Буклет по теме "Спорт в Британии"

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  • 11.06.2023
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Спорт в Британии
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Many kinds of sport originated from England. The English have a proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

  Association football, or soccer is one of the most  popular gamesin the British Isles. In summer the English national sport is cricket.  Golf is Scotland`s contribution to British sport. Rugby Union, the amateur variety of Rugby football, is the Welsh national sport.

Walking and swimming are the two most popular sporting activities, being almost equally undertaken by men and women. Snooker (billiards), pool, and darts are the next most popular sports among men. Aerobics and yoga, squash and cycling are among the sports where participation has been increasing in recent years. There are several  places in Britain  associated with a particular kind of sport. One of them is Wimbledon – a suburb to the south of London  where the All-England Lawn Tennis Championships are held. The other one is Wembley – a stadium in north London  where international football  matches, the Cup Finals and other events have taken place since 1923. The third one is Derby, the most famous flat race in the English racing calendar, it is run at Epsom near London since 1780.

References                                                               Soccer- футбол             Rugby – регби                                                               Snookerснукер ( игра на бильярде)                 Squashразновидность тенниса (играют на закрытом корте ракетками и мягким резиновым шарикомWembleyзнаменитый футбольный стадион  в Лондоне                                                                                The Cup Finalфинальная игра на розыгрыш кубка по футболу                                                                              Epsonгород в графстве Суррей, где находится ипподром


1.What English proverb  which have come from the world of sport do you know?                                    2. Which is the English summer national sport?      3. Which kinds of sport can you name in England? 4. Which game can be called the most popular game in the world?                                                             5. How many players are there in a football team? 6. How many words of football terminology do you know? Say them in English?


1.The most popular kinds of sport in Great Britain?                                                              2. A recent football match which you watch?          3. The most   popular kinds of sport in Russia?  4.The kind of sports which are becoming more popular?                                                                    5. What is more important in sport?

Which English Sport Centres are associated with these Sports ? 

1.Wembley           a. horse - racing                            2. Wimbledon       b. association football (soccer)  3.Derby                  c. lawn tennis

  Here  are the ten most popular Sports in  Great Britain.  Take the sports you know something about and grade them according to how exciting or boring you think they are.

Asocciation  football (soccer)        Cricket          Lawn tennis                                    Table tennis    Golf                                            Rugby football Racing                                        Badminton    Snooker                                           Fishing

Which description fits which game?

1)Soccer ; 2) Lawn tennis ; 3) Table tennis             4) Cricket

A) The most popular English summer game, played on a green field, very slow and long by two teams of 11players each.

B) One of the most popular English games, played from late August until the beginning of May on a large field with around leather ball, by two teams of 11players each.

C) A very popular outdoor game, played on a court with rackets in which the ball must pass back and forth over a net.

D) A game played by two or teams of two players on a rectangular table using wood paddles and a small plastic ball.

                      *      *       *

                   Read   and smile 

Brown ( in the middle of tall shooting story): “Hardly had  I taken aim at the lion on my right, when I heard a rustle in the jungle grass, and perceived an enormous tiger approaching on my left. I now found myself  on the horns of a dilemma!”  Interested little boy: “Oh, and which did you shoot first – the lion, or the tiger, or the d`lemma?”

                          *      *        *

“His hobby is weight – lifting – with a knife and fork.”







Методическое пособие по английскому языку для проведения уроков по теме спорт в Британии.     Использован  материал из книги для чтения на английском языке в старших классах средней школы «О Британии  вкратце» Составители  Ощепкова В.В., Шустилова И.И. – Москва: Просвещение 1998