Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
Оценка 4.9

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Оценка 4.9
Презентации учебные
английский язык
5 кл—6 кл
Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
It is grammar presentation about regular and irregular verbs in the past tense, in the first part we can see how regular and irregular verbs are forms. In the second part we can try to do exercises with verbs in the past.
Past Simple of regular verbs.ppt

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
4 y e ars a g o yesterday last yesterday last weekweek la la sts st s u u m m m m er er the day the day before before yesterday yesterday o o n n e e     d d a a y y

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
yesterday yesterday Last Sunday Last month Last year Last week Last Sunday Last month Last year Last summer Last week Last summer Two days ago A week ago Two days ago A week ago

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
+(e)d ­i,e,a +a,o,e

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
Find  Find  them! them! (e)d(e)d

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
(e)d(e)d like come watch likelike watchwatch think get helphelp help go skipskip skip lovelove see love want wantwant live play skate playplay livelive skate skate take

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
washwasheded watchwatcheded jumpeded jump skippeded skipp likelikedd thankeded thank [t]

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
playplayeded cleaneded clean skiskieded livelivedd lovelovedd [d]

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
wanwantteded skaskatteedd waiwaitteded hahatteedd [id]

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
+ V … . eded

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
+ 1. watched, he, yester­ 1. watched, he, yester­     day, TV.  day, TV.  2. helped, the house, 2. helped, the house, last Sunday, Ann, about last Sunday, Ann, about 3. To go, he, wanted, 3. To go, he, wanted, for, last week, a walk. for, last week, a walk.

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
1.He watched TV yes­ 1.He watched TV yes­ terday. terday. 2. Ann helped about the 2. Ann helped about the   house last Sunday. house last Sunday. 3. He wanted to go for 3. He wanted to go for a walk last week. a walk last week.

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
? likelikedd wantwanteded lovelovedd playplayeded cleaneded clean washwasheded DidDid

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
? DidDid V … ?

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
? 1.He watched TV last last 1.He watched TV  evening.. evening DidDid hehe watchwatch TVTV last last evening?? evening

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
? 22.I.I  played computer  played computer  games   yesterday yesterday.. games    Did II playplay computer computer games yesterday yesterday?? games

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
isis amam areare could cancan could have got have got has got has got waswas werewere DidDid

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
­ didn’tVed…… didn’t

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
­ 1.We lived in Africa 1.We lived in Africa     two years ago two years ago. WeWe didn’t didn’t liveliveddin Africa in Africa two years ago. two years ago

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
­ 2.My brother skied 2.My brother skied     last month last month. My brother didn’t My brother last month.. last month didn’t skiskieded

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".

Presentation by theme "Past Simple of regular verbs".
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