Invention of the microwave oven
The history of the invention of the microwave oven is very interesting. Since this device has become an obvious technical breakthrough and played a big role in changing people's daily lives, the history of its creation has acquired a variety of legends.
The first legend:
In Western publications the tabloid press with alarming frequency, there are materials, claiming that the majority of breakthrough technologies, including microwave ovens, Americans have received from aliens from outer space. This, of course, is nonsense.
The second legend:
The American Percy Spencer improved the device generating microwave radio signals which were used in the first radars. Once, standing at the working magnetron (the so-called device), the engineer reached into his pocket for "Snickers" and got into the molten chocolate. When all the obscene words ended, enlightenment came: "I invented the microwave!»That's more plausible.
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