b)was c)have been d)were

5.        Turn right...the end of the street.   a)at b)in c)to d)on

6.        This is...useful advice.   a)such b)such a c)so d)so a

7.        We couldn't find the cat.... a)any b)nowhere c)anywhere d)everywhere

8.        The doctor said he...be all right soon. a)shall b)should c)will d)would

9.        She...the article and wants to show it to the teacher. a)was translating b)translated c)has translated d)translate

10.   She could...open her eyes. a)hard b)hardly c)badly d)well

11.   How old...when you got married? a)are you b)will you be c)were you d)have you been

12.   Don't worry. All your expenses.... a)will pay b)will be paid c)had been paid d)are paying

13.   If my advice..., I'll be happy. a)help b)helps c)will help d)have helped

14.   ...raining when you went out? a)Was there b)Was it c)Is there d)Is

15.   If he...in Moscow, he'll visit us. a)is b)will be c)would be d)were

16.   ...Tom...Eric are good players. a)as...as... b)and...and... c)both...and... d)like...so...

17.   I don't know any American songs.—.... a)So do I b)So am I c)Neither do I d)Neither am I

18.   We shall wait until they.... a)come b)don't come c)will come d)won't come

19.   He...spend more time in the open air. a)has b)need c)should d)ought

20.   Mike is a careless driver, he drives...than you. a)good b)better c)bad d)worse






Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative

Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative



The Internet is the largest source of information

The Internet is the largest source of information

She...the article and wants to show it to the teacher

She...the article and wants to show it to the teacher
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