So many languages, so many cultures ...
Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. Some of them are old-fashioned and just few people remember them, others are part of people's life.
In my mind to be a real citizen of the country you should know and be proud of your country’s traditions and carefully keep them up.
So, the object of the study is the customs and traditions of Canada.
The purpose of the presentation is to analyze the customs and traditions of the inhabitants of Canada.
Canada is a country in North America, the second largest in the world by area. It is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans, having the longest coastline in the world. It borders the United States of America to the south and northwest (Alaska), and has maritime borders with Denmark (Greenland) to the northeast and France (Saint Pierre and Miquelon) to the east. The Canada-US border is the longest shared border in the world.
Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system, its monarch is the monarch of the British Commonwealth of Nations; Canada is a bilingual and multicultural country, where English and French are recognized as official languages at the federal level. A technologically and industrially developed country, Canada has a diversified economy based on rich natural resources and trade (in particular with the United States, with which Canada has cooperated comprehensively since the time of the colonies and the founding of the Confederation).
Founded by the French explorer J. Cartier in 1534, Canada originates from a French colony on the site of present-day Quebec, originally inhabited by indigenous peoples. After a period of English colonization, the Canadian confederation was born out of the union of the three British colonies (which were previously territories of New France). Canada gained independence from the United Kingdom through a peace process that lasted from 1867 to 1982.
Canada is currently a federal State consisting of ten provinces and three territories. The province with the predominant French-speaking population is Quebec, the rest are predominantly English-speaking provinces, also called
English Canada in comparison to French-speaking Quebec. As one of nine predominantly English-speaking
provinces, New Brunswick is the only officially bilingual Canadian province. The Yukon Territory is officially bilingual (English and French), and the Northwest Territories and the Territory of Nunavut recognize eleven, including four official languages, respectively (among which there are also English and French).
The birth of a baby
The birth of a child for Canadians, as for most Europeans, is a joyful and long-awaited event. The news that the young couple are expecting a baby is reported to all their loved ones as soon as the couple finds out about it. On this occasion, the friends of the future mother arrange a holiday in honor of the baby, at which they gather in advance as a gift toys, gifts, things necessary in the future.
After the birth, all the relatives and relatives of the child gather in the parents ' house, and a baby's show is arranged, where the name of the child is jointly invented. Most often, it is named after one of the relatives, for example, a father, grandmother or uncle. However, this is an optional rule: you can ignore it and name the baby to your taste.
The end of school for Canadian students is a joyful and long-awaited moment. For it, as well as in most European countries, they are prepared according to the same model. Parents and school tutors select the place of celebration. Usually they prefer a restaurant, cafe or even a yacht. The banquet should correspond to the age level of the celebrants, and the older generation strictly observes control over the consumption of alcohol by children.
This custom of Canadians is taken very seriously by the students themselves: they carefully choose an outfit, think through the appearance from head to toe. It is also customary to choose a lady or a gentleman for this evening. As a rule, graduates agree on this in advance.
The official part of the graduation ceremony is held a few days before the banquet, it is accompanied by the last call and the delivery of documents. Graduates in robes and hats accept congratulations from the administration and parents
Wedding celebration
To begin with, an official ceremony is organized, which is conducted by a religious representative or judge. The status of husband and wife young people get only after pronouncing the oath of the newlyweds, for which they prepare in advance and even rehearse in the church.
After the wedding ceremony, the banquet part follows. Canadians usually invite a large number of guests, over a hundred. Among them are relatives, relatives and friends. They usually give expensive gifts that facilitate the first stage of the joint life of young people. According to the traditions and customs of Canadians, giving money for a wedding is not accepted: it is considered a bad sign.
Belief in the prediction of the stars
The Canadian people are particularly sensitive to astrology, celestial bodies and the star horoscope. Most of the representatives of the nation daily follow the news received from astrologers, try to follow their advice and be careful during the day. If some facts coincide, then for the Canadian this is a real heavenly message, and not just a coincidence.
The maple tree is a world-famous symbol of this country
Everyone knows that Canadians love to eat pancakes or pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast. Its preparation is similar to the production of honey in Russia. It is in this country that three-quarters of all maple syrup in the world is produced. The maple leaf is even depicted on the flag of Canada. It has 11 pointed teeth, although in reality such a leaf shape does not exist in nature. It is the 11 prongs that are depicted, since so many maple species grow in Canada.
Special meaning of colors
Flowers are a great gift and a symbol of attention among different peoples at all times. However, Canadians are very careful when choosing the components of a bouquet for a gift. For them, each flower has its own hidden meaning and can become a negative sign for the person to whom you give it.
In conclusion, I would like to notice that there is a wide rang of customs and traditions in English speaking countries. Some of them got into the reality of other cultures and completely different life styles, they are still strongly attached to the roots of the British history.The most amazing thing about all that is that during the centuries those traditions have managed to stay urgent and have been rugged enough to withstand in today’s world. These customs and traditions are still topical and moreover they keep on attracting more and more people who are truly interested in the history and development of the English speaking countries.The strict scrutiny of the traditions of the English speaking countries helps us to realize more thoroughly the way of living of people of these countries, their social status and the history of the country.
1. Сороко-Цюпа, О. С. История Канады / О.С. Сороко-Цюпа. - М.: Высшая школа, 1985
2. Тойшль, Карл Западная Канада. Путеводитель / Карл Тойшль. - М.: Аякс-пресс, 2009.
3. Наталья Кузнецова.Канадские традиции и обычаи,2018
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