Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку "A few, a little"
Оценка 4.7

Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку "A few, a little"

Оценка 4.7
Занимательные материалы
английский язык
3 кл—5 кл
Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку "A few, a little"
Дидактический материал по английскому языку Интерактивный тренажер "A few, a little" для 3-4 классов

Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку «A few, a little»

Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку «A few, a little»

Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку
«A few, a little»


Andrew has …… friends. a few a little a few

Andrew has …… friends. a few a little a few

Andrew has …… friends.

a few

a little

a few


She has got …… milk. a little a few a little

She has got …… milk. a little a few a little

She has got …… milk.

a little

a few

a little


We saw …… people at the street

We saw …… people at the street

We saw …… people at the street.

a few

a little

a few


I bought …… newspapers. a few a little a few

I bought …… newspapers. a few a little a few

I bought …… newspapers.

a few

a little

a few


There is …… petrol in his car

There is …… petrol in his car

There is …… petrol in his car.

a little

a few

a little


There are …… books on the table

There are …… books on the table

There are …… books on the table.

a few

a little

a few


I want to eat …… bread. a little a few a little

I want to eat …… bread. a little a few a little

I want to eat …… bread.

a little

a few

a little


Kate has only …… flowers. a few a little a few

Kate has only …… flowers. a few a little a few

Kate has only …… flowers.

a few

a little

a few


Could I have …… sugar for my tea? a little a few a little

Could I have …… sugar for my tea? a little a few a little

Could I have …… sugar for my tea?

a little

a few

a little


They sang …… songs. a few a little a few

They sang …… songs. a few a little a few

They sang …… songs.

a few

a little

a few


My parents give me …… pocket money every week

My parents give me …… pocket money every week

My parents give me …… pocket money every week.

a little

a few

a little


Please buy …… apples. a few a little a few

Please buy …… apples. a few a little a few

Please buy …… apples.

a few

a little

a few


We need …… water. a little a few a little

We need …… water. a little a few a little

We need …… water.

a little

a few

a little


There are …… hotels in this town

There are …… hotels in this town

There are …… hotels in this town.

a few

a little

a few


Well done! exit

Well done! exit

Well done!






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