The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences.
Оценка 4.6

The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences.

Оценка 4.6
английский язык
8 кл
The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences.
Грамматика представляет собой один из аспектов обучения иностранным языкам, она является одновременно средством и условием коммуникативной деятельности. Практическое значение изучения грамматики определяется тем, что грамматика облегчает путь овладения иностранным языком,это способность говорящего выбрать модель, адекватную речевой задаче, и оформить его соответственно нормам данного языка.Учащиеся должны уметь распознавать грамматические явления при чтении и аудировании, направляя свое основное внимание на извлечение содержательной информации. Этой цели должен способствовать отобранный грамматический минимум.
The Past Simple Tense. From British history..docx
The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences. 1. Small groups of hunters and fishers lived in Britain around 10000 years ago. /When 2. The Romans occupied Britain in the 1st century. /When 3. They made primitive tools and weapons of stone. /Who 4. The Celts appeared in Britain about 500-600 B.C. /When 5. The Druids put men into huge baskets and burned them to get the god’s pardon. 6. Julius Caesor sailed to Britain in 55 B.C. /Who 7. For 350 years Britain remained a Roman province. / What 8. The Roman Emperor Hadrian came to Britain in the year 122. /When 9. The Anglo-Saxons lived in small towns and villages. /Who 10. The ploughed the fields and grew wheat, rye and oats. /What 11. Christianity first penetrated to Britain in the 3d century. / When 12. Pirates from Denmark and Scandinavia began raiding the eastern shores of Britain in the 8th century. /When 13. They landed their boats, killed and robbed the population of the towns and sailed away. /What 14. The Anglo-Saxons bred cows, sheep and pigs. / Who 15. Alfred the Great worked out the code of laws./ Who

The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences.

The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences.

The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences.

The Past Simple Tense. From the British history. Ask questions to the sentences.
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