Урок по теме "Helloween"
Оценка 5

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Оценка 5
английский язык
4 кл—6 кл
Урок по теме "Helloween"
Данный урок представляет собой набор материалов для проведения урока в канун праздника "Helloween". В начале представлена краткая информация о празднике на русском языке, что доходчиво познакомить детей с этой иностранной традицией. Далее представлены задания различного рода для тематической отработки необходимой лексики.
Halloween - канун Дня Всех Святых Halloween - от староанглийского "hallow" - святой. Средневековая Англия. Осень. Урожай собран, можно наконец-то отдохнуть. Душа крестьянина (в те времена Англия была сельской) просит праздника. На улице - так холодно, сыро и серо, что не хочется выходить из дому. Так, по нашему мнению, родился веселый, яркий Halloween. Не случайно, именно оранжевый цвет - доминирующий цвет этого праздника. Историки же утверждают, что в те времена в Англии бытовало поверье, что перед Днем всех святых (1 ноября) ведьмы, злые духи и привидения вытворяют все что угодно. Люди боялись их и старались оставаться дома в канун дня всех святых, а если нет, тогда нужно нарядиться в страшные костюмы, чтобы сбить их с толку. А чтобы не было страшно, нужно веселиться и шутить. Следы древних празднований остались и в современных традициях Хэллоуина. Только сегодня привидения это дети под простынями. Оранжевый и черный все также главные цвета Хэллоуина, как и много веков назад, когда оранжевые языки пламени освещали тьму ночи. 31 октября в Британии и Америке день веселья и шумных вечеринок. Многие дети и взрослые надевают маски, переодеваются в ведьм, скелетов, привидения, участвуют в многочисленных шутках, конкурсах, викторинах, играх. Короче говоря, веселятся от души. Обязательным символом Хэллоина считается Jack-O-Lantern - тыква, вырезанная в виде сташного лица (и чем страшнее, тем лучше). Внутрь тыквы ставится свеча и вся эта красота ставится на подоконники и у входной двери. Во многих школах проходят парады костюмов. Ну и конечно, TRICK OR TREATing. Вечером дети, собравшись в небольшие группы и переодевшись в самые разнообразные костюмы, ходят от дома к дому, стучатся в каждую дверь в надежде получить кучу сладостей и вкусностей. А дальше вечеринки, танцы, песни, игры, фейерверки, конфеты и счастье. Halloween is celebrated on October the 31st every year. It originated from a pagan holiday and the Christian holiday of All Saints’ Day. The name Halloween is a shortened version of All Hallows’ Eve. Today, it is more of a fun day for children and has largely lost its religious roots. Halloween is probably most famous in the U.S.A. Irish immigrants took it to America in the mid-1600s and it slowly spread across the country. Halloween is not celebrated in many countries around the world although many people know about it. Some Christians are not so happy that people celebrate Halloween. They believe the holiday is un-Christian because of its origin as a pagan "festival of the dead." Halloween has many easily identifiable symbols. The colours orange and black are widely used. In particular, orange pumpkins and fires and black witches, cats and costumes are common features of this day. One of the biggest Halloween activities is trick-or- treating. This is when children knock on doors and ask for a small gift. If they don’t get anything, they’ll play a trick on the person who opens the door. Food also plays a big part of Halloween. Toffee apples are very popular and so is anything made from pumpkin. Halloween is also a popular topic for Hollywood. Many horror movies have been made about it. Because of this, Halloween is now known in many countries that never actually celebrate it. http://like2teach.tmweb.ru/fun/games_012.html Are you large / small? Are you dead / alive? Are you made of wood / metal / stone? Is there anything inside you? Can you move / fly / howl / make a web / use magic? Do you wear clothes? Are you afraid of the sun? Have you got a wand / a broomstick / a cauldron? Have you got wings / fangs / a tail / horns / claws / hooves / feathers / a beak? Do you sleep in a coffin / a grave / a cave? Do you like eating brains / drinking blood / frightening people? bat broom pumpkin ghost cemetery mummy skull owl cauldron werewolf skeleton coffin witch grave vampire trick-o-treating jack-o-lantern graveyard 1. The …………………… is a woman who can make magic. 2. A human …………………………… consists of 206 bones. 3. When a man dies, his body is put into a ……………………………… . 4. There are a lot of graves in a ………………………… or a ……………………… . 5. The upper part of a skeleton is a ……………………………… . 6. A ………………………… ……………… is a small animal that flies at night and drinks blood. 7. When a man died in ancient Egypt, they often made a …………………… of him. 8. At Halloween children in the UK and the USA go ……………………………… . 9. The ……………… is a bird that flies at night. 10.The witch needs a …………………………… to fly in the sky. 11.If a ………………… or a ……………… bites you, you will turn into one, too! 12.A witch cooks her magic potions in a large ………………………… . 13.You cut a face in a ………………… to make a ……………………………… . 14.A ………………… of a person who died sometimes frightens people at night. 1) … is usually black i) a werewolf y) a raven t) a skull s) a bone 2) … has wings o) a bat u) an owl r) a witch a) a raven 3) … has a body of meat and bones a) a shadow t) a ghost r) a vampire h) a cauldron 4) … has a tail e) a cat e) a coffin r) a raven e) an owl 5) … has fangs a) a vampire r) a broomstick f) a scream l) a werewolf 6) … can move by itself o) a pumpkin o) a cauldron l) an owl l) a gravestone 7) … usually stays in the same place for years i) a broomstick y) a cemetery s) an owl s) a haunted house 8) … can fly m) a bat a) a witch h) a grave o) a cemetery 9) … is not reflected in the mirror f) a zombie r) a nightmare y) a lantern t) a vampire 10) … is usually orange i) a pumpkin o) a bat u) a pentagram f) a Jack-o'-lantern 11) … is a dead person returned to life t) a witch y) a vampire o) a werewolf o) a zombie 12) … is usually larger than a human d) a skeleton o) a bat u) a coffin i) a wand 13) … is usually smaller than a human h) a spider a) a rat t) a werewolf v) a fang 14) … is often used in magical rituals e) a pentagram t) a pumpkin s) a wand o) a cauldron 15) … is a sound h) a lantern l) a scream v) a howl e) a moan 16) … belongs to a witch d) a cauldron t) a black cat e) a vampire h) a broomstick 17) … is a place where you can often see a ghost e) a cemetery w) a cauldron r) a web p) a haunted house 18) ... usually hasn't got supernatural powers o) a witch r) a spider n) a magician o) an owl 19) … is usually white b) a skull g) a spider l) a fang e) a skeleton 20) RIP means … w) ride impatient ponies a) rule immortal pumpkins m) rest in peace y) run inside pentagrams Down: 2. a star with five points often used as a magic symbol 3. the time when evil spirits are most active 4. the mysterious power that makes impossible things happen 5. an area of darkness created when something blocks light 6. trick or ...... is a children's Halloween custom of visiting homes and asking for sweets 7. a dead person brought back to life by a supernatural force 9. a reanimated dead creature that sucks the blood of sleeping people 11. a small frightening creature with eight legs 15. the season when Halloween is celebrated 16. a small domesticated animal usually accompanying a witch 17. the bones of the head 19. a very frightening and unpleasant dream 21. the spirit of a dead person that someone sees or hears 23. a wicked woman who has supernatural powers 24. an area of ground where dead people are buried 25. one of the hard parts that form a frame inside the human or animal 26. a large round metal container used to mix up things for magic spells 27. the person that becomes a wolf when there is a full moon 31. the abbreviation RIP means "...... in peace" 33. a bird with big eyes and a small sharp beak that hunts at night 34. an animal like a large mouse with a long tail 35. the most powerful evil spirit Across: 1. a large round orange vegetable 4. you wear it to hide your face 8. a large bird with shiny black feathers 10. it stands on the place where someone was buried and usually shows the name and dates of birth and death 12. a long, low, sad sound made by the wind or by a ghost 13. a small animal that looks like a mouse with wings 14. a thin stick that is used to do supernatural things 17. a very loud high cry you make when you are frightened 18. Jack-o'-...... is an empty pumpkin with a face cut into it and a light inside 20. one of the sharp long pointed teeth 22. a long loud sound that wolves and similar animals make 25. a witch rides through the air on it 28. a large and frightening creature 29. a ...... house is a place often visited by spirits of dead people 30. a net of thin sticky threads made to catch insects 32. a strong feeling of shock or fear 36. the place where a dead body is buried in the ground 37. Halloween is on the 31st of ...... 38. an inner structure that supports a human or animal body 39. a large box in which a dead person is buried

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Урок по теме "Helloween"

Урок по теме "Helloween"
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