Kazakh traditions

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  • 28.05.2018
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Осы презентация арқылы шет ел азаматтары қазақ халқының салт-дәстүрі, ұлттық киімдері туралы мағлұматтар ала алады. Презентацияда халқымыздың қонақжайлылығы, той дастарханы, шілдехана, бесік той, тұсау кесу, сүндет той, құдалық , сәлем салу, қыз ұзату , құйрық бауыр асату сияқты салт-дәстүрлер жайлы ағылшын тілінде түсіндіріліп жазылған.
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Тraditions and customs  of kazakhstan
Kazakhs have always  revered and highly  valued their national  customs and traditions.
Traditions and customs associated with the guest reception     Travelers in Kazakhstan are  most likely to be encountered  with the traditions, associated  with guest reception.
Konakasy ­ a custom associated with treating of a  guest. As mentioned above, Kazakh people since  ancient times have been famous for their hospitality.  Kazakhs always reserve the tastiest food for guests.  Guests are divided into three types: "arnayy konak"  is a specially invited guest, "kudayy konak" ­ a  random stranger (uninvited), "kydyrma konak" ­ an  unexpected guest. All these guests, despite of their  type are offered a rich table – Konakasy.
Toy dastarkhan ­ a special form of  celebration, organized for holiday or  during it. Sports competitions, music,  singing competitions (aitys) and horse  riding competitions are organised in  addition to the gatherings during Toy  dastarkhan. Very often, dishes of  Kazakh national cuisine are served  during such occasions.
Traditions and customs associated with  gift giving    Suyіnshі ­ a custom according to which a  traveller or any other person who brought  home a good message (news) receives a  valuable gift from the owners in gratitude.  Sometimes before telling good news a  person says ‘Suyunshi’ or ‘what would  you give me for a Suyinshi?’, thus  implying that he or she has something  great to tell.
Baygazy ­ a tradition of giving  a gift to a person, who  acquired a new valuable thing.
Traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child • Shіldehana - a celebration that is associated with childbirth. • Besіkke salu, besik toy - a holiday, hosted when the newborn is put to a cradle - besik. As a rule, it is organized on the 3rd-5th day after dropout of umbilical cord of the kid. • Kyrkynan shygaru – a ritual performed on the fortieth day after birth that includes bathing baby in 40 tablespoons of water, and the first haircut and nail cut and
• Tusau kesu - a day when the baby took his first steps the oldest and most respected people is invited to perform a ceremony of Tusau keser. Then he or she should cut the special ropes, beset baby's legs, in order to ensure that in future the kid could walk nicely and run fast.
• Sundetke otyrgyzu is a rite of circumcision. The ceremony is held when a boy is 5-7 years old. A big festival to which all the relatives and friends are invited is organized after this. On the occasion of Sundetke otyrgyzu guests usually make generous gifts to the hero of the occasion and his parents.
Traditions and customs related to marriage
Any wedding ceremony in the Kazakh  society is anticipated by kudalyk  (matchmaking). Before the wedding,  matchmakers come to bride's house. Their  task is to agree with the closest relatives  of a girl on her marriage. During  courtship, father of the bride receives  gifts from the guests that serve as a  deposit.
Preparation of "kuyruk bauyr" ­ a  delicious dish from the liver and  broad tail fat also testifies to the  successful completion of  courtship.
• The next stage of the ceremony is sendoff of the bride Kyz uzatu. In the evening before the Kyz uzatu matchmakers come to the bride's house again. Number of visitors should not be even (5-7). Early in the morning, the bride with matchmakers is sent to the groom's house.
• Solemn ceremony of meeting the bride in  the groom’s house is called kelіn tusіru.  The main element of kelіn tүsіru is a  traditional performance of a song of  instructions and wishes ­ Betashar.