Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку«A few, a little»
Andrew has …… friends.
a few
a little
She has got …… milk.
We saw …… people at the street.
I bought …… newspapers.
There is …… petrol in his car.
There are …… books on the table.
I want to eat …… bread.
Kate has only …… flowers.
Could I have …… sugar for my tea?
They sang …… songs.
My parents give me …… pocket money every week.
Please buy …… apples.
We need …… water.
There are …… hotels in this town.
Well done!
https://yt3.ggpht.com/-qyn84XXkQVw/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/_Goz3NkvfhA/s900-c-k-no/photo.jpg http://photo4.ask.fm/789/869/327/-509996997-1str9kd-k91ajphd80j15cf/original/file.jpg