Рабочий лист по теме "Хобби"
Оценка 4.9

Рабочий лист по теме "Хобби"

Оценка 4.9
Рабочие листы
английский язык
5 кл—7 кл
Рабочий лист по теме "Хобби"
Рабочие листы по теме "Хобби” , будут полезны для учителей и учащихся при прохождении устной темы «Увлечения », закрепления ЛЕ, систематизации знаний учащихся поданной теме, а также при обучении устному высказыванию по теме.
Раздатка Hobby.docx





collect — собирать

collecting — коллекционирование

stamps — марки

badges — значки

coins — монеты

cards — открытки, карты

pictures — картинки

statuettes — статуэтки

dolls — куклы

toys — игрушки

collection — коллекция

be fond of — увлекаться

be interested in — интересоваться

have fun — развлекаться

have a good time — хорошо проводить время

be popular with — быть популярным у

exciting — увлекательный

expensive — дорогой

do nothing — ничего не делать

stay at home — оставаться дома

surf the Internet — сидеть в интернете

rest/ have a rest — отдыхать

share  pictures / photos — делиться фотографиями

play table games (chess, cards, etc.) — играть в настольные игры

arrange a party — устроить вечеринку

reading books — чтение книг

photography — фотографирование

dancing, singing — танцы, пение

playing the guitar — игра на гитаре

drawing / painting — рисование (живопись)

playing computer games —  играть в компьютерные игры



The  theme (тема) of our lesson is…                                                      HOBBY

•          We are going to speak about…

 (school,friends, our family, food, our hobbies, computer…..)

          At our lesson :

•          We ’ll act the dialogues,

•          read and translate the text,

•          do some exercises,

•          study grammar,

•          speak about….

I) READ!Topic, theme, guess, going to speak,  give a compliment, speak   a lot, learn the words, work,  as usual, one by one, proverb, get acquaintance, consolidate,

vocabulary, memory, decipher, game, sentence, activity sheets , hardworking, lazy, favorite, spend much time together, sing songs  , go to the cinema, act the dialogue

read aloud, revise, supporting summaries, to do at the lesson\at school, useful


1) What is hobby?

2) Are there many hobbies in the world?

3) Is growing  roses the most popular hobby in England ?+

4) What things do people usually collect?

5)Is  surfing the internet  a popular  hobby among people?

6) Do teenagers like  playing computer games ?

7) Do books inform us about new and interesting  things ?

8) Do grandmothers like cooking?

9) Are your  classmates like collecting things very much?

10) Is our life boring without hobbies?

11)Do you have much free time?

12)Do you have hobby? What is it?

13)Do you spend much time on your hobby?

14)Is your hobby useful?

15)Do your parents like your hobby?

16)What hobbies are popular among your friends? 

17)Do you enjoy travelling?

18)Are you fond of reading books?

19) What is your mother’s hobby?

20) Your father’s hobby is surfing the internet, isn’t it?   

21) Is studying languages a nice hobby?

22) Why do you study English?

III)Read the text and do exercises :

Hobby is great!

    I am  18 year old  student from Moscow.

I study well in all subjects. I think I am very hardworking and responsible person . My favourite subject is  English. I spend much time reading and translating English texts, doing grammar exercises  , watching films in English. Sometimes I sing English songs. I do it with great pleasure! I am sure  English  will help me in my future career.

  It is  not interesting to  live without hobby. I adore   reading books: comics ,detective stories. I also like to listen to  music. I can’t   play the piano  but I like to listen when my mother do it. I have got many friends. We often surf the internet, ride our bicycles together. My family is not so big but it is  the best one because  we  are good  friends with each other.

IV) What is in English for: ленивый, скучный, проводить много времени, танцевать, блуждать по интернету, гулять в парке

V) Answer the following questions:


1)       How old is Mary ?

2)      Where does she live?

3)      What is her favorite subject?

4)      What musical instrument can  Mary  play?

5)      What kind of person is Mary ?

6)      What can you tell about her family?

VI)What are the antonyms to the following words :

Student, hate, easy, work, interesting

VII) Make a sentence
1. I / very / growing/flowers\ enjoy/much.
2. doesn’t / like / she / solving  ,at the weekends, puzzles.
3. mother /often / films/ watches/before/to bed/our / going .
4. Oleg‘s / there/ are / many/ coins / in /collection\not\so

3) Say  whether the sentence is true  or false
1)Hobby is what people do in their free time.
2)Teenagers have  not so many hobbies .
3)Fishing is the most popular hobby in  our country.
4)Grandparents  hate listening to hard rock.
5)My friend  likes  to ride a scooter  very much.
6)People spend much time surfing the internet.





Internet — сидеть в интернете rest/ have a rest — отдыхать share pictures / photos — делиться фотографиями play table games (chess, cards, etc

Internet — сидеть в интернете rest/ have a rest — отдыхать share pictures / photos — делиться фотографиями play table games (chess, cards, etc

The theme ( тема ) of our lesson is…

The theme ( тема ) of our lesson is…

We often surf the internet, ride our bicycles together

We often surf the internet, ride our bicycles together
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