Министерство образования и науки Челябинской области Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Озерский технический колледж» (ГБПОУ ОзТК)
«Работа с текстом и творческие задания» рабочая тетрадь студента очной формы обучения специальность _______________________________ группа______________________________________
Методическое объединение учителей английского языка ГБПОУ "ОзТК" Автор разработки Романов Д.Е.: преподаватель иностранного языка.
2021 год
Пояснительная записка
Данный комплекс предназначен для работы с текстами, отрабатыванию лексики устно и письменно: посредством написания диктантов, диалогической речи, монологической речи и смыслового чтения. Данное методическое пособие содержит 9 текстов по соответствующим темам:
1.Family Life
2. Daily Routine
3. A Successful Businessman
4. What Do Parents Owe Their Children?
5. Understanding Boys
6. Wedding Superstitions
7. AT What Age Should a Man Marry
8. The Good Wife's Guide
9. Mother Knows Best
Все тексты носят остросоциальный характер, что идеально подходит для
воспитательной работы в рамках социализации подростков, поиска их места в жизни и начала самосознания как активная единица общества.
Порядок работы с текстом:
1. Отчитайте тексты по предложениям, составьте глоссарий и проговорите неизвестные слова при помощи электронного словаря (напр. Wordhunt.ru)
2. До совместного перевода, обсудите самые острые моменты текста в рамках изучаемой в данный момент грамматической темы.
3. Художественно переведите текст. Обращайте внимание на перевод слова в глоссарике.
4. Выполните творческое задание и отправьте его преподавателю на электронную почту или соответствующую группу в соц сетях.
Text 1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
Family Life
Marriage is a thing which only a rare person in his or her life avoids. True bachelors and spinsters make up only a small percent of the population; most single people are "alone but not lonely".
There's a lot of fun in falling in love with someone and chasing the prospective fiancee, which
means dating and going out with the candidate. All the relatives (parents, grandpar
ents and great-grand-parents, brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, stepmothers and stepfathers and all in-laws) meanwhile have the fun of criticizing your choice and giving advice. The trick here is not to listen to them but propose to your bride-to-be and somehow get her to accept your proposal. Then you may arrange the engagement and fix the day of the wedding.
What fun it is to get all those things, whose names start with the word "wedding" - dress, rings, cars, flowers, cakes, etc.! It's great fun to pay for them.
It's fun for the bride and the groom to escape from the guests and go on a honeymoon trip, especially if it is a wedding present from the parents. The guests remain with the fun of gossiping whether you married for love or for money.
It's fun to return back home with the idea that the person you are married to is somewhat different from the one you knew. But there is no time to think about it because you are newlyweds and you expect a baby.
There is no better fun for a husband than taking his wife to a maternity home alone and bringing her back with the twins or triplets.
And this is where the greatest fun starts: washing the new-bora's nappies and passing away sleepless nights, earning money to keep the family, taking children to kindergarten and later to school. By all means it's fun to attend parents' meetings and to learn that your children take after you and don't do well at school.
The bigger your children grow, the more they resemble you out-wardly and the less they display likeness with you inwardly. And you start grumbling at them and discussing with your old friends the problem of the "generation gap". What fun!
And when at last you and your grey-haired spouse start thinking that your family life has calmed down, you haven't divorced but preserved your union, the climax of your fun bursts out!
One of your dearest offsprings brings a long-legged blonde to your house and says that he wants to marry. And you think: 'Why do people ever get married?'
Глоссарий к тексту
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
Marriage, n Marry, v |
1) Брак, замужество 2) Жениться, выходить замуж |
Marriage is a thing... - Замужество - это вещь... ...married for love or for money - ...женились по любви или по расчету |
2 |
Bachelor, n |
Холостяк |
True bachelors and spinsters... - Истинные холостяки и старые девы... |
3 |
alone but not lonely |
Один, но не одинокий |
Most single people are "alone but not lonely".. - Большинство незамужних людей одни, но они не одиноки. |
4 |
Falling in love |
Влюбляясь |
There's a lot of fun in falling in love... - Занятная это штука, влюбиться... |
5 |
Fiancee, n Syn.: bride |
Невеста |
... chasing the prospective fiancee - ...ухаживать за будущей невестой ... the bride and the groom - ...невеста и жених |
6 |
Date, v |
Назначать свидание |
which means dating and going out... - что значит назначать свидания и гулять... |
7 |
Greatgrandparents, n |
Прадедушка и прабабушка |
grandparents and great-grand-parents... - дедушки и бабушки, прадеды... |
8 |
Stepmother, n |
Мачеха |
stepmothers and stepfathers... - мачехи и отчимы... |
9 |
In-laws, n |
Родня со стороны мужа/жены |
... and all in-laws. - ...и вся родня со стороны мужа или жены. |
10 |
Propose, v |
Предлагать руку и сердце |
...propose to your bride-to-be - ...сделать предложение своей невесте ...to accept your proposal - ...принять Ваше предложение |
11 |
Engagement, n |
Помолвка |
... arrange the engagement - ...устраивать помолвку |
12 |
Honeymoon trip |
Свадебное путешествие |
...go on a honeymoon trip - ... отправиться в свадебное путешествие |
13 |
Newly-weds, n |
Новобрачные |
...you are newly-weds - ...вы - уже новобрачные |
14 |
Expect, v |
Ожидать |
...you expect a baby. - ...вы ждете ребенка. |
15 |
Maternity home |
Родильный дом |
...taking his wife to a maternity home alone - ...отвозя ее одну в родильный дом |
16 |
Earn, v |
Зарабатывать |
...earning money to keep the family - ... зарабатывая деньги чтобы содержать семью |
17 |
Take after |
Походить на кого-либо |
... your children take after you - ... ваши дети походят на вас |
18 |
Grumble, v |
Ворчать |
And you start grumbling at them ... - И вы начинаете ворчать на них ... |
19 |
Generation |
Проблема отцов и |
Discussing ... the problem of the "generation |
gap |
детей |
gap" - Обсуждая ... проблему отцов и детей |
20 |
Spouse, n |
Супруг, супруга |
... your grey-haired spouse start thinking...- ...ваш седовласый супруг начинаете думать... |
21 |
Divorce, v |
Разводить(ся), расторгать брак |
you haven't divorced... - вы не развелись... |
22 |
Preserve, v |
Сохранить, сберечь |
...preserved your union - ...сберегли ваш союз |
23 |
Offsprings, n |
Отпрыск, потомок |
One of your dearest offsprings... - Один из ваших прелестных отпрысков... |
Творческое задание:
Выберите одну из ситуаций и составьте к ней рассказ:
1) представьте молодого человека/молодую девушку 20-ти лет, который/которая собирается жениться (выйти замуж). Родители отговаривают его/ее, ссылаясь на трудности семейной жизни и юный возраст. Как Вы думаете родители описали бы семейную жизнь;
2) Опишите свою семью, ее жизнь или представьте, как Вы представляете себе идеальную семью.
Воспользуйтесь глоссарием к тексту "Family Life" и дополнительной лексикой.
Свой рассказ напишите и пришлите по электронной почте своему преподавателю.
Эти слова и выражения могут помочь Вам:
1. to be responsible for - быть ответственным за что-либо;
2. to be cautious - быть осторожным, осмотрительным;
3. fidelity - супружеская верность;
4. to be tolerant - быть терпеливым, снисходительным;
5. to break up - ломать;
6. to make financial investments (in smth) together - вместе во что-либо вкладывать деньги;
7. to keep distance from the partner - холодно держаться со свим партнером;
8. to be independent - быть независимым;
9. to be committed to each other - быть преданным друг другу;
10. to start a family - создать семью.
Text 2. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
Work or Family: There's a Problem
When the XX-th century began most of American families shared one characteristic: the wife didn't work outside the home. The only exceptions were black women. If a wife worked it meant that her husband was not able to support a family. By contrast to the beginning of the century, in the 1990s over 60% of women were in the work force . The transformation was relatively quick. The two
major reasons for that were the Great Depression and the World War II - when most women just had to start working. They became electricians, machinists, carpenters, as well as lawyers, engineers, physicians and proved that they could do this sort of work not worse than men. As work for married women is now accepted and commonplace, the internal character of American families has greatly changed. Most women have to combine family and work outside the home. There is the so-called Supermom - the woman who tries to juggle a career with a family. Others have come to the conclusion that the dual role can often cause them to be mediocre at both. So they've given up their career to stay home with children. Some view it as a temporary solution until their children start school. But even when at home, women pursue various interests. They participate in all kinds of organizations, e.g., English-teaching committees for the foreign-born, in fund-raising activities for the colleges they graduated from, the jog in the morning with friends, etc. All that gives them a feeling of achievement. The major worry for most is that if they decide to go back to work they'll have problems with finding jobs. Many women say they continue reading in their fields so that they won't fall behind. Others say that they communicate with their former colleagues to keep up with what is going on. Otherwise, they say, you feel that you're "a bit out of touch."
Men haven't easily accepted changes in the family pattern with working women.
Sometimes they show anger and resentment. One Atlanta attorney says, "My wife has her own career as a lawyer and when I arrive home from a tough day, all I want to do is put my feet up and have a drink - the sort of thing a man always expects. Instead I have to help with the household or attend to my children. I frequently have to cut short my own working day in order to pick up our eighteen-month-old son from day care or to spend time with my older child. Often I'm also the one who is on call in case of illness, who prepares many of the meals, and who keeps the house clean."
On the one hand, a majority of men now believe that both sexes should enjoy equal employment opportunities, but on the other, most also believe that children may be harmed psychologically if their mothers work outside the home. This contradiction increasingly rules the Americans.
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
Share, v |
разделять, делить |
... shared one characteristic. - ... имели одну общую черту. |
2 |
Exception, n |
исключение |
The only exceptions... - Единственным исключением... |
3 |
Support, v |
поддерживать, обеспечивать |
... to support a family. - содержать семью. |
4 |
Work force, a, n |
рабочая сила, работники |
... were in the work force. - ... составляли рабочую силу. |
5 |
Carpenter, n |
столяр, плотник |
... machinists,carpenters... - ... слесарями, столярами ... |
6 |
Commonplace, a |
обычный, привычный |
... is now accepted and commonplace. - ... теперь общепринят и привычен для всех. |
7 |
Juggle, v |
показывать фокусы, обманывать |
... to juggle a career with a family. - ... ухитряться совмещать карьеру с семьей. |
зд. ухитряться совмещать |
8 |
Mediocre, a |
посредственный, средний |
... to be mediocre at both. - ... добиться средних успехов в обеих сферах. |
9 |
Solution, n |
решение, разрешение |
... a temporary solution ... - ... временное решение ... |
10 |
Jog, n |
медленная ходьба |
... the jog in the morning ... - утренняя прогулка медленным шагом ... |
11 |
Former, a |
бывший, предыдущий; |
... with their former colleagues ... - ... со своими бывшими коллегами ... |
12 |
Resentment, n |
негодование, чувство обиды |
... anger and resentment. - ... гнев и чувство обиды. |
13 |
Tough, a |
трудный, напряженный |
... from a tough day ... - ... после напряженного дня ... |
14 |
Frequently, adv |
зачастую, часто |
... I frequently have to ... - ... мне часто приходится ... |
15 |
Call, n |
приглашение, сигнал, вызов, зов |
... who is on call ... - ... кого вызывают (срочно требуют) ... |
16 |
Enjoy, v |
наслаждаться, радоваться |
... enjoy equal employment opportunities ... - ... иметь равные права при получении работы |
17 |
Harmed, a |
уязвленный, задетый |
... may be harmed ... - ... может быть нанесен вред ... |
18 |
Psycologically, adv |
психологически |
... may be harmed psycologically. - может быть повреждена психика . |
19 |
Increasingly, adv |
в большей степени, все больше и больше |
... increasingly rules the Americans. - ... все больше и больше руководит американцами. |
Творческое задание:
Выберите одну из ситуаций и составьте к ней рассказ:
1. What is more important for you, work or family? Why?
2. Nowadays there's such a phenomenon as "house-husband". What do you think about it?
Свой рассказ напишите и пришлите по электронной почте своему преподавателю.
Text 3. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
Daily Routine
I'm in the first year at the university, where I'm studying English. My elder sister, Betty, is studying history at the same university. Betty can organise her time wisely, whereas I do not know what order I should do things in. I find it hard to get up on time, and usually I do not get enough sleep. I have to wind two alarm-clocks to make sure I do not oversleep.
My sister, an early riser, is awake by 7 o'clock. While I'm wandering round the kitchen, fighting the urge to go back to bed, my sister manages to have a quick shower, make her bed,
put on make up, do her hair, eat a full breakfast and go to the
It takes me an hour and a half to get ready. I have a hasty bite and rush out of the house. Even if I catch a bus at once I still arrive at the university 15 minutes late, which always makes me feel guilty.
My studies keep me busy all day long. I have 14 hours of English a week. I also have lectures and seminars. At lunchtime I meet up with my sister and we have a snack at the university cafe. After classes I make myself go to the library where I spend about six hours a week reading for my seminars.
My sister and I come home tired. I always find excuses to put my homework off. Unlike me, my sister manages to do the housework and get down to homework. I like the idea of going to bed early, but quite often I have to sit up late, studying my grammar and vocabulary, though I feel sleepy. My sister says that keeping late hours ruins one's health. Of course, I agree.
As my sister and I do not get any free time during the week, we try to relax on the weekends. One of my greatest pleasures is to lie in bed and read my favorite books. My sister is a sporty person. Betty goes for a run in the park; from time to time she works out in the gym.
I hate staying in, and sometimes on Saturday night my sister takes me out to a concert or a play. Sometimes we go to a party or to a disco. But more often I stay at home and my sister goes out. I wonder how I manage to spoil my leisure time.
Every Monday when I awaken I think I should start a new life. I honestly think that I must become well-organised and correct my daily routine. I make plans to do shopping with my sister, to do the cleaning and to do a hundred other good things. But then I remember that I have to call on my school friend in the evening, and I put off my plans till next Monday. It is always better to start a new life in a week.
Глоссарий к тексту
“Daily Routine”
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
university, n |
сущ. университет |
I'm in the first year at the university...- Я учусь на первом курсе университета... |
2 |
wisely, adv. |
нар. мудро, с умом |
...organise her time wisely...- ...организовать своё время с умом... |
3 |
whereas, adv |
тогда как, поскольку |
...whereas I do not know...- поскольку я не знаю... |
4 |
order, n |
сущ. порядок, последовательность |
...what order I should do things in...- в каком порядке мне необходимо делать вещи... |
5 |
to get up, v |
гл. вставать, подниматься |
...to get up on time...- ...встать вовремя |
6 |
an early riser |
человек, который рано встает, ранняя пташка |
...My sister, an early riser...- Моя сестра, ранняя пташка,... |
7 |
to wander, v |
гл. бродить, блуждать |
...While I'm wandering round the kitchen...- Пока я брожу по кухне... |
8 |
urge,n |
сущ. назойливое желание |
...fighting the urge...- ...борясь с желанием... |
9 |
shower, n |
сущ. душ |
...to have a quick shower...- ...принять душ наспех... |
10 |
make up, n |
сущ. 1)косметика |
...put on make up...- ...накраситься |
2)гримм |
(наложить гримм) |
11 |
breakfast, n |
сущ. завтрак |
...eat a full breakfast...- ...съесть полный завтрак |
12 |
an hour and a half |
полтора часа |
...It takes me an hour and a half...- ...мне необходимо полтора часа |
13 |
have a hasty bite |
перекусить наспех |
... I have a hasty bite...- ... Я наспех перекусил... |
14 |
to rush out, v |
гл. выскакивать из |
...rush out of the house...- ...выскочить из дома... |
15 |
keep me busy |
гл. занимать |
...My studies keep me busy...- ...моя учеба занимает... |
16 |
to have a snack |
гл. перекусить |
...we have a snack at the university cafe...- ...мы перекусываем в кафе университета... |
17 |
to find excuses |
гл. найти отговорку, причину |
...I always find excuses...- Я всегда нахожу отговорку... |
18 |
to get down to, v |
гл. приступить, заняться |
...get down to homework...- заняться подготовкой домашнего задания... |
19 |
a run, n |
сущ. пробежка |
...she goes for a run...- ...она выходит на пробежку |
20 |
gym, n |
сущ. спортзал, тренажерный зал |
...in the gym...- ... в спортзале |
21 |
to spoil, v |
гл. портить |
...to spoil my leisure time...- ...портить моё свободное время |
22 |
honestly, adv |
н. честно |
...I honestly think...- ...Я честно думаю... |
23 |
to remember, |
гл. помнить, вспоминать |
...But then I remember that...- Но потом я вспоминаю, что... |
v |
24 |
to put off, v |
сущ. откладывать |
...I put off my plans...- Я откладываю свои планы... |
25 |
in a week |
через неделю |
...a new life in a week...- ...новую жизнь через неделю... |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю по электронной почте.
1. Can you say that you organise your time wisely?
2. Do you like to get up early in the morning?
3. Can you say you are a well-organised person?
4. Do you usually eat a full breakfast in the morning?
5. How do you usually spend your weekends?
6. Do you usually put off everything till the next day?
7. How do you think - is it always better to start a new life in a week?
Text 4. Прочитайте текст и переведите его
A Successful Businessman
John Naylor, 24, is a successful businessman. Let's follow him through a typical day. The alarm clock goes off at 7:00 a.m. John jolts out of bed at the same time. The automatic coffee maker kicks on in the kitchen. He jumps in the shower, shaves, opens one of the half-dozen boxes of freshly laundered white shirts waiting on the shelf, finishes dressing, and pours a cup of coffee. He sits down to a piece of whole wheat toast while he flips through the Fleet Street Journal. It takes him about 15 minutes to wake up and get ready. His briefcase in one hand and gym bag in the other,
he hops in the car, ready to start the day.
He clocks in at exactly 7:45 a.m. He takes a seat in front of the computer and prepares for hours of phone calls and meetings that occupy his mornings. At noon John rushes to the health club where he strips off the grey suit and changes into his T-shirt, shorts and the latest in design running shoes for tennis. In an hour he is sitting in the club dining room where he has scheduled lunch with a potential client. They discuss business over sparkling water, pasta and a cup of coffee. At 2:30 p. m. he is back at his office, eager for several more hours of frantic meetings and phone calls.
At 6:00 p. m. John phones out for delivery of dinner to keep him going through the next two to three hours he'll spend at his office.
John gets home at 10:00 p. m. just in time to sit down to a bowl of frozen yoghurt and a rerun of this season's most popular drama series before turning in.
Глоссарий к тексту
"A successful Businessman"
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
Successful, a |
прил. успешный, удачный |
...a successful businessman...-...успешный предприниматель... |
2 |
Alarm clock, a |
сущ. будильник |
...The alarm clock goes off at 7:00 a. m....зд. Будильник звенит в 7 часов утра |
3 |
Jolt out, v |
гл. вскакивать |
...John jolts out of bed ...-...Джон выскакивает из кровати... |
4 |
Kick on, v |
гл. шуметь (разг.) |
...kicks on in the kitchen..-..шумит на кухне... |
5 |
Shower, n |
сущ. душ |
... ...to take a shower...- принимать душ, мыться |
6 |
freshly laundered, a |
прил. свежевыстиранный |
...freshly laundered white shirts......свежевыстиранные белые рубашки... |
7 |
Pour, v |
гл. налить, лить, наливать |
...pours a cup of coffee...-...налить чашку кофе... |
8 |
wheat, a |
прил. пшеничный |
...a piece of whole wheat toas-...тост из целого куска пшеничного хлеба... |
9 |
Flip through, v |
гл. быстро просматривать |
... he flips through the Fleet Street Journal...-...он быстро просмотрел журнал... |
10 |
Fleet Street Journal |
Fleet Street - улица в Лондоне, где расположены основные издательства; центр английской газетной индустрии; английская пресса |
...he flips through the Fleet Street Journal.- ... он быстро просмотрел журнал "Флит Стрит" |
Journal - журнал |
11 |
Briefcase, n |
сущ. портфель |
His briefcase...- ...свой портфель.... |
12 |
Hop in, v |
гл. 1) а) подпрыгивать; двигаться подпрыгивая. 2) ( часто с уточняющими наречиями ) а) перепрыгивать ( hop over ) |
to hop in the car - трястись в автомобиле |
13 |
Clock in, v |
гл. начинать работу ( особенно в установленное время ) |
...He clocks in at exactly 7:45 a. m....- Он начал работу ровно в 7:45 утра... |
14 |
Occupy , v |
гл. занимать |
...occupy his morning-...занимают его утро |
15 |
Rush (to), v |
гл. мчаться, нестись, устремляться; |
...John rushes to the health club...- Джон помчался в оздоровительный клуб... |
16 |
Strip off , v |
гл. снимать (об одежде) |
......he strips off the grey suit...- ...он снял серый деловой костюм.... |
17 |
T-shirt, n |
сущ. футболка |
... his T-shirt...- ....его футболка |
18 |
Scheduled, a |
прил. запланированный, назначенный |
...scheduled lunch...- запланированный деловой обед |
19 |
latest in design |
прил. современный, по последеней моде |
...the latest in design running shoes for tennis...- ...современные спортивные ботинки для тенниса... |
20 |
Frantic, a |
прил. безумный, неистовый, яростный |
...several more hours of frantic meetings and phone calls...-...еще несколько часов сумасшедших втреч и телефонных звонков... |
21 |
Delivery, n |
сущ. поставка, доставка |
...delivery of dinner ...-...доставка обеда... |
22 |
Bowl, n |
сущ. общее значение "вогнутая емкость" 1) чашка, стакан; 2) миска, тарелка; |
...a bowl of frozen yoghurt ...-...стаканчик замороженного йогурта... |
23 |
Turning in, g |
гл. 1) зайти мимоходом 2) лечь спать |
...before turning in...- ...перед тем, как лечь спать... |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно (дайте обоснование Вашим ответам, объясните Вашу точку зрения) и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю на проверку.
1. What kind of businessman is John?
2. What is described in this story: John’s typical or an extraordinary day?
3. What time does his alarm clock ring?
4. What kicks on in the kitchen?
5. Does John jolt out of bed immediately as soon as he wakes up?
6. What does he do after getting up?
7. What does he have for breakfast?
8. What does he read in the morning?
9. How much time does it take him to wake up and get ready?
10. What time does he clock in?
11. What occupies his mornings?
12. What does he do in the health club?
13. Does he have a scheduled lunch with his potential client or it's a spontaneous decision/
14. What does his usual lunch consist of?
15. Does he have frantic meetings and make phone calls after 2:30 p.m.?
16. What is his usual dinner?
17. What does John do when he gets home before going to sleep?
Text 5. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
What Do Parents Owe Their Children? (adapted and abridged)
I'll try to answer the question: "What do parents owe their children?", but I'll start with what they don't owe them.
Parents don't owe their children every minute of their day. They don't owe them round-the-clock car service, singing lessons, expensive bicycles or a car
when they reach sixteen or a trip to Europe when they graduate.
I take the firm position that parents don't owe their children a college education. If they can afford it, fine: they can send them to the best universities. But they mustn't feel guilty if they can't. If the children really want to study, they find a way.
After children marry, their parents don't owe to buy a house for them or give money for the furniture. They don't have an obligation to baby-sit or to take their grandchildren in their home when the parents are on vacation. If they want to do it, fine. But it mustn't be an obligation. In my opinion, parents don't owe their children an inheritance, no matter how much money they have.
Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe a great deal. One of their chief obligations is to give their children a sense of personal worth. A youngster, who is constantly made to feel stupid, constantly compared to brighter brothers or sisters, will become so unsure that he (or she) won't try at all.
Parents owe their children some religious training. Parents owe their children privacy and respect for their personal belongings. This doesn't mean to borrow things without permission, to read diaries, to look through pockets and drawers.
Parents owe their children a set of solid values. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others. The best way to teach such values is by example. No child asks to be born. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child a lot.
Глоссарий к тексту
"What do Parents Owe their Children?"
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
Owe, v |
Быть должным, обязанным |
..."What do parents owe their children?" - ..."Обязаны ли родители своим детям чемлибо?" |
2 |
Round-theclock service, n |
Круглосуточное техническое обслуживание |
...round-the-clock car service- ... круглосуточное автотехобслуживание |
3 |
Reach, v |
зд. достигать |
...when they reach sixteen. - ...когда они достигают шестнадцатилетия |
4 |
Afford, v |
(Быть в состоянии) позволить себе чтолибо |
If they can afford it, fine...... - Если они могут позволить это себе, замечательно... |
5 |
Guilty, a |
Виновный, виноватый |
... they mustn't feel guilty... - они не должны чувствовать себя виноватыми... |
6 |
Furniture, n |
Мебель, обстановка |
...give money for the furniture... - ...давать деньги на мебель |
7 |
Obligation, n |
Обязательство, долг |
They don't have an obligation to babysit...Они не обязаны сидеть с детьми... |
8 |
Vacation, n |
Каникулы, отпуск |
...when the parents are on vacation....когда родители в отпуске. |
9 |
Inheritance, |
Наследство, |
... don't owe their children an inheritance. - |
n |
унаследование |
...не обязаны оставлять своим детям наследство |
10 |
Deal, n |
зд. некоторое количество |
...they owe a great deal. - ...они многое обязаны дать. |
11 |
Worth, a |
Достоинство, значимость |
...a sense of personal worth. - ...чувство собственного достоинства. |
12 |
Compare, v |
Сравнивать |
...is...compared to brighter brothers... - ...кого сравнивают с более умными братьями... |
13 |
Religious training, n |
зд. религиозное воспитание |
...some religious training. - ...религиозное воспитание. |
14 |
Privacy, n |
Личная жизнь, свободное время |
Parents owe their children privacy and respect... - Родители обязаны позволять своим детям иметь личную жизнь и воспитать уважение... |
15 |
Borrow, v |
Занимать, брать на время |
...to borrow things without permission - ...брать чужие вещи без разрешения |
16 |
Diary, n |
Дневник, ежедневник |
...to read diaries - ... читать чужие дневники |
17 |
Drawer, n |
(Выдвижной) ящик, комод |
... to look through pockets and drawers. - ...рыться в чужик карманах и ящиках. |
18 |
Solid values, n |
Основополагающие ценности |
...a set of solid values. - ...ряд основополагающих ценностей. |
19 |
Rights, n |
Права |
...to respect the rights and opinions of others. - ...уважать права и мнения других. |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно (дайте обоснование Вашим ответам, объясните Вашу точку зрения) и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю на проверку.
Do you think that children prefer firm parents or parents who let them do what they want?
What can you say about your parents or parents of your friends.
Эти вопросы помогут Вам сделать свой ответ наиболее полным:
1. Do you agree that boys like girls should know how to clean house, cook, wash the clothes
and so on?
2. Do parents have the right to know where the children are, with whom, and what time they will be at home?
3. Which is best: to be the oldest child in the family, the youngest child or in between.
Вы можете обсудить эту тему со своим(и) одногруппником(ами) и составить диалог или даже полилог, но монолог - тоже принимается. Удачи! Не забудьте отправить свое сочинение преподавателю на проверку.
Text 6. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
Mother Knows Best
My mom loves to give advice. Not on my big stuff - she never uttered a peep about who I should marry, what I might do for a living or which house to buy. My mother is more the here's-what-you-need-to-do-with-your-hair type of adviser.
Mom also has a knack for health advisories. Don't go outside with wet hair unless you want pneumonia. Don't sit on the cold pavement or you'll get hemorrhoids. Stay off the phone during thunderstorms or a streak of lightning will speed through
miles of cable and zap you dead in the centre hallway.
Momisms have little basis in fact and absolutely no historical precedent (well, maybe the phone thing does).
They're grounded in the theory that a mother is entitled to give advice because she is the Mom. Those are all the credentials she needs.
My life has been steeped in momisms. Early in childhood, it became excruciatingly clear to us, four kids, that our mother knew a lot of really unfortunate guys. These hapless fellows fueled a great many momisms related to totally-their-own-fault tragedies - which she described in a voice most people use to tell ghost stories around a campfire.
If we were tipping back on the hind legs of a chair, Mom told us about the man who did the same thing, fell, broke his neck and was paralyzed for the rest of his very short life.
If we tossed a kernel of popcorn in the air and caught it in our mouths, Mom told us about the guy she knew who did the very same thing and choked to death.
In adolescence came the dating momisms, designed to keep us forever sorting socks on Saturday nights.
First, the Ladies Don't momisms: Ladies don't chew gum. Ladies don't whistle. Ladies don't forget to KYLC (Keep Your Legs Crossed).
Глоссарий к тексту
"Mother Knows Best"
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
Advice, n |
Совет |
...loves to give advice. - ...любит давать советы. |
2 |
Utter, v |
Издавать звук, произносить звук |
she never uttered a peep... - она ни разу и не заикнулась (не пикнула)... |
3 |
Knack, n |
Способности, дар |
...has a knack for.... - ...имеет способности к... |
4 |
Pavement, n |
Тротуар, мостовая |
sit on the cold pavement... - сидеть на холодном тротуаре... |
5 |
Zap, v |
Покончить, зд. убить |
... zap you dead in the centre hallway. - ...убьет тебя посреди коридора. |
6 |
Precedent, n |
Прецедент, событие, имевшее место в прошлом |
no historical precedent... - без реальных прецедентов... |
7 |
Entitle, v |
Иметь право |
a mother is entitled to give advice... - у матери есть право давать советы... |
8 |
Credentials, n |
Основания |
...all the credentials she needs. - ...и этих оснований ей достаточно. |
9 |
Excruciatingly, adv |
Мучительно |
... it became excruciatingly clear to us - ...нам стало мучительно ясно |
10 |
Unfortunate, a |
Несчастный |
...a lot of really unfortunate guys. - много действительно несчастныхребят. |
11 |
Fuel, v |
Создавать почву, |
... fellows fueled a great many momisms - |
провоцировать |
ребята провоцировали появление большого количества маминых афоризмов... |
12 |
Ghost, n |
Привидение, призрак |
...to tell ghost stories around a campfire. - ...рассказывать страшилки сидя вокруг костра |
13 |
Tip, v |
Наклонять, зд. раскачиваться |
...tipping back on the hind legs of a chair... - ...раскачивались на задних ножках стула |
14 |
Rest, n |
Остаток |
...for the rest of his very short life.. - ...до конца своей короткой жизни. |
15 |
Toss, v |
Бросать, подбрасывать |
...tossed a kernel of popcorn in the air... - ...подбрасывали зернышки попкорна в воздух |
16 |
Choke, v |
Давиться, задыхаться |
...choked to death. - ...подавился и умер. |
17 |
Adolescence, n |
Юность, подростковый возраст |
In adolescence... - В подростковом возрасте... |
18 |
Sock, n |
Носок |
...sorting socks on Saturday nights. - ...пазбирать носки по Субботам ночью. |
19 |
Chew, v |
Жевать |
Ladies don't chew gum. - Молодые девушки не жуют жевательную резинку. |
20 |
Whistle, v |
Свистеть |
Ladies don't whistle.- Молодые девушки не свистят. |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно (дайте обоснование Вашим ответам, объясните Вашу точку зрения) и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю на проверку.
Вспомните советы своей мамы (momisms) по тому или иному поводу, или советы мамы Вашей/Вашему подруге/другу. Какие из них Вы считаете обоснованными, а какие лишь проявлением чрезмерной заботы.
What advice do you think you will give to your children or you give some now?
Write down them and their abbreviations.
Например: KYLC (Keep Your Legs Crossed).
Минимальное число: 7
Text 7. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
Understanding Boys
The education of children starts as soon as they are born; girls wear pink and boys wear blue; boys play with guns and girls play with dolls. Boys are allowed to make more noise and cause more trouble, while girls are supposed to be more interested in talking to any understanding people. This kind of education prepared boys for power in the world but for little else.
A boy is under pressure, in many ways. He is supposed to be 'macho' - good at sport, able to stand up for himself in fights and to suffer pain without crying. If he can't, he is a 'wimp'; and often other boys will tease and bully him, especially at school. Yet probably only a very few boys can do all of these things. All
boys are different - they have different needs and talents, likes and
dislikes. Some boys are good at cooking and writing poetry whereas others are good at football or maths.
Boys aren't just 'machos' and 'wimps'; there are swots as well as sports stars, conformists as well as rebels, shy boys as well as girl-chasers. If we can assure them that all these types are okay, it may help to reduce the bullying of those boys who are the leas macho.
Глоссарий к тексту
"Understanding boys."
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
education, n |
сущ. образование |
The education of children...- Образование детей... |
2 |
gun, n |
сущ. винтовка, револьвер |
Boys play with guns...- Мальчики играют с револьверами... |
3 |
power, n |
сущ. сила, власть |
...prepared boys for power... - ...готовит мальчиков быть сильными (властными)... |
4 |
to tease, v |
гл. дразнить, надоедать |
...other boys will tease...- другие мальчики будут дразнить... |
5 |
to bully, v |
гл. задирать, запугивать |
...to bully him...- запугивать его... |
6 |
likes and dislikes |
то, что нравится и не нравится |
...likes and dislikes...- ...то, что нравится и не нравится... |
7 |
poetry, n |
сущ. поэзия |
...boys are good at writing poetry...- у мальчиков хорошо получается писать стихи |
8 |
whereas, adv |
тогда как, в то время как |
...whereas others...- ...тогда как другие |
9 |
to be good at |
гл. быть способным к (чему-либо) |
...others are good at football...- ...другие способны хорошо играть в футбол |
10 |
swot, n |
сущ. зубрила |
swots...- зубрилы... |
11 |
conformist, n |
сущ. конформист, человек, послушно соглашающийся со всем |
conformists as well as rebels... - ...коформисты также как и бунтовщики... |
12 |
rebel, n |
сущ. повстанцы, бунтовщики |
conformists as well as rebels...- коформисты также как и бунтовщики... |
13 |
girl-chaser, n |
сущ. бабник, "дон-жуан " |
shy boys as well as girl-chasers... - застенчивые мальчики также как и 'донжуаны' |
14 |
to reduce, v |
гл. уменьшать, сокращать |
...to reduce the bullying - уменьшить запугивания |
15 |
tough, adj |
прил. жесткий, упрямый, выносливый |
...tough people...- выносливые люди... |
16 |
weak, adj |
прил. слабый, |
...weak people...- ...слабые люди... |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно (дайте обоснование Вашим ответам, объясните Вашу точку зрения) и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю на проверку.
1. How do parents usually distinguish between baby girls and baby boys?
2. In what ways are boys supposed to be machos?
3. What often happens to boys who are wimps?
4. How can we reduce bullying?
5. What are girls supposed to be good at?
6. What sort of toys did you have as a child?
7. Can you remember any bullies at your school?
8. What do you think of men who cry?
Text 8. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
Wedding Superstitions
In England the wedding preparations, ceremony and feast have all become loaded with ritual practices to ward off evil and bless the marriage with fortune and fertility.
The choice of date is important. May is traditionally unlucky for weddings. The tradition that the bride's parents should pay for the wedding dates from two or three centuries ago, when wealthy
families would pay an eligible bachelor to take an unmarried daughter off their hands in exchange for a large dowry. At most formal weddings, brides still get married in virginal white - many other colours are considered unlucky. A bride will also ensure that her wedding outfit includes "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue". "Old" maintains her link with the past; "new" symbolizes the future; "borrowed" gives her a link with the present; and "blue" symbolizes her purity. Even a modern bride will observe the taboos about wearing her dress before the ceremony. The groom mustn't see her in it until she enters the church. The veil should be put on for the first time as she leaves for the church.
It's a lucky omen if the bride should see a chimney sweep on her way to church. Sometimes a sweep is paid to attend the ceremony and kiss the bride - a relic of the idea that soot and ashes are symbols of fertility.
After the ceremony, the couple is showered with confetti. One old custom was for the bride and sometimes the groom to negotiate some obstacle as they left the church - guests would impede them with ropes of flowers, for example, or with sticks that had to be jumped over. After that the bride is faced with the feast. The most important item is the wedding cake, whose richness symbolizes fertility, just as it has done since Roman times. Today, the first slice is cut by the bride to ensure a fruitful marriage.
“Wedding Superstitions”
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
superstition, n |
сущ. суеверие, религиозный предрассудок |
Wedding Superstitions - Свадебные суеверия |
2 |
ceremony, n |
сущ. церемония |
...ceremony and feast... - церемония и свадебный ужин |
3 |
feast, n |
сущ. свадебный ужин |
...ceremony and feast... - церемония и свадебный ужин |
4 |
to ward off, v |
гл. отражать, отвращать (удар, опасность) |
to ward off evil... - отражать, отводить зло (несчатье) |
5 |
to bless, v |
гл. благословлять, освещать |
...to bless the marriage...- благословлять брак |
6 |
date, n,v |
сущ. дата(число),гл. датировать(вести начало от...) |
1) The choice of date... выбор даты 2)The tradition...dates from two or three centuries ago... - |
Традиция...датируется двумя или тремя веками назад... |
7 |
bachelor, n |
сущ. холостяк, бакалавр |
...an eligible bachelor... - подходящий холостяк |
8 |
dowry, n |
сущ. приданое, природный дар, талант |
...a large dowry... - большое приданое |
9 |
bride, n |
сущ. невеста |
...brides still get married... - невесты до сих пор выходят замуж... |
10 |
virginal, adj |
прил. девственный |
...virginal white... - девственно белый |
11 |
"something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" |
Что-нибудь старое, что-нибудь новое, чтонибудь взаймы, чтонибудь голубое. |
одна из традиций Англии |
12 |
purity, n |
сущ. чистота |
...symbolizes her purity... - символизирует чистоту |
13 |
groom, n |
сущ. жених |
The groom mustn't see her... - Жених не должкен её видеть... |
14 |
veil, n |
сущ. фата |
...The veil should be put on... - Фата должна быть одета |
15 |
omen, n |
сущ. предзнаменование, знак |
...lucky omen... - счастливое предзнаменование |
16 |
relic, adj |
сущ. остаток, пережиток |
...a relic of the idea... - пережиток традиции, идеи... |
17 |
soot, n |
сущ. сажа |
...soot and ashes are symbols... - сажа и пепел являются символами |
18 |
ashes, n |
сущ. пепел |
...soot and ashes are symbols... - сажа и пепел являются символами |
19 |
to be jumped over, v |
гл. перепрыгивать |
...sticks that had to be jumped over... - ...палки, которые необходимо перепрыгнуть |
20 |
the wedding cake |
свадебный торт |
...The most important item is the wedding cake...- Самый важный атрибут свадьбы - это свадебный торт... |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю по электронной почте.
1. Have you ever been to the wedding ceremony?
Did you like it?
2. Do you agree with the tradition that the bride's parents should pay for the wedding?
What do you think about it?
3. Do you think that a bride should put on a white dress and a groom a dark suit ?(костюм мужской)
4. Don't you think that in our days people prefer not to get married?
Give your reasons.
Text 9. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
AT What Age Should a Man Marry
Our first enquiry, then, is the age at which a man ought to turn his thoughts towards marriage. The law of the State of New York, and of many other states, and the common law of England on which these laws are based, all assign as the age of marrige fourteen years for a man and twelve years for a woman. But we are against this. We have a feeling that it is too soon. A man of fourteen still lacks something in breadth, - and even in height. We doubt if his character has reached the maturity that it will have at sixty. Similarly a woman of twelve is still in a way, - indeed in a whole lot of ways -undeveloped, she has scarcely seen enough of life to be able to select a mate with the same certainty with which the shipping companies pick them. We are informed, it is true, that the Hindu women are married at twelve years of age. But on this point we can only refer our readers to the Hindoo edition of our manual. Western women, at twelve, are not yet formed. The wise young man will wait until they get bigger.
Anyone who wants one of those little wee Hindus is welcome to her.
At what age, then, should a young girl or a young man begin to think of marriage? We are not prepared to indicate any precise moment in life. But there will come a time in the life of any of them at which new aspirations and new wants will turn their thoughts towards marriage. When a young girl begins to feel that she wants a house of her own, -a large one, - with a butler and a chauffeur, and two motor cars and a box at the Opera, then the time has come when she must seek a husband. Her father will never give these things. So too with the young man. The time comes when his surroundings begin to pall on him - when he ceases to care to spend his evenings with billiard markers, prize fighters and dog fanciers: when he begins to want to pass his time with some companion softer than a prize fighter and dearer, - if it is possible, - than a dog fancier, - then, we say, and we say it emphatically, the young man ought to marry.
Глоссарий к тексту
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
enquiry, n |
сущ. вопрос, справка |
Our first enquiry... - Наш первый впрос... |
2 |
marriage, n |
сущ. брак |
man ought to turn his thoughts towards marriage... - человек должен задумываться о браке... |
3 |
maturity |
сущ. зрелость |
...reached the maturity... - ...достичь зрелости |
4 |
mate, n |
сущ. товарищ, супруг(а) |
...to select a mate... - выбрать супруга |
5 |
certainty, n |
сущ. уверенность |
...with the same certainty... - с той же уверенностью |
6 |
wise, adj |
прил. мудрый |
...The wise young man... - ...мудрый молодой человек |
7 |
to indicate, v |
гл. указывать,предписывать, предвещать |
...to indicate any precise moment in life... - указать какой-либо определенный момент жизни |
8 |
aspiration, n |
сущ. стремление, желание (честолюбивое) |
...new aspirations and new wants... - ...новые стремления и новые желания... |
9 |
butler, n |
сущ. дворецкий |
...with a butler and a chauffeur... - ...с дворецким или шофером... |
10 |
chauffeur, n |
сущ. шофер |
...with a butler and a chauffeur... - ...с дворецким или шофером... |
11 |
box, n |
сущ. коробка, ложа (в театре) |
...a box at the Opera... - ...ложа в театре Оперы... |
12 |
husband, n |
сущ. муж |
...she must seek a husband... - ...она должна искать мужа... |
13 |
surroundings, n |
сущ. окрестности,окружение, среда |
...his surroundings... - ...его окружение... |
14 |
to pall on |
сущ. пресыщать, надоедать |
...begin to pall on him... - ...начинают ему надоедать... |
15 |
a dog fancier |
любитель собак |
...than a dog fancier... - ...затем становится любителем собак... |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю по электронной почте.
How do you think, at what age should a man marry?
Do you think it is possible to limit the age of marriage?
Do you think the age is the only limited factor of marriage?
Why do you think the Hindu women are married at twelve years of age?
Text 10. Прочитайте текст и переведите его.
The Good Wife's Guide
Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you always think about him and concern about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good meal (especially his favourite dish) is part of the warm welcome needed.
Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in
your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people.
Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.
Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives.
Gather up schoolbooks, toys, paper etc and then run a dustcloth over the tables.
Prepare the children. Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces (if they are small), comb their hair and, if necessary change their clothes. They are little treasures and he would like to see them playing the part.
Minimize all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of the washer, dryer or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet.
Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your desire to please him.
Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first - remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.
Make the evening his. Never complain if he comes home late or goes out to dinner, or other places of entertainment without you. Instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure and his very real need to be at home and relax.
Your goal: Try to make sure your home is a place of peace, order and tranquillity where your husband can renew himself in body and spirit. Don't greet him with complaints and problems. Don't complain if he's late home for dinner or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through that day. Make him comfortable.
Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or have him lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice. Don't ask him questions about his actions or question his judgement or integrity. Remember, he is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will and fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question him.
A good wife always knows her place.
Глоссарий к тексту
"The Good Wife's Guide"
№ |
Слово |
Перевод |
Употребление в тексте |
1 |
Ahead, adv |
Вперед, впереди |
Plan ahead... - Планируйте заранее... |
2 |
Delicious, a |
Восхитительный, очень вкусный |
...to have a delicious meal ready... - ...чтобы восхитительной блюдо было готово... |
3 |
Concern, v |
Беспокоиться, интересоваться |
...concern about his needs. - ...заботитесь о его потребностях. |
4 |
Prospect, n |
Вид, панорама, перспектива, картина |
...the prospect of a good meal... - ...вид вкусной еды... |
5 |
Rest, v |
Отдыхать |
Take 15 minutes to rest... - Выделите 15 минут, чтобы отдохнуть... |
6 |
Ribbon, n |
Лента, ленточка |
...put a ribbon in your hair... - ...украсьте волосы лентой... |
7 |
Work- weary, a |
Уставший от работы, изнуренный работой |
...with a lot of work-weary people. - ...с множеством изнуренных работой людей. |
8 |
Boring, a |
Скучный, неинтересный |
His boring day may need a lift... - После однообразного дня ему может понадибиться душевный подъем... |
9 |
Clutter, n |
Беспорядок |
Clear away the clutter.. - Наведите порядок |
в доме. |
10 |
Dustcloth, n |
Пылевая тряпка |
...run a dustcloth over the tables. - ...пройдитесь тряпкой по столам. |
11 |
Comb, v |
Расчесывать, чесать |
... comb their hair... - ...расчешите им волосы... |
12 |
Treasure, n |
Сокровище, что-л. ценное, богатство |
They are little treasures... - Они - Ваше маленькое сокровище... |
13 |
Eliminate, v |
Устранять, исключать |
...eliminate all noise of the washer,... - ...ликвидируйте всякий шум стиральной машины, ... |
14 |
Encourage, v |
Одобрять, поощрять, подстрекать |
...encourage the children to be quiet. - ...заставьте детей вести себя тихо. |
15 |
Sincerity, n |
Искренность, откровеность |
...show sincerity in your desire... - ...покажите искренность своего желания... |
16 |
Complain, v |
Жаловаться, выражать недовольство |
Never complain if he comes home late... - Никогда не жалуйтесь на то, что он поздно возвращается домой... |
17 |
Strain, n |
Напряжение, нагрузка, переутомление |
Instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure... - Вместо этого попытайтесь понять, что ему приходится жить в напряжении и под давлением... |
18 |
Goal, n |
Цель, задача |
Your goal:... - Ваша задача:... |
19 |
Tranquillity, n |
Спокойствие, безмятежность |
...your home is a place of peace, order and tranquillity... - ...Ваш дом - это место, где царит мир, порядок и спокойствие... |
20 |
Lean back, v |
Откидываться, прислоняться |
Have him lean back in a comfortable chair...- Устройте его в удобном кресле, где он может откинуться назад... |
21 |
Pillow, n |
Подушка |
Arrange his pillow... - Поправьте ему подушку... |
22 |
Soothing, a |
Успокаивающий, мягкий, умиротворяющий |
...soothing and pleasant voice. - ...мягким и приятным голосом. |
23 |
Integrity, n |
Прямота, честность, неприкосновенность |
...question his judgement or integrity. - ...не подвергайте сомнению его мнение или неприкосновенность. |
Творческое задание:
Ответьте на вопросы письменно (дайте обоснование Вашим ответам, объясните Вашу точку зрения) и отправьте ответы Вашему преподавателю на проверку.
The picture described in the text "The Good Wife's Guide" is not actual any more. Nowadays it's sometimes rather difficult to settle the problem of dividing household chores between spouses.
Imagine the situation and make up a dialogue between a husband and a wife talking about housekeeping.
Whose obligation is to do housework?
Prove your point of view in the dialogue.
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