Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.
Оценка 5

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Оценка 5
английский язык
5 кл
Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.
В данном материале предлагаются различные задания для отработки грамматического материала или проведения самостоятельных работ по английскому языку в 5-ом классе по следующим темам: Глаголы speak, tell, say и “Question Tags”, «Повторение Preset/Past/Future Simple.», «Употребление грамматической структуры to be going to…..», “Present Continuous Tense”, «Употребление лексических единиц в речи».
5 класс контрольные работы.rtf
Лексико-грамматическая самостоятельная работа по теме: Глаголы speak, tell, say и “Question Tags”. Ex.1 Complete the sentences with speak, tell or say in the correct form. 1 . “…………… louder, please”, the teacher asked a student in the English lesson yesterday. 2 . He was very sad and ……………… his friend: “Be serious! Don`t laugh at me!” 3 . Yesterday the King …………….., “But how could I get rid of the mice?” 4 . Last school year the students from the sixth form ……………. good French. 5 . When we arrived at Sarah`s house, her mother ………………. us the good news. Ex.2 Complete the questions with the tag endings. 1 . It`s a lovely evening, …………………………? 2 . You don`t need any help, ………………………? 3 . The sportsman runs very fast, ………………..? 4 . It was a wonderful game, ……………………….? 5 . Paul isn`t good at Maths, ………………………? 6 . You will come here again, ……………………..? 7 . We could go there together, …………………..? 8 . Our match wasn`t interesting today, ……………….? Ex.3 Match the questions and the answers. 1 . You are in the fifth form, aren`t you? 2 . He isn`t from Scotland, is he? 3 . They must work hard, mustn`t they? 4 . Yesterday Steven met a friend, didn`t he? 5 . We won`t go abroad this summer, will we? e)Yes, they must. 6 . She was nervous in the lesson, wasn`t she? f)No, we won`t. 7 . Pam couldn`t stay after the lessons, could she? a)No, he didn`t. b)Yes, she was. c)No, she couldn`t. d)No, he isn`t. g)Yes, I am. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Самостоятельная работа по теме «Повторение Preset/Past/Future Simple.» Ex.1 Choose the right verb. Circle it. 1 . Our students …………… a lot of problems yesterday. a) solve b) solved c) will solve 2 . Paul often ………………….. sentences from French into English in the lesson. a) translates b) will translate c) translated 3 . My friends ……………. a new computer game during the break tomorrow. a) discuss b) will discuss c) discussed 4 . Some students ………………… a lot of poems by heart last year. a) learn b) will learn c) learnt 5 . Ken …………….. a lot of new friends last summer holidays. a) makes b) will make c) made 6 . They usually …………….. only good marks in PE lessons. a) get b) will get c) got Ex.2 Complete the text with the verbs in the Past Simple. Julia Sherman ……………. (spend) her summer holidays with her parents at the seaside. They ………… (take) a trip to Africa. Julia and her parents wanted to visit Egypt and the Red Sea. Julia`s dad ………… (buy) the tickets. They …………….. (arrive) at the airport on time. Julia ………….. (see) a lot of big and modern planes. On board Julia …………… (eat) tasty sandwiches and …………… (drink) some juice. Julia ……………. (read) a book and ……………… (watch) an interesting video. In the afternoon Julia and her parents arrived at the hotel. From the window she …………. (can) see the Red Sea and ………….. (smell) the beautiful flowers. She ………………. (want) to go sightseeing. She …………….. (take) a lot of photos of the Sahara Desert and the big camels. For two weeks she ………….. (have) a lot of …………… (swim) and …………………. (watch) the beautiful fish in the sea all day long. She …………. (be) very happy at the seaside. Самостоятельная работа по теме «Употребление грамматической структуры to be going to…..» . Ex.1 Fill in: is, am, are. 1 . What …………… you going to do? 2 . I ……………. going to visit Alice in the hospital. Will you go with me? 3 . What ………… William going to do? – I don`t now. 4 . The students ………… going to arrange a concert for their parents. 5. Why ………. John going to see a doctor? – He has a sore throat. 6 . We ……….. going to take part in the project. Ex. 2 Make up sentences. 1. on/ going/ to/ Day/ are/ Christmas/ do/ What/ you? 2. Mary/ to/ dentist/ is/ going/ see/ the/ 3. London/ in/ We/ going/ to/ friends/ our/ visit/ are 4. brother/ part/ is/ the/ match/ in/ going/ to/ football/ take/ My. 5. are/ What/ you/ do/ to/ going/ week/ next? 6. Why/ going/ to/ in/ spend/ you/ Germany/ holiday/ are/ your? 7. We/ going/ in/ walk/ are/ park/ the/ to. Самостоятельная работа по теме “Present Continuous Tense”. Ex.1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form. 1. Listen! What ………………. she (play)? – It`s my favourite song. 2. My little sister has chosen the Musicians` Club. She …………….. (play) the guitar. English penfriend. 3. John! What ……………… you (do)? – I ………… (write) a letter to my 4. The children ……………. (write), ……… (read) and ……….. (count) at school. 5. Why …………….. you (cry)? – I can`t do my Maths homework. 6. Look! The little boy …………… (feed) the rabbit. Ex.2 Complete the text. Put the verbs in the Present Continuous. It`s Saturday evening. Mr Wooding ………………….. (sit) in his armchair. He ……………….. (read) a newspaper. His wife …………………. (water) the plants in the room. She ………….. (not watch) TV. Their children are in the room too. What ……………. they ………. (do)? The boy …………….. (listen) to music and ………………… (eat) an apple. The girl ……………… (play) with a puzzle. There is a dog in the family. The dog ……………….. (sleep). Ex. 3 Make up sentences. 1 . the / doing / now / What / are / students /? 2 . Kerry / cake / Christmas / making / is /. 3 . now / not / doing / They / are / homework / their /. 4 . it / Is / snowing / now /. 5 . he / Why / reading / is / book / that /? Самостоятельная работа по теме «Употребление лексических единиц в речи». Ex.1 Complete the text. Use: place, part, care, photos There are lots of wonderful sights and interesting activities in this ancient fortress. You can visit the museums, see the Crown Jewels and take ……………….. of the famous black ravens. Historical performances take ………….. in the White Tower! The guards of the Tower, known as beefeaters, take ……………. of the museums and tell tourists about their past. You can take ………….. in their excursion and enjoy their stories. Ex.2 Match the questions and the answers. 1 . Where does Elizabeth II, the Queen of Britain, stay when she is in London? 2 . Where do the famous black ravens live? A) in Westminster Abbey 3 . Where do the country`s leaders speak? 4 . Where are the famous English people buried? 5 . Where is Big Ben situated? B ) in Westminster, near the Houses of Parliament C) in the Houses of Parliament D) in Buckingham Palace E) in the Tower of London 1 2 3 4 5 Ex.3 Complete the tag questions and answers them. 1. There are lots of interesting sights in the Tower, ………………? 2. The Tower of London was founded twenty years ago, ………………? 3. Beefeaters aren`t the guards of Tower Bridge,………………? 4. Special excursions take place in the Tower, …………………..? 5. You can see the Crown Jewels in the ancient fortress, ………………? Ex. 4 Translate from Russian into English. 1. Знаменитый музей – 2. Известный театр – 3. Древний город – 4. Королевский дворец – 5. Удивительный мост -

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.

Самостоятельные работы и тесты для 5-ого класса по английскому языку.
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