Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7
Домашняя работа +4
английский язык +1
9 кл—11 кл +1
ТЕКСТ УРОВНЯ INTERMEDIATE Серия данных публикаций позволяет расширить словарный запас учащихся. Передовые школы и педагоги пользуются данными сборниками по чтению при подготовке к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Все тексты адаптированы и легки для чтения. После каждой главы следуют задания, которые очень интересны. Конечно, это сокращенный вариант текстов. Но удовольствия при чтении они доставляют ни чуть не меньше. Отлично подойдет тем, кто работает репетитором или ведет кружки и факультативы.

                                                                                  031--raKor,nrreAhHa'1                                                                                              - fren lish.ru

Then King arthur spoke to his

ISBN 978-5-8112-3341-0


9785811 233410

ofKihg Arthur

knights as they sat at their table.

'Promise nqver to act unfairly.


Promise al"'ays show mercy to those who askfor it. Behave well tÒwards women. Don'tfight ivithoutgood reason orfor money andgov. Ifyog break yourpromise, you will lose your place at the Round iwble.



nterme 'ate


Upper Intermediate

-rpeTbero YPOB


AJ1q cogepmeHcTByonmxcq

ознакомительная копия english.ru


Английский клуб

Легенды о короле


АДаптация текста, преДисловие, комментарий, упражнения, словарь ЕХ Вороновой



ознакомительная копия - еп ish.ru

удк 811.111(075) ББК 81.2Англ-9З


Серия «Английский клуб» включает книги и учебные пособия, рассчитанные на пять этапов изучения английского языка: Elementary (для начинающих), PreIntermediate (для продолжающих первого уровня), Intermediate (для ПРОДОЛЖАЮЩИХ второго уровня) , Upper lntermediate (для продолжающих третьего уровня) и Advanced (для совершенствующихся).

Серийное оформление А. М Шагового

Легенды о короле Артуре / адаптация текста, предисловие, Л38 коммент., упражнения, словарь Е. Г. Вороновой. — М.: Айрис-пресс, 2008. — 64 с.. ил. — (Английский клуб). — (Домашнее чтение).

ISBN 978-5-8112-3341-0

Небольшие по объему легенды о короле Артуре можно использовать для чтения и обсуждения в рамках одного академического часа на уроках в школе и для самостоятельного чтения дома. Тексты рассказов адаптированы в учебных целях до уровня Pre-lntermediate и сопровождаются комментарием, а также заданиями для отработки и закрепления навыков владения грамматическим и лексическим материалом. Данный сборник может стать незаменимым помощником преподавателя при подготовке экзаменационного материала по чтению.

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такого рода практика.

ББК 81.2Англ-93 удк 811.111(075)

000 «Издательство «АЙРИС-

пресс», оформление, адаптация, предисловие, комментарий, упISBN 978-5-8112-3341-0      ражнения, словарь, 2008


Артур и его рыцари — самые известные персонажи Британской истории. О рыцарях Круглого стола написаны поэмы, картины, романы, созданы фильмы и мюзиклы. О короле Артуре был даже сделан диснеевский мультфильм. Сегодня король Артур стал символом мужества, силы и благородства.

История о короле Артуре и его рыцарях очень старая. Говорят, что между 400 и 600 годами нашей эры в Британии жил король, который успешно сражался с саксонцами. Возможно, это и был король Артур. Возможно, он жил в Уэльсе или где-то на западе Англии.

На самом деле, никто точно не знает, кем он был. По легенде, король Артур правил страной вместе с королевой Гвенивер. У него было около 150 рыцарей в Камелоте. Он выбирал их за благородство и храбрость. Волшебник Мерлин был его близким другом и советником. Артур был хорошим королем, и его правление было временем мира для Британии.

О короле Артуре существует много легенд и мало исторических фактов. В Средневековье о нем было написано много легенд — многие рассказы очень не похожи друг на друга, так как каждый автор пытался сделать истории более интересными. В то время люди очень интересовались магией, рыцарями и их дамами . Поэтому герои легенд часто сражаются на мечах и пользуются магией в этих рассказах. Истории о короле Артуре полны героических деяний, приключений, любви и ненависти.

king Arthur

king Arthur and his knights are the most famous characters from British history. They аге well-known all over the world. There аге poems, paintings, novels, fllms and musicals about the knights ofthe Round Table. Even а Disney cartoon about king Arthur, 'The Sword in the Stone', was produced. Nowadays he has Ьесоте the symbol ofcourage, strength and goodness.



The story about King Arthur and his knights is very old. They say that there was a king in Britain between the years of 400 and 600. He fought the Saxons successfully and perhaps he was Arthur. It is quite possible that he lived in Wales or in the west of England.

In fact, nobody exactly knows who he was. According to legend, King Arthur ruled Britain with his beautiful queen Guinevere. He had about 150 knights at his court at Camelot. He chose them for their goodness and bravery. An old magician Merlin was his close friend and adviser. Arthur was a good king and his reign was a time of peace for the British.

There are many legends about him and few facts. Many poems were written about them in the Middle Ages and later. Not every book about King Arthur and his knights has the same people and stories in it. Writers tried to make the stories more interesting and more exciting. At that time people were interested in magic, knights and their ladies. So people fight with swords and use magic in these stories. The stories of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table are full of heroic deeds, adventure, love and hate.


Many years ago, there lived a great and noble king Uther Pendragon. He ruled the country wisely and brought peace to England. He had an adviser Merlin, who made powerful magic.

Uther married beautiful lgraine and soon the king's son was born. Soon after he was born, Merlin came to the king with terrible news.

'King Uther,' said Merlin, 'I can see into the future. soon, you will become ill and you will die. It will be a terrible time. There will be great wars in Britain. Your son will be in danger because your enemies will want to kill him. Let me take him away. He will live in a secret place there until he becomes a man.'

Lither and [graine got very unhappy but they believed Merlin.

'Take our child to a safe place,' said King Uther. 'He must be out of danger. '



So, one dark night, Merlin took the baby away. He brought him to the castle ofa good knight Sir Hector. The knight promised to take good care of the baby. Merlin told Sir Hector to name the baby Arthur.

Soon the king fell ill and died. The next sixteen years were terrible. There were many wais. Many castles and villages were burnt. The people needed a strong ruler to bring peace to Britain.

Merlin decided that it was time to reveal his secret. He went to London with a message for the Archbishop. Lords and ladies from all over the land came to hear what Merlin had to say.

'I have great news,' said Merlin. 'This land will soon have a new king. He will be wiser and nobler than Uther Pendragon. The new king will bring peace to this land. There will be no war and hunger in England.'

Merlin told the Archbishop to gather all the knights in the biggest church.

When the knights arrived, they saw a great stone outside. A shining sword was buried deep in it. On the stone, they saw the words written in gold letters:

' Whoever pulls this sword out of the stone is the rightful king of Britain.

All the knights tried to pull the sword out of the stone. They pulled it with all their might, but no one could do that!

The Archbishop decided to send messenger; across the land. 'You will tell our people about a tournament on New Year's Day. Everyone can try to pull the sword out of the stone,' the Archbishop said.

On the day ofthe tournament, knights came from every part of England. Among them was Sir Hector with his son Kay and Arthur who was eighteen years old. When they were in one of the London streets, Kay suddenly cried:

'I have left my sword at home!'

Arthur rode back to bring it, but the gates were locked and no one was at home.

'What can I do?' Arthur thought. 'l have an idea. In one of the London churchyards, I saw a sword in the stone. I'll bring it to my brother. '

Then Arthur rode quickly to London, came into the churchyard and easily pulled the sword out ofthe stone. Arthur knew nothing about the sword and the importance of his actions.

Kay looked at the sword and gave it to Sir Hector.


'Father, here is the sword out of the stone. I must be the rightful king of Britain!'

'Have you done it yourself, my son?'

'l am sorry, my father. It was not me. It was Arthur. He has given the sword to me.'

'Where did you get it from, Arthur?' asked Sir Hector.

'I pulled it out ofthe stone in the chumhyald, ' answeœd Arthur.

Sir Hector, Kay and Arthur rode back to the churchyard. All knights watched in surprise when Arthur pushed the sword into the stone. Then they tried to pull the sword out ofthe stone but couldn 't do it. Then Arthur came to the stone and quickly pulled it out.

The sword shone brightly in Arthur's hand. Britain had a new king!

Helpful Words & Notes

Merlin — MepJIMH; nerer-uapm,lñ Mar M BOJIUJe6HHK M3 Y3J1bca, COBeTHHK KOPOJIH Amypa; no npeAaHHHM, npocnaBMJICH YMeHHeM npencKa3b1BaTb 6yayruee

Sir — C3p; B BeJIHK06PHTaHHH THTYJI, rlPeameCTBYK)L11HM HMeHH PHuapeii to reveal a secret — paCKPb1Tb ceKpeT

Archbishop — apxnenncKon; cTap111MiÍ eryncK0TI (gepK0ßHoe 3gaHue) to gather all the knights — c06paTb Bcex pbluapeii the rightm — 3aKOHHb1iÍ KOPOJIb with all their might — co Bceü CWIH importance of his actions — BaXHOCTb ero neiácTBHii


1                        Bb16epwre IIPaBW1bHb1ñ 0TBe-T.

1)           Who was Arthur's father?

a)      Merlin

b)     Sir Hector

c)      Uther Pendragon

2)           Who could make magic?

a)      beautiful Igraine

b)     a noble king Uther

c)      an adviser Merlin


3)           Who did Arthur live with before he became a man?

a)      Merlin

b)     Sir Hector

c)      Queen Igraine

4)           Where was the stone with the sword?

a)      in the church

b)     in the churchyard

c)      in the castle

5)           What sword did Arthur bring to Kay?

a)      his own sword

b)     the sword from the stone

c)      his father's sword

6)           Why couldn't the knights pull the sword out of the stone?

a)      They were not strong.

b)     They didn't want it.

c)      None of them was the rightful king of Britain.

7)           Who pulled the sword out of the stone?

a)      Kay

b)     Sir Hector

c) the rightful king of Britain

2                        HOCTaBbTe rnaro,'lbl B npoweameM BPeMeHH B HY*HYH) KOJIOHKY.

Ruled, made, had, was, came, promised, tried, fell, died, arrived, answered, saw, rode, gave, pulled, watched, pushed, cried, shone, thought.

Regular Verbs

(IIPaBHJ1bHb1e raaro.rlbl)

Irregular ½rbs




npHexæn —



npvm_ren —


yna.ll —




6b1J1 —





(IIPaBHJ1bHb1e r.marmbl)

Irregular Verbs

(HenpaBHJ1bHb1e r.qar0JW)


exan Bepx0M —


nan —

06e1-uaJ1 —

cBepKæn —

libiTaJ1cq —



3                        Hanuurwre npewuoxeHHA B npomemueM BpeMeHH.

l) Uther Pendragon rules the country wisely.

2)            Merlin makes powerful magic.

3)            Soon after Arthur is born, Merlin comes to the king with terrible news.

4)            So, one dark night, Merlin takes the baby away.

5)            The knight promises to take good care of the baby.

6)            Soon the king falls ill and dies.

7)            When the knights arrive, they see a great stone outside.

8)            Arthur rides quickly to London, comes into the churchyard and easily pulls the sword out of the stone.

9)            All knights watch in surprise when Arthur pushes the sword into the stone.

10)      The sword shines brightly in Arthur's hand.

4                        Paceraøsre 6YKBN no nopaaKY H 3an0JIHwre •ra6JIH10'.

bleno, fulpower, ibleterr, happyun, fesa, ongstr, atgre, ingshin, Idgo, fulright
























King Arthur wanted to have a castle for his court. He asked Merlin to make a strong castle on the top of the hill. Merlin made magic and a week later the king, his helpers and servants came to live in Camelot castle.

It was a real wonder. The castle was big and white with wonderful towers. Inside there was the Great Hall, the Dining Hall, the kitchen and the rooms of all Arthur's knights.

Then came time when King Arthur decided to marry. He asked his good friend Merlin for his advice.

'A king should have a wife. The kingdom needs a queen. Is there any lady that you love?' said Merlin.

'Yes, the lady Guinevere, the daughter of King Leodegrance. I love her, the most beautiful lady in the world. Will you go to her father and tell him that I want to marry Guinevere?'

King Leodegrance was happy to hear the news.

'This is the best news I have heard!' he said. 'I am proud that such a noble and brave king as King Arthur wants to marry' my daughter. I will send him a present — the great Round Table. Arthur's father gave it to me many years ago. One hundred and fifty knights can sit around it. I hope Arthur will like it.'

And so Merlin returned to King Arthur's castle with Guinevere and the Round Table. King Leodegrance also sent one hundred knights to serve Arthur and take place at the Round Table.

King Arthur was very happy to see Guinevere in his castle. He also asked Merlin to choose fifty noble knights forthe Round Table. In a short time, Merlin found forty-six ofthe bravest knights in Britain.

Soon the wedding day came and the Archbishop came to Camelot to marry King Arthur and Lady Guinevere. All the people of the kingdom were invited to the wedding party.

After the wedding service, Althur asked the Archbishop to bless each seat at the Round Table. Then the knights took their seats at the Round Table but four seats were empty. When Arthur and Guinevere came into the hall, Merlin asked the knights to stand and bow to their King and Queen. As the knights did so, gold letters appeared on each chair. Each chair had the name of the knight who sat on it.

'Let me tell you the wonders of the Round Table,' said Merlin. 'At this table all men are equal — no one sits at the head. When


031--1aK0MwreAb1--ra¶ a knight is killed in the battle, a new knight will take his place. His name will also be written on the chair. The names of all knights who sit at King Arthur's table will live on forever.'

'But what about the empty seats?' asked King Arthur.

'One place is for the Black Knight,' said Merlin. 'You will soon meet him in a fight. Then he'll take his place at this table. Two more are for the brave knights who have not come yet. This one is the Perilous Seat. The best knight must take it. '

All knights listened to Merlin carefully and no one asked him who the best knight was. Then King Arthur spoke to his knights as they sat at their table.

' Promise never to act unfairly. Promise always to show mercy to those who ask for it. Behave well towards women. Don't fight without good reason or for money and gold. If you break your promise, you will lose your place at the Round Table.'

Helpful Words & Notes

Camelot — KaMeJ10T•, nereHAapHaq CTOJIHUa KOPOneBCTBa Kopon¶ Ap-

Round Table — KpyrJ1b1M CTOJI•, rmpu_reCTBeHHHiÍ CTOJI KOPOJIB Aprypa M ero H36PaHHOä pb1uapcK0ü APPKHHb1, CHMBOJI 6narop0AHoro 6paTCTBa

H Pb1UaPCTBeHHOrO noBeaeHHH the wedding day — aeHb CBaAb6b1 to bless each seat — 6JrarOCJIOBHTb Kaxnoe MecTO all men are equal — BCe PaBHb1

to show mercy — MHJ10cepAHe


1  Kro CKa3aJ1 caeayoruee? CoeAHHwre BMR nepcoHaxa c ero CJIOBaMH.

King Promise never to act unfairly. Promise always Leodegranceto show mercy to those who ask for it.

King Arthur          I am proud that such a noble and brave king wants to marry my daughter.

Merlin A king should have a wife. The kingdom needs a queen. 12


2                         Pacerawre npea.noxeHH* no nopu»w.

I Merlin made magic and a week later King Arthur and his knights came to live in Camelot.

The wedding day came.

The Archbishop blessed each seat at the Round Table and gold letters appeared on each chair.

Merlin returned to King Arthur's castle with Guinevere, the Round Table and one hundred knights.  Knights promised never to act unfairly and fight without good reason.

King Arthur decided to marry Guinevere.

3                         OTBeTbTe Ha sonpocN.

l           ) Why did King Arthur want to have a castle? 2) Why did King Arthur choose the city of Camelot?

3)            Why did King Arthur decide to marry Guinevere?

4)            Why was King Leodegrance happy when he heard that King Arthur wanted to marry his daughter?

5)            Why did King Leodegrance send King Arthur the Round Table?

6)            Why were there empty seats at the Round Table? 7) Why was the Perilous Seat empty?

4                         3aKOHMWre npuuoxeHHß CJIOBaMH 113 TeKCTa.

l) King Arthur wanted to have a castle for

2)           He asked his good friend Merlin for

3)           Will you go to her father and tell him that I want to

4)           I am proud that such awants to marry my daughter.

5)           Merlin returned with Guinevere, the Round Table and

6)           He also asked Merlin to choose fifty noble knights for

7)           The wedding day came and the Archbishop came to



8)           Then the knights took their seats at the Round Table but

9)           Each chair had the name ofthe knight who

10)     At this table all men are equal — no one sits at

5                         AaHHb1e  HeBePHb1. CaeJ1aWre uX OTPHUarreJIbHHMM H 3ameM aaüme 11PaBHJ1bHb1A Bapwwr.

l           Uther Pendragon made powerful magic.

2)           Merlin took the baby to the castle of King Leodegrance.

3)           When the knights came to the church, they saw a shining sword in the tree.

4)           Kay and Arthur were brothers.

5)           Merlin tried to pull the sword form the stone.

6)           Kay pulled the sword from the stone.

7)           King Arthur married Igraine.

8)           Sir Hector gave King Arthur the Round Table as a


9)           Two hundred knights could sit at the Round Table. 10) Each seat had the name of King Arthur written on it.


Soon King Arthur heard about the Black Knight. He lived in the nearest forest and was one of the strongest men in Britain. He had fights with all the knights who were going through the forest. He was always the winner and killed a lot of them!

King Arthur decided to meet the Black Knight and talk to him. So he put on his armour and rode into the forest. He took Merlin with him who was the wisest man in the country.

They were going through the forest and suddenly saw a shield in the tree. There were some words on it:

'Whoeverpasses this way will meet his death!'

King Arthur struck the shield hard. A moment later he saw the Black Knight in black armour on a black horse.


03HaK0MwreAb1--ra¶ do you stop everybody who goes through the forest?' asked King Arthur.

'I do as I like,' said the Black Knight. 'If you want to go on, you must fight me first. '

'I will,' said King Arthur.

The fight began. Both knights were very strong and the fight went on for a long time. Suddenly King Arthur struck the Black Knight's sword so hard that his own sword broke in two!

When Merlin saw it he decided that it was time to take action! So he put a spell on the Black Knight. The next moment the knight fell into a deep sleep.

'What have you done?' asked the king. 'Have you killed the Black Knight with your magic?'

'He is only sleeping, my lord, ' said Merlin. 'Come with me.' Merlin took Arthurto an old man who lived deep in the forest. The old man bmew ofsecret medicines. He used them to heal Arthur's wounds. Arthur was unhappy because he didn 't have his sword anymore.

'Don't worry, my lord. Soon you will have a much better sword, ' Merlin said.

Merlin asked Arthur to follow him. It was a long way through the forest. At last they came to a beautiful blue lake.

'Merlin, why have you brought me here?' Arthur asked looking at the blue water of the lake.

Suddenly he saw something very strange and surprising. In the middle of the lake an arm in white silk came out of the water. In the arm there was a shining sword.

'This is Excalibur,' said Merlin, 'the sword that I told you about. The Lady of the Lake will give it to you.'

Then they saw a beautiful lady. She appeared out of the lake and walked across the waters to them. Her hair was as red as fire, and her blue eyes were shining as the water of the lake.

'The Lady of the Lake lives under the water in a beautiful palace. She will tell you how to get the sword,' said Merlin.

The lady came up to the king and said to him.

'I am the Lady of the Lake. I have kept the sword for many years. This boat will carry you to the centre of the lake. So you will get the sword. '

Then Arthur saw a boat coming up to him. He got into it and the next moment the boat turned and sailed to the centre ofthe lake.


Arthur easily took the sword from the arm and the arm went under the water. The boat turned once more and sailed back to the shore. Arthur wanted to thank the Lady of the Lake but he didn't see her there. He jumped out of the boat and showed Merlin the sword.

'Which do you like best?' asked Merlin. 'The sword or the scabbard?'

'I like the sword, of course,' said King Arthur.

'That is not a wise choice,' said Merlin. 'The scabbard is more important. While you wear the scabbard, you will never lose a drop of blood. So keep it with you forever. '

The King Arthur and Merlin went back to the Black Knight. Merlin woke him up and the battle began again. Now Arthur had Excalibur and soon he won the battle.

The Black Knight fell to his knees in front if the king.

'Don't kill me, King Arthur!' asked the Black Knight.

'I will not kill you because you fight so bravely. Will you come to live in Camelot?' asked the king.

The Black Knight agreed and they made their peace.

Helpful Words & Notes

it was time to take action — Hacræua nopa AeñCTBOBaTb to heal Arthur's wounds — 3œrre¼HTb paHb1 Amypa


The Lady of the Lake — (Deq 03epa; TaMHCTBeHHaH repo" HR, 06naaaK)Luaq CBePXbecreCTBeHHOh CWIOÏ; Halle,TIHJ1a Aprypa BOAwe6HbIM MeHOM



I                 IIpaBAa (D                 Herr (F)? 06BeAHTe 11PaBW1bHb1Ü OTBeT.


The Black Knight lived in the forest.




The Black Knight always lost the fights.




King Arthur saw a shining sword in the tree.




2                  COCTaBbTe npaBAHBwe upennoxeHHß.

4) The Black Knight struck the King Arthur's sword so hard that his own sword broke in two!



5) Merlin put a spell on the Black Knight and the knight fell into a deep sleep.



6) Arthur saw the Lady of the Lake coming out of the water with a sword in her hand.



7) The Lady of the Lake had black hair and black eyes.



8) Arthur easily took the sword from the arm and the arm went under the water.



9) Arthur had Excalibur and soon he won the battle with the Black Knight.



10) The Black Knight came to live in Camelot.




was the wisest man in the country.

he didn 't have his sword anymore.

the arm went under the water. he decided to meet the Black Knight and talk to him.

his own sword broke in two!

Merlin had put a spell on him. killed many knights. they made their peace. asked Arthur not to kill him.

rode a black horse.

3          HaiáARTe B Tewre     110C.meA1-1HX r.maø npežuoxemqq H 3an0JIHwre Ta6JIHUY.

ECTb JIH JIeAH, Korropyl-o Tbi JUO6HU1b?


3T0 Jlyqu_1Me HOBOCTM, KOTOPb1e H Koraa-JTH60 CJ1b1UIW1.




06e1.uaiÍre BcerAa 11POHBJ1¶Tb Mmocepnue.


nenmo, wro xoqy.




FloñAeM co MHOM.


He BOJIHyücq.


Iloqew Tbl npHœJ1 MeH¶ ck0Aa?


I-ITO Te6e HPaBHTC¶ 60J1bU1e?


He y6HBaM MeH¶!



King Pellenore was one of the bravest knights of the Round Table. He loved adventures very much and travelled a lot. When he was back at Camelot he spent much time riding in the forest. He loved dancing and singing and talking with other knights.

The Lady Vivien was one of the most beautiful ladies at Camelot. She was so beautiful that nobody thought that she was very wicked. The Lady Vivien liked King Pellenore and often talked with him about his adventures. One afternoon she asked him to go for a long ride with her through the forest.

When they were deep in the forest, they met a beautiful goldenhaired lady.

'Good knight,' she said to King Pellenore, 'I ask your help. A young knight is badly wounded. were riding to Camelot when somebody struck him with a sword. '

'I will help you,' King Pellenore said; 'lead me, young lady.'


Kingput on his armour and Arthurrode into the forest because struck the Black Knight's sword so hard that was unhappy because took Merlin with him who took the sword from the arm and

Thewas always the winner


Knighthad black armour and fell into a deep sleep because fell to his knees in front if the king and agreed to go to Camelot and


But Vivien told him, 'Do not go with her. She maybe a witch.

Ride on with me. '

'She is no witch, but a good young lady,' said King Pellenore.

Then the golden-haired lady spoke again.

'Oh, good knight, help me! I must go to Arthur's Court to see my father. My dear knight is going to marry me. But first I want to talk to my father. Help us or he will die.'

'I will help you, lady,' said King Pellenore.

Vivien tried to stop him, but he followed the young lady. When the wicked woman saw that he was going to leave her, she made her horse throw her to the ground. There she lay soundless.

King Pellenore did not know what to do. He wanted to help the young lady but he could not leave Vivien. So he said:

'Young lady, I will help you. I have never wanted to help anyone so much as I do you. I must save your knight and bring you both to Arthur's Court. But let me first ride back with Vivien. Then I will come back here to you.

I am afraid it will be too late,' cried the young lady.

Then King Pellenore put Vivien on her horse. He tied her to its back by her long green scarf. At this moment she opened her eyes and said that she was very sick.

She made him ride very slowly to Camelot. King Pellenore did not talk to her. He was thinking all the time ofthe young lady. He took Vivien to Camelot and rode back to the forest as fast as he could.

He found the young lady and her lover in the forest. They were lying on the grass and their faces were as white as snow.

'Good knight, you are late!' the lady said, 'he is dead and I am dying. '

Then King Pellenore saw that the young knight was quiet, and that all the grass was red with blood.

'Ah, good knight,' said the lady, 'when you left me, a wolf ran out of the wood and killed my knight. The animal wounded me so badly that I am dying now. '

Then King Pellenore started crying.

'Why didn't I help you? I have done wrong.'

He sat down and took her golden head on his knee, and spoke to her gently till she died. Then he put their bodies on his horse and took them to Camelot.

Near the great hall he met Arthur and Merlin.


'I am a miserable man,' he said.

Then the wise Merlin said:

'You aœ more miserable than you know. This beautiful lady was your own daughter. She stolen from you when she was a baby. Not long ago she learned who her father was. She coming here to meet you. ' Then King Pellenore cried loudly.

'This is my punishment,' he cried, 'for not helping the young lady. She needed my help more than Vivien. '

Helpful Words & Notes

wicked — soundless — 6e33BYHHHiÍ, 6e3MOJIBHb1M a miserable man — HecqacTHHM qeJ10BeK punishment — HaKa3a1--rqe


1                       BN6epme 11PaBW1bHNÜ Bapnawr 3anOJIHemw

l) King Pellenore was one of theknights of the Round Table.

a)     youngest

b)     bravest

c)     cleverest

3)           The Lady Vivien waslady.

a)     not a beautiful

b)     a wicked

c)     a miserable

4)           One day King Pellenore and the Lady Vivien met a

deep in the forest.

a)     wicked witch

b)     wolf

c)     beautiful lady

5)           The lady and the knight were going

a)     home

b)     to King Pellinore

c)     to hunt in the forest


6)           When the Lady Vivien saw that King Pellinore was following the young lady, she

a)     fell down from the horse

b)     made her horse throw her down

c)     rode away

7)           When King Pellinore returned to the golden-haired lady, dead.

a)     the knight was

b)     the lady was    

c)     the lady and the knight were

8)           King Pellinore was miserable because he

a)     hadn't helped his daughter

b)     had left the lady's and knight's bodies in the forest

c)     hadn't helped Vivien

2                       Km H Il(HeMY? Ham•nnwre, COeAHHHB qacru upe1V1•oxeHHü.

11 p M e p: 'Good knight, I ask your help,' said the goldenhaired lady to King Pellenore because... a)

l) 'Do not go with her. She may be a witch,' said because...

2)           'But let me first ride back with Vivien,' said because...

3)           'Good knight, you are late!' said  be-


4)           'You are more miserable than you know,' said because...

5)           'I am a miserable man!' saidbecause..

a)            „ she really needed help. The knight was dying.

b)           he had to take Vivien to Camelotfirst.

c)            he hadn't helped the golden-haired lady.

d)           the knight was dead and she was dying.

e)            he knew who the young lady was.

f)             . she didn't want King Pellinore help the young lady.

3                       nepecKaw-ne rnaøy OT JIHUa:

a)            King Pellenore;

b)            King Pellenore's daughter.


There came a time for Merlin to leave Camelot. Sadly he said 'goodbye' to Arthur and left him to rule the country alone. It was time for Merlin to sleep his long sleep, until the day came when he would wake up once more. Slowly Merlin walked away from the court at Camelot and out into the night.

The Lady Nimue was waiting for him. She led him on a long journey, until at last they reached the court of Elaine. There he asked to see Elaine's son Lancelot of the Lake. He was called so because the Lady of the Lake took him when he was a baby and kept him hidden in her underwater palace for many years after the death of his father King Ban.


'Go to Camelot for the next tournament and tell King Arthur my last wish, ' said Merlin to Lancelot. 'I want you to become a knight at the Round Table.'

Then the Lady Nimue took Merlin to an underwater cave. There he fell into a long sleep.

'I will wake up when Britain is in great danger, ' were Merlin's last words.

Some months passed and in the middle of the next tournament, a mysterious stranger appeared in Camelot. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were watching him with great interest. The strong and brave knight rode his horse beautifully and had a shining armour but his face was covered. He was a mystery.

'Welcome to the tournament! ' said King Arthur to him ' But who are you? Remember, no knight should be ashamed of his name. '

'First, I would like to fight the bravest knights in your court, King Arthur. Then I will tell you who I am,' said the knight.

Queen Guinevere liked the knight a lot — he was noble, strong and handsome.

'Can he fight as my champion?' she asked the king.

King Arthur loved Guinevere dearly and was happy to agree to anything she wanted. So hesaid to the knight:

'Fight well, the unknown knight! The royal honour is at stake!'

Out in the field, Sir Kay was the first to face Lancelot.

'I am sure that I will win,' said Sir Kay. 'Knight with no name! Let's see who is the best!'

The two knights took their lances and rushed at each other. But the unnamed knight was more skillful. A few moments later Sir Kay fell from the horse. The Knight with no name was the winner!

One by one, the best knights at King Arthur's court took their turn up against him, and one by one, all were thrown down. At last the new champion turned to face King Arthur.

'You are very brave,' said King Arthur to him. 'Now it is time for you to tell us your name. '

Then the knight took off his helmet.

'l am Lancelot of the Lake,' he said. 'Merlin visited me and sent me here to become a knight at your court. For many years I lived in the underwater palace. The Lady of the Lake taught me to be brave and worthy of a place at your table. '


9) King Arthur was happy to make Lancelot his knight.



10) Sir Lancelot was the bravest knight at Camelot.



King Arthur smiled and was happy to have a knight sent by Merlin. He took Excalibur and gently touched Lancelot on each shoulder.

That night Sir Lancelot took his place the Round Table. His name appeared on an empty chair. Later, Sir Lancelot became the


PaceraBbTe npea.uoxeHHR no

bravest knight at the court.


I Merlin left Camelot.

The knight took off his helmet and told his name.

King Arthur took Excalibur and gently touched Lancelot

Helpful Words & Notes

to say 'goodb'e' — 11P01uaTbcH

Wcome to the tournament! — A06po noxaJ10BaTb Ha TypHHp!

The royal honour is at stake! — Kop0J1eBcKag qeCTb nocraBJ1eHa Ha Kapry! skillful — YMeJ1b1Ü

Sir Lancelot — C3P JlaHceJ10T•, CaMHü nonywpHb1ñ H3 pbluapeñ Kpyroro

on each shoulder.

Merlin asked Lancelot to go to King Arthur and become

his knight.

Queen Guine',ere asked a stranger to fight as her cham-


The knight with no name was the winner!

'thélcome, Sir Lancelot, the knight of the Round Table.' at

          CTOJ1a; '13BeCTeH CBOeü xpa6p0CTb10 n 6namPOJICTBOM      The name of the knight — Lancelot — appeared on an




empty chair.




A mysterious stranger appeared in Camelot.


IIpaBna (7) WIH Her (D? 06BeAHTe 11PaBHJ1bHNÜ OTBer.


3aKOHqwre npeA.noxeHH*.


One day Merlin left King Arthur to rule the country alone.




Lancelot lived in the underwater palace for a long time.




Merlin didn't want Lancelot to become a knight of the Round Table.




Lancelot came to Camelot with his face covered.




Lancelot didn't have any armour when he came to Camelot.




Queen Guinevere didn't like Lancelot at first sight.




Lancelot became the champion at the tournament.




Lancelot didn't tell his name to King Arthur.



l) Merlin left King Arthur because


3)           Lancelot covered his face at the tournament because

4)           Queen Guinevere asked Lancelot to fight as her champion because

5)           Lancelot was the winner of the tournament because

6)           King Arthur made Lancelot his knight because

                                                                                                                                                                4 Hanwre JIHnmee CJIOBO.

l) Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Guinevere 2) armour, horse, lancer, sword

3) tournament, knight, king, magician

                                                               26                                                                      27

4)           skillful, unnamed, brave, noble

5)           fight, champion, winner, rush

6)           court, knight, the Round Table, mystery

5 3anaüTe Bonpocbl, ¼T06b1 BbWCHHTb cJ1eayouee:

l) if Merlin said 'goodbye' when he was leaving Camelot.

2)           if Lady Nimue took Merlin to underwater cave.

3)           why Lancelot of the Lake was called so.

4)           if Merlin wanted Lancelot to become King Arthur's knight.

5)           if Queen Guinevere liked Lancelot.

6)           why Lancelot had his face covered.

7)           if Lancelot was the winner at the tournament.

8)           when Lancelot's name appeared on the chair at the Round Table.


One day when Arthur and his knights were at the Round Table, a young man entered. He was so big that the knights thought that he was a giant.

When the boy came closer to them, the king and the knights saw that he had on a coat which was too large for him. It was a rich coat, but it was old and dirty.

'My lord, my name is Brune. I can tell you no more than that. I ask you to make me a knight,' said the young boy.

At this Sir Kay laughed and said:

'He must be called The King with the Badly Made Coat. '

'Call me as you like,' said the young man. 'Yes, I'll take that name, but I will not tell you my real one.'

Then Arthur spoke to him in a kind voice:

'Young man, you ask a great thing. I must know where you come from, and who your father is. '

'My lord, ' said the young man, 'l can't tell you that. But I am the son of a noble who was as big as a giant. My good father was very peaceful and didn't like fighting. That's why he never came to your


court, and you did not hear of him. He lived at home with my mother and me, and the servants in our castle.

'He had only one enemy who wanted our lands. One morning when I was only a boy, my father and I were in the forest. My father was sleeping near the tree, and I was swimming in a small river. This enemy came up and killed my father with his sword. Then he rode away. I ran up to my dead father and took off his coat and put it on. I promised never to take it off, and never to tell my father's name or where I came from. I promised to kill my father's enemy.

'Then I rode home. There I found the enemy in our castle. I was a young boy that time so I decided to wait for some years. I lived in the forest and practised a lot. Once a month I tried to pull up a young tree by the roots. I wanted to be strong. This morning I have done it, and here, my lords, I am.'

When the knights heard the story, they asked the king to make the young man a knight.

'I will teach him to use a sword and a lancer,' said one knight.

A few days later, all the knights went offto a tournament. Brune was in the castle yard practicing some ofthe sword lessons. While he was hard at work, Queen Guinevere with twelve soldiers came up to him. When they were talking, they heard a terrible noise. Then they saw a big lion. Some minutes before the animal escaped from the tower. It was running towards them. The twelve soldiers ran away and left the Queen and Brune alone.

Brune didn't move. He put his sword down. The lion jumped at Brune. He caught its head in his hands. Next moment he broke the lion's neck.

At this moment the king and his knights came back. They saw a dead lion and understood everything.

King Arthur came up to Brune, touched his shoulder with his sword and said:

'Sir Brune, I make you a knight of my Round Table. '

Helpful Words & Notes

a giant — BeJIHKaH

I can tell you no more than that. — He Mory CKa3aTb BaM 60JIb11_1e HHqerO. to pull up a young tree by the roots — BblnepHyrb AepeB0 3-a KOPHM



1                       Hanawre ffPaBW1bHHñ OTBer.

l) What did Brune look like?

a)      strong and skillful

b)     young and big as a giant

c)      noble and mysterious

3)           What did Brune have on?

a)      rich and nice clothes

b)     old and dirty clothes

c)      the clothes which were too small for him

4)           How did King Arthur call Brune when he came into the hall?

a)      Badly Made Knight

b)     the King with the Badly Made Coat

c)      Sir Brune

5)           Where did Brune get his coat?

a)      It was his father's coat.

b)     His mother made it for him.

c)      King Arthur gave it to him.

6)           What happened to Brune father?

a)      He was killed in a tournament.

b)     His only enemy killed him with a sword.

c)      He was killed in his castle one day.

7)           Why did Brune want to become a knight of the Round Table?

a)      to find his enemy

b)     to get new coat

c)      to live in Camelot

2                       Haämrre JIHUIHee CJIOBO.

1)           big, large, great, kind

2)           knight, coat, king, servant,

3)           peaceful, noble, wicked, brave


4)           sword, tournament, lancer, shield

5)           shoulder, castle, palace, tower

6)           found, touched, come, rode

3                          Coemmwre CJIOBa, KOTOPb1e coqe•ra0Tcq B TeKCTe.

to escape to go off to make somebody to kill somebody to take off to speak to somebody to ask somebody

a knight to do something from the tower to a tournament in a kind voice with his sword a coat


One day a young lady came to Arthur. She had a black shield with her.

'My lord, I came for a knight to undertake the adventure of the black shield. '

'And what is that adventure?' asked the king.

'I can't tell you,' answered the young woman, 'but it will be very dangerous. '

She looked carefully at each knight and then she came up to Sir Brune and said:

'Young Knight with the Badly Made Coat, will you take this

So Sir Brune and the young lady left Camelot. On their way through the forest Sir Brune began to talk to the young woman, whose name was Elinor. But she was quiet and Sir Brune thought that she didn't like him. His coat was so poor!



After a long time they came to a castle and Elinor said:

'Go in and you will find your first adventure...'

Sir Brune went inside the gate and saw one hundred knights.

'Quick!' he thought and the fight began. Suddenly he heard a low voice of a lady:

'Young knight, listen to me. Get to the left side of the castle wall. You will see a black stone in it. Strike the stone and a secret door will open. You can run out through it.'

That lady was the knights' prisoner. She felt sorry for Sir Brune

and wanted to help him.

He turned his head and saw a black stone in the wall. Sir Brune was tired and had many wounds. However, he at last came to the door, struck it and the door opened. The knights shouted with anger but Sir Brune escaped.

He was very weak and he could hardly walk. Elinorran to meet him and led him to a small river in a forest. There she took off his armor and bathed his wounds.

Sir Brune began to talk to her but she said:

Do not talk to me. If you want to please me, go back to Arthur's Court.'

Sir Brune did not know why she spoke so, but he was too tired to think. So he lay down on the grass and went to sleep.

Meantime, at Arthur's Court Sir Lancelot learnt that Sir Brune had gone out with a young lady on the adventure of the shield.

'Oh!' cried Sir Lancelot. 'He will surely be killed. Merlin has told me what this adventure of the shield is. A lot of knights took it up and were killed.'

He called for his horse and armour, and said to the king:

'My lord, I will ride after this poor young man and help him. Perhaps I shall be too late; but if not, I shall ask him to give me this adventure of the shield. '

Then Sir Lancelot rode after Sir Brune. Near the small river, he heard the sound of a great battle. Sir Brune was fighting against six knights. Sir Lancelot rode to help and they won the fight.

Poor Sir Brune was almost dead. Elinor said:

'Take him back to Camelot. I do not want him to follow this adventure any longer. Sir Brune, I will tell you the truth. I love you and I am afraid you will be killed. That's why I want you to return to Camelot. '


Sir Brune was very glad, and he said:

'I must go on. When I finish this adventure we will go back together to Arthur's Court.

'Give this adventure to me,' said Sir Lancelot, 'and go back now with the young lady. '

But Sir Brune shook his head and they followed Elinor. Sometimes they rode through woods full of wild beasts. Sometimes they went over fields where wicked magicians tried to put spells on them. They also fought with many knights.

However, they escaped all dangers.

One day Elinor told them that they were coming to the last adventure. She pointed to a strong black castle on a hill:

'It is Lord Brian's castle. At the gate you will see two huge dragons. '

At this Sir Brune gave such a loud shout that the dragons on top of the hill heard him.

'Ah!' cried Sir Brune, 'that is my enemy! He killed my dear father. '

He rode off so quickly to the castle. There they saw the dragons. They were terrible creatures, all of green, with eyes and tongues of flame. Their wings were as large as the sails of a ship. Sir Brune had never before seen a dragon, but he was not afraid. He fought very bravely, and half an hour later the two knights killed the dragons. Then the castle door opened and a man came out.

'Come and fight. But only one,' he said.

'Let me go,' said Sir Brune.

Inside there were two knights, the Lord Brian's brothers. They were as huge as Sir Brune but Sir Brune overthrew them. Then Sir

Plenorius, Lord Brian's cousin came out.

'Ah,' cried Sir Brune, 'where is Lord Brian? Must I fight with all his family before I meet him?'

Sir Plenorius struck Sir Brune and broke Sir Brune's helmet. Sir Brune fought bravely, but he became weaker and weaker. Then Sir Plenorius stopped fighting.

'I know you are the bravest knight, ' he said. 'I loved your good father and was sorry for him. I have no love for my cousin but I must fight for him as long as he lives. '

Sir Brune fell down on the ground. Sir Plenorius took him in his arms into the castle.


Sir Lancelot couldn't wait no more. Then with great difficulty he climbed the castle wall and jumped down:

'Give me back my friend!' cried Sir Lancelot.

Then he began to fight with Sir Plenorius. Sir Plenorius was so much larger than Sir Lancelot was that he thought he could easily overcome him. But he couldn't.

'Ask for mercy!' said Sir Lancelot. 'I am Sir Lancelot of the

Lake. '

Then Sir Plenorius said:

'Ah, my good lord, I know your name. Ifwe go on fighting, you will certainly kill me. I ask you to treat me as I have treated Sir Brune. '

'You are a gentle knight. I am sorry you must help Lord Brian.

He will die soon. '

Sir Plenorius answered•

'When he is dead, I will come to Arthur's Court.'

All this time Sir Brune was lying on the bed. But at last he came to himself and looked about him. He saw his sword and shield near him. He put them beside him. Suddenly he heard someone coming. It was Lord Brian. He knew that Sir Brune was there, alone and wounded, and he wanted to kill him.

'Ah, you are a coward. You are coming to kill me when I am badly wounded. But you make me forget my wounds, ' Sir Brune cried and jumped out of the bed.

'You shall never go down by these stairs because I will läll you!'

The two began to fight in the room, and Sir Brune soon saw that his enemy was trying to push him close to the window. Lord Brian wanted Sir Brune to fall out of it.

Sir Brune started to push Lord Brian to the window. Then he lifted his shield and struck his enemy with it. The wicked lord lost his footing, and fell out ofthe window. He was killed to death at the feet of Sir Lancelot and Sir Plenorius.

Lord B When Sir Brune was well enough to travel, he all the castles ofrian, trying to find his lost mother. He was very much afraid that she dead, but at last he found her alive. He took her and Elinor to Arthur's Court. A few days later Sir Brune and Elinor got married.

Helpful Words & Notes

ho»ever — OAHaKO


He will surely be killed. — OH 1--1aBepHflKa 6yaeT y6MT.

I must go on. — 51 AOJIXCH 11POAOJIXaTb. Ask for mercy! — npocu 1101uaAb1!

badly wounded — THxenopaHeHb1M


1                PaccmBbTe 11PewuoxeHHR no

I Elinor came to the castle and chose Sir Brune.

Sir Brune married Elinor.

Sir Lancelot went to help Sir Brune in his adventure.  Sir Lancelot, Sir Brune and Elinor went on their adventures.

 Lord Brian tried to kill Sir Brune but was pushed out of the window.

Sir Brune fought against Lord Brian's brothers and his cousin.

Sir Plenorius v,ounded Sir Brune badly but didn't kill him. They came to their last adventure and saw two dragons at the gate. Sir Brune fought against one hundred knights and luckily escaped.

2       Orwn,Te Ha Bonpoœ.

l) Who did Elinor choose to undertake the adventure of the black shield?

2)           How many knights did he have to fight at his first adventure?

3)           How did Sir Brune escape?

4)           Why did Sir Lancelot follow Sir Brune?

5)           Why did Elinor ask Sir Lancelot to take Sir Brune back to Camelot?

6)           What was the last adventure of Sir Brune?

7)           How did the dragons look like?

8)           Why did Sir Plenorius not kill Sir Brune?

9)           Who did Sir Brune push out of the window? 10) Did the story have a happy end'?


en ish.ru

3                        3aBepurwre "pennoxeHHH CJIOBaMH H3 ere-Kera.


LUVIT n06eAMTb 3BYK cqyneHH

KPHK cyuecTB0



l) I came for a knight to undertake the adventure of the black

2)                                                                                                      the black stone and a secret door will


3)                                                                                                      He was very weak and he could  walk.

4)                                                                                                      Near the small river, he heard the of a great battle.

5)                                                                                                      Sometimes they went over fields where wicked magicians

tried to puton them.

6)                                                                                                      At this Sir Brune gave such a loudthat the dragons on top ofthe hill heard him.

7)                                                                                                      They were terrible all of green, with eyes and tongues of flame.

8)                                                                                                      Sir Plenorius was so much larger than Sir Lancelot was that he thought he could easily

9)                                                                                                      You shall never go down by thesebecause I will kill you!

10)                                                                                                He was very much afraid that she was dead, but at last he found her

4                        Kow npHHan.mexxr CJIOBa? OfrbRCHWre, noqeMY 3TOT            upoH3HeC HX.

I) Get to the left side of the castle wall. You will see a black stone in it.

2)           Do not talk to me. If you want to please me, go back to Arthur's Court.

3)           He will surely be killed. Merlin has told me what this adventure of the shield is.


4)           Take him back to Camelot. I do not want him to follow this adventure any longer.

5)           I must go on. When I finish this adventure we will go together back to Arthur's Court.

6)           Ah! That is my enemy! He killed my dear father.

7)           Must I fight with all his family before I meet him?

8)           If we go on fighting, you will certainly kill me. I ask you to treat me as I have treated Sir Brune.

5                        Coemnnrre napbl CJIOB, KOTOPb1e BCTpeqaKYTC* B 3T0ü rnne. 3a•reM

3,anOJIHWTe uponycKH C noM01UbK).

undertakethrough the door run outhis head shoutedwith anger wondragons shookthe adventure putbravely hugefor my cousin foughtspells lovemarried gotthe fight

l ) I come for a knight to  of the black shield.

2)           Strike the stone and a secret door will open. You can

3)           The knights    but Sir Brune escaped.

4)           Sir Lancelot rode to help and they

5)           But Sir Brune  and they followed Elinor.

6)           Sometimes they went over fields where wicked magicians tried toon them.

7)           At the gate you will see two

8)           He  and half an hour later the two knights killed the dragons.

9)           I have no but I must fight for him as long as he lives.

10)     A few days later Sir Brune and Elinor

en ish.ru


One day Sir Lancelot and Sir Lionel left Camelot for a new adventure. They rode for a long time and got very tired. So they got offthe h01ses and lay on the green grass. Soon Sir Lancelot fell asleep. Suddenly Sir Lionel saw a huge knight fighting with three other knights.

'He has won the battle. I would like to fight with him,' Sir Lionel thought.

When the huge knight saw Sir Lionel, he smiled. At the very' first strike young Sir Lionel fell from the horse. The huge knight bound him to the other three knights and took them to his castle. There he

threw the knights into a prison.

At Camelot Sir Hector had an idea to join Sir Lancelot and Sir

Lionel. He rode after them and in the forest he met a man.



'Sir, are you looking for a new adventure? Look over there! Near the river there is a big tree. Near the tree there is a basin of copper. Go and strike on it three times.'

Sir Hector came to the tree and saw a lot of shields on it. Sir Lionel's shield was there too. Sir Hector understood that Sir Lionel and other knights were prisoners.

He struck on the copper basin and at once he saw a huge knight.

'Come and fight!' cried the knight. 'I am the great Sir Turqumne.'

The fight began. Sir Hector wounded the huge knight once, but the knight wounded him many times. At last the huge knight took Sir Hector under his right arm into the castle.

'You are very brave, ' he said, 'you are the first knight who has wounded me. Be my helper and I will give you freedom. '

'Never, ' said Sir Hector; 'I am a knight of King Arthur. '

'I am sorry for that,' said Sir Turquaine, 'then you are my prisoner. '

At that time Sir Lancelot was sleeping under the tree. Soon four beautiful ladies rode by. They recognized Sir Lancelot, the bravest knight in the land. One lady said:

'l will put a spell on him.     will take him to my castle. Then, when he gets up, he will choose one of us as his wife.'

In the morning Sir Lancelot got up and couldn't understand where he was. Soon a young lady came in, and he asked her to tell him what had happened to him.

'Sir, I cannot,' she said and left the room.

Then the four beautiful ladies came in.

'Choose one of us for your wife,' they said, 'and you will be very happy. '

But Sir Lancelot said:

'Oh, beautiful ladies, I don't want to marry. I would like to fight for my good King Arthur. '

'You will stay here till you choose,' they said and went out.

In the evening the young lady came to him.

'My lord,' she said, 'I can help you. These ladies are not kind to me, and I am going to run away. I will take you with me if you...'

'Name it!' he said.



'I am a king's daughter, ' she said. 'My father is King Bagdemagus. He took part in a tournament, but lost it. He feels very sad. In two days there will be another tournament. I want you to help him.' 'l will,' said Sir Lancelot.

Then the young lady and Sir Lancelot left the castle quietly. They rode all night and in the morning they came to King Bagdemagus.

He was happy to see Sir Lancelot, the strongest and the bravest knight. All day there was music and dancing. But Sir Lancelot could not be happy.

'Where is Sir Lionel?' he thought.

On the morning of the tournament Sir Lancelot hid in a little wood near the tournament field. King Bagdemagus and his sixty men met another king with eighty men. They began to fight, and soon King Bagdemagus began to lose.

Then Sir Lancelot rode out of the little wood. No one could stand against him. The king asked Sir Lancelot to be his guest but Sir Lancelot shook his head. He had to find Sir Lionel.

On his way he met a young boy:

'Do you know any adventure which I can take? I am Sir Lancelot of the Lake.'

'Oh, Sir Lancelot, ' said he, 'there is a knight Sir Turquaine. He has put in prison many of the Knights of the Round Table. You can fight with him for the freedom of your friends. Follow me!'

The young boy brought Sir Lancelot to the tree with the shields on it. Sir Lancelot struck on the basin but the huge knight came.

'Come and fight!' said Sir Lancelot.

'I will,' said Sir Turquaine. 'But later you will be sorry.'

Then the two rode at each other. They fought until they were breathless, they both had many wounds. Then Sir Turquaine said:

'I have never fought with such a strong man before. I would like to be your friend. You fight as the knight whom I hate most in this world. If you are not Sir Lancelot, I will give you my friendship and free all my prisoners. '

'Let's begin to fight again,' said Sir Lancelot, 'I am Sir Lancelot of the Lake.'

Then the fight began. Soon they gave each other so many wounds that the ground was covered with blood. Sir Turquaine was a strong man, but Sir Lancelot was stronger. After a long fight he fell on the ground and died.


Sir Lancelot came into the castle and opened the doors of the prison. He led the poor knights out. Sir Lionel and Sir Hector were happy to see Sir Lancelot.

Helpful Words & Notes

to bind (bound, bound) — CBH3b1BaTb a basin of copper — MeaHb1iâ Ta3

Choose one of us for your wife — Bb16epn OAHY 113 Hac B XeHb1 No one could stand against him. — HMKTO He Mor YCTOHTb IIPOTHB Hero. to free all prisoners — OCB060AHTb Bcex 3aKJIK)qeHHb1X led the poor knights out — BblBeJ1 6eAHb1X Pbruapeñ Ha CB060ny


1                                                               Bb16epw-re 11PaBHJ1bHb1ü OTBer.

l) Why did Sir Lionel have an idea to fight with Sir Turquaine?

a)       Sir Turquaine attacked Sir Lionel.

b)      Sir Lionel wanted to fight against a strong knight.

c)       Sir Lionel wanted to help the three knights.

3)            What did Sir Turquaine do when he won the fight against Sir Lionel?

a)       Sir Turquaine threw Sir Lionel into the prison.

b)      Sir Turquaine bound Sir Lionel to a huge tree.

c)       Sir Turquaine took Sir Lionel to Camelot.

4)            What happened when Sir Hector struck on the basin of copper three times?

a)       Sir Lionel's shield fell form the tree.

b)      Sir Turquaine appeared.

c)       Sir Turquaine came down from the tree.

5)            What is true about the fight between Sir Hector and Sir Turquaine?

a)       Sir Turquaine wounded Sir Hector many times but Sir Hector didn't wound Sir Turquaine.


031--1aK0MwreAb1--ra¶                                  en is .ru

b)      When the tight was over, Sir Hector took Sir Turquaine under his right arm into the castle.

c)       When the fight was over, Sir Turquaine threw Sir Hector into the prison.

6)            How did Sir Lancelot find himself in the ladies' castle?

a)       One of the ladies put a spell on him and they took him in her castle.

b)      Lancelot rode there on his horse.

c)       He fell in love with one of the ladies.

7)            Who led the knights out of the prison in the end?

a)       Sir Turquaine

b)      Sir Lancelot

c)       Sir Hector

2                                                               B TeKCTe c.mezvwuule npeanoxew«g H 3ano.rmwre raíJIH10'.

6b1 XOTWI cpa3MTbc¶ c





bYAb MOHM HOMOUIHHKOM , H q naM Te6e cB060ay.


MHe OqeHb XUIb, HO Toraa Tbi MOM rmeHHHK.


3aKOJIAYK) ero.


Tbi OCTaHeLLIbCH 3aecb, noKa He caenaeu_lb Bb160P.


xoqy, HT06b1 Tbl noMor eMY.




[103xe Tbi 06 3TOM noxa-neelllb.


XOTWI 6b1 6b1Tb TBOHM apyroM.


AaBaV1 Hal-Il--reM cpaxaTbcq CHOBa!



3                                                               3anOJIHHTe nponycKH UPaBWIbHb1MH npežuoraMH.

from for(3) with on under to out

l ) One day Sir Lancelot and Sir Lionel left Camelot a new adventure.

2)            At the very first strike young Sir Lionel fell the horse.

3)            Sir, are you looking      a new adventure?

4)            Go and strike it three times.

5)            At last the huge knight took Sir Hector his right arm into the castle.

6)            I am sorrythat.

7)            Soon a young lady came in, and he asked her to tell him what had happened

8)            These ladies are not kind me, and I am going to run away.

9)            Then Sir Lancelot rode  of the little wood.

10)      Soon they gave each other so many wounds that the ground was coveredblood.

4                                                               nepeCKaxwre raaBY 0T aqua:

l) Sir Hector; 2) Sir Turquaine; 3) Sir Lionel.


One spring day Queen Guinevere invited ten ladies and ten knights to have a ride in the forest. The next morning they met, all dressed in green, the colour of young grass.

It was a lovely morning. The queen and her company found a lot of spring flowers. They sat down on the green grass and enjoyed the warm sun. Suddenly Sir Malgrace and eighty men in armour came out of the forest.

'l will carry you to my castle, Queen Guinevere,' Sir Malgrace said.

Then the ten knights drew their swords and fought against eighty men of Sir Malgrace. They fought bravely, but they could do little. Soon they were all wounded.



'Sir Malgrace, do not kill my noble knights! I will go with you, ' cried the queen.

On the way to the castle of Sir Malgrace Queen Guinevere said to a young girl:

'Take this ring and give it to Sir Lancelot. Ask him for help.

Sir Malgrace saw the young girl go but his men couldn 't catch her.

'Madam,' said Sir Malgrace to the queen, 'I know that you have sent for Sir Lancelot, but you will never see him. '

Then Sir Malgrace told his eighty men to hide along the road and kill any knight they would see.

The little girl got to Camelot and gave the ring to Sir Lancelot. He put on his armour and left Camelot. At last he got to the road leading to Sir Malgrace's castle.

The men of Sir Malgrace shot hundreds of arrows at him. His white horse was killed and he was badly wounded. He could hardly walk but he came up to the castle gate:

'Come out, traitor; come out and fight. '

Sir Malgrace was afraid of Sir Lancelot. So he went to Queen Guinevere and said:

'My queen, remember how I saved your ten knights. I am really sorry I took you prisoner. Please, go to Sir Lancelot and ask him not to fight. He will be my guest and tomorrow you will all go back to Camelot. '

Then the queen said:

'Peace is always better than war.'

She went to Sir Lancelot and asked him to come into the castle. Then Sir Malgrace took Sir Lancelot to his room. Sir Malgrace opened the door and the next moment Sir Lancelot was deep down in the darkness. There was a trapdoor in the floor!

In the morning, the queen and her company left for Camelot.

'Where is Sir Lancelot?' asked Queen Guinevere.

'He left my castle for Camelot yesterday evening,' answered Sir Malgrace.

The unhappy Sir Lancelot was in the trap. He was hungry and thirsty for two days. At night, Sir Malgrace came and looked down to see if Sir Lancelot was dead. One night a little girl saw Sir Malgrace looking down the trap.

'What is down there? Who is hiding there?' she thought.


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So at night she opened the trapdoor. When she saw Sir Lancelot, she was very' sorry for him. She let him climb up by the rope, and took him out ofthe castle. At night, Sir Malgrace looked down the trap, but he heard nothing. So he thought that Sir Lancelot was dead.

In the morning, Sir Malgrace went to King Arthur.

'You wanted to take my queen. Is it true?' asked King Arthur.

'My lord, I didn't take her. Queen Guinevere came with me because she loved me. '

Then the King got very angry. Suddenly in came Sir Lancelot.

He ran up to Sir Malgrace and cried:

'Come and fight!'

'Mercy!' Sir Malgrace cried.

Now Sir Lancelot couldn't kill him because that man asked for mercy. So he said:

'Traitor, I will take off my helmet and tie my left hand behind my back. Then I will fight with you.'

'So I will win,' Sir Malgrace thought.

The fight began and Sir Malgrace ran to Sir Lancelot with his sword. Sir Lancelot waited until he was very near, and then stepped aside. Before Sir Malgrace could turn, Sir Lancelot cut Sir Malgrace helmet in two. And Sir Malgrace fell dead on the ground.

Helpful Words & Notes

a ride — 3ò. nporynva BepxoM Ha JIOL11aAH arrow — crpena traitor — npenaTeJ1b to take smb prisoner — B3HTb Koro-n. B nneH a trapdoor — 3ð. 110TaMHoh 1110K B nony in the trap — B JlOBY111Ke Mercy! — 1101UaAHTe!


1          PaccTaBbTe npeA.uoxeHH¶ no nopqaKY.

I Guinevere, her ladies and knights were in the forest when suddenly Sir Malgrace came out of the forest.


03HaK0M1-rreAbHa¶                          en ish.ru

Sir Lancelot got a letter from Guinevere and rode to save her.

Sir Lancelot came into the room and the next moment he fell deep down in the darkness. Sir Lancelot killed Sir Malgrace in a battle. The knights fought bravely against Sir Malgrace but he won and took Guinevere to his castle.

The men of Sir Malgrace shot hundreds of arrows at Sir Lancelot but he got to the castle of Sir Malgrace. A little girl helped Sir Lancelot to escape and he returned to Camelot.

2                         KOMY npHHaanexam 9TH c.moBa? 06bncHHTe, noqew 3TOT repoh npoH3HeC n.

1)   I will carry you to my castle.

2)   Do not Idll my noble knights! I will go with you.

3)   Take this ring and gi',e it to Sir Lancelot. Ask him for help.

4)   Come out, traitor; come out and fight.

5)   Peace is always better than war.

6)   Sir Lancelot left my castle for Camelot yesterday evening. 7) What is down there? Who is hiding there?

8)           My lord, I didn't take her. Queen Guinevere came with me because she loved me.

9)           Mercy!

10)    Traitor, I will take off my helmet and tie my left hand behind my back. Then I will fight with you.

3                         COeAHHH'Te napN CJIOB, K0TopHe Bœrpeqawrcq B rnoe. 3aTeM 3an0JIHwre nponycKH C RX nOMOU1bw.

l) The next morning they met, allthe colour of young grass.


They sat down on the green grass and

3)           Then the ten knightsand fought

against eighty men of Sir Malgrace.

4)           Then Sir Malgrace told his eighty men to and kill any knight they would see.

5)           Sir Malgrace opened the door and the next moment Sir Lancelot was



8)           Now Sir Lancelot couldn't kill him because that man

9)on the ground.

dressedin the darkness enjoyedalong the road drewout of the castle hide the sun l) The next morning they, all dressed in deep downin green  green, the colour of young grass.

in the trap 2) The queen and her company a lot of took him their swords spring flowers.

asked       for mercy 3) Then the ten knightstheir swords and felldead   fought against eighty men of Sir Malgrace.

                                                  52                                                                                                                                                            53







put on
























4                         Hanwnnne vropyo "MY rnar0J10B H 3a110JIHwre nponycKM raarŒ10M B 11PaBW1bHOÜ "Me.


4) They bravely, but they could do little. 5) Soon they all wounded.

6)           Sir Malgrace the young girl go but his men couldn't catch her.

7)           Then Sir Malgrace  his eighty men to hide along the road and kill any knight they would

8)           The little girl got to Camelot andthe ring to Sir Lancelot.

9)           his armour and left Camelot.

10)     The men of Sir Malgracehundreds of arrows at him.


King Arthur ruled England for many years. Yet there were traitors and one of them made war against Arthur. The king and his knights left Camelot to meet them.

Sir Modred ruled at Camelot that time. Now Sir Modred hated the king and raised a rebellion against Arthur.

King Arthur returned home and fought against Sir Modred. He lost many ofhis knights but he drove the away from Camelot. The last great battle took place on the seashore.

Before the battle Arthur said:

'Sir Bedivere, I have had a dream. I know I will die today. '

'Mylord, it is a dream,' answered Sir Bedivere. 'You are great. Today you will win the battle. ' Arthur shook his head.

'I don't want it. It is hard to fight against my own people.

It was a grey day with no sun. The mist was so thick that no one could see anyone. Friends fought against each other. The battle went on all day long and in the evening everything got quiet. The mist went away and Arthur looked over the field. He saw only one man standing. The others were dead. The king's face was white:

'They all have died for me. I am king only of the dead. '

The only living man was Sir Modred, the traitor. Arthur lifted his good Excalibur and the fight began. Sir Modred struck the king


english.ru on the head and cut the helmet through. Arthur was badly wounded, but he killed Sir Modred.

Arthur fell to the ground and said to Sir Bedivere:

'Now the time has come! Take Excalibur, go to the lake and throw it into the water.'

Sir Bedivere took the sword and went to the lake. When he was ready to throw the sword far out into the water, the moon came from behind the clouds. The light fell on the sword, and Sir Bedivere saw how beautiful the sword was. So he hid it, and returned to the king.

'What did you see or hear?' asked Arthur.

'I heard the wind and saw the waters of the lake. '

'You haven't thrown the sword in the lake. Go back now, and throw it far out into the lake. '

Sir Bedivere went back and looked at the sword and said:

'No, I can't throw away Excalibur. I will keep it and people will remember the king forever. '

So again Sir Bedivere hid the sword and returned to the king, who asked:

'What have you seen or heard?'

'I heard a vel),' strong wind and saw the shining blue waters of the lake.'

'You are a traitor!' Arthur cried. 'Go now, and throw Excalibur out into the lake.'

Sir Bedivere ran to the lake, took the sword, closed his eyes and threw the sword far away. The next moment an arm in white came out of the water and caught it. Then the arm took the sword down into the lake. Sir Bedivere went back and told the king what he had seen.

'Now, take me to the lake, ' said King Arthur.

Near the blue water of the lake they saw a big black boat. In the boat there were three beautiful ladies with gold crowns.

They came to take Arthur away, Sir Bedivere did not know where. The queens put Arthur into the boat.

'Oh, King Arthur, you are leaving me. The great Round Table is broken up forever. WIIat shall I do?' said Sir Bedivere.

'Old customs pass and new ones come. God makes his world better in many ways. The Round Table did its work and now has disappeared. My work is done. Farewell!'


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Then the boat moved siowiy away. Slr Bedivere watched it until it disappeared.

Helpful Words & Notes

to raise a rebellion — 1104HHTb BOCCTaHHe mist — TYMaH a traitor — npeaaTeJ1b Round Table is broken up forever — KpyrJ1b1ü CTOJT pacnancq HaBceraa Farewell! — Ilporuaü!


1       BN6epwre 11PaBWIbHb1Ü orrner.

l) Who ruled Camelot when King Arthur was away?

a)           Sir Lancelot

b)          Sir Bedivere

c)           Sir Modred

3)          Where did the last great battle take place?

a)           at the seashore

b)          near Camelot

c)           in the great forest

4)          Who won in the last great battle?

a)           King Arthur

b)          Sir Bedivere

c)           Sir Modred

5)          Why didn't Sir Bedivere want to throw Excalibur into the lake?

a)           He wanted to leave it for himself.

b)          He wanted people to remember the king forever. C) The lake was a long way to go.

6)          What happened to Excalibur in the end?

a)           Sir Bedivere kept it.

b)          It went underwater.

c)           Merlin took it to Camelot.




3anonm-rre nponycKH CJIOBaMH H3 Tewra B HYNHOÜ "Me.

npeaaTeJIM 6MTBa vrcqe3aTb HaBceraa



Meq KOPOHa cpaxaTbcq noiiMaTb

l) He lost many of his knights but he drove the away from Camelot.

2)against my own people.

3)           went on all day long and in the evening everything got quiet

4)           Arthur was badlybut he killed Sir Modred.  

5)           Take Excalibur, go to the lake and  it  into the water.

6)           The light fell on the sword, and Sir Bedivere saw how beautiful the

7)           I will keep it and people will remember the king

8)           The next moment an arm in white came out of the water andit.

9)           In the boat there were three beautiful ladies with gold

10)     Sir Bedivere watched the boat until it

Coea»wwre napbl aHTOHHMOB H nepeBeawre npea.moxermg Ha aHTJIHN-


arrive leavefind hateenemy losepeace winnoisy quietlove friendlose

              l) B TO Bpenaq He 6b1JIO Mupa MexAY'                CTpaHaMH.

2)                     3Aecb CJIHLUKOM U_IYMHO.

3)                     Koraa Tbi npuexa.ll?

4)                     Jl}06JHO wcTopwqecKHe POMaHb1.

5)                     rae Tbi HameJ13T0?

6)                     OH MOM npyr, a He Bpar.

7)                     OH nponrpa.n 6HTBY ron Ha3aa.

4                     3an0JIHwre uponycw 11PaBHJ1bH_b1MH npeW1012MM.

to down into

away away with of outof back

Sir Bedivere ran  the lake, took the sword, closed his eyes and threw the sword far away. The next moment an arm in white came the water and caught it. Then the arm took the sword the lake. Sir Bedivere went  and told the king what he had seen.

'Now, take me to the lake,' said King Arthur.

Near the blue water  the lake they saw a big black boat. In the boat there were three beautiful ladies gold crowns.

They came to take Arthur  Sir Bedivere did

not know where. The queens put Arthur into the boat.

Then the boat moved slowly  Sir Bedivere watched it until it disappeared.

en ish.ru


bring [brll)l (brought, brought) npHHOCHTb act [ækt] aeMCTBOBaTbburn [ba:n] (burnt, burnt) xeqb, adventure [ad' ven¶a] rlPHKJIK)-06xeqbcq qeHMe advice [ad'vms] COBeTc adviser [ad 'varza] COBeTHHK agree [a' gri:] cornaL_uaTbCHcareful ['keaf(a)l, 'keaful] BHHMaalive [a ' law] XHBOÜTenbHNiá, aKKypaTHb1ii anger [ ' ænga] 1'HeBcarry ['kærr] HeCTH appear [a' Pla] (no)Ka3aTbCflcastle ['ka:sl] 36MOK around [a' raund] BOKpyr       catch [kæ¶] (caught, caught) noarrive [a' raw] npH6b1BaTb, npH-BHTb, XBaTaTb e3XaTb    cathedral c060p arrow [' ærau] cTpe.na     cave [kerv] neulepa ashamed [a' felmd] npHCTbrxeH-chair [¶ea] cryn choose    (chose, chosen) Bblask [a:sk] IIPOCMTF, cnpa111HBaTb6HPaTb churchyard [ '     UePKOBHb1ü ABOP

back [bæk] cm-maclimb [klalm] B36HPaTbCfl, Kapa6badly ['bædll] Iuoxo; CW1bHOKaTbC¶ bathe [berð] 3ð. nPOMb1Tb (o pa-close [klaus] 6JIH3KHñ

"ax)  coat [kaut] naJ1bT0, rmalll battle ['bætl] 6MTBa court [ko:t] beast [bi:st] 3Bepbcoward ['kauad] Tpyc beautiful ['bju:tlful] KPaCMBb1hcreature cyruecTB0 behave [bl' hervl BeCTM ce6Hcrown [kraun] KOPOHa believe [bl'li:v] Bepwrbcustom [ ' nstarn] 06HqaM, 06psu beside [bl' said] PflAOM best [best]D better ['beta] JlYH111edanger blood [blAd] KPOBbdangerous onac-

both [bau9] 06a bow [bau] nyK (opyxue)darkness [ ' da:knas] rreMHOTa break [brelk] (broke, broken) no-dead [ded] MepTBb1iá

MaTb; Pa3ÕHBaTbdearly ['dial'] CW1bHO breathless ['bre91rs] 6e3Ab1xaH-death [de9] CMepTb decide [dl said] pemaTb


deep [di:p] 1'JIY60KHü die [dal] YMMpaTb dirty da:tl] rpH3HbIii disappear [ , disa 'pra] HCW3aTb dragon dræg(a)n] apaKOH draw [dro:] (drew, drawn) TAHYTb, TalUHTb dream [dri:m] COH; Meqra

empty emptl] nycroii enemy ['emmll Bpar enter enta] BXOAMTb eye [all 1'J1a3

face [fels] nvruO field [fi:ld] none fifty [ ' fiftl] 111TbaeC51T fight [fanl apaKa•, cpaxeHHe fight [fait] (fought, fought) apaTbcq; cpaxan,cq find [farnd] (found, found) HaxoAHTb flame [flelm] nnaMfl follow folau] cneAOBaTb forever [fa ' reva] HaB-cerna freedom ['fri:dam] CB060LIa friendship ['frendftp] Apyx6a

gate [gert] BOPOTa gentle d3entI] get married [get 'mærrd] noxeHHTbCH get off [get of] (got off, got off)

CJ1e3Tb C JIOLIIUIH giant     rwaHTCKMä glad [glæd] AOBOJ1bHb1h gold [gauldl 30JIOTO; 30JIOTOii

golden-haired ['gauld(a)n head] c 30JIOTMCTb1MM BOJIOCaMH grass [gra:s] rpaBa guest [gest] rOCTb

hall [ho:l] 3aJI han(borne ['hæn(d)sam] KPaCHBb1i* hardly ['ha:dll] eaBa head [hed] ronoBa

helmet ['helmat] mneM helper helpa] rlOMOLAHHK here [h:a] 3aecb hide [hald] (hid, hidden) rrpwraTbCfl hill [hill XOJIM hope [haupl Hanexaa; Haueyn,cq huge orp0MHbrü hundred ['hmdrad, 'hnndndl CTO hunger ['hAI)ga] ronoa hungry ['hAIjgrI] rOJIOAHb1Ü


inside [ , In 'said] BHyrpH invite [In 'valt] 11PWJ1auyaTb

join TIPHCOeAHHqTbCH journey nyrewecTBHe

keep [ki:p] (kept, kept) nepxaTb; XPaHHTb kill [kll] y6HTb kind [kamd] A06Pb1ñ kingdom ['krodam] KOPOJ1eBCTBO kitchen ['krtfml KYXHH knee [ni:] KOJEHO knight [nait] pbluapb


lady ['lerdl] JleAM lancer ['la:nsa] (OCTPb1h) HOX large [la:d3] orp0MHb1M lead [li:d] (led, led) BeCTH 3a co60M learn [lam] (learnt, learnt) yqMTbCfl, Y3HaTb leave [li:v] (left, left) 110KMAaTb,

OCTaBJIHTb letter ['leta] 11HcbMO•, 6yvoa lift [Ilft] rlOAHHMaTb listen CJ1ymaTb lock [10k] 3anupaTb lord [lo:d] roc110AMH lose [lu:z] (lost, lost) TePHTb; npoHIVNBaTb lovely Invll] HYAeCHHM, npenec-

magic ['mæd31k] BOnure6Hb1M marry ['mærl] XeHHTbCW,

meantime -reM BpeMeHeM meet [mi:t] (met, met) BCTPeqaTb-

CW, 3HaKOMHTbCH message mesenger [' 110CnaHHHK miserable HecqacT-

Hb1iÍ mist [rmst] TYMaH money ['mnm] aeHbrH move [mu:v] ABHraTbCH mysterious [rm'stlanas] TaHHC-

TBeHHb1M•, BOJIU1e6Hb1ñ

neck [nek] meq

need [ni:d] HYXAaTbCR news [nju:z] HOBOCTH noble ['naubl] 6J1arOPOAHb1ü

outside taut 'sard] cHapyxw overcome [ , auva'knm] (overcame, overcome) npeoaoneTb overthrow [, auva ' erau] (overthrew, overthrown) n06exAaTb; c6pa-

Cb1BaTb', nepeBopaHHBaTb

pass [pa:s] nepeaaBaTb peace [pi:s]   (noxoÜ) peaceful pi:sful]

Seat ['perdas si:t] OnacHoe Mec•ro place [plers] Megro pauaful] MoryuecTBeH-

practice præktlsl TPeHHPOBKa; rrpaKTHKa practise ['præktrs] TPeHMPOBaTbCH; 11PaKTHKOBaTbCA present preznt] nonapoK prison prrzn] TK)PbMa prisoner [' pruna] 3aKJIKNeHHb1ü promise [' proms] 06euaHMe; 06e-

1_naTb proud [praud] ropAHM pull [pul] THHYTb punishment pnmfmant] Haka3aHHe push [puf] TOAKaTb

60                                                                                                                                                         61

queen [kwi:n] KoponeBa quiet ['kwalat] TWXHÏ

reach A06wpaTbCfl real [rral] HaCTOsm_Uåñ recognize rekagnmz] Y3HaBaTb return [n' tam] B03BpmuaTbCfl rich [rl¶] 60raTbIÏ ride [raid] (rode, ridden) e3AHTb BepxoM ring KOJIbUO rule [ru:l] npaBHTb ruler ru:la] npaBHTeJ1b rush [rAJ] ÕPOCHTbCH


safe [self] 6e30nacHb1ñ sail [sell] napyc save [sew] cnacaTb; COXPaHHTb scarf [ska:f] Luapd) seashore ['si:'fo:] 6eper MOPH seat [si:t] MeCTO•, CM,aeHHe send [send] (sent, sent) nocb1J1aTb,

Otrr1PaBJ151Tb servant cnyra service [' sa.•usl cnyx6a shake [felk] (shook, shaken) TPflCTH shield [fi:ld] shine [Jam] (shone, shone) cBepKaTb, cnqTb shining ['fam10] CBePKaK)LIIHii,

should [Jud] cneayer shoulder [' Jaulda] meqo sick [Slk] 60J1bHOM side [said] CTOPOHa smile [small] YJ1b16Ka; YJ1b16aTbCH snow [snau] cHer soon Isu:nl BCKope sound [saund] 3BYK spell [spell MKJIHHaHHe spend [spend] (spent, spent) TpaTHTb, rlPOBOAMTb

spring [sprll)] BecHa stair [stea] crryneHb step aside [step a'sard] OTOMTM B cmpoHY stone [staun] KaMeHb stranger  He3HaKOMeU strike [straik] (struck, struck) YAa-

PMTb strong [stron] CHJ1bHb1ñ such [SAT] TaK0ii surprise [sa' prarz] cKJpnpM3 sword [so:d] Meg

take good care of xopowo 3a60-

TMTbCfl O take off [ ' telk of] CHHMaTb talk [to:k] pa3r0B.apHBaTb terrible terabl] yxacHb1ii thick [91k] TOJICTb1ñ; rycmoä think [9113k] (thought, thought) LIY'MaTb thirsty ['9a:stI] HCTIbITbIBaK)I.UHÜ

through [9ru:] CKB03b, qepe3 throw [9rau] (threw, thrown) KHAaTb tie [tall 11PHB¶3b1Barb tired ['tarad] yc-ræmb1M tongue [tAIJ] H3b1K top [top] Bepxyurva, Bepunma touch [tA¶] 11PHKOCHOBeHMe; aorparHBaTbcq tournament ['tuanamant] copeBHOBa1--1He, TYPHMP towards [ta'wo:dz] no HanpanneHHIO K tower taua] 6a1_LIH1 traitor [' trelta] npeaaTeJ1b trap [træp] J10BYWKa travel [ ' trævl] nyremecTB0BaTb treat [tri:t] OTHOCHTbCfl (K KOMY-JI.)

english.ru truth [tru:9] npaBaa try [trail ffNTaTbcq; CTapaTbCH turn [ta:n] 0HepeAb•, r10BepHYTb

understand [ , Anda ' stænd] (understood, understood) rlOHMMaTb unfairly [ ' An 'feall] HecrrpaBea.11HB0 until [an ' til] Tex nop 110Ka He

village     aepeBHH voice [vars] ronoc


wait [welt] )KAaTb wake up [werk AP] (woke up, woken up) rrp06yxnaTbcg wall [wo:l] CTeHa war two:] BOVIHa

warm [wo:m] Ter1J1bIii watch [wo¶] Ha6JHOAaTb weak [wi:k] cna6bLM wedding [ ' wed11J] CBaAb6a welcome ['welkam] A06po noxa-

JlOBaTb whoever Kro 6H HM wicked ['wrkld] anoiá wild [warld] AHKHii win [wm] (won, won) n06exuaTb, BblHrPb1BaTb wing [WII)] KPWIO winner ['wma] noõeawrenb wise [warz] MYApbrii wish [WII] xeJ1aHHe witch [WI¶] BellbMa wolf [wulf] BOJIK wonder ['wnnda] gyuo wonderful wnndaful] qyneCHbIÏ worthy wa:ðll cryqn_1HM wound [wu:nd] paHa•, paHHTb wrong [roo] HerlPaBHJ1bHbIiÍ, HeBePHbIiÍ


ознакомительная копия - еп ish.ru


king Arthur .

The Sword in the Stone........................... — „ 5 The Round Table ..


The Adventure of king Pellenore ...

Sir Lancelot ofthe Lake

The king with the Вашу Made Coat

Sir Lancelot and Sir Втпе

Sir Lancelot and His Friends..

How Sir Lancelot Saved the Queen ...                                        . 48

The Death ofArthur .................................................. 54

Англо-русский словарь „. 59

Учебное изДание


Адаптация текста, предисловие, комментарий, упражнения, словарь Е. Г. Вороновой

Ведущий редактор В. А. Львов

Редактор Н. Р. Федорчук

Художественный редактор А. М. Кузнецов

Иллюстрация на обложку, оформление А. М. Драговой Технический редактор Т. В. Исаева

Компьютерная верстка Г. В. Доронина

Корректор Е. В. Крепких

Подписано в печать 01.07.08, Формат 60х90/16.

Гарнитура «Ньютон». Печать офсетная. Печ. л. 4. Усл.-печ. л. 4. Тираж 7000 экз. Заказ № 4352.

ООО «Издательство «АЙРИС-пресс»  13184, Москва, ул. Б. Полянка, д. 50, стр. З.

ОАО «Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР». 70040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46.

Kor,nrreAhHa'1 - fren lish

Kor,nrreAhHa'1 - fren lish

ISBN 978-5-8112-3341-0

ISBN 978-5-8112-3341-0

Kihg Arthur knights as they sat at their table

Kihg Arthur knights as they sat at their table

Pre-Intermediate Английский клуб

Pre-Intermediate Английский клуб

КМОСКВААВРИС ПРЕСС 2008 ознакомительная копия - еп ish

КМОСКВААВРИС ПРЕСС 2008 ознакомительная копия - еп ish

В то время люди очень интересовались магией, рыцарями и их дамами

В то время люди очень интересовались магией, рыцарями и их дамами

Many years ago, there lived a great and noble king

Many years ago, there lived a great and noble king

So, one dark night, Merlin took the baby away

So, one dark night, Merlin took the baby away

Activities 1

Activities 1

The knight promises to take good care of the baby

The knight promises to take good care of the baby



King Arthur wanted to have a castle for his court

King Arthur wanted to have a castle for his court

Let me tell you the wonders of the

Let me tell you the wonders of the

K0MwreAb1--ra¶ a knight is killed in the battle, a new knight will take his place

K0MwreAb1--ra¶ a knight is killed in the battle, a new knight will take his place

KOHMWre npuuoxeHHß CJIOBaMH 113

KOHMWre npuuoxeHHß CJIOBaMH 113

EXCALIBUR Soon King Arthur heard about the

EXCALIBUR Soon King Arthur heard about the

The Lady of the Lake lives under the water in a beautiful palace

The Lady of the Lake lives under the water in a beautiful palace

KOMwreAb1--ra¶ was the wisest man in the country

KOMwreAb1--ra¶ was the wisest man in the country

Kingput on his armour and Arthurrode into the forest because struck the

Kingput on his armour and Arthurrode into the forest because struck the

But Vivien told him, 'Do not go with her

But Vivien told him, 'Do not go with her

Then the golden-haired lady spoke again

Then the golden-haired lady spoke again

You aœ more miserable than you know

You aœ more miserable than you know

King Pellinore help the young lady

King Pellinore help the young lady

The two knights took their lances and rushed at each other

The two knights took their lances and rushed at each other

One day Merlin left King Arthur to rule the country alone

One day Merlin left King Arthur to rule the country alone

Te Bonpocbl, ¼T06b1 BbWCHHTb cJ1eayouee: l) if

Te Bonpocbl, ¼T06b1 BbWCHHTb cJ1eayouee: l) if

I was swimming in a small river

I was swimming in a small river

Haämrre JIHUIHee CJIOBO. 1) big, large, great, kind 2) knight, coat, king, servant, 3) peaceful, noble, wicked, brave 31 4) sword, tournament, lancer, shield 5)…

Haämrre JIHUIHee CJIOBO. 1) big, large, great, kind 2) knight, coat, king, servant, 3) peaceful, noble, wicked, brave 31 4) sword, tournament, lancer, shield 5)…

Elinor. But she was quiet and Sir

Elinor. But she was quiet and Sir

K0MwreAbHa¶ After a long time they came to a castle and

K0MwreAbHa¶ After a long time they came to a castle and

Come and fight. But only one,' he said

Come and fight. But only one,' he said

You are a gentle knight. I am sorry you must help

You are a gentle knight. I am sorry you must help

Bepurwre "pennoxeHHH CJIOBaMH H3 ere-Kera

Bepurwre "pennoxeHHH CJIOBaMH H3 ere-Kera

Take him back to Camelot. I do not want him to follow this adventure any longer

Take him back to Camelot. I do not want him to follow this adventure any longer



Sir Hector came to the tree and saw a lot of shields on it

Sir Hector came to the tree and saw a lot of shields on it

I am a king's daughter, ' she said

I am a king's daughter, ' she said

Sir Lionel wanted to help the three knights

Sir Lionel wanted to help the three knights

K0MwreAb1--ra¶ en is

K0MwreAb1--ra¶ en is

Sir Hector; 2) Sir Turquaine; 3)

Sir Hector; 2) Sir Turquaine; 3)

Malgrace opened the door and the next moment

Malgrace opened the door and the next moment

So at night she opened the trapdoor

So at night she opened the trapdoor

At night, Sir Malgrace looked down the trap, but he heard nothing

At night, Sir Malgrace looked down the trap, but he heard nothing

HaK0M1-rreAbHa¶ en ish

HaK0M1-rreAbHa¶ en ish

CTPeJHTb be 6b1Tb put on

CTPeJHTb be 6b1Tb put on

KOMwreAb1--raS1 4) They bravely, but they could do little

KOMwreAb1--raS1 4) They bravely, but they could do little

Now, take me to the lake, ' said

Now, take me to the lake, ' said



B TO Bpenaq He 6b1JIO Mupa MexAY'

B TO Bpenaq He 6b1JIO Mupa MexAY'


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