International Relations Vocabulary
Оценка 5

International Relations Vocabulary

Оценка 5
Раздаточные материалы
английский язык +1
10 кл—11 кл
International Relations Vocabulary
this is a hand out which could be used separately as a lead in exercise or as a part of a set of activities devoted to learning history, international relations
International Relations_Vocabulary Quiz.pdf

I.          Match the words:

1. consequences

a. целостность



3. tangible

c. благосостояние

4. establish

d. учреждать

5. reasonable

e. рассматривать

6. integrity

f. последствия

7. welfare

g. разумный

8. facilitate

h. осязаемый


II.      Choose the correct option:

1. Prices ...       a) decline   b) refer to

6. The … of the contract were not reasonable.

a) coercion        b) terms

2. … policy        a) civil     b) foreign

7. … between nations

a) capacity    b) interactions

3. Climate change … our world.     a) affects  b) apply

8. … of power       a) branches     


4. … of resources       a) lack       b)entity

9. To … peace and stability 

a) refer to      b) maintain

5.  Any conflict is a …for national security

     a) behavior   b) threat

10. In Cold War there was… in relations.

a)chaotic      b) tension



III.   Match the words with their definitions:

disruption    distribution   intervene   distinctive   civil   coercion occupied with

1.     something that changes your plans or interrupts some event or process….

2.     refers to citizens’ relations…

3.     to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it

4.     the act of giving or delivering something to people…

5.     taken by force…

6.     refers to the act of making someone do something using force 

7.     characteristic that is unique to a person or thing…

I. Match the words: 1

I. Match the words: 1
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