Материал может быть использован как основа монологического высказывания учащихся по теме "Инновации. Мир техники", а также как иллюстративный материал к урокам. Материал способствует расширению словарного запаса учащихся. Тексты сопровождаются подборкой необходимой лексики, что облегчает тренировку навыков чтения и способствует коррекции произносительных навыков. Задания предполагают обсуждение изученного материала по опорам. Все тексты подобранны соответственно тематике. Контроль понимания текстов для чтения осуществляется с помощью 2 тестов, причем один тест направлен на контроль понимания содержания, а второй на знание грамматики раздела. Чтение и выполнение тестовых заданий к тексту может быть использовано как заключительная контрольная работа.Упражнения данного материала могут быть использованы в качестве дополнительных заданий на закрепление грамматических знаний учащихся, а также для проведения дополнительных контрольных работ. К упражнениям даются ключи. Существенной особенностью подобранного материала является то, что все грамматические упражнения составлены с использованием лексики изучаемой темы раздела.
Techno world
Цитата “ It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded
our humanity.”
Albert Einstein
Warm up
Look at the photos. What can you see in the photos? Use the Key Words to
help you.
Key words
to embrace
to design
the net
to provide
tremendous 2
Teens and Technology
Today's teens cannot live without communication technologies. A recent research
showed some surprising results.
The number of teenagers using the Internet is growing around the world.
According to a recent study, teens are much brighter with computers than adults
and use the Internet more often and for more varied reasons to communicate with
friends, to make new friends, to play games, download music, get news, shop,
research homework and ask health questions.
Email is losing its privileged place among teens. It's only used to communicate
with 'adults', such as teachers. Young people prefer instant messaging (IM) and
text messaging ways to connect with their friends. IM is already hugely popular in
Russia and its advantages are obvious. When you send someone an email, you
don't know when you will get a reply. Your friend might not check his or her
messages, or might not use that email address anymore. With IM, however, a
program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a
message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly.
The newest technology popular with teens is podcasting both receiving and
creating them. The term podcast is a blend of the words iPod (a portable media
player) and 'broadcasting'. But not only teens are crazy about podcasting. Some
grandmothers like it too! Queen Elizabeth II has taken up this latest way of
listening to music, according to newspaper reports. She is the proud owner of a
silver iPod which can hold up to 100,000 songs!
In the USA, young people spend five times more time online than in Europe.
Their most popular site is Facebook a place where everybody knows everything
about everybody else. It has more than 26 million members! Facebook offers an
adultfree world where teens can do and say what they want. They publish intimate
personal details, post photos and bare their souls. Facebook wasn't created for
teenagers. Former Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg started the site in 2004 as an
online university directory. It quickly turned into a socialnetworking tool for
colleges, and then opened to highschoolers two years ago.
It's not just computers teens are hooked on, they are also attracted to their
mobile phones. Mobile phones are used as a tool of textmessaging, as alarm
clocks, calculators, to send photos, play games and to help with exam revision. 3
Some teens have admitted to cheating on tests using their phones! No wonder
mobile phones are banned in many schools and universities.
communication technologies –коммуникационные технологии
to survive существовать, выживать
bright умный, сообразительный
adult взрослый
to communicate общаться
buddy амер. разг. друг, приятель
instant messaging отправка мгновенных сообщений
hugely весьма, очень
advantage преимущество
obvious очевидный, явный
podcasting подкастинг (формат звукового радио, в рамках у которого
любые пользователи могут записывать на своих домашних компьютерах
музыкальные передачи)
blend словобленд, словогибрид
portable портативный
broadcasting радиовещание,
трансляция; радиопередача
to take up заняться, увлечься
intimate глубоко личный, интимный
to bare one's soul раскрыть душу
socialnetworking tool средство для интерактивного общения
to be hooked on увлекаться, «зацикливаться»
to admit признаваться
to cheat обманывать, списывать
to ban запрещать
to predict предсказывать, прогнозировать
abbreviation сокращение
Choose the correct word or words from the dropdown menu
1. According to a recent study, teens are much brighter with computers than adults
and use … more often and for more varied reasons to … with friends, to make
new friends, to play games, download music, get news, shop, research homework
and ask health questionsA) the Web, associate
B) the site, consort
C) the Internet, communicate
2. Email is losing its … among teens. It's only used to communicate with 'adults',
such as teachers.
A) privileged place
B) privileged viewpoint
C) privileged line
3. Young people prefer … and text messaging ways to connect with their friends.
A) instant Email (IE)
B) instant messaging (IM)
C) instant computers
Keys :
1 с
2 a
3 b
Complete the sentences
1. In the USA, young people spend five times more time … than in Europe.
2. Their most … is Facebook a place where everybody knows everything
about everybody else.
3. It's not just computers teens are … , they are also attracted to their mobile
4. No wonder mobile phones are … in many schools and universities in the
banned popular site online hooked on
• 1. online
• 2. popular site
• 3. hooked on
• 4. banned
Answer the questions
1. Why the number of teenagers using the Internet is growing around the world?
2. What is losing its privileged place among teens?
3. What happened when you send someone an email?
4. What does the term podcast mean? 5
5. Facebook was created for teenagers, wasn't it?
6. What does Queen Elizabeth II like according to newspaper reports?
7. How are mobile phones used ?
8. Some teens have admitted to cheating on tests using their phones, haven’t
9. Why are mobile phones banned in many schools and universities?
10.Where can teens do and say what they want?
Translate these sentences from the text
1. Young people prefer instant messaging (IM) and text messaging ways to
connect with their friends.
2. Queen Elizabeth II is the proud owner of a silver iPod which can hold up to
100,000 songs!
3. The newest technology popular with teens is podcasting both receiving and
creating them.
4. It's not just computers teens are hooked on, they are also attracted to their
mobile phones.
Grammar focus
Task 1
Click the correct answer
1. When you send someone … , you don't know when you will get a reply.
2. The newest technology popular with teens is … both receiving and creating
3. The World has changed. … is coming.
4. The greatest invention for studying is that now every student is able to watch
live … broadcasting on the PC monitor at home.
1. a) an email
b) a massage
c) a call
2. a) an email
b) podcasting
c) monitor
3. a) Invasion
b) Attack
c) Progress 6
4. a) online email
b) online information
c) online lessons
4 c
Task 2
Put the words in brackets into the correct forms
1. Invention of modems, special devices … (allow) your computer to send the
information through the telephone line, has opened doors to the Internet for
millions of people.
2. Nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, because
there are hundred of millions of ... (use) and their number is growing.
3. In many countries, the Internet could provide businessmen with a reliable,
alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems its
own system of … (communicate).
1. allowing
2. users
3. communications
Complete the sentences with the words below
Employers can control their own business in the internet, ordinary people can …
in the inet shops, communicate with friends or learn foreign languages
Technology is the … and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts,
systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a
specific function.
3. The history of Internet … in the United States in 1969.
4. Everybody … that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces
hundred of millions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with
each other.
1. 1) make shopping 2) go shopping 3) do shopping
2. 1) making, usage, 2) make, use 3) making, using
3. 1) begins 2) began 3) has began
4. 1) knows 2) know 3) knew
Keys: 1. do shopping 2. making, usage, 3. began 4. knows 7
Task 1
Comment the following quotations
1. “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations,
for Nature cannot be fooled.”
Richard Feynman
2.” Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to
experience it.”
Max Frisch
3. “Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what
they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand.”
Putt's Law
4. “The overall point is that new technology will not necessarily replace old
technology, but it will date it. By definition. Eventually, it will replace it. But it's
like people who had blackandwhite TVs when color came out. They eventually
decided whether or not the new technology was worth the investment.”
Steve Jobs
5. “Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I
don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the
Bill Gates
Task 2
What do you think? Give a reason for your opinion.
Internet informs, educates and entertains people.
Most of the people can't do without their computer.
TV is more useful than the Web
Technology is the best way of organizing the universe.
6. Computer technologies stimulate science and progress.
7. The main task of Internet is to raise the cultural level of the
8. The most popular site is Facebook.
9. The newest technology popular with teens is podcasting.
10.Mobile phones are used only as a tool of textmessaging.
Task 3
Choose the right answer.
One can hardly imagine our present life without
a) communication technologies
b) the Internet
c) computer
2. Modern technologies make our life
a) boring 8
b) difficult
c) unhealthy
d) exciting
3. The PCs are used
a) only for researchers
b) in special labs
c) privately
d) in almost every field today
4. Scientists predict
a) the end of the world
b) the star wars
c) virtual reality will soon be a part of life
1. a)
2. c)
3. d)
4. c)
Task 4
Answer the questions
1. What is the Internet?
2. What is the most popular Internet service today?
3. What are other popular services available on the Internet?
4. What is the most important problem of the Internet?
5. Why is there no effective control in the Internet today?
6. Is there a commercial use of the network today? 9
7. Does modern technology help pupils learn more information and learn it more
8. Is modern technology rapidly spreading all over the world?
9. Can you imagine our life today without any home gadgets?
10. The development of science brings only progress, doesn’t it?