Презентация по теме "Великобритания"
Оценка 4.7

Презентация по теме "Великобритания"

Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные +1
английский язык
6 кл—9 кл
Презентация по теме "Великобритания"
Эта презентация создана для помощи ученикам и учителям в подготовке к уроку по теме "Великобритания". Данная работа будет полезна при подготовке доклада, выступления, при выполнении домашнего задания, создании творческого проекта.
Great Britain. nt..ppt

Great Britain

Great Britain

Great Britain

Is Britain a parliamentary monarchy?

Is Britain a parliamentary monarchy?

1) Is Britain a parliamentary monarchy?

Who is Officially the head of the state? 3)

Who is Officially the head of the state? 3)

2)Who is Officially the head of the state?
3) What is today’s monarch’s name?

Is The Houses of Parliament a symbol of

Is The Houses of Parliament a symbol of

4)Is The Houses of Parliament a symbol of London and Great Britain ?

What is the name of the Clock Tower ?

What is the name of the Clock Tower ?

5)What is the name of the Clock Tower ?

What is the official language of the country ?

What is the official language of the country ?

6)What is the official language of the country ?

What countries does the UK consist of ? 8)What’s the capital of the country?

What countries does the UK consist of ? 8)What’s the capital of the country?

7) What countries does the UK consist of ?
8)What’s the capital of the country?

What chambers does British Parliament consist of ? (the

What chambers does British Parliament consist of ? (the

9)What chambers does British Parliament consist of ?
(the House of Lords
the House of Commons)

10) Is it The House of Lords?

10) Is it The House of Lords?

10) Is it The House of Lords?

This is The House of Commons,isn’t it ?

This is The House of Commons,isn’t it ?

11)This is The House of Commons,isn’t it ?

Are there many customs and traditions in

Are there many customs and traditions in

12) Are there many customs and traditions in Britain?
What are they?

Great Britain is worth visiting, isn’t it?

Great Britain is worth visiting, isn’t it?

13) Great Britain is worth visiting, isn’t it?

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