(Rainbow English, form 7, unit 2)
Present Perfect
1. Как переводится Present Perfect?
2. Какие действия обозначает Present Perfect?
3. Схема образования Present Perfect.
4. Назовите слова-указатели Present Perfect.
5. Образуйте утвердительные предложения.
a) They (to arrive) in Moscow.
b) I think Alice (to cook) something nice.
c) Mary (to dream) about such a work.
d) We (to see) this wonderful place many times.
6. Образуйте отрицательные предложения.
a) Mrs Newton has done shopping.
b) Jane has been to Germany.
c) Lucy and Kate have already painted the fence.
d) Nick and Samantha have become good doctors.
7. Образуйте общие вопросы.
a) We have just rung them.
b) I have run five kilometers.
c) Harry has come on time.
d) My friend has helped me to cook pizza.
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