Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку"Литературный калейдоскоп"(8-9 класс)
Оценка 4.7
английский язык
8 кл—9 кл
Данное внеклассное мероприятие проводится в форме конкурсных заданий по теме: Писатели и поэты Великобритании. Участвуют две команды.В ходе выполнения заданий заданий учащимся нужно соотнести имена и фамилии писателей ,соединить названия произведений, соотнести писателей с их произведениями, прочитать стихи поэтов и другие задания.
МОБУ СОШ с.Октябрьское
Стерлитамакского района республики Башкортостан
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 8
Тема: Литературный калейдоскоп
Форма: Внеклассное мероприятие
Подготовила: учитель английского языка МОБУ СОШ с.Октябрьское
Стерлитамакского района республики Башкортостан Мазитова Розалия
Латыповна Внеклассное мероприятие
“Литературный калейдоскоп”
Цели: совершенствование знаний и умений приобретенные на уроках по теме «
Английская литература»;
развитие навыков работы в группе;
развитие памяти, мышления, творческой фантазии;
воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре;
формирование интереса к изучению английской литературы для детей;
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, карточки с заданиями, книжная выставка,
Приложение: презентация PowerPoint «Литературный калейдоскоп».
Ход мероприятия:
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests! (Приложение, слайд 1 ) Welcome to our show! We have
been studying English Literature for some time and today we’ll find out which team knows the
subject better. You will have several tasks and each team will get a certain number of points .
Today there are two teams and I’d like you to introduce yourselves.( ученики представляют
свои команды и капитанов).
Teacher: OK, Are you ready to start? The first task is called “Name the writers!” Here you
need to use properly names and surnames of English writers.(слайд 2)
( ученики получают задание на карточках)
1. Charles 1. Shakespeare
2.Agatha 2. Bronte
3. Charlotte 3. Milne
4.Roald 4. Carroll
5. Arthur 5. Burns
6. William 6. Dickens
7. Lewis 7. Conan Doyle
8.Daniel 8. Dahl
9. Robert 9. Christie
10.Allan 10. Defoe
Teacher: Let’s see how you succeeded. Please, call out your variants.
( ученики по очереди называют имена писателей , а при равном количестве правильных
ответов очко получает та команда, которая справилась с заданием быстрее).
There is another task to do. It is called “ These captivating books”. Here you need to compose
the titles of wellknown books written by the English writers by the fragments that are given in
each card. Try to do it as quickly as possible.(слайд 3)
1. Jane 1. in Wonderland
2. Robinson 2. the –Pooh 3. Romeo and 3. Twist
4. Alice 4. Juan
5. Vanity 5. Crusoe
6. Oliver 6. Eyre
7. Rob 7. Juliet
8. Sister 8. Fair
9. Don 9. Roy
10. Winnie 10. Carrie
Teacher: Good of you! There is one more task to be completed. It is called “Find the author for
each book”(слайд 4)
1. Charlotte Bronte 1. Alice in Wonderland
2. Herbert Wells 2. Winniethe Pooh
3. William Shakespeare 3. Oliver Twist
4. Lewis Carroll 4. Hamlet
5. William Thackeray 5. The Invisible Man
6. Charles Dickens 6. Jane Eyre
7. Walter Scott 7. Don Juan
8. Theodore Dreiser 8. Vanity fair
9. John Byron 9.Rob Roy
10. Allan Milne 10. Sister Carries
Teacher: Now, it’s time to present your wall newspapers. I’d like you to say some words about
your newspapers.( жюри оценивает команды в конкурсе “Стенгазета”.
Teacher: So, here comes the next task: “Our dear Shakespeare”. ( слайд 5) As you know,
Shakespeare is one of the famous English writers and it’s hard not to know about his life and
works. Now, you should try to name as many facts about his life as possible: they can be his
books, birth place and date, etc. Is that clear? Let’s begin. (ученики стараются назвать как
можно больше фактов из жизни и творчества писателя).
Teacher: Do you like poems? So do we. Let’ recite our favorite poems! (Этот конкурс
начинает учитель. Затем представители команд рассказывают стихи наизусть)
Teacher: There is one more task for you. “ What books are these extracts from?”( слайд 6)
1. “ Вскоре я почувствовал, как чтото живое задвигалось у меня по левой ноге,
осторожно пробралось мне на грудь и приблизилось к подбородку. Опустив глаза я
различил перед собой человека ростом не более шести дюймов, с луком и стрелой в
руках и колчаном за спиной.
2. “ Почти весь день бродил по берегу, отыскивая удобное место для жилья. Больше
всего заботился о том, чтобы обезопасить себя от ночных нападений диких зверей и
людей. К вечеру наконец нашел подходящее место на крутом склоне холма”.
3. So, I began a new life. I had no shelter and no clothes. I could tell nobody my secret . I
was thinking about one thing only: where to get shelter from the snow and where to find
clothes. But there was no shelter for a man in London. Then I had a good idea . I went to
a big department store. You know these department stores, Kemp. You can get everything there: meat, clothes, clocks and watches, and many other things. I thought to
take shelter there.
4. She fell down the hole very slowly, so she had time to look around. It was very dark there
but she saw many cupboards and bookcases, maps and pictures on the walls of the hole.
As she fell down she thought, “It’s interesting to know how far I’ve fallen now. I must be
near the centre of Earth. Shall I fall through the Earth? Suddenly she fell to a heap of dry
leaves. She quickly jumped to her feet and looked around.
5. He looked at me and said: “ Do you read the Bible?” “Sometimes”
“Is it interesting?” “No, sir”.
“This shows that you are a bad girl”, said the man.
“Mr. Brocklehurst,” said Mrs. Reed, “I think I told you in my letter, that she is not a
good child. If you take her to Lowood school, tell the teachers what kind of girl she is.”
“I’ll speak to the teachers,” he said.
“ She will stay at the school during her holidays,” said Mrs. Reed, “that will be best for
Teacher: So, you’ve managed to complete this task too. Well, the next task will be the
contest: “ Right or Wrong?” I’ll give you the sentences about English Literature. You will
need to decide whether they are right or wrong and try to prove your point of view.(слайд 7)
1. “Hamlet” is a comedy.
2. Robert Burns was born in Scotland.
3. “Three men in a Boat” is a short story.
4. Shakespeare wrote tragedies.
5. Mark Twain is an English writer.
6. “Othello” is a tragedy.
7. “Matilda” is a book about an ordinary girl.
8. Charlotte Bronte had five sisters.
9. John Byron wrote novels.
10. Jack London is an American writer
Teacher: Now, I would like you to answer my questions. The contest is called “Reading
tastes”( слайд 8)
1.Why do you read?
2. Have you read any book in the English language?
3. People do not read much these days. Do you agree?
4. Who is the writer you admire most?
5.What is a good book for you?
6. What English writers are the most famous around the world?
7. What types of books do you know? What do you prefer?
8. Do you take books from the library?
Teacher: our competition is coming to the end. And the most pleasant part of our competition
is awarding the winners. Thank you for displaying excellent knowledge of English literature.
I hope that you will continue to enjoy English Literature. Goodbye!(Приложение слайд 9)
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку"Литературный калейдоскоп"(8-9 класс)
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку"Литературный калейдоскоп"(8-9 класс)
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку"Литературный калейдоскоп"(8-9 класс)
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку"Литературный калейдоскоп"(8-9 класс)
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку"Литературный калейдоскоп"(8-9 класс)
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