Оценка 4.6


Оценка 4.6

УДК  364:796


С.Е. Темиргалиева, магистр, РГКП «Павлодарский государственный университет им. С.Торайгырова», Республика Казахстан

Г.З. Айгужинова, магистр, РГКП «Павлодарский государственный  педагогический институт», Республика Казахстан





Физическое воспитание, социальная система и система физического воспитания как социального явления, основные закономерности ее становления и развития, а также необходимость знать о структуре требований к образованию и подготовке кадров, необходимых для обеспечения физического воспитания подрастающего поколения.





Дене тәрбиесінің әлеуметтік жүйе және қоғамдық құбылыс есебінде дене тәрбиесі жүйесін, оның қалыптасуы мен дамуының негізгі заңдылықтарын, оның қызметі мен құрылымын танып, білудің қажеттілігі білім мен тәрбие талаптарына сәйкес өсіп келе жатқан ұрпақтың дене тәрбиесін қамтамасыз ету үшін керек.

Temirgaliev Samal Ermagambetova

Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar.

"Pavlodar state University. S. Toraigyrov"

Aiguzhinova Gulmira Zeinullina

Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar.

"Pavlodar state pedagogical Institute".





          Physical education, social system and the system of physical education as a social phenomenon, the basic laws of its formation and development, and the need to know the structure of the requirements for the education and training necessary to ensure the physical education of the younger generation.

    The national leader Nursultan Nazarbayev in his annual address to the nation: "Promptly live in a developing environment, a perfect knowledge of the state language, history along the formation of national culture, the formation of a creative personality development," he said. Physical education, social system and the system of physical education as a social phenomenon, the basic laws of its formation and development, and the need to know the structure of the requirements for the education and training necessary to ensure the physical education of the younger generation. Physical education not only in school physical education classes, after-school and after-school health education in the period, taking into account the fact that the current system of measures, including the strengthening of health of young people in the system of physical education in the individual biological and psychological comprehensive development needs to actively the positioning of the canons and the development of good relations. This important scientific methodology and play a key role as an academic discipline, physical education.

   Training future teachers in the direction of the field is directly related to the higher education system. Currently, the development of educational programs has changed direction in the secondary schools. However, all of these schools should not be taken into account when they read their knowledge skills and abilities, the conditions for the provision of educational standards. It provides information about the level of preparation for the execution of movements, physical exercise. However, the base model has these programs, so that each teacher can make changes and additions to the local conditions and traditions. A creative approach to solving problems of physical education, a change in the living conditions of innovative processes and innovative directions timely knowledge and experience in the implementation of the objectives of physical education in the critical importance of the expertise of well-being and culture of fitness.
     Education of cognitive processes in the body plays an important role in the development of psychological and physical development of teenagers. With the help of physical culture of the students formed the emotional and voluntary sphere. Gesture as a basis for improving the mental health, mental processes (vision, hearing, touch, concept of muscle movement, perception, imagination, thinking, concentration), psychomotor reaction - a gesture control accuracy, speed, a key factor in maintaining the confidence motion through control loops in conjunction with physical culture, in different sports growing sensation, perception, features and patterns.

   The proper development of the body, the disciples of the agreement, the consolidation of the health affects of adverse environmental conditions. Good health and human actions the company is an important key to success.We should be interested in having to provide health care to care .We should provide care during physical education at sports clubs, lessons and outside school hours. Natural movement types to run, jump, swim, throw, skiing, skating, cycling, acrobatics necessary life skill, and generates business-like. Twist the help of young people of different body exercise that develops. Therefore, the ability of human readers as strength, speed, endurance, motor aptitudes makes richer experience, coordinated movement of the body.

     Physical education takes place especially in the industry rate, personal hygiene, physical training culture, psychology of physical culture, tourism, sport. Physical culture is the main routine, ie, work, holiday, snack, үyқy, to merge properly requires leisure rhythms. The daily routine of the proper development of the construction of the mind and body that the beneficial use of children, helping to keep health. Obliged not to break the daily routine. That's OK - rest, food, personal hygiene, important and useful moments of the day and night, to use the content. In high school physical education teacher manages, head, class tutor. For the implementation of physical education in school and extracurricular sports bases institutions, we should remember the following requirements:

         education of students of high moral qualities.

promoting human health, increase efficiency.
         development of students' ability to do sports, constantly and quickly.

         Development of basic motor qualities.

    Exercise - it's action, consciously engine and executed actions. Physical exercises develop the muscular system, respiratory and circulatory. Gymnastics. Activities: main and sanitary gymnastics, sports, gymnastics, acrobatics, gymnastics, industrial gymnastics and physiotherapy. The game brings the rate of students, psychological stamina, endurance.Tourism - group methods, to overcome the difficulties encountered in adverse working conditions  and educates in the spirit of patriotism. Sport - to improve the health of students, physical strength, motor skills and moral and volitional qualities, physical education, developing manuals. One of the important means of physical education - natural factors: the sun, air, bathing, showering.  Very effective use of health factors, the nature of the bodies of children at work. One of the important tasks of physical education - it is the adults, children and physical mobilization. Responsibilities of Physical Education: - Promote health and body hardening, proper growth and maturation of the body, increase the impact of health;

- Development and improvement of motor skills and abilities;
- Introduction to the new types of knowledge of theoretical and link its actions;
- Psihologiyaoly
қ quality erіktіlіkke class resistance, tәrtіptіlіkke, unity, friendship and friendly feelings, culture, behavior, education conscious attitude to skills and қoғamdsch in the property;- Regular exercise, education and formation өdetterdі incentives;
- Instilling hygienic habits, message hygiene knowledge of exercise and culture.
Morning warm-up exercises discipline and psychological adaptation of pupils, fosters self-confidence and active.

    Ivanov Porfiriy - time walked nearly half a century. Its simple method is called - "Baby" or "Ivanov system." His instructions:

• To feel better in a day 2 times a dip in the natural water .If going to wash with hot water , then wash up at the end of the Cold;

• Before bathing or during bathing walk barefoot on the ground .;
• Do not drink vodka and do not smoke cigarettes;
• Try spend days without water, without food, or at least 1 time per week;
• Love the environment. Do not pollute. It's your health;
• If you want to be healthy, welcomes all
• Get rid of bad habits;
• Help for people in care, especially in the modern world. He will be your friend;
• On Sunday go out on nature barefoot, breathe a bit, think;
• Do not think about illness, death. This is your victory;
• realize their dreams;
    The role of this principle in the spiritual cleansing and healthy life in the great student.
Future society - students, youth, education, the role of collective national games at physical training lessons. In the course of training and physical training, you can use the Kazakh national games that help develop unity.Affect sports competitions, for mental, mental states during competition, training, before the competition, after the event, change in mental and emotional excitement, arising under the influence of these events during physical activity.

   Mental processes (vision, hearing, head., Muscle action, concepts, reception, imagination, thinking, attention), psychomotor reactions of interaction in the management of the accuracy, regularity and reliability of the storage is transmitted through physical training. In various sports, sensation, perception, developing their special features and patterns.

One of the physical and mental qualities of the athlete.


  Development of endurance, strength, speed of development of the basic physical properties are transmitted through physical training. Tactical training linked to the development of mental functions. Also through physical culture transmitted perceptual quality (review range length and quick perception of changing the depth of the adoption of the space at the speed and accuracy of movement), mental (operating speed of thinking, precision measurement of hearing) psychotropic,  coordination, precision, gesture speed and factors affecting on effectiveness. Games chief psychological factor allows you to use tactical actions sporstmen. Quick thinking, types of control strategies and reflection and decision-making mechanisms in problematic situations is one of the physical and psychological qualities in physical education.

  Development of movement sequences. In particular: the students who are preparing for the formation of positive motivation to learn; knowledge of the interaction of motion; the formation of complete concepts about movement in different sports. Thus, teaching the movement is to obtain knowledge, the formation of movements and flexibility training to appropriate body qualities.

   Analysis includes - the goal of general and special (specific) objectives, methods and principles, conducted in the field of training, orientation, theoretical and practical content of the material in the secondary schools in the educational process, the department of education and sports organizations.

  At the beginning of the path-sporstmen student chosen path consists of the content in the field of education and in the period of schooling.
The use of non-traditional physical education classes to improve teaching of physical education of students in the process of technology development; Moral education of students in physical education classes, physical education through individual physiological changes: the formation of self-regulation; improving physical education through interdisciplinary research; development of spiritual values ​​through physical abilities; developing skills of individual physiological relaxation; the gradual development of mental abilities and physical education, etc. can be achieved.



1. GV Psychology Ilyin EP M-1983
2. Psychology Melnikov VM M-1987
3. Methodology psychognosis in sports. Naruschek VP: M-1984-1990 g
4. Case studies on the psychology of the M-1977
Psychology FV Life M-1979.


УДК 364:796 С.Е. Темиргалиева, магистр,

УДК 364:796 С.Е. Темиргалиева, магистр,

Physical education not only in school physical education classes, after-school and after-school health education in the period, taking into account the fact that the current…

Physical education not only in school physical education classes, after-school and after-school health education in the period, taking into account the fact that the current…

Physical culture is the main routine, ie, work, holiday, snack, ү y қ y, to merge properly requires leisure rhythms

Physical culture is the main routine, ie, work, holiday, snack, ү y қ y, to merge properly requires leisure rhythms

Try spend days without water, without food, or at least 1 time per week; •

Try spend days without water, without food, or at least 1 time per week; •

At the beginning of the path-sporstmen student chosen path consists of the content in the field of education and in the period of schooling

At the beginning of the path-sporstmen student chosen path consists of the content in the field of education and in the period of schooling
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