В данной презентации дана информация, касаемая специализации и квалификации работников различных сфер деятельности, а также представлены различия между такими понятиями как специализации и квалификации. Данный материал может быть использован как на уроках английского языка, так и технологи в 10-11 классах.
Specialization and qualification of workers.pptx
Specialization and
of workers
Specialization and qualification of workers.
What are they?
• Specialization of workers - a complex of
abilities and skills acquired through special
training and experience of knowledge and
required for a certain type of activity in the
framework of one or another profession.
Qualification of workers – an individual
ability or quality that you need in order to do
a particular job or activity.
Choosing a specialization
The amount of different specializations is
almost endless. You should choose the type
of specialization that will give you more
chances to get a job, which is right for you.
You should choose a type of specialization,
which you want to get as early as you can to
have more time for training some special
skills before you end your education.
Types of qualifications and routes of
their improvement.
There are many levels of qualification.
Generally, qualification includes individual
qualities of a person, so not every person
can become a scientist.
There are different ways of increasing
your qualification: taking some courses,
studying with a specialist, watching
educational movies, training some skills,
modeling of learning situations etc.
Specialization and qualification of workers on the international labour market.
Lately, the amount of vacancies in the area
of producing of modern scientific
technologies increases because of the
involving modern technologies in all spheres
of society on the international labour
IT sphere is also in demand, especially
programming specializations.
on the Yekaterinburg’s labour
Specialization and qualification of
The most popular specializations
in Yekaterinburg:
1.Qualified work in production
and construction
2.Sphere of management
3.Food services
4.Specializations connected with
To sum up, it appears that the
demand on highly-qualified
labour is decreasing.
• There are many types of
qualifications and specializations
required for different jobs on different
labour markets. Some of them are in
demand, some of them are not. You
should choose that type, which suits
your desires best, and practice a lot
to become a professional in some
sphere. You should also take into
account the status of this sphere on
the labour market of the city or
country you are going to work in.
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