Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Оценка 4.8

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Оценка 4.8
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английский язык
Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Pregnancy is a period of excitement, expectancy and a bit of fear and nervousness for the future mother. It should be an exciting experience, and for that, love and consideration of the family as well as knowledge of what changes are taking place in the body and what to expect, is important. Прямая речь – это речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая без изменений, непосредственно так, как она была произнесена. Косвенная речь передает слова говорящего не слово в слово, а лишь по содержанию, в виде дополнительного придаточного предложенияPregnancy is a period of excitement, expectancy and a bit of fear and nervousness for the future mother. It should be an exciting experience, and for that, love and consideration of the family as well as knowledge of what changes are taking place in the body and what to expect, is important. Прямая речь – это речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая без изменений, непосредственно так, как она была произнесена. Косвенная речь передает слова говорящего не слово в слово, а лишь по содержанию, в виде дополнительного придаточного предложения
Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech.ppt

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Pregnancy is a period of  excitement, expectancy and a bit  of fear and nervousness for the  future mother. It should be an  exciting experience, and for that,  love and consideration of the  family as well as knowledge of  what changes are taking place in  the body and what to expect, is  important.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
The first 3 months of  pregnancy are important  because during this period the  baby's organs, like brain, heart,  kidneys, limbs, eyes and ears  are being formed. Avoid any medicine during this period. Some medicines can be  harmful to the growing baby and so no medicines, particularly pills  for sickness, headaches and anxiety should be taken without the  advice of the doctor.  The normal time the baby is in the mother's womb is about  40weeks­9 months and 1 week, but a few days earlier or later is  within the range of normality. A baby who is born earlier than his time is called premature.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Прямая речь – это речь какого­нибудь лица,  передаваемая без изменений, непосредственно так,  как она была произнесена. Косвенная речь передает слова  говорящего не слово в слово, а лишь по  содержанию, в виде дополнительного  придаточного предложения

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Если глагол, вводящий косвенную речь (главное предложение), употреблен в настоящем или будущем времени, то глагол в косвенной речи (придаточное предложение) остается в том же времени, в каком он был в прямой речи.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
He says, "I sent them the books on Monday." - Он говорит: «Я послал им книги в понедельник». Он говорит He says that he sent them the books on Monday. - , что он послал им книги в понедельник.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
He says to me, "I know it." – Он говорит мне: «Я знаю это». He says to me that he knows it. – Он говорит мне, что он знает это. He tells me that he knows it. – Он говорит мне, что он знает это.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Личные и притяжательные местоимения прямой речи заменяются по смыслу, как и в русском языке: He says, "I have your key." – Он говорит: «У меня есть твой ключ». He says that he has my key. – Он говорит, что у него есть мой ключ.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Pinocchio says, “The cat and the fox have taken my money.” Pinocchio says that the cat and the fox have taken his money.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Просьбы и приказы переводятся в косвенную  речь инфинитивом. Malawian says to her friends, “Do all the homework in time”.  Malawian asks her friends to do all the homework in time.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
The bat says, “Do not open this door”.  The bat warns not to open that door. Вместо можно “warn”использовать “tell, say”

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Общий вопрос общие вопросы переводятся придаточным предложением и вводятся союзами if, whether. Порядок слов прямой. He asks us,” Do you believe me?” He asks whether we believe him.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
передается придаточным предложением и вводятся союзом, соответствующим вопросительному слову. Порядок слов становится прямым. She asks, “When will the bank be opened tomorrow?”  She asks when the bank will be opened the next day.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
before this that yesterday the day before yesterday these those tomorrow the next day here there the day before yesterday two days now then the day after tomorrow in two days today that day ago before this week that week next week the week after time

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Pinocchio says, “Malawian, I love you”. Pinocchio says that he loves Malawian.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Ты встретил своего приятеля Чарли. Вот что он тебе сказал: Charlie says that … 1.I'm thinking of going to Canada. 2.My farther is in hospital. 3.I haven't seen Bill for a while. 4.I've been playing tennis a lot recently. 5.I don't know what Fred is doing. 6.I work 14 hours a day. 7.I'll tell Jim I saw you. 8.You can come and stay with me if you are ever 9.Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't in London injured. 10.I saw Jack at a party a few months ago.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Если глагол, вводящий косвенную речь (главное предложение), употреблен в прошедшем времени, то глагол в косвенной речи (придаточное предложение) меняется в соответствии с правилом согласования времен (Sequence of Tenses).

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Время в прямой речи Present Simple My friend said, “I want to go to England”. Present Progressive He said, “She is playing tennis now”. Present Perfect He said, “She has told us the truth”. Present Perfect Progressive She said, “I have been working all morning”. Время в косвенной речи Past Simple My friend said that he wanted to go to England. Past Progressive He said that she was playing tennis then. Past Perfect He said that she had told them the truth. Past Perfect Progressive She said, “I have been working all morning”.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Время в прямой речи Past Simple He said, “Tom phoned yesterday”. Past Progressive He said, “She was watching TV”. Past Perfect He said, “She had painted the wall”. Future Simple He said, “It will rain tomorrow”. Время в косвенной речи Past Perfect He said, “Tom had phoned the day before”. Past Progressive He said that she was watching TV. Past Perfect He said that she had painted the wall. Future Simple in the Past He said that it would rain tomorrow.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
speech Change the following sentences into indirect 1.The nurse said: “Your weight is too small.” 2.The doctor said: “ Your blood pressure is higher on 3.The lecturer said: “The blood vessels are divided into 4.The surgeon said: “The new method of the operation 5.The doctor said: “The cause of the disease is clear.” 6.He has just said, “I want to speak to you.” 7.He has said, “We have finished our work”. 8.He will say “I will do it at once.” the right arm.” arteries, veins and capillaries.” on the heart is used widely.”

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
1. They said, "This is our book." They said __________. 2. She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday." She said __________. 3. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." He said __________. 4. You said, "I will do this for him." You said __________. 5. She said, "I am not hungry now." She said __________. 6. They said, "We have never been here before." They said __________. 7. They said, "We were in London last week." They said __________. 8. He said, “She had finished this paper." He said __________. 9. He said, "They won't sleep." He said __________. 10. She said, "It is very quiet here." She said __________.

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech

Pregnancy. Direct and Indirect Speech
Change the following sentences into indirect speech 1. He has asked me, «Will you be at home tonight? » 2. He has just asked me, « Is it time to go? » 3. She asked me, «Does he always come so early? » 4. Arman asked me, « Is it raining? » 5. Ainur asked me, « Have the children returned from school? » to the airport?» 6. My father asked me, « Do you know how far it is 7. He asked her, «Did anybody call this evening?» 8. I asked John, « Can you meet me tomorrow?»
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