English Expert Contest
(конкурс знатоков английского языка)
Teacher: Glad to meet you, dear girls and boys, guests and teachers! Today we are having “The Contest of English Experts”. We’ll divide into 2 groups. Every team should choose a captain. Let’s begin.
Task 1. (Страноведение)
1. На доске помещены флаги англоговорящих стран в такой последовательности:
1) USA
2) Canada
3) The UK
4) Scotland
5) Australia
6) England
1. Which is the flag of Australia? (5)
2. What country consists of 4 parts? (3)
3. What country lies to the north of the USA? (2)
4. What country lies to the north of England? (4)
5. What country lies to the south of Scotland? (6)
2. На доске картинки с изображением :
1) Buckingham Palace
2) Westminster Abby
3) St. Paul’s Cathedral
4) The Tower of London
5) The Houses of Parliament
6) Trafalgar Square
1. What building has Big Ben? (5)
2. It was built in the 11-th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury (королевское министерство финансов). (4)
3. It is the main square of London. (6)
4. It is a royal church. There are tombs of many British rings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place. (2)
Task 2. (Праздники)
На доске плакат с названиями праздников:
1) Christmas
2) St. Valentin’s Day
3) Easter
4) Mother’s Day
5) Halloween
6) Father’s Day
1. This holiday is celebrated on the 14-th of February as a day of love and friendship. (2)
2. People buy presents and cards and send them to their relatives and friends. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a new year tree. (1)
3. Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns (горячая крестовая булочка) on this day. (3)
4. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghosts and go from house to house and say: “Trick or Treat!”. (5)
Task 3. (Грамматика)
1. На доске плакат с формулами:
1) V, V-s
2) be + V-ing
3) shall/will + V
4) V-ed, V2
5) have/has + V3 (V-ed)
1. Show me the formula of the Future Simple Tense. (3)
2. Show me the Present Perfect Tense. (5)
3. Show me the Present Simple Tense. (1)
4. Show me the Past Simple Tense. (4)
2. – В каком времени употребляются слова:
1. now, at the moment (2)
2. every day, usually, often, always (1)
3. yesterday (4)
4. tomorrow, next year (3)
5. already, just, not yet (5)
3. На доске карточки с модальными глаголами:
1) can
2) should
3) must
4) may
5) could
Вопросы: - Какой из этих глаголов нужен для перевода с русского языка на английский следующих предложений?
1. Не могли бы вы передать мне соль? (5)
2. Можно задать вам вопрос? (4)
3. Я умею кататься на роликах. (1)
4. Улицу следует переходить на зеленый цвет. (2)
Task 4. (Аудирование)
На доске плакат с вопросами и вариантами ответов на них.
- Прослушайте короткие диалоги. После каждого диалога вы услышите вопрос по содержанию диалога и четыре возможных варианта ответов. Выберите правильный ответ, назовите его букву.
1. – Are these your shoes?
- No, they aren’t.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I am. These shoes are old, and my shoes are new.
What are these shoes?
a) old b) new c) nice d) not very old
2.- Do you like Bob and Betty?
- Of course I like them. They’re my friends.
- Do Bob and Betty like you?
- Certainly, I am their friend.
What are Bob and Betty to the man?
a) friends b) relatives c) brothers d) students
3.- Kate, where are you?
- I’m in the kitchen.
- And where is your brother?
- He is in the yard, he’s playing.
What is Kate’s brother doing?
a) working in the yard b) cooking in the kitchen c) eating in the kitchen
d) playing in the yard
4.- What game are the children playing?
- They are playing football in the yard.
- What are their parents doing?
- They are watching them playing.
Who is playing football?
a) the children b) the parents c) the children and their parents d) people in the yard
Task 5. (Лексика)
- Прочтите предложения и выберите правильное окончание к нему (раздаются карточки)
1. Students go to school …
a) to dance b) to study c) to read d) to play e) to write
2. Students write with …
a) paint b) pens c) water d) glue e) rulers
3. Your friend has a birthday. What do you say?
a) How do you do? b) Many happy returns! c) Get better! d) Don’t worry! e) Hello!
4. You decorate a New Year Tree with …
a) flowers b) paper c) toys d) money e) candies
5. You swim in the river when it is …
a) foggy b) rainy c) snowy d) fine e) stormy
6. You are hungry. You want …
a) to drink b) to sleep c) to eat d) to rest e) to play
Task 6. (вне конкурса, для зала)
- Образуйте как можно больше слов из слова SPORTSMEN.
Ответ: sport, men, port, or, sort, to, ten, rose, nose, stop, pot, post, most, on, no, not, pet, more, rest, nest, pen, note, top ,…. etc,
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