Сказка Шарля Перро "Fair Lady's Presents"
Оценка 4.7

Сказка Шарля Перро "Fair Lady's Presents"

Оценка 4.7
английский язык
6 кл—7 кл
Сказка Шарля Перро "Fair Lady's Presents"

 Уважаемое издательство!

Предлагаю Вам адаптированную инсценировку одной из сказок Шарля Перро. Она была разработана и подготовлена мною на городской конкурс  знатоков  (г.Снежное ДНР) английского языка среди учащихся 6-7 классов. Целью конкурса было определение уровня владения  коммуникативными навыками участников конкурса. Учитывались и  артистические способности.

Инсценировка получила одобрение членов жюри и зрителей, артисты отмечены грамотами.




 by Sharle Perrot



Сharacters:          Narrator


1st daughter Betty

2nd daughter Fanshon




Scene 1


Narrator: Once there lived  a widow and she had got two daughters. The elder daughter looked just like her mother in face and in character.

And the younger daughter  was like her father, kind, generous  and good-hearted. Her mother made her to do all household. One day she called  younger daughter to her house and said:


Mother: Well, Betty, take a jug and bring some water! Be quick, lazy girl!

1 girl: All right, Mummy! I will go now!

(In the forest)

Woman: Good morning, dear! Will you give me some water to drink, please?

1 girl: Here you are, Auntie! Be healthy!

Woman: You are so kind and nice and good-hearted. I want to give you a present. Listen! From that very moment your every spoken word will become a flower or a precious stone. Good bye!

(At home)

Mother: Why did you come so late? It’s high time you have brought water! Where did you walk?

1 girl: I’m sorry, mummy. I’m really late

Mother: Tell me now what had happened.

1 girl: Oh, Mummy, I went to the well and met there a woman. She asked me to give her some water. And she gave me a present.

Mother: All right, I will send your sister to the well. Fanshon, take a jug and go to the well.

2 girl: I want to sleep! I don’t want to go so far!

Mother: Go quickly, I say !


(Fanshon went to the forest and met there a beautiful princess)


Woman: Good morning, dear! Give me some water to drink, please.

2 girl: Drink, if you want.

Woman: You are not so kind, girl. So I‘ll award you. Every word you say will become a snake or a frog! Bye!


(Fanshon returned home)


Mother: At last! How are you? What’s the news?

2 girl: Very bad! (2 frogs fell before her feet)

Mother: Oh, God! What has happened? It’s your sister’s fault! I’ll punish her just now!


Scene 2


Narrator: Betty ran out of the house and escaped in the wood. She was walking there for a long time. Hungry and tired, she sat under a tree. There she met a young handsome man. He was that country king’s son. And that very day he was hunting in the wood and was about returning to the palace.


Prince: Good morning, young girl!! Who are you?

1 girl: My name is Betty.

Prince: What are you doing here? Why are you crying?

1 girl: Oh, my mother turned me out of the house. She does not love me like my sister.

Prince: Don’t cry, my dear! Be my wife! I’ll make you happy! Will you agree to be my wife?

1 girl: Oh yes, my Prince, I will.


Narrator: Prince and Betty went to the palace and soon they married and lived happily for many years.

Betty’s elder sister became still more intolerable. Even her mother turned her out of the house and soon she died forgotten by everybody.


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Oh, Mummy, I went to the well and met there a woman

Oh, Mummy, I went to the well and met there a woman
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