Интеллектуальная викторина
Оценка 4.7

Интеллектуальная викторина

Оценка 4.7
английский язык
5 кл—11 кл
Интеллектуальная викторина
Викторина по английскому языку, может проводится во время урока. Среднее и старшее звено.

Вступительное слово ведущего.

Well, friends, attention, please.

     We’ve gathered today to hold an intellectual game which  will be devoted to English language.

We have 4 teams. Meet our teams!

The captains are... 

Your mottos please…….

A warm up

Round 1

Правильный ответ 1 балл

1.What is the capital of the UK?

2.Yorkshire pudding is a British a) dish b)clothing

3. What is situated in London a) the Trafalgar Square b) the Red Square
4. St. Valentine`s Day is: a) on February, 14 b) on March, 17
5. What English-speaking countries do you know?
6. When is Christmas Day in Britain?
7 What animal can live without food and water for a long time?
8. What animal has a long neck?
9. What season is after autumn?
10 How many countries are there in the UK?
11. What is the capital of the USA?
12. How many states are there in the USA? (50)
13 What is the name of the Queen of the UK?
14 Who wrote Romeo and Juliette?

(Подсчет баллов)

Game with spectators.

Guess what is it?

3. «Riddles»


Next task for you its guess riddles. Every riddle will bring to you 1 point.


1.Сlean, but not water,

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not ice-cream,

What is it? (sugar)


2.What is found over your head but under your hat? (your hair)


3. Look at my face and you see somebody

Look at my back and you see nobody. (a mirror)


4.I`m brown and big.

I like honey. (bear)


5.I`m little and grey.

I like cheese very much.

I live under the house. (mouse)


6.I`m little and green.

I can jump and swim.

I live in the lake.

(Ответ: a frog)

Round 2

Use of English


(Подсчет баллов)

Игра со зрителями

Викторина «Travelling in Great Britain»

You should answer the questions about Great Britain.

1.  What is the official name of Great Britain?

a) the United Kingdom

b) England

c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2 What is the capital of Great Britain?

a) London       b) Cardiff        c) Belfast

3.  What river is London on?

a) the Severn      b) the Thames      c) the Avon

3. What is the currency (деньги) of Great Britain?

a) roubles

b) euros

c) pounds

4. Big Ben is the nick name of …

a) Clock

b) Tower

c) Bell

5. What is the national drink in Britain?

a) coffee

b) tea

c) juice

6. What is the national sport of England?

a) baseball

b) football

c) tennis



Round 3


10- The capital  of Northern Ireland (Belfast)

20- This lake is famous for its monster (Loch Ness)

30-  What city  is the Statue of Liberty  situated in? (New York)

40- What city has the nickname «The smoke»? (London)


10- What city are «The Beatles”  from? (Liverpool)

30-Who created «The Lord of the Rings» and «The Hobbit» (John Tolkien)

20- Who wears the kilts? ( The Scots)

40- There is a  monument in the centre of Trafalgar Square. To whom is it to?

Idioms  Подобрать правильное определение английской идиомы.


10- a knight in shining armour | armor

My car broke down and I  stuck on the side of the road until a knight in shining armour came and

1.                 took me away on the back of his horse

2.     2         told me all about dungeons and dragons

2.fixed my car for me

Начало формы


Конец формы

20-. eyes like a hawk

Which of these people would need eyes like a hawk?

1.                 a pilot who searches for lost people

2.     2.      a sound engineer who records music

3.                 a chef who makes cakes and desserts

Начало формы


Конец формы

30-  sick as a dog

Gerry is as sick as a dog, so he should

1.                 go to see a vet

2.     2.      go to a hospital

3.                 get a new dog


40-like a fish out of water

Pablo went to the party, but he felt like a fish out of water because

1.                 he was tired of eating meat and chicken

2.     2.      he'd forgotten to take his swimming shorts

3.                 he was the only Mexican guy there

Начало формы


Конец формы

Начало формы


Конец формы

 «Must-know» category

20- What country presented the Statue of Liberty to the people of America?( France)

30- What is the official residence of the  Queen?( Buckingham Palace)

40- How many Grammatical Tenses are there in English?(26)

50- What is the name of the UK`s flag? (The Union Jack)

60- Who founded England? (The Romans)


Match the word combinations with their translations:

ОТВЕТЫ: 1F 2G 3D 4B 5E 6C 7A

1.to look             F. смотреть, выглядеть

2.to look at          G. смотреть на

3.to look after      D. присматривать

4.to look forward   B.ждать с нетерпением

5.to look like         E. выглядеть как

6.to look for          C. искать

7.to look up          A. взглянуть на, посмотреть вверх



Вступительное слово ведущего

Вступительное слово ведущего

I`m little and grey. I like cheese very much

I`m little and grey. I like cheese very much

The capital of Northern Ireland (Belfast) 20-

The capital of Northern Ireland (Belfast) 20-

What is the name of the UK`s flag? (The

What is the name of the UK`s flag? (The
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