Игра "Are you good at English". 4 класс
Оценка 5

Игра "Are you good at English". 4 класс

Оценка 5
Занимательные материалы +2
английский язык
3 кл
Игра "Are you good at English". 4 класс
Aew you good at English. 4 класс.ppt

Are you good at English? form 4

Are you good at English? form 4

Are you good at English?

form 4

Task №1. Listen and fill in the gaps

Task №1. Listen and fill in the gaps

Task №1. Listen and fill in the gaps.

There is a wardrobe in the left ______ of the room

There is a wardrobe in the left ______ of the room

There is a wardrobe in the left ______ of the room.


My mum goes ________ at the supermarket every weekend

My mum goes ________ at the supermarket every weekend

My mum goes ________ at the supermarket every weekend.


I ______ a room with my sister

I ______ a room with my sister

I ______ a room with my sister.


We usually cook in the _________ kitchen

We usually cook in the _________ kitchen

We usually cook in the _________


There is a red carpet in the _________ of the room

There is a red carpet in the _________ of the room

There is a red carpet in the _________ of the room.


Moscow is the _________ of Russia

Moscow is the _________ of Russia


Moscow is the _________ of Russia.

She _______ TV in her bedroom every evening

She _______ TV in her bedroom every evening

She _______ TV in her bedroom every evening.


_______ give people milk. Cows

_______ give people milk. Cows

_______ give people milk.


Moscow is a very big ______. city

Moscow is a very big ______. city

Moscow is a very big ______.


Task №2. Put letters in the correct order and say what weather is like in these countries and cities

Task №2. Put letters in the correct order and say what weather is like in these countries and cities

Task №2.
Put letters in the correct order and say what weather is like in these countries and cities

Brazil It is foggy and warm in

Brazil It is foggy and warm in


It is foggy and warm in Brazil.




Moscow It is snowy and cold in

Moscow It is snowy and cold in


It is snowy and cold in Moscow.



London It is rainy and cloudy in

London It is rainy and cloudy in


It is rainy and cloudy in London.



Paris It is cloudy and warm in

Paris It is cloudy and warm in


It is cloudy and warm in Paris.



Japan It is sunny and hot in Japan

Japan It is sunny and hot in Japan


It is sunny and hot in Japan.



Scotland It is cloudy and warm in

Scotland It is cloudy and warm in


It is cloudy and warm in Scotland.



Africa It is hot and sunny in Africa

Africa It is hot and sunny in Africa


It is hot and sunny in Africa.



Task №3. Describe a picture finishing the sentences

Task №3. Describe a picture finishing the sentences

Task №3.
Describe a picture finishing the sentences.

In the picture I can see _________

In the picture I can see _________

In the picture I can see_________
She is_________________
She has got _______________
There _____________________
I think she __________________

In the picture I can see _________

In the picture I can see _________

In the picture I can see_________
They are_________________
They have got _______________
There _____________________
I think __________________

In the picture I can see _________

In the picture I can see _________

In the picture I can see_________
They are_________________
They have got _______________
There _____________________
I think __________________

Task №4. Are you good at

Task №4. Are you good at

Task №4.
Are you good at London sights?

What building has Big Ben? a.

What building has Big Ben? a.

What building has Big Ben?

a. Buckingham Palace

b. The Houses of Parliament

c. The Tower of London

d. Trafalgar Square

Where do ravens live? a. Buckingham

Where do ravens live? a. Buckingham

Where do ravens live?

a. Buckingham Palace

b. The Houses of Parliament

c. The Tower of London

d. Trafalgar Square

Here Stands the statue of admiral

Here Stands the statue of admiral

Here Stands the statue of admiral Nelson.

a. St. James’s Park

b. St. Paul’s Cathedral

c. The Tower of London

d. Trafalgar Square

What building is the home of the queen? a

What building is the home of the queen? a

What building is the home of the queen?

a. Buckingham Palace

b. St. Paul’s Cathedral

c. The Tower of London

d. Trafalgar Square

What flower is the symbol of London? d

What flower is the symbol of London? d

What flower is the symbol of London?

d. a red rose

b. a white rose

a. a red tulip

c. a yellow rose

Where is the National Gallery? a

Where is the National Gallery? a

Where is the National Gallery?

a. Buckingham Palace

b. St. Paul’s Cathedral

c. The Tower of London

d. Trafalgar Square

Task №5. Find the right grammar construction

Task №5. Find the right grammar construction

Task №5.
Find the right grammar construction

Present Continuous Present Simple

Present Continuous Present Simple

Present Continuous
Present Simple
Future Simple

1. I usually do my homework at home.
2. My granny’s going to the shop.
3. We’ll fly to Paris next year.
4. Our friends are waiting for us now.
5. She doesn’t go to school on Saturday.
6. When will they come home?







Task №6. Find and correct grammar mistakes in each sentence

Task №6. Find and correct grammar mistakes in each sentence

Task №6.
Find and correct grammar mistakes in each sentence.

He like apples. 2. We don’t lives in

He like apples. 2. We don’t lives in

1. He like apples.
2. We don’t lives in London.
3. There is 4 lions in the zoo.
4. He not go to school.
5. They have got not a kite.
6. Often my mum cooks cakes.
7. She is play the piano now.

He likes apples. 2. We don’t lives in

He likes apples. 2. We don’t lives in

1. He likes apples.
2. We don’t lives in London.
3. There is 4 lions in the zoo.
4. He not go to school.
5. They have got not a kite.
6. Often my mum cooks cakes.
7. She is playing the piano now.



Task №7. Look at the picture and try to remember what is in the picture

Task №7. Look at the picture and try to remember what is in the picture

Task №7.
Look at the picture and try to remember what is in the picture.

School № 45

School № 45

School № 45

When is the match? 1. The match is on

When is the match? 1. The match is on

1. When is the match?

1. The match is on Tuesday.

What teams are playing the game? 2

What teams are playing the game? 2

2. What teams are playing
the game?

2. “Tigers” and “Bad Boys” are
playing the game.

Who is winning the game? 3. Tigers are winning the game

Who is winning the game? 3. Tigers are winning the game

3. Who is winning the game?

3. Tigers are winning the game.

What are the sponsors of the match? 4

What are the sponsors of the match? 4

4. What are the sponsors of the match?

4. The sponsors are Nike and Sony.

What number has the goalkeeper got? 5

What number has the goalkeeper got? 5

5. What number has the
goalkeeper got?

5. The goalkeeper has got number 2.

Where is the match? 6. The match is at school 45

Where is the match? 6. The match is at school 45

6. Where is the match?

6. The match is at school 45.

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

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