Inventors and their Inventions
Оценка 4.6

Inventors and their Inventions

Оценка 4.6
Аудио +1
английский язык
10 кл—11 кл
Inventors and their Inventions
Учебное пособие «Inventors and their Inventions» («Изобретатели и их изобретения») представляет собой сборник текстов для чтения и обсуждения на занятиях по английскому языку с обучащимися II курса всех специальностей. Пособие рассчитано на изучение и закрепление лексики по данной тематике, а также на повторение грамматического материала по теме «Страдательный залог». В пособие включены тексты для изучающего и ознакомительного чтения, вопросы для обсуждения. Каждый текст сопровождается списком лексики для лучшего понимания текста при чтении и запоминания.
Метод.разработка Ученые и их изобретения.doc

Департамент образования Ивановской области

Областное государственное бюджетное профессиональное   образовательное учреждение «Кинешемский политехнический колледж»







Учебное пособие по английскому языку

«Изобретатели и их изобретения»

«Inventors and their Inventions»







преподаватель английского языка

Юрицкая Ж.А.











г. Кинешма





Аннотация.......................................................................................................... 3

1. Part 1. Famous inventions................................................................................. 4

2. Part 2. Famous inventors................................................................................. 12

3. Part 3. Grammar and vocabulary review.......................................................... 20

Список литературы.......................................................................................... 24































Учебное пособие  «Inventors and their Inventions» («Изобретатели и их изобретения») представляет собой сборник текстов для чтения и обсуждения на занятиях по английскому языку с обучащимися II курса всех специальностей. Пособие рассчитано на изучение и закрепление лексики по данной тематике, а также на повторение грамматического материала по теме «Страдательный залог». В пособие включены тексты для изучающего и ознакомительного чтения, вопросы для обсуждения. Каждый текст сопровождается списком лексики для лучшего понимания текста при чтении и запоминания.






























1.Прочитайте и переведите текст «Холодильник»:

The earliest method of refrigeration was the storage of food in caves and cool springs. Then people began keeping food in their outdoor window boxes, in the snow or underwater in lakes, streams or wells. The invention of the icebox led to more efficient refrigeration. Ice was delivered to houses and used in wooden boxes that were lined in tin or zink and insulated with sawdust or seaweed.

 The use of ice for refrigeration continued until World War I, when mechanical refrigeration came on the market. The first electric refrigerators with freezer compartments came on the market in the 1920s and 1930s.The mass production of refrigerators began after World War II. In the 1950s and 1960s refrigerators became more efficient with defrost and automatic icemakers. Refrigerators also became various in size, colour and design.

2.Выучите новые слова из текста:

refrigeration - охлаждение

cave - пещера

spring - родник

stream - ручей

well - колодец

tin - олово, жесть

sawdust - опилки

seaweed - водоросли

to line - тянуться вдоль

to insulate - изолировать

3.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

a)   What were the earliest methods of refrigeration?

b)  How did the icebox look like?

c)   When did the refrigerators with freezer compartments come on the market?

d)  When did the mass production of refrigerators begin?

e)   What made refrigerators more efficient and various?

4. Перескажите текст «Холодильник».

Vacuum cleaner

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст « Пылесос»:

The idea of a vacuum cleaner comes from the 19th century. The first vacuum cleaners were operated manually. Two persons were needed for this: one to operate the bellows and the other to move the mouthpiece over the floor. The dust was blown into the air.

 Only in 1901 Hubert Booth from the USA changed this idea into something more useful. Until then the vacuum cleaners blew the dust away, but Booth got the idea of sucking the dust, instead of blowing. He also equipped his vacuum cleaner with a filter, which kept the dust in the machine. All modern vacuum cleaners are based on Hubert Booth’s principle.

2.Выучите новые слова из текста:

vacuum cleaner – пылесос

bellows – гофрированная трубка

mouthpiece - насадка

manually – вручную

dust – пыль

modern – современный

useful - полезный

to operate – управлять

to blow (blew, blown) – дуть

to suck – вбирать (пыль)

to equip – оборудовать

to keep (kept, kept) – хранить

3.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

a) When did the first vacuum cleaner appear?

b) How did it work?

c) Who made the vacuum cleaner more useful?

d) What were Hubert Booth’s innovations?

e) How do modern vacuum cleaners operate?

4. Составьте диалог, опираясь на вопросы по тексту. Используйте вводные фразы: “By the way…”, “To my mind…”.

Microwave oven

1.   Прочитайте и переведите текст «Микроволновая печь»:

Shortly after the end of the World War II, Percy Spencer, already known as a war hero and a genius in electronics, was walking about one of his laboratories at the Raytheon Company. He stopped in front of a magnetron, the power tube that drives a radar set. Spencer noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket began to melt. As any good inventor (he had 120 patents already) he wanted to satisfy his curiosity. So Spencer went to the nearest shop and bought some corn. Holding the bag of corn near the magnetron, he watched as the kernels exploded into puffy white morsels.

From this simple experiment, Spencer and Raytheon developed the microwave oven. The first machine was very big and heavy. At first it was used in restaurants, cafes, railroad cars and ocean liners. It took decades for the microwave oven to become useful to the consumers.

2.   Выучите новые слова из текста:

microwave oven – микроволновая печь

power tube – мощная лампа

radar set – радиолокатор

curiosity – любопытство

kernel – зерно (кукурузы)

puffy morsels– пушистые шарики

quantity – количество


сonsumer – покупатель

to notice – замечать

to melt – таять

to satisfy - удовлетворять

to explode – взрываться

to cook – готовить

to become (became, become) – становиться

to take (took, taken) – занимать

to watch - наблюдать

to hold (held, held) - держать

3.       Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

a)   What do you know about Percy Spencer?

b)  How did Percy Spencer invent the microwave oven?

c)   How did the first microwave ovens look like?

d)  Where were they used?

e)   Do you use the microwave oven?

4.Составьте диалог, опираясь на вопросы по тексту. Используйте вводные фразы: “To cut a long story short…”, “To begin with…”.


1.   Прочитайте и переведите текст «Вычислительная машина»:

For thousands of years people have performed simple mathematical functions with the help of machines. The abacus has been known since ancient Egyptian times. Early abacus consisted of a board with grooves in which pebbles could slide. The Latin word for pebble is calculus, from which we get the words abacus and calculate. The slide rule was invented in the 17th century. It was a calculating device that could perform only addition.

 Blaise  Pascal , a French mathematician and philosopher, and Wilhelm von Leibniz, a German mathematician, philosopher and diplomat, usually are singled out as the developers of  mechanical calculators. But their first machines were unreliable. The invention of the transistor and its use in integrated circuits made machines much smaller, faster and more powerful. In 1971 Texas Instruments introduced the first electronic calculator. It was portable but not small enough to be a pocket calculator. Later calculators became much smaller. Today they are the size of credit cards and can perform various functions.

2.Выучите новые слова из текста:

abacus - счеты

groove - паз, желобок

pebble - мелкий камушек

transistor - полупроводниковый триод

slide rule - логарифмическая линейка

integrated circuit - интегральная схема

addition - cложение

unreliable - ненадежный

to introduce - представлять

to perform - выполнять

to single out - выделять

3.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

a) How long has the abacus been known?

b) When was the slide rule invented?

c) What made machines smaller, faster and more powerful?

d) When did the first electronic calculator appear?

c) How do modern calculators look like?

4.Составьте план краткого пересказа текста «Вычислительная машина».

Remote Control

1.   Прочитайте и переведите текст «Дистанционное управление»:

The first machines with remote control devices were used mainly for military purposes. Radio-controlled motorboats, bombs and other remote control weapons were used in World War II. When the war was over, scientists started experimenting to find non-military uses for remote control. In the late 1940s automatic garage door openers were invented, and in the 1950s the first TV remote controls were used.

 The first TV remote control, called “Lazy Bone”, was developed in 1950 by Zenith Electronics Corporation. Those early “Lazy Bones” used a cable that ran from the TV- set to the viewer and could operate one TV- set. People complained, because it was not very comfortable. Now control remote devices have no cables and are universal. There are remote controls that control almost every device at home.

2.   Выучите новые слова из текста:

remote control - дистанционное управление

device - устройство

purpose - цель

viewer - зритель

cable - шнур

weapon - оружие

military - военный

to complain - жаловаться

3.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

a)   When did people begin to use machines with remote control?

b)  What are the examples of the first machines with remote control?

c)   When was the first TV remote control developed?

d)  Why did people complain of those devices?

e)   What is another name for remote control?

4.Составьте диалог по тексту «Дистанционное управление», используя вводные фразы: “To tell the truth…”, “To sum up…”.


1.   Прочитайте и переведите текст «Ксерография»:

The word xerography is from the Greek language and means “dry writing”. It was the name given to the duplicating process invented by Chester Floyd Carlson. Xerography involves attracting dry carbon powder to paper by an electrostatic process. Carlson worked in the patent office in New-York. He started trying to find out a new way to make copies in 1934, because it was rather difficult to do. He was successful in making his first dry copy only in 1938.

 Carlson wanted to find a company willing to develop and market his invention. Finally, in 1947, the Haloid Company of Rochester obtained the rights to his process. In 1960, the company, then named Xerox Corporation, introduced the first automatic copier.

2.   Выучите новые слова из текста:

carbon powder – угольный порошок

copier - копировальная машина

to attract - привлекать, притягивать

to develop - развивать

dry - сухой

successful - успешный

to involve - предполагать, подразумевать

to find out - находить

to market - реализовать товар на рынке

to obtain the rights - получить права

3.   Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

a)   What does the word xerography mean?

b)  What does this process involve?

c)   Who invented xerography?

d)  When did Chester F. Carlson make his first dry copy?

e)   What company introduced the first automatic copier?

4.Передайте кратко содержание текста «Ксерография».


1.Прочитайте и переведите текст «Голография»:

Holography is a technique by which the image of a three dimensional object is recorded on film so that when the film is illuminated under the proper conditions, a three dimensional image of the object is created. Holography was invented by Dennis Gabor, a physicist from Hungary. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1971. The development of the laser in the 1960s greatly improved the means of obtaining holograms.

2.Выучите новые слова из текста:

a technique – метод, способ

a film - пленка

image – изображение

a three dimensional image – трехмерное изображение

development – развитие

means – возможность, средство

the proper conditions – подходящие условия

to create – создавать

to award – награждать

to illuminate – освещать

to improve – улучшать

to obtain – получать

to record – записывать

3.   Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

a)   Who invented holography?

b)  What do you know about this inventor?

c)   What is holography?

d)  How is a three dimensional image of the object created?

e)   What improved the means of obtaining holograms?

4.Составьте план пересказа и передайте содержание текста «Голография».





Ознакомьтесь с текстами о жизни и научной деятельности известных  ученых: Д.Стивенсона, М.Фарадея, С.Морзе, А.Белла, Д.Беарда, Э.Резерфорда,  А.Нобеля.


George Stephenson was a British inventor and engineer. He is famous for building the first practical railway locomotive.

Stephenson was born in 1781 near Newcastle. In his youth he worked as a fireman and later as an engineer in the coal mines of Newcastle. One of his first inventions was a miner’s safety lamp. Stephenson’s early locomotives were used to carry loads in coal mines. In 1823 he started a factory for their manufacture. In 1829 Stephenson designed a locomotive known as a Rocket, which could carry both loads and passengers at a greater speed than any locomotive constructed at that time. The success of the Rocket was the beginning of the construction of locomotives and the laying of railway lines.

fireman - пожарник

mine - шахта

miner - шахтер

coal - уголь

load груз

passenger - пассажир

railway - железная дорога

Read and smile

Socrates is known to be the great Greek Philosopher and orator. A talkative young man wanted Socrates to teach him oratory. He begged Socrates to hear him speak on some subject. Socrates let him talk as much as he liked and then said: “You must pay me double price, because I will teach you two sciences: how to speak and how to keep your tongue.” 


Michael Faraday was a British physicist and chemist, who made a great contribution into modern science.

He was born in 1791. Since childhood Michael Faraday was interested in the problems of electricity. At first he read much about electricity and made some simple experiments.  Later he attended the classes of  Humphry Davy, a well-known scientist and the most popular lecturer in London at that time. Michael Faraday worked as an assistant at the laboratory of the Royal Institute.

In 1823 he discovered how to make an electrical motor. In1831 he built the first generator, then called dynamo. Faraday showed that the relation between magnetism and electricity was dynamic, not static. In 1833 Faraday discovered the laws of electrolysis.

Faraday’s work influenced the discoveries of many other scientists. As a result, the electromagnetic telegraph was invented by Morse, the telephone was invented by Bell.

contribution - вклад

relation - отношение

law - закон

to discover - открывать

discovery - открытие

to attend - посещать

to influence - влиять

Read and smile

Isaac Newton was very absent-minded. One day a gentleman came to see him, but he was told that Isaac Newton was busy in his study. The visitor was invited to the dining-room to wait for the scientist. There was a boiled chicken on the table. An hour passed, but Newton didn’t come. The gentleman, feeling hungry, ate the chicken and covered the skeleton with a napkin . He asked the servant cook another chicken for Newton. When the scientist came into the room, he said: “Excuse me, but I am very tired and hungry, so I have my dinner and will be at your service.” Isaac Newton lifted the napkin and turned round to the visitor with the words: “You see what strange people scientists are! I forgot I had dined already.”    



Samuel F. Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, was born at Charleston, Massachusetts, USA, on the 27th of April in 1791. He studied chemistry at Yale University but his greatest interest was painting. After graduation from the University, Samuel visited the UK, Italy and France, where he studied art. Later Morse became very interested in electricity.

He began to make his own experiments with an electric telegraph. Morse invented a code that used dots and dashes for the letters of the alphabet.

Morse spent more than six years on experiment and research. His telegraph  was completed and introduced to the public in 1838. Telegraph companies were formed in many cities in the USA. By 1861 telegraph wires stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In Europe Samuel Morse’s system became very popular too.

        Samuel Morse died in New-York on the 2nd of April in 1872.

dots and dashes – точки и тире

research – исследование

to connect – соединять

to complete – завершать

to introduce – представлять

to stretch – тянуться


Read and smile

Albert Einstein had a fine sense of humor. There is a story about Einstein’s visiting universities in a car driven by a chauffeur, with his famous lectures on relativity. One day the chauffeur said: “Mr. Einstein, I’ve heard this lecture so many times that I know it by heart. I am sure, I can give it myself.” “Well, I will give you a chance”, said Einstein. “They won’t recognize me, because I’ll put on your cap and you introduce yourself as me and give a lecture.”

The chauffeur gave the lecture without a single mistake. On finishing, he started to leave, but one of the professors stopped him to ask a complex question. The chauffeur thought a little and said: “I am surprised that you address me such a question! To show you how simple it is I will ask my chauffeur to answer it.”



Alexander G. Bell was born in Scotland in 1844. Alexander Bell never planned to be an inventor or a scientist, he wanted to be a musician or a teacher of deaf people like his parents. Alexander studied music, art, literature, Latin and Greek at school. Alexander was fond of reading. He read all the books about sound that he could find.  Alexander started to work on his own experiments with sound. Alexander became interested in the telegraph and he tried to find the way to send musical sounds and human voice through electric wires.

 Alexander found an assistant, Tom Watson. Tom and Alexander worked together to build a machine that people could use to talk over long distances. In June, 1875 Bell understood that their apparatus could transmit sounds. Bell called this machine a telephone.

In a few years there were telephones all over the world. In 1915 the first transcontinental telephone line from New-York to San Francisco was opened.

Alexander G. Bell died on the 22nd of August in 1922.

deaf – глухой

apparatus, machine – прибор, устройство

sound - звук

voice - голос

to transmit – передавать


Read and smile

For a long time Edison’s visitors wondered why the gate to his garden was so difficult to open.

         Once his friend said: “The gate to your garden is so heavy. I have to use all my strength to open it. I cannot understand it. You are such a brilliant man. You can invent something better”. “The gate is all right”, Edison answered with a smile. “The fact is that it is a brilliant invention”. “You are laughing at me, sir!” “No, I am not. The gate is connected to a pump. Everybody who comes in, pumps twenty litres of water out of the well.



John L. Baird was born in 1888, in Scotland. John was a bright personality. Science always interested his mind. After studying electrical engineering at the Technical College in Glasgow, John Baird went to the University of Glasgow. After graduation from the University, he got a job at a power station.

 Baird thought much about some inventions he was interested in. One of his ideas was transmitting pictures by wireless. John worked with an old motor that he found in the junk, a metal cookie container, some needles, flashlight batteries and pieces of wood. Finally, in October, 1925 Baird transmitted a picture of a boy’s face. In January, 1926   a group of scientists from the Royal Institution came to see his invention. Baird’s demonstration was a success! In 1929 the BBC started experimental transmission with John Baird’s equipment.

electrical engineering – электротехника

power station – электростанция

to fail-терпеть неудачу

to transmit – передавать

transmission – передача

equipment - оборудование

junk – мусорная свалка

success – удача, успех

wireless –  беспроводная передача



Read and smile

At the end of his university studies, when he was leaving for his first job at college, John went to say good-bye to his favourite teacher and to ask for his advice.

         “I cannot give you any theoretical advice,” the old man said, but I will tell you one thing from experience. It will often happen when you are teaching, that some boy will disagree with you. He will probably shake his head to show it, and you will probably want to make him stop shaking his head, because you will be angry that a student disagrees with his teacher. Well, don’t be angry with him, because he is the only one who is listening to you.”



Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, in New Zealand. He was the fourth child in the family. At school he was especially good at Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Ernest became one of the best pupils at school. After finishing school he entered the New Zealand University. Ernest worked hard and took an active part in the work of the Scientific Society of the University. He also began his research work.  

Ernest continued the investigations at Cambridge. Rutherford lectured at the leading Universities of Canada, England and the USA. This scientist and his pupils were interested in the splitting of the atom and had unbelievable results. The splitting of the atom opened to Man a new source of energy.

 Ernest Rutherford died in 1937 at the age of 66.

research work - исследовательская работа

society - общество

investigation - исследование

to continue - продолжать

to lecture - преподавать

to split - расщеплять

splitting - расщепление


Read and smile

         One evening Rutherford entered the laboratory. It was late, but he found one of his students working with the apparatus.

“What are you doing here so late?” Rutherford asked.

“I am working, sir,” was the answer.

“And what do you do in the day time?”

“Oh, I work, of course, sir,” answered the student.

“Do you work early in the morning, too?”

“Yes, professor, I work early in the morning, too,” said the student, quite sure that the famous scientist would praise him.

         Rutherford looked at him gloomily.

“Tell me,” he asked with irritation, “when do you think?”



Alfred Nobel was born on October 21, 1833, in Stockholm. He was a famous Swedish chemist and inventor. Alfred received his education in St. Petersburg, Russia, and then in the USA, where he studied mechanical engineering.

 After graduation Alfred returned to Russia. He worked with his father. They were developing mines, torpedoes and other explosives. In 1867 Nobel produced dynamite. Later he produced one of the first smokeless powders. He controlled factories for the production of explosives in many parts of the world.

There is the fund of Alfred Nobel. The prizes are given for merits in physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, literature, economics and world peace.

mechanical engineering - технология машиностроения

mine - мина

explosive - взрывчатое вещество

powder - порох

smokeless - бездымный

prize - премия


Read and smile

Tom’s uncle Philip was a scientist and an inventor. He made a lot of discoveries in chemistry and even received the Nobel Prize. But he was a strange man and lived alone. Once when he was quite old and seriously ill he sent for his nephew.

When Tom visited him, he learnt that uncle Philip was very rich and was going to leave all his fortune to Tom. “You will find it in an iron box in the bank. But before you open the box you must read the letter on the top of it,” said uncle Philip and died soon.

After his death Tom went to the bank. Before he started opening the box, he read the letter.  “Dear Tom, this box contains a great fortune. I am leaving it to you because I want you always to remember your dear uncle. The box also contains powerful dynamite which will explode as soon as you open it. If you don’t believe me, open it and you will be blown into atoms. Don’t forget your uncle.”

From that time on Tom could think of nothing but the box and the fortune. He asked for advice but nobody could help him with a safe plan.


















1.Проанализируйте формы глаголов Indefinite Passive,приведенные в таблице.


Времена группы Indefinite Passive

to be + Participle II


a)     The work of all modern vacuum cleaners is based on                         Booth’s principle.

b)    Remote control devices are widely used today.


a)     Dynamite was produced by Alfred Nobel.

b)    The iceboxes were insulated with sawdust.


a)     New copiers will be introduced on the market.

     b) The image of the object will be recorded on film.


2. Назовите формы следующих неправильных глаголов: be, blow, keep, know, hold, buy, give, find, make, take.

3. Поставьте следующие предложения в Passive Voice. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Now many people use microwave ovens at home.

2. It took decades for the microwave oven to be so useful.

3. The filter keeps the dust in the machine.

4. Hubert Booth equipped the vacuum cleaner with the filter.

5. The vacuum cleaners blew the dust away.

6. People operated the first vacuum cleaners manually.

7. We know Samuel Morse as the inventor of the telegraph.

8. Percy Spencer developed the idea of the microwave oven.

9. He bought some corn in the shop.

10. He held the bag with corn near the magnetron.

11. People kept food in outdoor boxes, wells or streams.

12. They delivered ice to houses.

13. They lined wooden boxes in tin or zink.

14. Pascal and Leibniz invented the first mechanical calculator.

15. We call the remote control “Lazy Bone”.

16. Chester Carlson gave the name xerography to this process.

17.  In 1934 he found out a new way to make copies.

18. In 1938 he made his first dry copy.

19. The scientist will publish the results of his research.

20. They will create a three dimensional image of the object.

4. Вспомните формы модальных глаголов.

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

физическая и умственная способность  - can, could, be able to

долженствование                                    - must, have to, should

разрешение                                             - may, might, be allowed to


Проанализируйте приведенные примеры в правой и левой колонках. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на залог.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

a)     I can do this work easily.

    This work can be done easily.

b)    They should know the results.

    The results should be known.

c)     We must make the fire.                             

     English classes must be atte      The fire must be made.


Поставьте следующие предложения в Passive Voice. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.   We can warm or cook food in the microwave oven quickly.

2.   Those early “Lazy Bones” could operate only one TV-set.

3.   Paper must attract dry carbon powder by an electrostatic process.

4.   Percy Spencer had to satisfy his curiosity.

5.   The company may obtain the rights to this process.

6.   The development of the laser might improve holograms.

7.   Scientists should notice this modern invention.

8.   The public must know the name of this famous inventor.


5.Найдите в каждом ряду слово, перевод которого дан в начале ряда.

1. изображение                            a) film          b) image        c) development

2. изобретение                             а) machine    b) device       c) invention

3. счеты                                        a) abacus      b) slide rule   c) fridge

4. большой                                   a) small        b) tiny           c) big

5. полезный                                  a) attractive  b) useful       c) useless

6. современный                            a) quick        b) modern     c) old

7. использовать                            a) do             b) invent       c) use

8. управлять                                 a) operate     b) keep          c) insulate

9. оборудовать                             a) blow         b) cook          c) equip

10. взрывать(ся)                           a) develop     b) explode     c) attract

6. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, близкое по значению первому слову ряда.

various        a) same            b) different       c) difficult

make           a) begin            b) create           c) do

keep            a) invent           b) hold             c) equip

stream         a) spring           b) sea               c) river

device          a) invention      b) image           c) machine

7. Подберите пары слов, имеющих противоположные значения.

           A. tin                                                       B. easy

               difficult                                                    warm

               cool                                                          hot

               cold                                                          wood

               ice                                                            useless

               begin                                                        water

               dry                                                           give

               useful                                                       always

               never                                                        wet

               take                                                          stop

8.Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания. Составьте предложения с этими словосочетаниями.

mass production

wooden boxes

efficient refrigeration

modern device

useful invention

laser development

military purposes

keep food

operate manually

blow the dust away

equip with the filter

develop an idea

attract consumers

award the Nobel Prize














Список литературы


1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Устные темы по английскому языку и все для успешной сдачи экзамена. Серия «Учебники и учебные пособия». Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2017. – 320 с.

2. Голицынский Ю., Голицынская Н. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО, 2016. – 576 с.

3. Клементьева Т.Б. Повторяем времена английского глагола. – М.: Дрофа, 1995. – 208 с.

4. Куклина И.П. Energy is the Source of Life: Пособие по английскому языку для техникумов, колледжей, профессионально-технических училищ. – СПб.: КАРО, 2017. – 512 с.

5. Полякова Т.Ю., Синявская Е.В. Английский язык для инженеров – М.: Высш. шк., 2017. – 463 с.

6. Цветкова И.В., Клепальченко И.А. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы – М.: «ГЛОССА», 1997. – 223 с.


Департамент образования Ивановской области

Департамент образования Ивановской области

Содержание Аннотация .....

Содержание Аннотация .....

Аннотация Учебное пособие «

Аннотация Учебное пособие «



When did the mass production of refrigerators begin? b)

When did the mass production of refrigerators begin? b)

Who made the vacuum cleaner more useful? d)

Who made the vacuum cleaner more useful? d)

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту: a)

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту: a)

Later calculators became much smaller

Later calculators became much smaller

TV- set to the viewer and could operate one

TV- set to the viewer and could operate one

Carlson wanted to find a company willing to develop and market his invention

Carlson wanted to find a company willing to develop and market his invention

Выучите новые слова из текста: a technique – метод, способ a film - пленка image – изображение a three dimensional image – трехмерное изображение development…

Выучите новые слова из текста: a technique – метод, способ a film - пленка image – изображение a three dimensional image – трехмерное изображение development…



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MICHAEL FARADAY Michael Faraday was a

Isaac Newton lifted the napkin and turned round to the visitor with the words: “You see what strange people scientists are!

Isaac Newton lifted the napkin and turned round to the visitor with the words: “You see what strange people scientists are!

The chauffeur gave the lecture without a single mistake

The chauffeur gave the lecture without a single mistake

Once his friend said: “The gate to your garden is so heavy

Once his friend said: “The gate to your garden is so heavy

Read and smile At the end of his university studies, when he was leaving for his first job at college,

Read and smile At the end of his university studies, when he was leaving for his first job at college,

Read and smile One evening

Read and smile One evening

Read and smile Tom’s uncle Philip was a scientist and an inventor

Read and smile Tom’s uncle Philip was a scientist and an inventor



They delivered ice to houses. 13

They delivered ice to houses. 13

Scientists should notice this modern invention

Scientists should notice this modern invention

Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания

Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания

Список литературы 1. Агабекян

Список литературы 1. Агабекян
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