Этот конкурс впервые проводился во время недели английского языка в нашей школе и вызвал большой интерес среди учащихся 5-7 классов. Учитывалась не только правильность произношения, но и артистизм выступающих. Самые талантливые артисты получили призы и выразили желание в дальнейшем снова выступать на сцене.
Two boys are sitting at the desk, doing their homework.
-What about killing that fly?
-Why not?
Why should I?
-Isn't it annoying you?
-No, it isn't.
-Well, it is annoying me.
-In that case you kill it yourself!
-Why are you crying?
-Oh, my father bit me twice.
-And what was the reason for the first time?
-I showed him a day-book with bad marks.
-And what was for the second?
-You see, it was HIS day-book!
-Yes, dear! What's the matter? You seem upset!
-Well, what's happened?
-You see...l... well ...
-Come on now.
-All right then, if you must know ...I've got a bad mark.
-What? Again?!
-Teacher, will you punish a boy for a thing that he didn't do?
-No, Tommy, I shall not punish a boy for a thing he didn't do. Why do you ask?
-I ask you because I didn't do my homework.
The telephone conversation.
-Good morning! I want to tell you, teacher, that Jim can't come to school today. He is ill.
-I am sorry to hear that. Who's speaking?
-This is my father speaking.
-You are too lazy! Look at your English marks!
-But you know I am not good at English.
-Have you done your homework?
-Not yet.
-Why not?
-I didn't have spare time last night.
-Then you will not have time to watch a new film on TV.
-Oh, father, I'll improve, I promise!
-Hello, glad to see you!
-Glad to see you too!
-Today's your birthday, isn't it?
-Yes, that's right! It's very kind of you to remember.
-Well! Many happy returns of that day! Here's a present for you.
-Oh, thank you. What beautiful flowers you've brought! I don't know how to thank you!
At the lesson.
Teacher: Tom and Jack, go to the corners! So, children, listen to me! (Pupils make noise) Mary and Ann, go to the corners too. So, Great Britain is divided into 3 parts: England, Scotland and Wales. {Jim sat down under the desk) Jim, you go to the corner too!
Jim: I'd like to, teacher, but there is no vacant corner in the classroom left.
Father is looking through the daybook with bad marks.
-I'm losing patience with you, Nick. Jack Smith is younger than you, but he is always the best pupil in the class, and you are always the last.
-You forgot, Dad, he has got awfully clever parents!
-Good morning, Ignat.
-Good morning, Maxim! Why are you so sad?
-I've got a bad mark in literature. l haven't learnt Pushkin's poem.
-It's a pity. But don't worry. We shall learn it together.
-You are a real friend, thank you!
-Do you like your teacher, Doris?
-Yes, I like her, but I don't think she knows much.
-How is that?
-Oh, because she asks questions all the time.
-Tommy, your mother is a teacher and you cannot write a word.
-Your father is a dentist, and your little brother has no teeth.
-I say, Nick, why are you so unhappy?
-John invited me to his birthday party but I haven't bought a present for him yet. And now it's too late.
-Never say "die". The shops are still open. We have a lot of time. Come on!
-Hi! Are you going to school?
-What's the matter with you?
-I'm not well today .l have a sore throat and a headache.
-But we'll write a control test in mathematics today.
-You see, that is the reason I'm ill. I'm afraid I'll get a bad mark!
-Little girl, why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn't shining.
-I carry it now because when it rains Mummy wants it and only when the weather is good I may use it.
-How long do the mice live?
-That depends.
-What does id depend on?
-That depends on the cat.
-Dad, can you write with closed eyes?
-Of course I can.
-Then close your eyes and sign my daybook.
Jack has 2 apples. He gives the smaller one to his little brother.
Fred: You are rude, Jack.
Jack: Why?
Fred: Because you gave me the smaller apple. If I have 2 apples, I always give the larger one and keep the smaller one.
Jack: Well, what's wrong then? You've got the smaller one, haven't
-What are you doing, Peter?
-I'm writing a letter.
-Oh, a letter!
-Yes, I am writing to Bill.
-What are you writing him about?
-Don't ask many questions. Curiosity killed the cat, you know.
-Jimmy, what is the Russian for "table"?
-I don't know.
-Well, what is the Russian for "father"?
-I don't know.
-Tell me please what 3 words do bad pupils like to use?
-I don't know.
-Correct, at last.
-Hello, Tommy!
-Hello, Pete!
-Have you any brothers or sisters?
-Yes, I have.
-How many of them?
-They are five.
-And who is the oldest?
-My grandfather.
Teacher: Tom, your composition is very bad. You must stay at school after classes and write a composition of fifty words.
Tom: What must I write about?
Teacher: You may write on any topic, for example, about your friend, a book, a film.
Tom: May I write about my sister?
Teacher: Of course you may.
Tom takes a pen and writes:
"I have a little sister. Her name is Jane. She has a nice little kitten. She likes it very much. When she goes out into the garden she always follows it and calls it: "Pussy, pussy, pussy..." and so on 50 times. 23
-You know you've got a bad mark in mathematics!
-It's impossible! I've done all the exercises. Oh, God, my mother kills me for that! I am afraid to go home!
-Hey! You are an April Fool!
-Well, I understand now. You are lying. But look! It's 12 o'clock already, and it is you, who is an April Fool. Now I am sure that I will get "5" in mathematics!
Teacher: What is the shape of the Earth, Dick?
Dick: Round.
Teacher: How do you know it's round?
Dick: Well, it's square then, I don't want to argue.
-Hello, Petel
-Hello, Nick!
-When will your summer holidays begin?
-On the 7th of June.
-Will you stay at home?
-No, I shan't.
-Where do you intend to go?
-I haven't decided yet. And what about you?
-I'll go to the South.
-What will you do there?
-I'll swim and bathe in the sea, sail boats and go on hikes.
-I am sure you will enjoy your holidays there.
Mother: Jimmy, run over and see how old Mrs. Smith is this morning.
Jimmy: She said to tell you it was none of your business.
Mother: What in the world did you ask her?
Jimmy: Just what you told me to. I said you wanted to know how old she was.
Mother: Ann, it's 7 o'clock already! Get up, dear!
Ann: Oh, Mum, I can't.
Mother: What has happened?
Ann: Well, I think I am ill. I can't go to school Mother: What do you want, my dear?
Ann: I want to play with my doll. Give it to me, please.
Mother: Do you want to eat?
Ann: Yes, Mum, and very much.
Mother: Some porridge?
Ann: Oh, no!
Mother: Then a glass of hot milk?
Ann: Oh, no, no!
Mother: What do you want then?
Ann (Sits down on the bed and enumerates): Well, I want 5 bananas, some orange juice and 10 big candies! Mother: Now I see that you are not ill. Wake up quickly and run to school! (She takes the belt).
Ann: All right, Mum, but don't beat me, please!
(And she runs to the bathroom)
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