Речевая зарядка на уроках АЯ
Оценка 4.9

Речевая зарядка на уроках АЯ

Оценка 4.9
Презентации учебные
английский язык
8 кл—11 кл
Речевая зарядка на уроках АЯ
Одним из важнейших этапов уроков иностранного языка в средней школе является речевая зарядка, так называемое warming up. Проводится она в начале урока для того чтобы ввести учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения , настроить их на общение на ИЯ , осуществить, так называемую , речевую подготовку на урок английского языка после изучения других школьных предметов . Это и есть «речевая зарядка». Регламент данного этапа примерно 5 минут. Речевая зарядка – это умело организованное начало урока, которое способно ввести учащихся в иноязычную атмосферу и стимулировать их дальнейшую работу. Задачи речевой зарядки: Вызвать у учащихся желание говорить на ИЯ; Настроить слуховой и речевой аппарат учащихся на ИЯ; Повторить изученный на предыдущих уроках языковой или грамматический материал; Развивать спонтанную речь учащихся; Речевая зарядка занимает немного времени, ее следует проводить в быстром темпе, Учитель может жестом попросить других учеников помочь отвечающим, сам подсказать нужное слово. При определении содержания и выборе форм речевой зарядки можно руководствоваться следующими правилами: Потрудиться придумать такое начало урока, чтобы вызвать у учащихся желание говорить по-английски. Связать речевую зарядку с задачами урока. Связать речевую зарядку со всеми другими этапами урока.
8- 11 кл. Речевая зарядка (после праздников и каникул ).pptx

Speech Practice . SPORT 1.What sports do you know? 2

Speech Practice . SPORT 1.What sports do you know? 2

Speech Practice . SPORT

1.What sports do you know?
2.What kinds of sport are popular among teens?
3.Does your family go in for sports?
4.Do you do morning exercises?
5. What is your favorite kind of sport?
6.Do you try to eat healthy food? What?
7. Do you often eat fruit and vegetables?
8.Do you smoke?
9. Do you like your PT lessons? Why?
10. Does sport help you to look wonderful and to feel yourself comfortable?

Speech Practice . New Year 1

Speech Practice . New Year 1

Speech Practice . New Year

1. Is New Year a great holiday in our country?
2.Do many people like it very much? Why?
3. Do people go to work and children go to school on that day?
4. Is this holiday considered to be a family holiday?
5. Do people decorate their houses and flats? In what a way?
6. What do Russians usually do at twelve o’clock?
7.Does your family celebrate this holiday? In what a way?
8.Do you get many presents on this day? What?
9.Do you like to give or to get presents best?
10.Do you believe in Father Frost?
11. Do you hope your dreams fulfill?

Speech Practice. Does a men need rest after hard work?

Speech Practice. Does a men need rest after hard work?

Speech Practice.

Does a men need rest after hard work?
Are we looking forward to the weekends and holidays to enjoy ourselves?
What do you usually do on the weekends?
What holidays do Russian people celebrate?
What holidays do they celebrate in winter?
Is New Year’s Day your favorite holiday? Why?
On what day do we have a sacred supper when the first star lights up?
On what day do we celebrate Women's Day ?Do you celebrate it ?In what a way?
When do we have the Day of Labor?
Is Easter a religious holiday? When do we have it?
When are we thankful to our grandfathers for the victory in the World War II?
What’s your favorite holiday? Why?

My Autobiography 1)WHAT IS YOUR

My Autobiography 1)WHAT IS YOUR

My Autobiography 1)WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? 2)How old are you? 3) When is your birthday? 4)Are you a pupil or a student? 5) What grade are you in? 6)What subjects do you study? 7) What your favorite subject? 8)Do you like to go to school? 9) Will education in our school help you? In what a way? 10)What subjects will help you in the future? 11)What are your plans for the future? 12) What will happen with you in 10 years?

Shopping 1) Do small children like to go shopping? 2)

Shopping 1) Do small children like to go shopping? 2)

1) Do small children like to go shopping?
2) Does your mother make a shopping list before going shopping?
3) What do you usually buy on your everyday shopping?
4) Do you usually buy food at the bakery, grocery or at the supermarket? Why? (to save time)
5) Where are different goods sold under one roof?
6) What food can you buy at the supermarket?
7) What food can you buy at the dairy department?(молочный отдел)
8) Do you buy potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beetroots, oranges, apples and other fruits and vegetables at the
9)Do you often buy clothes, cosmetics and toys?
10) Are our shops becoming more and more European-like?
11) Do you like to do shopping nowadays?
12) What things do you like to buy best of all?

Books in my Life 1)Do many people like to read? 2)

Books in my Life 1)Do many people like to read? 2)

Books in my Life
1)Do many people like to read?
2) Why are so many people fond of reading?
3) Is a book one of the greatest wonders of world?
4) Do you have a lot of adventures while reading a book?
5)Are you agree with the statement that “the book is a faithful friend”?
6) Do books form our values and characters?
7) Do they teach us to be brave, honest, not to be silly and greedy, to be real friends?
8)Do they also teach us to understand the beauty of nature, take care of it, to love our homeland?
9) Who is your favorite writer/ poet?
10) What’ your favorite book? Why?
11) Is your life interesting with reading?

London 1) Is London the capital of

London 1) Is London the capital of

London 1) Is London the capital of Great Britain? 2)How old is London? (1970 years) 3)How many people live there in London?(more than 8 mln.) 4) Are there many museums and galleries and monument there? What? 5) Is London a city of great contrasts? 6)Can we see many beautiful avenues, shops, restaurants and hotels in western part of London? 7) Where do the rich people live in the city? 8) Is the East End district inhabited by the poor people? 9) The heart of London is the City, isn’t it? 10) Is Tower of London ,St. Paul's Cathedral ,Westminster Abbey in the East End ? 11) Are there many parks and gardens there? What? 12)Is London worth visiting ? Why?

Moscow 1) Is Moscow the capital of our country? 2)

Moscow 1) Is Moscow the capital of our country? 2)

Moscow 1) Is Moscow the capital of our country? 2) Is Moscow one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of the world? 3) When was Moscow founded ?in 1147 4) Who was the founder of it ? Yuri Dolgoruky 5) Is Moscow an industrial centre too? Why? 6) Are there a lot of theatres, museums, cinemas and libraries there? What? Tretyakov Art Gallery, Pushkin Fine Arts Museum,… 7) Do you happen to know anything about Moscow State University?( founder Mikhail Lomonosov) 152 metro stations… 8)What can you tell us about transport in the city? 9) Is sport very popular among moscovites? 10) Are you proud of capital? Why?

Australia 1)Is Australia lie between the

Australia 1)Is Australia lie between the

Australia 1)Is Australia lie between the Indian and Pacific Oceans? 2) What is its area ?about 8,000,000 square km. 3) What can you tell us about the population of Australia? about 18 mln. 4) Who are the natives of the country? Aborigines 5)When do they celebrate the national holiday, Australia’s Day? January 26th 6)How many state are there in the country? (6 , 2territories) 7) What is the national language in the country? 8) What is the capital of Australia? Canberra 9) Is the wild life rich and unique of the country? Why? 10) Is this country an industrial one? What doe it produce? wool, meat, sugar, fruit, black, coal, iron, copper, lead, gold and so on 11) Is the climate hot and dry all the year round in the country? 12) In what season do they celebrate Christmas? 13)What interesting facts and traditions do you happen to know about Australia?14) Is it worth visiting ? Why?

Great Britain 1)What is the full name of the country? (the

Great Britain 1)What is the full name of the country? (the

Great Britain 1)What is the full name of the country? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 2) Is the United Kingdom situated on the British Isles? 3) What is the total area of the country? over 244 000 sq. km. 4) What does Great Britain consists of ? (England,Scotland and Wales) 5) What is the deepest and the longest of the British rivers. 6) What is the population of the United Kingdom? 56 million 7) Are the main nationalities in the country Irish, English, Welsh, Scottish? 8) Is Great Britain a highly industrialized country? Tereza May 9) Is the United Kingdom a parliamentary monarchy? 10)What can you tell us about the government in the country? 11)What is its capital? 12)Are there many traditions and customs in the country? What? 13) Is this country worth visiting ? Why?

The United States of America 1)How many states are there in the

The United States of America 1)How many states are there in the

The United States of America 1)How many states are there in the USA? 2)What can you tell us about the population of the country? 250 million 3)Do people of many nationalities live there? 4) What is it area? (9400000 square kilometres) 5)What kind of climate doe the country have?(a continental climate.) 6) What is the flag of the United States called? Why? ("Stars and 7) Is the USA governed by Congress and by the President? Stripes) 8) What is today president’s name? 9) Is the capital of the United States Washington, DC? 10) Is the USA one of the most developed countries in the world? 11) Are America’s largest rivers the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande and the Columbia? 12) Is it a highly developed industrial country? (aircraft, cars, textiles, radio and television sets, armaments, furniture and paper) 13) What interesting thing about this country do you know? 14) Is it worth visiting? Why?

Education in Great Britain 1) Is education in

Education in Great Britain 1) Is education in

Education in Great Britain 1) Is education in Britain compulsory and free for all children? 2) When do children start going to school in Britain? 3) How many children are educated in state schools there? 93 % 4)How long do schoolchildren attend a primary school ?(for 6 years , 5 to 11) 5) At what age do they transfer to Secondary School ?at the age of 11 6) What subject do they study ?(10 main subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education, Information Technology, Religion) 7) When do British children have their exams? (At the age of 16) 8) How many exams do they have? (as many subjects as possible) 9) Do weak students may only have three or four subjects at school? 10) When can British teens leave school and get jobs? (At the age of 16) 11) How many pupils stay at school until the age of 18? Why? (About one-third preparing themselves for higher education) 12)What do you know about its school year? (The school year is divided into three terms with the intervals between them during Christmas and Easter holidays lasting about two weeks each and summer holiday which is usually six weeks long) 13)Do many pupils in Britain work after school? 14) Are the oldest and world-known universities in Britain Oxford and Cambridge?

What do we need English languages for? 1)

What do we need English languages for? 1)

What do we need English languages for? 1) Is the English language the most popular in the world? 2) How many people speak English as a mother tongue? (400 million ) 3) Has English language become a world language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations? 4) It is also the language of computer technology? 5) It is necessary for a good specialist in any country to be able to speak and read English? 6) If you know English, can you talk to people of any nationality? 7) What writers wrote their books in English?(William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Show…) 8) Do most educated people speak English fluently nowadays? 9)People of what professions must know languages? 10) Can you speak and read English books? 11) Do you often sing English songs and watch films in English language? 12) Will English help you in the future? In what a way? 13) Why do you study English?

Environment and ecology 1) What does the word environment mean? (what is around us) 2)Is it important to solve the environment problems nowardays? 3)

Environment and ecology 1) What does the word environment mean? (what is around us) 2)Is it important to solve the environment problems nowardays? 3)

Environment and ecology 1) What does the word environment mean? (what is around us) 2)Is it important to solve the environment problems nowardays? 3) What are the most serious environmental problems? (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution), noise from cars, planes, destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty, shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel), the growth of population) 4) Are many seas and rivers used for dumping industrial and nuclear wastes? 5) Can animals, plants and people die if they drink this water? 6) Is clean air necessary for our health too? Why? 7) What must people do if they want to survive? (they must solve ecological problems quickly) 8)What public organizations help our environment? ("Travels for Peace and Nature“, "Green Peace“) 9) Are nuclear power stations one of the most dangerous environmental problem ? Why? 10) Do you try to help our nature? 11)What do you do to help our environment? 12) What actions must government in our country do to save the environment?

Famous people of Russia 1) Did many

Famous people of Russia 1) Did many

Famous people of Russia 1) Did many Russian people make a great contribution to the development of the world science , culture, literature, music and painting? 2)Can you name some Russian scientists ,writers, poets, composers and painters? 3) Who was the founder of the Moscow State University? 4)Who discovered the Periodic System of Elements? 5)Do you happen to know who invented radio? 6) Is Russia rightly called the mother of aviation and cosmounatics? 7)What Russian people are symbols of new space era?( Tsiolkovsky, Korolov and Gagarin) 8)What Russian artists are famous all over the world? 9)What can you tell us about Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovskiy? 10)What wonderful music does he create? "Eugene Onegin“,”Swan Lake“,"The Sleeping Beauty”,etc. 11)Are you proud of our country? Why? 12) What famous people lived and live in our region?

Meals 1)In what a way do we usually cook our meal? 2)

Meals 1)In what a way do we usually cook our meal? 2)

Meals 1)In what a way do we usually cook our meal? 2) Do you often boil, roast, fry or stew your food? 3) What food do we usually fry ? 4)What are the usual meals in England? 5) What do they usually have for breakfast ? 6) What do you usually have for breakfast? 7) When do English people generally have lunch? 8) What do they usually have for it? (a mutton chop, or steak and chips, or cold meat or fish with potatoes and salad, then a pudding or fruit ) 9)When do they have tea? 10) Is dinner the biggest meal of the day in Britain? 11) Does Russian dinner consist of 3 courses?What? 12) Do you often eat in the canteen or in the café?Why? 13) Can you cook? What food can you cook? 14) What is healthy food for you? 15) What’s your favorite food, drink, fruit, vegetable?

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