Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время"
Оценка 4.8
английский язык
6 кл
Данный конспект урока составлен для итогового занятия для учащихся 5 класса по теме "Hobbies and interests". Материалы урока могут быть полезны учителям работающим не только в общеобразовательных школах, но и школах-гимназия. школах с углубленным изучением английского языка. Данная форма организации урока позволит учащимся в соревновательно - игровой форме показать свои знания.Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы,хобби. свободное время"
Урок-соревнование в 5 классе Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время, хобби.docx
Уроксоревнование в 5 классе
по теме «Мои интересы, хобби, свободное время»
Закрепить навыки употребления страдательного залога.
Цель урока:
Развивать навыки устной речи с использованием страдательного
залога и пройденных ранее ЛЕ.
Pазвивать интерес к изучаемому языку, желание общаться на
английском языке.
Оборудование и раздаточный материал:
Интерактивная доска с программой “Active Studio” или карточки с заданиями
грамматическими заданиями.
I. Warm up.
T.: Today we go on working with the Passive Voice. Some exercises will be done;
a text will be read by you and if we have time some games will be played by us.
Are you ready?
T. – Ps.: What was done for the lesson by you?
What was brought for the lesson?
What will be done at the lesson today?
II. Phonetic drill.
T.: Let’s start as usual with the poem about Rob. He is a boy. I will read the poem
line by line. Every team `ll translate a line. If you translate it correct you’ll get one
point. (Slide 1)
I was made by Peat and Paul.
I was taken by Dol.
I was given by Dol to Pat.
I was lost by Pat.
I was found by Kate
I was brought back by Pat.
Here I am, your friend Rob.
Thank you Peat! Thank you Paul!
Thank you Pat! I love you all! Were you really made by Paul?
Were you really taken by Dol?
Were you really given by Dol to Pat?
Were you really lost by by Pat?
Were you really found by Kate?
Were you really brought back by Pat?
III. Grammar tasks.
T.: You have been given cards. Have a look at them and let`s do some grammar
1 Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice and read them . You
will get one point for every correct sentence. (Total 4)
Card 1 ( Slide 2)
*She is good at English.
*We were told an interesting story.
*The island will be explored next summer.
*It is cold in the street.
*She was reading the book when we came.
*The book was read by Jane.
*The exercise is full of mistakes.
*English and French are spoken at our school.
Card 2 (Slide 2)
*We shall tell the story about a hare.
*This translation will be finished next Monday.
*The little brother was reading a book the whole day.
*He was told to buy fruits.
*The home task was done.
*His collection of stamps is beautiful.
*The film watched by him was interesting.
*A sing was song by a little girl.
Card 3 (Slide 3)
*They are going to the cinema.
*The way to the theatre was shown by an old woman.
*We are fond of reading novels. *I hate reading detective stories.
*A picture was stolen from a museum.
*A pencil box is made of plastic.
*The poem will be read tomorrow.
*I collect books about gardening.
2. The computer was given the task to change the sentences from the Active
Voice into the Passive Voice. Were all the sentences put into the Passive? Try to
find mistakes in the computer programmer and correct them. (Total 2)
(Slide 4)
1 He learnt the poem yesterday.
The poem was learnt yesterday.
2 He did the work last week.
The work was done last week.
3 She made the cake an hour ago.
The cake was made an hour ago.
4 She translated the story.
The story was translated.
5 He opened the land long ago.
The land was open long ago.
6 He took the photo last week.
The photo took last week.
7 She took the book in the library.
The book was taken in the library.
8 He will forget the news soon.
The news will be forgotten soon.2
9 He wrote the letter two days ago.
The letter was written two days ago.
10 She looks after her pet.
The pet is looked after.
3. Choose the right form of the verb. (Slide 5) 1) He looked/was looked for the puppy.
2) The puppy looked/was looked for the boy.
3) They spoke/were spoken about the book.
4) The book spoke/was spoken about.
5) We study/are studied many subjects.
6) We teach/are taught many subjects at school.
7) She teaches/is taught us English.
IV. Reading
T.: I know that the best holiday of all is one`s birthday. It is so pleasant when you
are given presents, when you are wished many happy returns of the day. Bit of
cause, many things must be done to have a nice holiday that will be remembered
all the year. Do you agree to this? I know a boy who isn`t lazy. He is diligent; he is
able to do many things about the house. But he doesn`t like to do some lindy of
work. Now you will read a short story “A Ready Help”. I think it is about this boy.
So read the story and answer the question:
What does Meggie want Ted to do?
Does Ted think all these jobs are men`s jobs?
(Slide 6)
A Ready Help
Ted: What do you want me to do? Is there any men`s job to be done?
Meggie: Why! Lots to do! I want you to open some jars of jam and some cans.
Besides, I`d like you to cut cheese and bread. No sweet without sweat. Besides, I`d
like you to bring napkings from the kitchen. Besides…
Ted: Come on! What else would you like me to do?
Meggie: Oh! Nothing. Too much sweat.
Ted: All right. I`ll do everything with pleasure. But, do you think akk these jobs
are men`s jobs? We must decide what is done by men and what is done by women.
We must be fair.
T.: As Ted says we must be fair. We also decide what is done by men and what is
done by women. Finish the sentences below the text: (Slide 7)
The food is bought and brought by …
The bread is cut by …
The jars and cans are opened by …
The tea is made by …
The cakes are made by …
The table is laid by … The cakes are eaten by …
The dishes are washed by …
T.: Now back to the text. Find the proverb which means «Без труда не вытащишь
и рыбку из пруда». – “No sweet without sweat”.
T.: Tell me the truth, what do you like more: to get presents that were bought in a
shop or the presents that were made by your friends or parents?
V. Crossword
(Slide 8 9)
T.: You have got cards. Crosswords are written on them. Your task is to fill in the
(Total 10)
2s n
o b
e s
c e
1 What is drawn and coloured?
2 What is made of snow?
3 What is made of sweet cold milk and is eaten by children with pleasure?
4 Who is invited to the party?
5 What is decorated for the New Year party?
1 Who was made of wood?
2 What is sung? 3 What is read?
4 What is given to people on their birthday?
5 What is made (baked), decorated with cream and eaten by people with
T.: Everything I planned for this lesson was done. You will get certificates for you
good work.
Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время"
Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время"
Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время"
Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время"
Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время"
Урок-соревнование в 5 классе "Мои интересы. хобби, свободное время"
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