Youth is a time for thinking and making important decisions in life. This is a time of opportunity for young people. In this period of time, it is important for a person not to allow rash, reckless actions, ugly emotions.
It’s a period of first love. At this time young people meet new friends ,they get to know people who seems to them interesting, unusual, extraordinary.
What are these problems ?They are : crime, money, unemployment, education, leisure, health, drugs, prostitution, civil rights, demographic situation, housing.
What are these problems ?
And what is more it is lack of mutual understanding with adults: teachers and parents. They are often left alone with their problems, worries, stressful situations. There are also moments when they have no one to share their joy with.
After school they try to enter educational establishments.Most of them are dreaming of higher educational institutions with excellent quality education but they are very expensive for them and their families.
Some of them enter secondary schools, others are forced to look for job and work hard after classes at the university to be able to pay for their studies.
There is another problem after graduating from the university or college to geta good and well paid job job. Enterprises, offices and firms are reluctant to hire young professionals without work experience.
Next trouble is a problem of leisure time. Young people like to go to the clubs, concerts, discos, travel abroad but they can’t pay for it.
Some of the young people, in order to live beautifully, commit crimes: rob people, steal vehicles and do another criminal acts.
There are many young girls and boys spending their free time in the street together with people with a dubious reputation.
After annual use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, vape smoking they got dependence. They can’t live without them.
First of all, adults, parents, teachers should be very attentive to young people and children, in general, hold interesting events for them , excursions, involve in sport, various youth movements, organizations, offer and help them to participate in various projects, motivate them to study well.
Dear parents, educators, coaches, teachers, be always in touch with your children and pupils ! And then there will never be suicidal incidents, the use of alcohol and drugs by your children, the commission of crimes by them.
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