Текст об истории родного города Белореченска предназначен для учащихся 7-8 классов. После текста содержаться упражнения по отработке лексического и грамматического материала текста. Учащиеся запоминают важные даты в истории города. материал входит в программу регионального компонента "Кубановедение на уроках английского языка".
The History of My Hometown.
Do you know the history of Belorechensk?
As a matter of fact 310 450 million years ago Tetis Sea was situated on the
place of Krasnodar Land. The archaeological excavation revealed the ancient
settlement’s things of the 1315 centuries near the Belaya River. But the history of
the town began in the 18th century.
June 30, 1792, Katherine the Great, the Empress of Russia, made the czar gift
for the Black Sea Cossack Army. That gift consisted of the fertile lands of Taman
and Kubun.The Cossacs received those lands forever in exchange of the defence of
the southern borders of Russia from the Turks and the Circussians
The first Cossack troops came to Kuban next spring and began to build forts
and guardposts.
A little fort was built near the long torrent river Belaya by Cossacks from the
Dnieper and the Don in 1857. Days and nights the Cossacks guarded their fort. In
the case of danger the sentries set a fire to thatch giving a signal that enemy was
near. But stanitsa Belorechenskaya was first mentioned in 1862. Stanitsa was
named after the river Belaya. The village Belorechenskaya was founded on July
25th in 1862 by the order of the Caucasian Army № 332. Ataman was at the head of
200 Cossack families, 20 of them were the rich, settled on the right bank of the
Belaya. The fort was situated 25 km from Maikop and 140 km from Krasnodar,
100 km from the Black Sea. The place was found rather successfully. Cossacks
began to develop wild lands. They built roads, bridges, houses, 3 churches, a
school, a pub, a shop, huts, dugouts. During the early years of the settling the
houses were built in a very simple way. The Cossacks fell trees and built low log
cabins with reed roofs and earth floors. Stanitsa wasn’t planned distinctly.
The rich had land, cows, horses and lived in the big houses. As for the poor
they had no land, cows, horses and lived in the shaky huts, dug outs. Their
children didn’t go to school, and they could not read and write. The poor worked
12 14 hours in the fields and gardens with their children. On Sundays people went
to church and drank samogon and vodka in the pub. Cossakcs worked hard and
their life was difficult, as you see.
People dreamt of happy life. At the beginning of the 20 th century a
revolutionary movement was spread in Kuban. In stanitsa Belorechenskaya the
Soviet power was established on the 9th of January in 1918.
During the Civil War stanitsa became a place of struggle against the White
Our Lisaya Hill near the railway bridge, Krasnaya Street, school № 1 can tell
us about Tamanskaya Army fight, young commander A. Gaidar, our heroes
Lustenko, Shabanov, Shopin. It is interesting that M. Kalinin visited Belorechensk
in 1921 and made a speech at school № 1.After the Civil War the stanitsa began to build a new life. In 1930 more than
10 collective farms and state farms were organized. People began to grow corn,
build factories, houses, produce goods and food. But peaceful life was dropped by
the fascist occupation of Russia in 1941.
Fill in the words from the table:
close dugouts wild fort was founded far
native a couple of words difficult settled
built huts
1. I’d like to tell you ……*…… about my Belorechensk.
2. It is my…*……… town. 3. The …*…… was erected near the Belaya river. 4.
My hometown is not ……*……. from Caucasus Mountains. 5. It is situated very
…*…….. to Maikop in Krasnodar Land. 6. My town ……*……. founded by
Cossacks in 1862. 7. 200 families ……*….. on the right bank of the river Belaya.
8. People began to develop ……*…….. land. 9. They ……*……roads, houses, a
school, a shop, a pub and churches. 10. The poor lived in the …*……. and …
*…….. . 11. Their life was …*…… .
2.Write the forms of the verbs. Good luck!
1857 Cossacks got a gift from the Empress and built a fort near the
river Belaya in Krasnodar Land.
1862 Stanitsa Belorechenskaya was first mentioned in chronicled
history of the town.
1910 The railway began to work.
1918 The Soviet power was established in stanitsa.
1919 The Civil War began.
1921 Kalinin visited our town and made a speech at school №1.
1930 More than 10 collective farms and state farms were organized.
1942 Peaceful life was dropped by the fascist occupation. 10000
August people went to the front, 7860 were killed and died, 272 were
shot near the Belaya. There were vast destructions.
1943 Belorechensk was liberated from the German enemies. The
January,31st war hospital was in the building of the cooperative technical
1945 Stanitsa Belorechenskaya was restored.
1958 Multinational stanitsa became Belorechensk town.
1977 The chemical plant was built and the face of the town has been
2002 People celebrated the 140th anniversary of Belorechensk. It was
1. Read quickly:
2 16 100 1857 56,000
4 14 148 1862 60,000
6 15 168 1958 10,000
1 25 200 1977 7,860
5 94 272 1943 1,756
3 46 142 1919 1,360
8 10 150 2002 1.000
2. What had happened in ……….?
1) 1857 a) The 140 anniversary of Belorechensk.
2) 1862 b) The Soviet power was established.
3) 1918 c) Stanitsa Belorechenskaya became a town.
4) 1919 d) A fort was erected on the right bank of the Belaya river.
5) 1958 e) The fascists entered our stanitsa in August.
6) 1942 f) The largest chemical plant began to work.
7) 1943 g) The army liberated our stanitsa in January,31st.
8) 1930 h) The Civil War began.
9) 1977 i) The first written mention of Belorechensk.
10) 2002 j) Collective and state farms were organized.
3. Match facts and figures.
1) Belorechensk was founded in a) 100 km from Krasnodar.
2) Our stanitsa became a town in b) hospitals in Belorechensk.
3) There are 10 c} 46 graves in our district.
4) There are 94 d) about 60,000 people.
5) There are e) different hospitals in the town.
6) The population is f) 1,360 factories, plants firms, farms.
7) There is g) There is no place like home.
8) There are 8 h) a museum, a swimming pool.
9) There are block of flats in i) streets in my town.
10) Belorechensk has j) the center of the town.
11) 1,000 soldiers are buried in k) cafes, parks, restaurants here.
12) The proverb goes, l) schools in Belorechensk.
13) Our town is situated 1,756 km m) 1862 near the Belaya river.14) Our hometown is located about n) from our capital Moscow.
1857 Cossacks got a gift from the Empress and built a fort near the
river Belaya in Krasnodar Land.
1862 Stanitsa Belorechenskaya was first mentioned in chronicled
history of the town.
1910 The railway began to work.
1918 The Soviet power was established in stanitsa.
1919 The Civil War began.
1921 Kalinin visited our town and made a speech at school №1.
1930 More than 10 collective farms and state farms were organized.
1942 Peaceful life was dropped by the fascist occupation. 10000
August people went to the front, 7860 were killed and died, 272 were
shot near the Belaya. There were vast destructions.
1943 Belorechensk was liberated from the German enemies. The
January,31st war hospital was in the building of the cooperative technical
1945 Stanitsa Belorechenskaya was restored.
1958 Multinational stanitsa became Belorechensk town.
1977 The chemical plant was built and the face of the town has been
2002 People celebrated the 140th anniversary of Belorechensk. It was