Оценка 4.8


Оценка 4.8
Station Evsino 9 бКЛ.pptx

Station Evsino ( станция Евсино )

Station Evsino ( станция Евсино )

Station Evsino ( станция Евсино )




We live at st. Evsino. There are many streets in

We live at st. Evsino. There are many streets in

We live at st. Evsino. There are many streets in Evsino. There are 35 in total. These are: Rabochaya, Mira, Gagarina, Solnechnaya, Lugovaya, Pushkina, etc. As for the roads, they are spacious and wide.

Мы живём на ст. Евсино. В Евсино есть много улиц, их всего насчитывается 35. Это : Рабочая , Мира , Гагарина , Солнечная , Луговая , Пушкина и т.д. Так же , что касается дорог , то они просторные и широкие .



Almost at every step there are some shops

Almost at every step there are some shops

Almost at every step there are some shops. For example: Maria –ra, holdy, vegetables and fruits, building materials, etc.

Почти на каждом шагу расположены какие – нибудь магазины .Например : Мария –ра , холди, овощи и фрукты , строительные материалы и т.д



There is also a school at Evsino station

There is also a school at Evsino station

There is also a school at Evsino station.
Так же на ст.Евсино есть школа .

Also, the center of Evsino is considered to be the recreation center of the recreation center, next to it there is a sports ground and…

Also, the center of Evsino is considered to be the recreation center of the recreation center, next to it there is a sports ground and…

Also, the center of Evsino is considered to be the recreation center of the recreation center, next to it there is a sports ground and several shops.

Так же центром Евсино считается, дом культуры ДК, рядом с ним находится спорт площадка и несколько магазинов.



Sights Достопримечательности Monument in the name of the dead

Sights Достопримечательности Monument in the name of the dead

Sights Достопримечательности

Monument in the name of the dead V. O. V. , the temple in the name of the Holy Spirit, Evsen poultry farm.

Памятник во имя погибших В. О. В.
храм во имя Святого духа, Евсинская птицефабрика .



Also in Evsino there are kindergartens, a hospital, a bakery, a village council, a pharmacy,

Also in Evsino there are kindergartens, a hospital, a bakery, a village council, a pharmacy,

Also in Evsino there are kindergartens, a hospital, a bakery, a village council, a pharmacy, Eureka, a crystal. On Art. Evsino is not a very clean street, as trash lies everywhere.

Также в Евсино есть, детские сады, больница, пекарня, сельсовет, аптека , Эврика , кристалл. На ст. Евсино не очень чистые улицы, так как везде лежит мусор.


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