joint configuration - совместная конфигурация
alignment - осевое направление
bar system - стержневая конструкция
slab - плита (элемент конструкции)
diaphragm – диафрагма жесткости
strain of deflection – натяжение прогиба
shell - остов; каркас (сооружения)
repellent - водонепроницаемый
to blend in – сочетаться
to stand out – выделяться
solid wall -сплошная стена
cavity wall –пустотелая стена
foam –пеноматериал, пенопласт
polystyrene beads -полистироловые шарики
joist['d3oist] n — опорная балка, перекладина, ригельI-joist n — двутавр, двутавровый профиль
floor joist— балка пола, балка междуэтажного перекрытия
open web joist— балочная ферма
wood joist— деревянная балка
align[э'1ат] v — выравнивать, центроватьalignmentn — выравнивание, центровка
They are widely used in structures of civil, public and industrial buildings, in beam platforms, floor coverings, bridges, overpasses, in the form of crane beams in industrial buildings, in the construction of hydraulic locks and gates, and other structures.
Steel beam
A steel beam is a transverse or longitudinal element of a load-bearing structure made of special, carbon or low-alloy steel by hot or cold rolled metal.
Components of framed building structure
This building has ground floor, first floor, second floor, and terrace floor.
Reinforced concrete beam
A reinforced concrete beam is a linear construction element used in a load-bearing structure in order to redistribute weight and increase the stability of the entire structure and consists of a composite material: a concrete matrix reinforced with steel reinforcement.
Walls, windows are added later to give protection to inhabitants.
The loads such as human beings, furniture etc is carried by this frame.
The walls have no role except protecting the inhabitants from weather.
Wooden beam
A wooden beam is an element of a load-bearing wooden or other lightweight structure made of wood. It is widely used for the construction of residential and economic structures made of wood.
Load Bearing Structure
In load bearing structure instead of columns and beams, it has walls taking the load.
Here the walls play a dual role of taking loads and protecting the inhabitants. The walls are generally brick or stone.
Since the walls take the load they cannot be moved or removed.
The older structures of 2 to 3 storey were load bearing.
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