Обучение студентов Медицинского колледжа к созданию презентаций по теме: "Профилактика инфекционных заболеваний"

  • Презентации учебные
  • pptx
  • 14.06.2023
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Обучение студентов Медицинского колледжа к созданию презентаций по теме: "Профилактика инфекционных заболеваний"
Иконка файла материала Туберкулез и его профилактика (1).pptx

Презентация к докладу на тему: «Tuberculosis and its prevention»

Специальность: 31.02.01. Лечебное дело
Форма обучения: очная
Студентки: Сосиновской Надежды Геннадьевны
Курс III, группа МЛД- 312
Руководитель: Кислицына Лилия Яковлевна

Москва, 2023


Tuberculosis and its prevention

In the 18th and 19th century, tuberculosis was a terrible scourge in the most advanced countries of that time, including Russia. The diagnosis of tuberculosis was considered almost a death sentence, the average life expectancy of patients did not exceed 3-5 years.
The causative agent of the disease – Mycobacterium tuberculosis – was discovered by Robert Koch in 1882, it was called "Koch's wand". This day is considered the birthday of phthisiology – the science of tuberculosis (from the Greek phthisis - consumption).

Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease caused by tuberculosis bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primarily affects the lungs. There are two types of tuberculosis infection: latent and active.
With latent tuberculosis, tuberculosis bacteria remain inactive in the body. They do not cause any symptoms and are not contagious, but they can become active.
With active tuberculosis, bacteria cause symptoms and can be transmitted to others.

Prevention of tuberculosis

The problem of tuberculosis elimination can be solved with the help of prevention aimed at freeing the younger generation from the pathogen by vaccination, complete cure of patients, as well as stimulation of biological recovery of previously infected adults.

Types of tuberculosis prevention:

Social orientation of tuberculosis prevention;
Specific prevention of tuberculosis;
Fluorographic examinations;

Social orientation of tuberculosis prevention

Tuberculosis prevention has a social orientation, which consists in carrying out economic and sanitary measures.
Such activities include:
improvement of living conditions of the population;
optimization of working conditions, prevention of occupational lung diseases;
environmental improvement;
rational nutrition;
fighting bad habits;
maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
expansion of the network of children's health and spa institutions;
carrying out social and sanitary-veterinary measures in places of industrial production of animals and birds.

Specific prevention of tuberculosis

The main purpose of specific tuberculosis prevention (vaccination against tuberculosis) is to develop specific individual and collective immunity in children. This is achieved with the BCG vaccine — the original live, but weakened strain of MBT.
Vaccination is carried out for newborns on the 3rd-7th day of life. After a few years, in order to prevent tuberculosis, revaccination is carried out. In Russia, it is performed for clinically healthy children aged 7 and 14 years.


Chemoprophylaxis is an effective method of preventing tuberculosis in people with an increased risk of infection. Prevention of tuberculosis by chemoprophylaxis can be primary, when carried out in healthy individuals who are not infected with MBT, but are in contact with tuberculosis patients, and secondary — in people infected with MBT or who have been ill in the past.

Fluorographic examination

Mass fluorographic examinations of the adult population are more effective for the prevention of tuberculosis. Annual examination helps to identify people with tuberculosis in a timely manner. Fluorography in the tuberculosis prevention system allows you to start treatment at the early stages of the disease, which is an important condition for its success.

In order to detect tuberculosis in the early stages, adults need to undergo a fluorographic examination in a polyclinic at least once a year (depending on the profession, health status and belonging to various risk groups).

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