Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Оценка 4.7

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Оценка 4.7
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Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
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The United States of America. The Future Perfect Tense.ppt

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Lesson 28 Text: The United States of America  Grammar: Future  Perfect Tense

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
The United States of America

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Read the text • •     The United States of America is situated in the Southern part  of North America.        It’s the fourth largest countries in  size and population in the world. It  has an area  o of 9.371.781 square kilometers and its population is over 249 million people.  Together with the suburbs New York has a population of 12 million people. New  York is situated at the mouth of Hudson River. There are many sky­scrapers  from  50 to 70 stories high. The main rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the  Colorado and the Ohio.     The largest cities of the USA are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and  Philadelphia. The climate of the USA is temperate, with four distinct seasons. The  USA has large reserves of natural resources. These minerals include coal, nuclear  fuels, gas, iron, copper, lead, zinc, stone and many others. • The economy of the USA is based upon free enterprise. The USA produces non— electric machinery, transportation equipment, metal products, paper and plastic  products.      Many different branches of heavy and light industries are highly developed in the  United States.     American speak English, but there are new meanings in its vocabulary.  • •

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Vocabulary: • • • • • • • • • • 1.square – квадрат, шаршы 2.suburb – пригород, қала маңы 3.mouth –устье, саға 4.skyscraper­ небоскреб, көп  қабатты көк түсірген үйлер– 5.storey – этаж, қабат 6.temperate – умеренный,  біркелкі, бірыңғай 7.distinct – определенный,  отличный, жекеше, ерекше 8.reserve – запас,  артық нәрсе  9.minerals –минеральный,   минералдар 10.coal – уголь, көмір  • • • • • • • • • • • 11.nuclear fuels–ядролық  жаңғыш 12.gas – газ, газ 13.iron – железо, темір 14.copper – медь, мыс  15.lead – свинец, қорғасын 16.zinc – цинк, мырыш 17.stone – драгоценный камень,  асыл тас –оборудование,  құрал­сайман 19.branch – филиал, сала 20.heavy – тяжелый, ауыр 21.develop – развивать, жетілдіру

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Questions: 1.What’s the area of the USA and what’s its population? 2.How many states are there in the USA? What’s the largest one? 3.Hawaii is one the largest states of the USA, isn’t it? 4.What’s the capital of the USA? 5.How many people live in New York? 6.What are the main rivers of the USA? 7.Is the climate of the USA temperate or mild? 8.What kind of products does the USA produce?

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
The  Future  Perfect Tense Аяқталған келер шақ • Future Perfect келер шақтың белгілі бір сәтінде  орындалып қоятын іс­әрекет жайында айтқанда  қолданылады.  Future Perfect келер шақтағы to have   көмекші етістігі (shall have, will have) мен (өткен шақ  есімшесі) Participle II  арқылы жасалады. Қимыл іс­ әрекеттің мезгілін by 5 o’clock, by Saturday, by the end of  the year, by that time. • For ex:      We will have translated the article by 5 o’clock.    Біз сағат 5­ке таман мәтінді аударып қоямыз.    I will have helped my friend by the next week.    Келесі аптаға дейін мен жолдасыма жәрдем беріп боламын.

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Болымды  түрі Сұраулы түрі Болымсыз  түрі I shall have worked. You will have worked. He (she, it) will have                            worked. Shall I have worked? Will you have  worked? Will he (she, it) have                                           worked? We shall have worked. You will have worked. They will have worked. Shall we have worked? Will you have worked? Will they have worked? I shall not (shan’t) have                                                worked. You will not have   worked. He (she, it) will not have                                   worked.  We shall not have worked. You will not have worked. They will not have worked.

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Future  Perfect Tense (Будущее совершенное время) • 1. Future  Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного  глагола to have в форме будущего времени (shall have, will  have) и формы причастия прошедшего времени (Past  Participle) смыслового глагола: I shall have  worked, he  will have worked, we shall have  worked.  • 2.В вопросительной форме первый вспомогательный глагол  ставится перед подлежащим: Shall I have worked? Will he  have worked? Shall we have worked? • 3.Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы  not, которая ставится после первого вспомогательного  глагола: I shall not worked, he will not have worked, we  shall not have worked.

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Утвердительная Вопросительная  Отрицательная   форма форма форма I shall have  worked He (she, it) will have                               worked Shall I have worked? Will he (she, it) have                        worked? I shall not have worked He (she, it) will not have                                 worked We shall  have  worked You  will have  worked They will have   worked We shall not have worked  You will  not have worked They will not have worked Shall we have                                                                                       worked? Will  you have worked? Will  they have                          worked?

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Exercises Exercise1. Use the Future Perfect:   1.When the father Returns his son…….. (to become) …….a        grown­up man.   2. By the end of this year I ……(to read) ……..all.   3. When they come she…… (to cold) ………   4. By the  end of fully you……… (to pass)………your exams.   5. If you come late, the party …… (to end) ……..

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Exercise2.  Give the negative form of the sentences:  1. She will have done her tasks before the bell. 2.They will have seen his parents. 3. He will have gone before the evening. 4.The shop assistant will have advanced you before the belying. 5. I shall have bought the tickets before Monday.

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Exercise3.  Past Perfect or Future Perfect 1. We’ll have had our exams before fully. 2. He will have steps from 2 o’clock. 3. When we came the plane had taken. 4. She will have made coffee for her son. 5. By the end of the year he had completed five courses. 6. When they came home mother had done everything about the  house. 7.They will have thought about our arrival. 8. I went to sleep as soon as the show had finished. 9. Aslan will have finished his lessons before next  week. 10. She hoped I had paid for the tickets.

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
Test 1. Выберите глагол в Future Perfect tense:    Future Perfect шағында тұрған етістікті таңдаңыз:  I hope I  _____ lots of prizes before I’m twenty.  а) will have won   b) will be won  с) have won  d) will be win  2. Выберите глагол в Future Perfect:  Future Perfect шағында тұрған  етістікті көрсетіңіз: а) will have watched  b) will watch с) will be watching d)  will watched

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
3. Выберите правильный ответ:      Дұрыс жауабын  табыңыз:The national flag of the USA is called.       а) The Union Stars and Stripes         b) Uncle Sam      с) The yellow page      d) The stars and Stripes  4. Найдите правильный вариант:      Дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:       Washington D.C. is a……….  .       а) district       b) country       с) city       d) state

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
5. Дополните предложение в Future Perfect Tense:        Сөйлемді Future Perfect­те толықтырыңыз:        The film…by 5 o’clock.       а) will have been finishing       b) will have        с) will have been finish       d) will have been finished  6. Future Perfect шағында тұрған етістікті таңдаңыз:          Выберите глагол в Future Perfect tense:       The film… 5 o’clock.       а) will have finished        b) will have        с) will have been finish       d) will have been finishing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
7. Выберите  правильный вариант:          Дұрыс жауабын таңдаңыз:         Which  of the following  is not a state of the USA?       а)  California        b)  Alabana       с)  Alaska       d)  Washington. D. C.  8. Выберите глагол  в Future Perfect tense:      Future Perfect шағында тұрған етістікті таңдаңыз:     а) will have watched      b) will watch     с) will be watching     d) will watched

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing

Medical education in the USA. Pronouns “somebody,  anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing
9. Выберите  правильной ответ:      Дұрыс жауабын  таңдаңыз:   What city is famous for its skyscrapers in the USA?     а) Washington       b) Boston     с)  New­York     d) Chicago  10. Дополните предложения в Future Perfect:      Сөйлемді  Future Perfect­те толықтырыңыз:    I think  my sister ……. her work by 6 o’clock tomorrow.     а) will have done       b) will have do     с) will do       d) shall have done
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