Present Simple/Present Continuous
Упр. 161. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink)
coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 4. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning?
5. Look! The baby (to sleep). 6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 7. My grandmother (not to work). She is
on pension. 8. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 9. I usually (to get) up at seven o'clock in
the morning. 10. What your sister (to do) now? She (to wash) her face and hands. 11. When you usually (to
come) home from school? — I (to come) at three o'clock. 12. Where your cousin (to work)? He (to work) at a
hospitaJ. 13. Your sister (to study) at an institute? No, she (to study) at school. 14. My cousin (to go) to school
every day. 15. My mother (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the morning.
Упр. 162. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. I (to read) books in the evening. 2. I (not to read) books in the morning. 3. I (to write) an exercise now. 4. I (not
to write) a letter now. 5. They (to play) in the yard now. 6. They (not to play) in the street now. 7. They (to play) in
the room now? 8. He (to help) his mother every day. 9. He (to help) his mother every day? 10. He (not to help) his
mother every day. 11. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 12. My friend (not to like) to play football. 13.1 (not to
read) now. 14. He (to sleep) now? 15.We (not to go) to the country in winter. 16.My sister (to eat) sweets every
day. 17. She (not to eat) sweets now. 18. They (to do) their homework in the afternoon. 19. They (not to go) for a
walk in the evening. 20. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 21. He (to work) every day.
Упр. 163. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. They (to read) many books. 2. They (to read) many books? 3. They (not to read) many books. 4. The children
(to eat) soup now. 5. The children (to eat) soup now? 6. The children (not to eat) soup now. 7. You (to play)
volleyball well? 8. When you (to play) volleyball? 9. What Nick (to do) in the evening? 10. He (to go) to the
cinema in the evening? 11. We (not to dance) every day. 12. Look! Kate (to dance). 13. Kate (to sing) well? 14.
Where he (to go) in the morning? 15. He (not to sleep) after dinner. 16. My granny (to sleep) after dinner. 17.
When you (to sleep)? 16. Nina (not to sleep) now. 19. Where John (to live)? He (to live) in England.
Упр. 164. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. I (to write) a composition now. 2. I (not to drink) milk now. 3. I (to go) for a walk after dinner. 4. I (not to go) to
the theatre every Sunday. 5. He (not to read) now. 6. He (to play) now. 7 He (to play) now? 8. My mother (to
work) at a factory. 9. My aunt {not to work) at a shop. 10. You (to work) at an office? 11. My friend (to live) in St.
Petersburg. 12. My cousin (not to live) in Moscow. 13. The children (not to sleep) now. 14. The children (to play)
in the yard every day. 15. They (not to go) to the stadium on Monday. 16. She (to read) in the evening. 17. She
(not to read) in the morning. 18. She (not to read) now. 19. Your father (to work) at this factory? 20. You (to play)
chess now? 21. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get)
warmer. 22. How is your brother? He is not well yet, but his health (to improve) day after day. 23. Listen! Who
(to play) the piano in the next room?
Запомните глаголы, не употребляющиеся во временах группы Continuous: to be, to know, to understand, to
think, to recognize, to want, to like, to see, to hear, to feel, to have1. Эти глаголы надо употреблять в Present
Simple, даже если действие совершается в момент речи.
Упр. 165. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
I. What you (to do) here now? We (to listen) to taperecordings. 2. You (to want) to see my father? Yes, I ... 3.
Michael (to know) German rather well. He (to want) to know English, too, but he (to have) little time for it now. 4.
What magazine you (to read)? It (to be) a French magazine. There (to be) good articles on sports here. You (to
be) interested in sports? Yes, I .... But I (not to know) French. 5. We (to have) an English lesson now. 6. Lena
usually (to prepare) her homework at the institute? No, she ... . As a rule, she (to work) at home. — And what
she (to write) now? Oh, she (to write) an article for our wall newspaper. 7. Who that man (to be) who (to stand) in
the doorway? You (not to recognize) him? It (to be) John, my cousin. 8. I (to have) no time now, I (to have)
dinner. 9. Your family (to leave) St. Petersburg in summer? Yes, we always (to go) to the seaside. We all (to
like) the sea. Mother (to stay) with us to the end of August, but father (to return) much earlier. 10. Where Tom and
Nick (to be) now? — They (to have) a smoke in the garden.1 to have только в своем прямом значении «иметь». В словосочетаниях типа "to have breakfast", "to have a
lesson", "to have a smoke" глагол to have употребляется также и во временах группы Continuous
Упр. 166. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. It (to take) me forty minutes to get to school. 2. Hello, Pete, where you (to go)? — I (to hurry) to school. 3.
When your lessons (to begin) on Monday? — They (to begin) at nine o'clock. 4. Where your sister (to be)? — She
(to do) her homework in the next room. 5. It usually (to take) me an hour to do my written exercises. 6. Where
Boris (to be)? I (to look) for him. He (to have) dinner. 7. In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends. 8. On
Sunday we sometimes (to go) to the cinema or to a disco club. 9. Andrew (to get) up very early as he (to live) far
from school, He (to be) never late. 10. It (to be) six o'clock in the evening now. Victor (to do) his homework. His
sister (to read) a book. His mother and grandmother (to talk). 11. I (to write) a letter to my grandmother who (to
live) in Novgorod. I (to write) to her very often.
Упр. 167. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
One Sunday Agnes and her mother went to the zoo. Agnes was very excited. She was interested in everything she
saw. "Mother, look," she said. "There (to be) a monkey in this cage. It (to eat) an apple. Now it (to give) a bite to
another monkey. I (to think) monkeys (to like) apples very much." "Yes, dear," said her mother. "Now I (to want)
to go and see the lions and tigers. Where they (to live), mother?" "In that big house over there. Come along."
Agnes enjoyed herself very much in the lion house. "Mother," she said, "the tiger (to want) a drink: it (to go) to the
dish of water there in the corner. And the lion (to look) right at me. You (to think) it (to want) to eat me up? When
the lions and tigers (to have) their dinner, mother?" "The keepers (to bring) them great pieces of meat every day at
four o'clock. And they (to make) a big noise before their dinner time, so everybody (to know) they (to be) hungry."
Present Simple/Present Continuous/Future Simple
Упр. 169. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future
I. He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow. 2. We (to go) to school in the morning. 3. Look! Kate (to go) to school. 4.
You (to help) your mother tomorrow? 5.1 (not to play) the guitar now. 6. My brother (to play) the guitar every
evening. 7. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer. 8. You (to like) apples? 9. You (to eat) apples
tomorrow? 10. Nick (to read) many books. 11. Mother (to work) every day. 12. He (not to sleep) now. 13. Your
brother (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday? 14. We (not to go) to the zoo tomorrow. 15. I (not to learn) the
poem now. 16. She (to live) in San Francisco. 17. My father (to shoot) very well. 18. He is very strong. Look! He
(to carry) a very heavy box. 19. My sister (not to like) coffee. 20 When you (to go) to bed every day? 21. What he
(to read) now? 22. What he (to read) every day? 23. What he (to read) tomorrow? 24. Where she (to go)
tomorrow? 25. You (to give) me this book tomorrow?
Упр. 170. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future
1. When you (to get) up every day? I (to get) up at seven o'clock. 2. My brother usually (not to get) up at seven
o'clock. As a rule, he (to get) up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at seven o'clock. 3. Why she (to come)
home so late tomorrow? 4. We (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 5. Our friends always (to go) to the
country for the weekend. 6. Look! The kitten (to play) with its tail. 7. Your parents (to watch) TV now? 8. My
sister (not to rest) now. She (to help) mother in the kitchen. She (to help) mother in the kitchen every day. 9.
Where she (to go) tomorrow? 10. She (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 11. They (to stay) at home
tomorrow. 12 What you (to do) now? I (to see) that you (not to read). 13. When you (to finish) your homework? It
(to be) very late, it (to be) time to go to bed. 14. How you usually (to spend) evenings? 15. What you (to do) in the
country next summer? 16. They (not to drink) tea now. I (to think) they (to watch) TV. 17. What your father (to
drink) in the evening?
Present Simple/ Present Continuous/Future Simple/Past Simple
Упр. 179. Перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени.
Boris wakes up when it is already quite light. He looks at his watch. It is a quarter to seven. Quick! Boris jumps
out of bed and runs to the bathroom. He has just time to take a cold shower and I drink a glass of tea with breadand butter. He is in a hurry to catch the eight o'clock train. At the railway station he meets three other boys from
his group. They all have small backpacks and fishingrods. In less than an hour they get off the train at a small
station near a wood. They walk very quickly and soon find themselves on the shore of a large lake. The boys spend
the whole day there fishing, boating and swimming. They return home late at night, tired but happy.
Упр. 182. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple.
1.1 (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2.1 (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten
o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go)
to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV
tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for school
yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow? 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to
leave) home at a quarter past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not
to take) a bus. Yesterday he (riot to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o'clock, 14. You (to have) a PT
lesson yesterday? — No, I..., 15. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my
father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.
Упр. 183. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous,
Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. He (to spend) last summer in the country. 2. He (not to spend) last summer in the country. 3. He (to spend) last
summer in the country? 4. Where he (to spend) last summer? 5. She (to help) mother yesterday. 6. She (not to
help) mother yesterday. 7. She (to help) mother yesterday? 8. How she (to help) mother yesterday? 9. Kate (to
cook) dinner every day. 10. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 11. Kate (to cook) dinner now. 12. Kate (to cook)
dinner yesterday. 13. I (not to eat) icecream every day. 14. I (not to eat) icecream now, 15. I (not to eat) ice
cream tomorrow. 16. I (not to eat) icecream yesterday. 17. You (to go) to school every day? 18. You (to go) to
school now? 19. You| (to go) to the south next summer? 20. You (to go) abroad last summer? 21. What your
brother (to do) every day? 22. What your brother (to do) now? 23. What your brother (to do) tomorrow? 24. What
your brother (to do) yesterday?
Упр. 184. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous,
Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. Mother (to cook) a very tasty dinner yesterday. 2. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school. 3. Look! My friends (to
play) football. 4, Kate (not to write) letters every day. 5. You (to see) your friend yesterday? 6, Your father (to go)
on a business trip last month? 7. What Nick (to do) yester1 day? 8. When Nick (to get) up every morning? 9,
Where your mother (to go) tomorrow? 10. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place tomorrow. 11. He (not to
play) the piano tomorrow. 12. We (to see) a very good film last Sunday. 13. Your [mother (to cook) every day? 14.
We (to make) a [fire last summer. 15. I (to spend) last summer at the seaside. 16. Where you (to spend) last sum
mer? 17. Where he (to spend) next summer? ! 18. What mother (to do) now? — She (to cook) dinner. 19. I (not to
play) computer games yesterday. 20. Last Sunday we (to go) to the theatre. 21. I (to (meet) my friend yesterday.
22. I (to write) a letter [to my cousin yesterday. 23, You (to write) a dictation tomorrow? 24. I (not to write) a
report now.
Упр. 185. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous,
Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. We (to go) on a tramp last Sunday. 2. Your brother (to go) to the country with us next Sunday? 3. Granny (not
to cook) dinner now. 4. We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer. 5. My sister (to wash) the dishes every
morning. 6. When you (to go) to school? 7. What you (to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow? 8. You (to invite) your
cousin to stay with you next summer? 9. How you (to help) your sister last summer? 10. I (to send) a letter to my
friend tomorrow. 11. Every morning on the way to school I (to meet) my friends. 12. My friend (to go) to the
library every Wednesday. 13. He (not to go) to the country yesterday. 14. Why you (to go) to the shop yesterday?
15. We (to grow) tomatoes next summer. 16. What you (to do) now? 17. He (to sleep) now. 18. Where your father
(to work) last year? 19. You (to go) to the south next summer! 20. He (not to watch) TV yesterday. 21. Yesterday
we (to write) a testpaper. 22. 1 (to buy) a very good book last Tuesday. 23. My granny (not to buy) bread
yesterday. 24. What you (to buy) at the shop tomorrow? 25. Don't make noise! Father (to work).Упр. 186. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous,
Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1, Various kinds of sports (to be) popular in Russia. 2. Both children and grownups (to be) fond of sports. 3.
What (to be) the matter with her? She (to be) so excited. I (not to know). 4. Where you (to go)? I (to go) to
the Dynamo stadium to see the match which (to take) place there today. 5. You (to know) that ^ very interesting
match (to take) place last Sunday? 6. He (to go) to the south a week ago, 7. When I (to be) about fifteen years old,
I (to en
joy) playing football. 8. Our football team (to win) many games last year. 9. Where (to be) Boris? He (to play)
chess with his friend. 10. 1 (to be) sorry I (to miss) the match yesterday. But I (to know) the score. It (to be) 4 to 2
in favour of the Spartak team. 11. Nellie (to leave) for Moscow tomorrow, 12.1 (to be) in a hurry. My friends (to
wait) for me. 13. You (to be) at the theatre yesterday. You (to like) the opera? — Oh yes, I (to enjoy) it greatly.
14. You (to go) to London next summer?
Present Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect/Past Simple
Упр. 210. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple
или Past Simple.
1. Please give me a pencil, I (to lose) mine. 2. I (not to meet) Peter since Monday. 3. Nina just (to finish) work. 4.
Where Sergei (to be)? — He (to go) home. He (to leave) the room a minute ago. 5. What you (to read) now? — I
(to read) "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. 6. They (to read) "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott a month ago. What about
you? You (to read) "Ivanhoe"? 7. My watch (to stop). There (to be) something wrong with it. 8. You (to see) Jack
today? — Yes, I (to see) him at the institute. 9. You (to hear) the new symphony by M.? — Yes, I... . — When you
(to hear) it? — I (to hear) it last Sunday. 10. You (to change) so much. Anything (to happen)? 11. What you (to
do) here at such a late hour? You (to write) your composition? — No, I (to write) it already. I (to work) at my
report. — And when you (to write) your composition? — I (to finish) it two days ago. 12. I say, Tom, let's have
dinner. — No, thank you, I alI ready (to have) dinner. 13. What the weather (to be) like? It still (to rain)? — No, it
(to stop) raining.
Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple/Future Simple/Past
Упр. 188. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1.1 (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games at five o'clock yesterday. ; 3. He (to play)
computer games from two till three yesterday. 4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5.
What Nick (to do) when [ you came to his place? 6. What you (to do) when I rang you up? 7. I (not to sleep) at
nine o'clock yesterday. 8. What he (to do) yesterday? He (to read) a book. 9. What he (to do) the whole evening
yesterday? He (to read) a book. 10. She (to sleep) when you came home? 11. My brother (not to play) tennis
yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday. 12. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o'clock
yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening. 13. When I came into the
kitchen, mother (to cook). 14. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday. 15. We (to wash) the floor in our flat
yesterday. 16. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday. 17. You (to do) your homework
yesterday? 18. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday? 19. Why she (to sleep) at seven o'clock
yesterday? 20. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.
Упр. 190. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). 2. When Nick (to come) home, his brother (to play) with his
toys. 3. When mother (to come) home, I (to do) my homework. 4. When father (to come) home, Pete (to sleep). 5.
When mother (to come) home, the children (to play) on the carpet. 6. When I (to get) up, my mother and father (to
drink) tea. 7. When I (to come) to my friend's place, he (to watch) TV. 8. When I (to see) my friends , they (to
play) football. 9. When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. 10. When Kate (to open) the door, the
children (to dance) round the firtree. 11. When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall). 12. When I (to go) to school,
I (to meet) my friend. 43. When we (to go) to the cinema, we (to meet) grandmother. 14. When grandmother (to
go) home, she (to see) many children in the yard. 15. When Henry (to walk) about in the forest, he (to find) a bearcub. 16. When we (to walk) about in the forest, we (to see) a hare. 17. When I (to wash) the floor, I (to find) my
old toy under the sofa. 18. When granny (to read) a book on the sofa, she (to fall) asleep. 19. When I (to play) in
the yard, I suddenly (to see) my old friend. 20. When Nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall).
Упр. 191. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. They (to drink) tea when I (to come) home. 2. He (to walk) along the river when a boat (to pass). 3. The old
man (to think) about his plan when he (to fall) asleep. 4. We (to listen) to an interesting lecture yesterday. 5. When
I (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils (to copy) them into their
exercisebooks. 6. They (to get) ready to go out when it (to begin) raining. 7. Yesterday at one o'clock I (to have)
lunch at the canteen. 8. When he (to come) in, I (to do) my exercises. 9. What you (to do) at eight o'clock
yesterday? 10. At this time yesterday I (to go) home. 11, You (to sleep) when I (to go) out. 12. He (to read) on the
sofa when I (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him. 13. I (to walk) along the street with my friend when a tram
(to pass). 14. She (to look) out of the window when I (to see) her. 15. We (to answer) the teacher's questions when
the headmistress (to enter) the classroom.
Упр. 192. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. When I (to ring) up my friend, he (to sleep). 2. When grandfather (to watch) TV, he (to fall)
asleep. 3. When my friend (to come) to see me, I (to do) my homework. 4. When I (to go) to the stadium, I (to
meet) Kate and Ann. 5. When Nick (to ring1) me up yesterday, I (to help) mother. 6. When the children (to walk)
through the wood, they (to see) a fox. 7. When I (to come) home, my sister (to wash) the floor. 8. When Mike (to
play) in the yard, he (to find) a ball. 9. When I (to draw) yesterday, I (to break) two pencils. 10. When I (to meet)
Tom, he (to go) to the shop. 11. When I (to look) out of the window, the children (to play) hideandseek. 12. I (to
go) to the theatre yesterday. 13. At seven o'clock yesterday I (to go) to the theatre. 14. What you (to do) at 5
o'clock yesterday? I (to play) the piano. 15. When I (to come) to ' school, the children (to stand) near the
classroom. 16. We (to play) in the yard the whole evening yesterday. 17. When I (to prepare) breakfast in the
morning, I (to cut) my finger. 18. Last year I (to go) to the United States. 19, You (to go) to Great Britain last
year? No, I (to go) to France. 20. What you (to do) yesterday? — I (to translate) a very long article.
Упр. 193. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
I. He (to get) up at seven o'clock yesterday. 2. Father (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to read) a book
at six o'clock yesterday. 4. She (to fall) asleep at eleven o'clock yesterday. 5. Mother (to drink) tea at eleven
o'clock yesterday. 6. Father (to watch) TV at ten o'clock yesterday. 7. I (to go) to bed at nine o'clock yesterday. 8. I
(to finish) my homework at nine o'clock yesterday. 9. I (to play) the piano at five o'clock yesterday. 10. He (to
begin) to do his homework at four o'clock yesterday. 11. She (to wash) the floor at four o'clock yesterday. 12. I (to
meet) Nick at three o'clock yesterday. 13. When I (to come) home, Kate (to play) the piano. 14. When I (to meet)
John, he (to go) to the railway station. 15. When I (to go) to the museum, I (to see) a big crowd of people in the
street. 18. They (to play) in the yard in the evening yesterday. 17. They (to play) in the yard the whole evening
yesterday. 18. I (to clean) my teeth at eight o'clock in the morning yesterday. 19. We (to go) to the wood in
summer. 20. When the teacher (to open) the door of the classroom, the pupils (to sit) at their desks.
Упр. 196. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
I. They (to meet) at the station two hours ago, 2. Where you (to spend) last Sunday? 3. We (to be) in a hurry
because only twenty minutes (to be) left before the beginning of the performance. 4. I (to play) the violin when my
friend (to come) in. He (to invite) me to the theatre and I (to accept) the invitation with pleasure. 5. He (to ring) up
his friend and (to ask) him about the homework, 6, When I (to come) to the theatre, my friend already (to wait) for
me. 7. Last Sunday we (to go) sksing in the country. There (to be) already a lot of snow in the fields and we (to
enjoy) ourselves. We (to ski) for two hours and a half.
Fnp. 197. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
I. They (to translate) a difficult text yesterday, 2. I (to open) the window at six o'clock yesterday, 3. You (to go)
to the cinema yesterday? 4. I (not to sec) Mike last week. 5, When I (to open) the door, my friends (to sit) around
the table. 6. When you (tu begin) doing your homework yesterday? 7. We (tu discuss) the latest news from three
till four yesterday. 8. When I (to read) the newspaper yesterday, I (to find) an interesting article on UFOs, 9. Lena
(to sweep) the floor on Sunday. 10. Lena (t sweep) the floor from eleven till twelve on Sunday. 11. They (to go) tothe wood last Sunday? 12, When they (to sail) down the river they (to sc.j a little island. 13. We (to work) the
whole morning yesterday, 14. Mother (to cook) dinner at three o'clock yesterday. 15. She (to finish) cook| ing at
four o'clock yesterday. 16. At half past four yesterday we (to have) dinner. 17. You (to watch) I TV yesterday?
Yes, we (to watch) TV the whole evening yesterday. 18. When you (to go) to bed yesterday? 19. 1 (to go) to bed at
ten o'clock yesI terday. 20. At half past ten yesterday I (to sleep). 21. When I (to come) home from school
yesterday, r little brother (to sit) on the floor with all his toys around him. He (to play) with them. I (to tell) him to
put his toys into the box as he (to make) too much noise.
Упр. 198. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
The sun (to go) down behind the hills when I (to reach) a village which (to be) only a few miles from the sea. The
working day (to be) over, and the villagers (to come) home from the fields. Along the road two boys (to drive)
cows and sheep in the direction of the village. I (to approach) a group of people standing near the road and (to ask)
them if I could find a place in the village to spend the night. An old man (to say) he would help me. He (to take)
me to his small cottage at the far end of the street. A fire (to burn) in the stove when we (to enter) the house. One
girl of about eighteen (to prepare) supper in the kitchen while two other girls still (to do) something in the kitchen
garden near the house. The old man (to invite) me to have supper with them. They all (to seem) to be nice people
and we (to have) a friendly talk. After supper my 'new friends and I (to go) out into the garden. The moon (to
shine) high in the sky, and the night (to be) warm and beautiful. That evening (to be) very pleasant, and I shall
remember it a long time.
Упр. 200. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past
Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.
1. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there (to be) many flowers in it. When I
(to come) in, somebody (to play) the piano, two or three pairs (to dance). 2. Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano.
3. I (to like) music very much. 4. When I (to look) out of the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry)
along the streets. 5. What you (to do) at seven o'clock yesterday? I (to have) supper. 6. When I (to come) home
yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to sit) round the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle who (to live)
in Kiev. 7. Where you (to be) yesterday? — I (to be) at home the whole day. — How strange. I (to ring) you up at
two o'clock, but nobody (to answer). — Oh, I (to be) in the garden. I (to read) your book and (not to hear) the
telephone. 8. What you (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? — I (to work) in the library. — I (to be) there, too, but I
(not to see) you. 9. Yesterday I (to work) at my English from five till seven. 10. It (to rain) the whole day
yesterday. 11. Where your sister (to be) now? — She (to be) in her room. She (to do) her homework.
Упр. 201. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous.
1. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well. 2. You (to skate) last Sunday? — Yes, we (to skate) the whole
day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday. 3. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday.
4. What you (to do) now? — I (to wash) the dishes. 5. What you (to do) at three o'clock yesterday? — I (to have)
dinner. 6. You (to have) dinner now? 7. Where your brother (to work)? — He (to work) at an institute. 8. Your
grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday? 9. What your brother (to do) tomorrow? 10. I (not to
go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow. 11. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her
yesterday? 12. Every day the boss (to enter) the office at nine o'clock. 13. Yesterday the boss (to enter) the office
at half past nine. 14. When the secretary (to come) tomorrow? 15. At six o'clock yesterday we (to listen) to a very
interesting lecture. 16. When I (to enter) the office, the secretary (to type) some letters. 17. My friend (to ring) me
up at eight o'clock yesterday.
Present Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect/Past Simple/Past
Continuous/Past Perfect
Упр. 212. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.
1. When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner. 2. When father (to return) from work, we already (to
do) our homework. 3. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils already (to open) their books. 4. Kate
(to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before. 5. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to
draw). 6. The boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field. 7. Mother (to see) that Nick (notto wash) his hands. 8. The teacher (to understand) that Lena (not to do) her homework. 9. I (to know) that my
friend (not yet to come). 10. Tom (to return) from the cinema at five o'clock. 11. Tom (to return) from the cinema
by five o'clock. 12. I (to finish) my homework at seven o'clock. 13. I (to finish) my homework by seven o'clock.
14. He (to think) that he (to lose) the money. 15. Ann (to tell) me that she (to see) an interesting film. 16. When I
(to wake) up yesterday, father already (to go) to work. 17. Nick (to think) that his father (not yet to come) home.
18. Mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner. 19. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in
summer. 20. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).
Упр. 214. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect.
I. By eight o'clock yesterday I (to do) my homework and at eight I (to play) the piano. 2. By six o'clock father (to
come) home and at six he (to have) dinner. 3. By nine o'clock yesterday grandmother (to wash) the dishes and at
nine she (to watch) TV. 4. When I (to meet) Tom, he (to eat) an icecream which he (to buy) at the corner of the
street. 5. When I (tq come) home, my sister (to read) a book which she (to bring) from the library.
6. When mother (to come) home, the children (to eat) the soup which she (to cook) in the morning.
7. When I (to ring) up Mike, he still (to learn) the poem which he (to begin) learning at school.
8. When I (to look) out of the window, the children (to play) with a ball which Pete (to bring) from home. 9. By
ten o'clock the children (to settle) comfortably on the sofa and at ten they (to watch) a TV film. 10. When father
(to come) home, we (to cook) the mushrooms which we (to gather) in the wood. 11. When I (to see) Ann, she (to
sort) the flowers which she (to pick) in the field. 12. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that my little
brother (to break) my pen and (to play) with its pieces. 13. When I (to open) the door of the classroom, I (to see)
that the teacher already (to come) and the pupils (to write) a dictation.
Упр. 215. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect. ;
I. When I called at his house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 2. When I came to the station, I
(not to) find my friend there as I (to be) five minutes late and the train (to leave). 3. He (to want) to visit the place
where he (to live) in his childhood. 4. The telegram (to come) some minutes after he (to leave). 5. She (to look)
very tired as she (to work) hard. 6.1 (to return) to the hotel only late at night as I (to lose) my way in the fog. When
I (to come) up to my room, I (to see) Pete who (to stand) at the door of the room. He (to wait) for me as he (to
lose) his key and could not get in. 7. When I (to wake) up, it (to be) already ten o'clock. I (to call) my brother.
Nobody (to answer). He already (to leave). 8. I (to go) up to the open window. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to
shine) brightly. The birds in the garden (to sing). The morning (to be) fine. 9. When the rain (to stop) I (to look)
out of the window and (to see) John who (to stand) under a tree waiting for me.
Упр. 217. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect.
1. I (to sit) in an armchair and (to think) of rny coming trip across the North Sea when the door suddenly (to open)
and an old friend of mine whom I (not to see) for a very long time (to enter) the room. 2. She (to come) to see us
just at the time when we (to have) dinner. It (to be) the first time I (to see) her. 3. I (to see) him just as he (to leave)
the hotel. 4. I (not to see) him before we (to meet) at the concert. 5. He (to leave) the house before I (to have) time
to ask him anything. 6. He (to tell) me he (to learn) it from the newspaper. 7. He (to enter) the room, (to take)
something from the desk and (to go) out. 8. There (to be) two men in the room. One of them (to write) something
while the other (to read) a newspaper. 9. He (not to tell) me that he (to receive) a telegram from her. 10. I (to ask)
him if he (to know) where she (to live). I (to say) I (not to know) her address. 11. He (to ask) me if I (can) give
him your address. 12. She (to say) that he (to give) her the wrong address. 13. I (to ask) him where he (to put) my
letter. 14. He (to tell) us that they (to spend) all the money. 15. After spending several days in Paris he (to feel)
lonely and (to want) to return home. 16. I (to think) he already (to go) home. 17. I (to find) the old man in the
garden. He (to talk) to some children who (to stand) around listening to him. 18. He (to speak) a language we
never (to hear) before.
Упр. 218. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past
1. I just (to see) Jack. 2. She (to wash) the dishes from five till six. 3. Look! She (to draw) a very nice picture. 4.
At this time yesterday I (to talk) to my friend. 5. The TV programme (to begin) before I (to come) home. 6. I (not
to eat) icecream since summer. 7. I understood that she (not to read) my letter. 8. She (to do) the rooms when I (tocome) home. 9. It's all right: she (to find) the way out of the situation. 10. He (to come) home late yesterday. 11.
She is very glad: she (to finish) her composition at last. 12. He (to translate) the whole text by eleven o'clock. ГЗ. I
never (to be) to Rome. 14. Last year we (to work) very much. 15. When I (to have) breakfast, I went to school. 16.
I (not to see) you for ages! I am very glad to see you. 17. When you (to see) the "Swan Lake"? 18. My sister
already (to graduate) from the institute. 19. He repaired the toy which his brother (to break) the day before. 20. I
(to see) an interesting TV programme this week. 21. You ever (to be) to Trafalgar Square? 22. They (to cook) the
whole day yesterday.
Упр. 219. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past
1. Only when she was going to bed, she remembered that she (to forget) to ring up her friend. 2. We already (to
study) seven English tenses. 3. He (to spend) two weeks in Scotland two years ago. 4. I (to buy) a lovely
fashionable dress. Now I shall look smart at the party. 5. He (to learn) English before he (to go) to the USA. 6.
When she (to spend) all her money, she (to go) home. 7. I (to speak) to my friend yesterday. 8. Look! Kate (to
wash) all the dishes. 9. Your mother (to return) from work? Can I speak to her? 10. She (to do) her flat the whole
day on Saturday. 11. The cat (to drink) all the milk which I (to give) it. 12. You ever (to be) to Piccadilly Circus?
13. He (not to read) Turgenev since he was a pupil. 14. They (to reach) the river by sunset. 15. I (not yet to re
ceive) an answer to my letter. 16. She is very happy: her son (to finish) school. 17. My brother (to train) at the
stadium from six till eight yesterday. 18. My sister (to buy) a pair of nice model shoes this month. 19. I (not to
dance) for ages. 20. When Nick (to come) from school, his friends (to play) in the yard. 21. When your sister (to
go) to London? 22. My friend just (to recover) after a serious illness. 23. I never (to be) to the Bahamas. 24. At this
time yesterday we (to talk) about you.
Упр. 221. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1. We (to go) to school every day. 2. Nick (to do) his homework by seven o'clock yesterday. 3. You (to help) your
father tomorrow? 4. We (to bring) a lot of berries from the wood. Now we shall make jam. 5. Look! Jane (to
swim) across the river. 6. What you (to do) at six o'clock yesterday? 7. You ever (to see) the Pyramids? 8. I (to go)
to the Caucasus two years ago. 9. When Nick (to come) home yesterday, his mother (to return) and (to cook)
dinner in the kitchen. 10. When I (to go) to school yesterday, I suddenly (to remember) that I (to forget) to take my
English exercisebook. 11. Yesterday grandfather (to tell) us how he (to work) at the factory during the war.
Упр. 222. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect,
1. I always (to come) to school at a quarter to nine. 2. Yesterday I (to come) to school at ten minutes to nine. 3.
Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to the cinema because he (to go) to the cinema yesterday. He already (to be) to the
cinema this week. Look! He (to cry). 4. What your brother (to do) now? 5. My friend (to like) pies. He (to eat) pies
every day. When I (to meet) him in the street yesterday, he (to eat) a pie. He (to tell) me that he (to buy) that pie at
the corner of the street. Look at my friend nowl He (to eat) a pie again.
Упр. 223. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1. When you (to come) to see us? — I (to come) tomorrow if I (not to be) busy. 2. I (not to like) apples. 3. He (to
come) home at five o'clock yesterday. 4. I (to ring) you up as soon as I (to come) home tomorrow. 5. I (to show)
you my work if you (to like). 6. He (to come) home by six o'clock yes terday. 7. Pete certainly (to help) you with
your English if you (to ask) him. 8. This little boy never (to see) a crocodile. 9. Send me a telegram as soon as you
(to arrive). 10. Let's go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to shine). 11. If you (to help) me, I (to do) this
work well. 12. I always (to get) up at eight o'clock, but tomorrow I (to get) up a little later. 13. What you (to read)
now? — I (to read) Tom's book. I (to be) in a hurry. Tom soon (to come), and I (to want) to finish reading the book
before he (to come). 14. As soon as you (to see) your friend, tell him that I (to want) to see him. 15. When I (to
come) home yesterday, my brother (to sleep).
Упр. 224. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.1. Yesterday Nick (to say) that he (to read) much during his summer vacation. 2. At the age of twenty my father
(to combine) work and study. 3. A great number of students (to study) in the readingroom when I (to enter) it last
night. 4. The storm (to rage) the whole night, and the sailors (to try) to do their best to save the ship. 5. Mike's
friends could hardly recognize him as he (to change) greatly after his expedition to the Antarctic. 6. When I (to
enter) the hall, the students (to listen) to a very interesting lecture in history. 7. Hello! Where you (to go)? —
Nowhere in particular. I just (to take) a walk. 8. Our students (to do) all kinds of exercises and now they (to be)
sure that they (to know) this rule well. They (to hope) they (to make) no mistakes in the testpaper. 9. The
expedition (to cover) hundreds of kilometres, but they still (to be) far from their destination. 10. You (to go) to
Great Britain next year?
Упр. 225. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1. Mike (to eat) icecream every day. Look, he (to eat) icecream now. When I (to see) him in the morning, he (to
eat) icecream, too. He (to say) he (to eat) one icecream already by that time. I think he (to fall) ill if he (to eat) so
much icecream. 2. They (to walk) along the street and (to talk). Suddenly Nick (to stop) and (to say): "Oh, what
shall we do? I (to lose) the key to the door." "If you (not to find) it," said Pete, "we (to have) to wait for mother in
the street." 3. When I (to come) to the station yesterday, I (to learn) that my train already (to leave). 4. What he (to
do) when you (to see) him yesterday? 5. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it. 6. When the
ship (to cross) the ocean, a great storm (to break) out.
Упр. 226. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present. Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous, Present, Past Perfect.
1. You (to go) to the library tomorrow? — No, I already (to be) to the library this week. I (to be) there on Monday.
As a rule, I (to go) to the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I (not to go) there, because I (not to read) the
book. I (to read) it now. I (to go) to the library on Saturday if I (to finish) the book by that time. 2. As soon as I (to
receive) a letter, I shall go to Moscow. 3. Yesterday I (to put) five apples into the vase. Where they (to be) now?
— I (to eat) them. You (to bring) some more tomorrow? — Yes, if you (not to make) noise when granny (to
sleep). 4. You ever (to be) to the Hermitage? 5. What Nick (to do) when you (to ring) him up yesterday? — He (to
play) the piano. He (to tell) me that he already (to write) his composition. 6. Why she (to sleep) now? It (to be) too
early. She never (to sleep) at this time.
Упр. 227. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1. You (to go) for a walk with me? — I (to be) sorry, I can't. I (to do) my homework. I (not yet to write) the
English exercise. If you (to wait) for me, I (to go) with you in half an hour. I (to want) to go for a walk very much,
because I (not to go) for a walk yesterday. 2. Don't go to Nick's place now, he (to work). He (to finish) his
homework at seven o'clock. If you (to come) after seven, he (to be) very glad. 3. Pete (to go) to the cinema? —
Yes, I (to think) so. He usually (to play) in the yard at this time, and now he (not to be) there. 4. He (to read) a
book at five o'clock esterday.
5. Yesterday the children (to do) all their homework before mother (to come) home, and when she (to come), they
(to play) with the cat. 6. I (to lose) my key when I (to play) in the yard yesterday. 7. Ring me up as soon as you (to
come) home. 8. Where you usually (to take) books for reading?
Упр. 228. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1. What you (to learn) for today? — I (to be) sorry, I (not to prepare) my lesson. I (to be) ill yesterday and (not to
know) what to do. I (to prepare) my lesson tomorrow. — If you (not to prepare) your lesson tomorrow, you (to
get) a bad mark. 2. What you (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? 3. Mike always (to do) his homework in the
evening, but today he (to begin) doing it as soon as he comes from school, because his father (to promise) to take
him to the theatre. 4. When Mary (to come) home, her brother (to read) the book which she (to bring) him two
days before. 5. Autumn (to come). It (to be) November now. It (to get) colder, the days (to get) shorter. It often (to
rain). Soon it (to be) very cold. 6. When I (to do) my homework yesterday, I quickly (to run) to the yard, because
my friends (to wait) for me there. 7. We (to have) a good time last summer.Упр. 229. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
It was eight o'clock in the morning and time for me to go to work. I (to look) out of the window. It (to rain) hard.
"You (to get) wet through if you (to go) out now," said my mother. "No, I ... ," I answered, "I (to take) an
umbrella." We (to have) five umbrellas in the house, but when I (to want) to take one, I (to find) that there (to be)
not one that I could use: they all (to be) torn or broken. So I (to take) them all and (to carry) them to the umbrella
maker, saying that I would call for the umbrellas on my way home in the evening. When I (to go) to have lunch in
the afternoon, it still (to rain) very hard. I (to go) to the nearest cafe, and (to sit) down at a table. A few minutes
later a young woman (to come) in and (to sit) down at the same table with me. When I (to finish) my lunch and (to
be) ready to leave, I absentmindedly (to take) her umbrella and (to start) for the exit. She (to stop) me saying that
I (to take) her umbrella. I (to return) the umbrella with many apologies. In the evening I (to go) to the umbrella
maker, (to take) my five umbrellas and (to get) on the tram to go home. It so happened that the woman I (to meet)
at the cafe (to ride) in the same tram. When she (to see) me with my five umbrellas, she (to say): "You (to have) a
successful day today, (to have not) you?"