Hire and fire
to hire = to employ
1.I hear that they are not hiring people at the
moment because of budget problems.
2.Мы наняли его на 2 месяца по контракту (on
… contract).
to fire = to dismiss from job ( did smth
1.I had to fire Sally because she kept on making
1.It's difficult to recruit people because our pay is
2.Наш начальник хотел бы, чтобы мы не
so low.
нанимали молодых инженеров без опыта
without working experience
to headhunt for a job =
to approach them because they are well-
qualified for the job and offer them the
1.We need to look at the people doing similar jobs
in other companies and headhunt the best one.
2.He was headhunted at great expense but the
job didn't work out and he left.
2.Если вы не улучшите свою работу, они
примут решение уволить вас.
improve decide
3.Я не хочу, чтобы её увольняли из-за моих
просчётов (ошибок).
mistake error
make redundant from the job=
= dismiss from the job for
1.They are closing down the factory and making
2.Меня уволили с моей последней работы без
economical reasons
500 people redundant.
for no reason
to recruit = to persuade to work for you.
3.Они заставили нас сильно потратиться, для
того, чтобы нанять хороших специалистов
на должность управляющего.
to go to great expenses
4.Мы разрешили нашим специалистам
отправиться на ярмарку труда с целью
найти нового толкового работника.
5.Наши управляющие поехали, чтобы
охотиться за специалистами.
6.Они сократили рабочую неделю для того,
чтобы не увольнять рабочих.
shorten a working week
7.Руководство ______ разрешило своим
менеджерам не сокращать своих рабочих, но
зарплата была снижена.cut / reduce / slash salary = wage
to boost / raise salary
8.Мне хотелось бы быть уволенным из-за этого
misunderstanding ~ ambiguity
9.Они слышали, что мне не удалось избежать
такой неприятной двусмысленности.
hand in (or give in) your notice =
tell your employer that you are going to
leave the company.
1.Она написала заявление об уходе и
собирается уходить в конце этого месяца.
2.Он подал заявление об уходе и они сказали
ему, что он может увольняться прямо
company 'gives someone notice'=
they tell somebody that they are going to
lose their jobs.
The company only gave me three days' notice that
I was being made redundant.
We have to give her two months' notice that we
are letting her go.
If an employer 'sacks' someone, they fire
They sacked me without notice after ten years
with the company.
I hear they intend to sack him because of his
Я слышал, как они говорили о том, что
намереваются уволить Иванова.
'get the sack' = are 'given the sack', you are
He was given the sack because he kept arriving
If I keep making mistakes, I'm going to get the
'Severance pay'=
is money paid to workers when they are
made redundant.
The redundant workers were given 26 weeks'
severance pay.
After ten years, I got three days' notice and no
severance pay.
EX.1 Complete the sentences.
1. She ________ him on a six month contract.
2. They are closing the factory and making 500
people ______________.
3. We need to look at the people doing similar
jobs in other companies and ___________ the
best one.
__________ that we letting her go.
arriving late.
4. We have to ________ her two months
5. He was _______ the ______ because he kept
EX. 2.
1. After ten years, I got three days __________
and no __________________ pay.2. They ___________ me without notice after ten
3. She ___________ her notice this morning and is
4. We need to ____________ more young
5. I had to __________ manager because she
years with the company.
living at the end of the month.
kept on making mistakes.
4. Что мы должны делать, чтобы нас не
1. Он знает свою работу, как свои пять пальцев.
2. Он знает все входы и выходы. Разве они смогут
Почему его увольняют?
like tha palm of his hand
его сократить?
know the ropes
3. Он написал заявление об уходе, потому что не
хочет работать на компанию, которая терпит
to be in the red
сократили и нам не остаться с носом (не сесть
в калошу)?
to be duped, be left looking like a fool
to hire = to employ
to fire = to dismiss from job ( did smth
to headhunt for a job
make redundant from the job
dismiss from the job for economical
to recruit = to persuade to work for you.
'Severance pay'
'gives someone notice'
hand in (or give in) your notice
EX.1 Complete the sentences.
1. She hired him on a six month contract.
2. They are closing the factory and making 500
people redundant.
3. We need to look at the people doing similar
jobs in other companies and headhunt the
best one.
we letting her go.
arriving late.
says he was only ever late once.
4. We have to give her two months notice that
5. He was given the sack because he kept
6. He is suing them for unfair dismissal as he
EX. 2.
1. She is making a claim for constructive
dismissal because she claims her immediate
boss bullied her.
2. After ten years, I got three days notice and
no severance pay.
3. They sacked me without notice after ten
years with the company.
4. She handed in her notice this morning and is
living at the end of the month.
5. We need to recruit more young engineers.
6. I had to fire Sally because she kept on
making mistakes.
1.Could you tell me anything about real
situation in economy? Is there a problem of
Is it low or high in our town compared to
other areas of our country?
What about unemployment benefit?2.Is it possible to fire a person now (to
dismiss from job)? What must be reason
for (cause of) dismissing?
shirk work ~
good reason
~ be absent from work without
hand in (or give in) your notice =
tell your employer that you are going to
leave the company.
3.Она написала заявление об уходе и
собирается уходить в конце этого месяца.
She handed in her notice this morning and is
leaving at the end of the month.
4.Он подал заявление об уходе и они сказали
ему, что он может увольняться прямо
He gave in his notice and they told him he could
leave straight away.
If you take legal action against your
employer for 'unfair dismissal', you claim
that they dismissed you for no good reason.
3.What would be more stressful for you:
being fired or redundant from the job?
4.What would you do if you realized that
manager wanted to fire you?
He is suing them for unfair dismissal as he says he
was only ever late once.
Dismiss me and I'll take you to court for unfair
dismissal. I've done nothing to deserve this.
If you take legal action against your
employer for 'constructive dismissal', you
claim that you were forced to leave your job
because of the actions/behavior of your
She is making a claim for constructive dismissal
because she claims her immediate boss bullied
I'm sure you have the grounds for a complaint of
constructive dismissal.