Погода на английском языке

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  • docx
  • 20.05.2024
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Иконка файла материала Тема _Погода_ на английском языке. Материал для дистанционного обучения..docx

        ·Weather – вэзэ -погода.

·         ·Cold – колд -холодно, холодный.

·         ·Warm –вом - тепло, тёплый.

·         ·Hot – хот - жарко.

·         ·Heat – хит - жара, зной.

·         ·Rain – рэин -дождь.

·         Frost – фрост - мороз.

·         Wind – винд -ветер.

·         Fog – фог -туман.

·         Snow – сноу -снег.

·         Nature – нэйчер- природа.

·         Leaves – ливс - листва.

·         Sky –скай - небо.

·         Region – риджин - регион.

·         Degrees – дигриз - градусы.

·         Above/below zero – абов/билоу зиро -выше/ниже ноля.

·         Change – чэндж -меняться.

·         It snows –ит сноус-  идёт снег.

·         It rains – ит рэинс - идёт дождь.

·         Mild – милд -  мягкий.

·         Climat – клаймэт – климат.

·         Small rain –смол рэин -  мелкий дождик.


What is the weather like today? – Ват ис зэ везэ лайк тудэй -Какая сегодня погода?

·         Rainy – рэини - дождливый.

·         Windy – винди - ветреный.

·         Foggy – фоги - туманный.

·         Hazy – хэзи -неясный, туманный.

·         Sunshine –  саншайн - солнечный свет.

·         Bright – брайт - яркий.

·         Changeable – ченджебл -непостоянный, изменчивый.

·         Early – орли -  ранний.

·         Late – лэйт - поздний.

·         To be common – ту би комон - быть распространённым, обычным.

·         During – дьюринг - в течение, во время.

·         To like – ту лайк - любить, нравиться.

·         To prefer – ту префер -  предпочитать.

·         To enjoy – ту инджой -наслаждаться.

·         To come – ту кам - приходить.

·         To expect – ту икспэкт - ждать, ожидать.

·         To be sorry – ту би сори - жалеть (for — кого-либо, что-либо).

·         To bloom – ту блум - цвести.

·         To indicate – ту индикэйт - обозначать.

·         To fall down –ту фол даун - падать.

·         To freeze – ту фриз - замерзать.

·         To blow – ту блоу -дуть.


The summer is usually hot. In June it is warm and rainy. July is usually very hot, especially its second half. The weather is sunny. The first days of August are often the hottest. The daytime temperatures are often above 35 degrees. It doesn’t often rain in July and August. At the end of August the weather is not so boiling hot. But it is still very warm.September is usually warm and quite dry. Only at the end of September the weather becomes cool and sometimes rainy. October is usually cool and rainy. Mornings in October are cold and foggy. November is cold and rainy, it is often windy too. The daytime temperatures are usually above zero, but nights can be frosty.December is usually cold and windy. The beginning of the month can be rainy. We also usually have the first snow in December. Lakes in our city start to freeze. January is frosty and often snowy. We sometimes have blizzards in January and there is often ice on our roads. February is quite cold, but we usually have a thaw at the end of the months.The beginning of March is usually cold and snowy. But at the end of March and in April the weather becomes warmer. These months are usually windy and foggy. The beginning of May is often quite cool. There are heavy rains and thunderstorms. But the end of May is usually dry and often even hot.




·         The weather changes four times a year. – Погода меняется четыре раза в год.

·         Winter is a very cold season in Russia. – В России зима является очень холодным временем года.

·         It is usually hot in summer in my country. – В моей стране летом обычно жарко.

·         It often snows during winter season. – Зимой часто идёт снег.

·         Winter is always mild and warm in my region. – В моём регионе зима всегда мягкая и тёплая.

·         Sometimes it rains heavily. – Иногда идут сильные дожди.

·         I like when snow falls in large flakes and covers the ground completely. – Мне нравится, когда снег падает крупными снежинками и полностью покрывает землю.

·         Though I like winter I never sorry when it’s over. – Хотя я люблю зиму, я никогда не жалею, когда она заканчивается.

·         The flowers bloom and the weather is very warm in spring. — Весной погода очень тёплая и цветут цветы.

·         Snow indicates the coming of winter. – Снег обозначает наступление зимы.

·         I like watching snow falling down from the sky. – Мне нравится наблюдать за падающим с неба снегом.

·         I like to take a walk during the small rain. – Мне нравится прогуляться под небольшим дождиком.

·         The July is the hottest month in summer. – Июльсамый жаркий месяц лета.

·         I don’t like when the morning is foggy. – Мне не нравится когда утро туманное.

·         Autumn usually brings rains and windy days. – Осень обычно приносит дожди и ветреные дни.

Рассказ о погоде

My favorite season is spring. It always comes early in my region. The nature wakes up in spring, I like the blooming flowers and chirping birds. The sun shines brightly, but it’s not hot. I don’t like summer heat, though I like to swim in the sea. I’m always glad when there is a small summer rain and when the fresh wind blows from the sea. I prefer warm autumn without strong wind and heavy rains. It often comes late. Hazy days are very common during this season in my town, everything around me looks as if it was painted in grey. The weather can be very changeable in the beginning of winter. The days can be rainy, windy and foggy. We often have snow only in the end of December. I don’t like early winter and I always expect New Year holidays.

The summer is usually hot. In June it is warm and rainy. July is usually very hot, especially its second half. The weather is sunny. The first days of August are often the hottest. The daytime temperatures are often above 35 degrees. It doesn’t often rain in July and August. At the end of August the weather is not so boiling hot. But it is still very warm.

September is usually warm and quite dry. Only at the end of September the weather becomes cool and sometimes rainy. October is usually cool and rainy. Mornings in October are cold and foggy. November is cold and rainy, it is often windy too. The daytime temperatures are usually above zero, but nights can be frosty.

December is usually cold and windy. The beginning of the month can be rainy. We also usually have the first snow in December. Lakes in our city start to freeze. January is frosty and often snowy. We sometimes have blizzards in January and there is often ice on our roads. February is quite cold, but we usually have a thaw at the end of the months.

The beginning of March is usually cold and snowy. But at the end of March and in April the weather becomes warmer. These months are usually windy and foggy. The beginning of May is often quite cool. There are heavy rains and thunderstorms. But the end of May is usually dry and often even hot.