Министерство образования и науки УР
Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение УР
«Сюмсинский техникум лесного и сельского хозяйства»
И.о.директора БПОУ УР «СТЛиСХ»
______________ И.В. Шумихин
«____» ______________ 201__ г.
контрольно-измерительных материалов
для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине
БД. 03 Английский язык
35.02.01 Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство
Сюмси 201 г.
БПОУ УР «СТЛиСХ» преподаватель Вологжанина Е.Р.
Рассмотрено на заседании м/о_______________________________________
Протокол №____ от «___»________201 г.
Председатель м/о __________________/_________________
1. Общие положения
Контрольно-измерительные материалы предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины БД. 03 Английский язык 35.02.01 Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство
КИМ включают контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля в форме тестов, смыслового чтения и промежуточной аттестации в форме[1] Экзамена.
2. Результаты освоения дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
Освоенные умения |
Усвоенные знания |
Говорение • вести диалог, используя оценочные суждения, в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения (в рамках изученной тематики); беседовать о себе, своих планах; участвовать в обсуждении проблем в связи с прочитанным/прослушанным иноязычным текстом, соблюдая правила речевого этикета; • рассказывать о своем окружении, рассуждать в рамках изученной тематики и проблематики; представлять социокультурный портрет своей страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка; Аудирование • относительно полно и точно понимать высказывания собеседника в распространенных стандартных ситуациях повседневного общения, понимать основное содержание и извлекать необходимую информацию из различных аудио- и видеотекстов: прагматических (объявления, прогноз погоды), публицистических (интервью, репортаж), соответствующих тематике данной ступени обучения; Чтение • читать аутентичные тексты различных стилей: публицистические, художественные, научно-популярные, прагматические – используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, поисковое/просмотровое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи; Письменная речь • писать личное письмо, заполнять анкету, письменно излагать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в стране/странах изучаемого языка, делать выписки из иноязычного текста; использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни для: • общения с представителями других стран, ориентации в современном поликультурном мире; • получения сведений из иноязычных источников информации (в том числе через Интернет), необходимых в образовательных и самообразовательных целях; • расширения возможностей в выборе будущей профессиональной деятельности; • изучения ценностей мировой культуры, культурного наследия и достижений других стран; ознакомления представителей зарубежных стран с культурой и достижениями России В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен знать: • значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа обучения и соответствующими ситуациями общения, в том числе оценочной лексики, реплик-клише речевого этикета, отражающих особенности культуры страны/стран изучаемого языка; • значение изученных грамматических явлений в расширенном объеме (видо-временные, неличные и неопределенно-личные формы глагола, формы условного наклонения, косвенная речь / косвенный вопрос, побуждение и др., согласование времен); • страноведческую информацию из аутентичных источников, обогащающую социальный опыт школьников: сведения о стране/странах изучаемого языка, их науке и культуре, исторических и современных реалиях, общественных деятелях, месте в мировом сообществе и мировой культуре, взаимоотношениях с нашей страной, языковые средства и правила речевого и неречевого поведения в соответствии со сферой общения и социальным статусом партнера;
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен знать: • значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа обучения и соответствующими ситуациями общения, в том числе оценочной лексики, реплик-клише речевого этикета, отражающих особенности культуры страны/стран изучаемого языка; • значение изученных грамматических явлений в расширенном объеме (видо-временные, неличные и неопределенно-личные формы глагола, формы условного наклонения, косвенная речь / косвенный вопрос, побуждение и др., согласование времен); • страноведческую информацию из аутентичных источников, обогащающую социальный опыт школьников: сведения о стране/странах изучаемого языка, их науке и культуре, исторических и современных реалиях, общественных деятелях, месте в мировом сообществе и мировой культуре, взаимоотношениях с нашей страной, языковые средства и правила речевого и неречевого поведения в соответствии со сферой общения и социальным статусом партнера; |
3.1. Задания для проведения текущего контроля
Входной контроль
(1 вариант)
1.Suddenly he saw … man standing at … bus stop.
a) an – c) a a
b) the the d) a the
2.There … ….. in the next room.
a) are nobody c) am somebody
b) is somebody d) aren’t anybody
3.Don’t put … sugar in my coffee.
many c) muny
much d) few
4.Today the weather is … than it was yesterday
a) the best c) goodder
b) better d) the goodest
5.How much money do you spend ….. food every month?
at c) for
on d) in
6.Not far from our house two … … are being built.
a) news schools c) new schools
b) new schooles d) news schooles
7.There … seven …. in the yard.
a) was; children c) were childs
b) was childs d) were children
8.Look! The cat …. with the ball!
a) plays c) play
c) is playing d) is play
9.I think Fred ….. the rule yet.
haven’t understood c) didn’t understand
hasn’t understood d) didn’t understood
10.What time … now? – 5p.m –Oh! I ….. for the bus for an hour!
a) is it; have been waiting c) is it; have waited
c) it is; wait d)it is; am waiting
11.Mrs. Williams …. our teacher of English. She ….. Mrs. Smith who …. for America.
don’t is; substitutes; left c) isn’t; is substituting; left
aren’t; substitute; leave d) doesn’t is; substitutes; is leaving
12.She said she had got the letter …
a) yesterday c) the day before
b) last day d) the following day
13.We…. to the country tomorrow unless it …..
a) shall go; rains c) will go; will rain
b) shall go; rain d) go; will rain
14.Harry didn’t know that that …. to him the following day.
a) happens c) will happen
b) would happen d) happened
15. If I ….. that the traffic lights were red …
a) had realized; would stop c) realized; would have stop
b) had realized; would have stopped d) realized; would stopped
(2 вариант)
1.We … … students and we … at … College now.
a) am; at; am; - c) is; the; is; an
b) are; -; are; - d) are; a; are; the
2.I was surprised to see so … people there.
many c) muny
much d) few
3. It’s too dark in the room. I can see …
a) nothing c) anything
b) everything d) something
4… red dress is … than ….
a) these; expensiver; that c) this; most expensive; that
b) this; more expensive; that d) that; the expensivest; that
5.Have you heard …. news?
a) the last c) the least
b) the latest d) later
6.There … two … in the hall.
a) was; womans c) were women
b) were womans d) was women
7.Why … Mary …? – She … her key.
does cry; lost c) is crying; lost
is crying; has lost d)is crying; have lost
8.When Moris …. into the class the teacher …. .
a) went; made a speech c) was going; had made a speech
b) went; was making a speech d) went; has made a speech
9.Ann asked me …. and see her this evening.
a) don’t come c) doesn’t come
b) didn’t come d) not to come
10.Who … to you yesterday?
a) did phoned; c) phoned
b) have phoned d) did phone
11.She said she had got the letter …
a) yesterday c) the day before
b) last day d) the following day
12.We …. the book the whole day yesterday, but we … nothing
a) were reading; didn’t understand c) were reading; understood
b) was looking; wasn’t understand d) read; understood 13. I … in the drawing-room in case … a telephone call for me.
a) shall be; there are c) will be; there will be
b) shall be; there is d) will be; there are
14. My bike is not there! It _ .., I'm sure.
a) was stolen c) has been stolen
b) stole d) has stolen
15. If you …. the door yesterday the thief …. the house
a) lock; cannot enter c) locked; couldn’t enter
b) had locked; couldn’t have entered d) could lock; wouldn’t enter
на входной контроль
1 вариант
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
D b b b b c d b b a c c a b b
2 вариант
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
b a a b b c b b d c c c b c b
критерии оценивания
за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл
14-15 баллов оценка «5»
13-12баллов оценка «4»
11-10баллов оценка «3»
9 и менее оценка «2»
Контрольное чтение по теме «Семья и семейные отношения, домашние обязанности»
после прочтения текста, обучающимся необходимо выполнить три задания.
Задание 1: необходимо прочитать текст и заполнить пропуски частями предложений, представленных под текстом. При этом одна часть лишняя. Цель задания 1 – понимание основного содержания текста. За каждый верный ответ обучающийся получает 1 балл. Максимально 5 баллов.
Задание 2: необходимо прочитать вопросы, расположенные под текстом, и определить, в каком абзаце можно найти ответы на них. Цель задания 2 – понимание структурно-смысловых связей в тексте. За каждый верный ответ обучающийся получает 1 балл. Максимально 5 баллов.
Задание 3: необходимо выполнить тест с одним вариантом ответа. Цель задания 3 – полное и точное понимание информации в тексте. За каждый верный ответ обучающийся получает 1 балл. Максимально 5 баллов.
На выполнение теста отводится 35 минут при 45-минутном занятии.
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–E частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–6. Одна из частей в списке 1–6 лишняя. Ответы зафиксируйте в тетради.
Our family
1. We are a large and friendly family. There are six of us: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my younger sister and I. I have an elder sister too, she is 22 years old, but she doesn't live with our family. She is married. She has a little family of her own: a husband and a child – a two-year old boy.
2. Our grandpa is a scientist. He is on the wrong side of 60, but he does not want to retire. He works at the university. He works part-time. He goes to the university two or three times a week and delivers lecturers to students and does a scientific work. On the days when he is at home, he works in his study, A ________________.
3. Our grandma is retired. She was a teacher and worked at school. She is the recognized head of the family. She keeps house. Of course we help her about the house: all of us do our share in daily household chores. My sister washes the dishes, sweeps and washes the floor, washes the sink in the kitchen. My work is
B ________________. Our mother and father do most of the shopping. My mother and sister also do washing. But C ________________ is done by grandma. She is a wonderful cook, and all our family likes her cooking very much.
4. Father is a doctor. He works in a large hospital. Mum is an economist and she works at a bank. Both our parents are very busy. Father has a car. In the morning he drives mother to work, then he goes to his hospital. Father also always drives grandfather to work on his University days.
5. My sister and I go to school. We are both senior formers, so naturally school takes up a lot of our time. We spend most of the afternoons and the evenings
D ________________.
6. At the weekend we are not as busy as on week days, and we can relax: visit or receive friends or relations or just go for a walk. I also enjoy quiet Saturday evenings, when all members of our friendly family are at home and nobody is in a hurry and we are quietly sitting in our large and comfortable living-room, E ________________ and drinking nice hot cups of tea with something delicious prepared by grandmother.
1. talking, joking, discussing our everyday affairs
2. most of the cooking
3. driving me to school
4. preparing for his lectures and writing a book
5. doing our homework
6. emptying the dustbin, beating the carpet, dusting and vacuum cleaning
Задание 2. Прочитайте вопросы A – E. Установите, в каких абзацах 1 – 6 можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Используйте каждый абзац только один раз. Один абзац не подойдет. Ответы зафиксируйте в тетради.
A) Who works as a university teacher? – _________
B) Who spends a lot of time doing the home task? – _______
C) Who does not live with the family? – _______
D) Who drives some of the family members to work? – _______
E) Who does wet cleaning of the house? – _______
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1 – 5. Только один вариант ответа является правильным. Ответы зафиксируйте в тетради.
1. “…he works in his study” means:
a) he studies something.
b) he does his homework.
c) he works on his research.
d) he works in his special room.
2. “He is on the wrong side of 60” means:
a) he is about 60.
b) he has written more than 60 scientific books.
c) he is more than 60.
d) he drives the car at a speed exceeding 60 km/h.
3. Who is the householder in the family?
a) Father.
b) Grandfather.
c) Grandmother.
d) Mother.
4. “His University days” means:
a) the days when he studied at the University
b) the days when he works at the University
c) the days when he worked at the University
d) the name of the metro station
5. The Saturday evenings are quiet in the family because
a) everyone sleeps long hours.
b) all members of the family are not at home.
c) everyone is eating something delicious.
d) nobody is in a hurry.
Эталоны ответов.
Задание 1. Задание 2. Задание 3.
A – 4 A – 2 1 – d
B – 6 B – 5 2 – c
C – 2 C – 1 3 – c
D – 5 D – 4 4 – b
E – 1 E – 3 5 – d
Контрольное работа по теме: распорядок дня студента колледжа.
Текст задания: Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы, данные к тексту.
Hi again... As you already know, I am a first-year student of the Technical Academy. My parents live in Sochi and I study in Rostov-on-Don so I need some housing. There are two opportunities for me: I can live in a dormitory (a students hostel), or to rent a flat (an apartment).
I decided to rent a flat. To make the rent smaller, I also decided to share my flat with another girl — Natasha Kozlova. She studies at the Academy, too, and she is my best friend now. I'll tell you more about her later.
Now, let me describe my usual working day. My classes begin at 8:30. So on week-days I have to get up at 7:15.1 don't have an alarm clock and usually my roommate wakes me up and my working day begins. I turn on the radio and do my morning exercises while Natasha takes a shower. I don't take a bath in the morning because I don't have enough time for it. I take a cool shower (that's when I completely wake up), brush my teeth. After that I go back to our room and get dressed. I brush my hair and put on a light make-up. Then we have breakfast. Natasha makes breakfast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have to serve breakfast on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I love to listen to the latest news on the radio while I am eating and Natasha prefers light music.
We leave the house at ten minutes past eight and walk to the nearest bus-stop. We live rather far from the Academy and it usually takes us about a quarter of an hour to get there by bus. Sometimes when the weather is fine and we have enough time we walk to the Academy. It is very healthy to walk much.
The classes begin at 8:30 in the morning and they end at 2:00 p.m. We have lectures in different subjects. As a rule we have three or four classes a day. Sometimes it is very hard to wait till they end.
Usually I don't miss my classes because I want to pass my exams successfully. But sometimes I do, especially when the weather is fine and the classes are boring.
At 11:50 we have lunch. That's my favourite time. That is the time to share the latest news and to gossip. My friends and I prefer not to go to the canteen and we often have lunch in a small cafe not too far from the Academy. At 12:30 we have to be back to our classes. During the working day we also have several short breaks that last for ten minutes.
Occasionally I have to stay at the Academy till 5 or even 6 o'clock in the evening because I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule I have no free time on week-days. So by the end of the week I get very tired.
We come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. We eat supper together and share the latest news.
After supper we wash dishes, drink coffee or tea and watch TV. I prefer old comedies and Natasha likes serials or films about travelling. Sometimes Natasha and I go for a walk in the park or visit our friends.
At about eleven at night I go to bed. I like to read something before going to bed and Natasha likes to listen to some music. Sometimes I fall asleep while I am reading and Natasha gets up and switches off the light and says — Good night!
housing — жилье
opportunity — возможность
dormitory, students hostel — студенческое общежитие
to rent a flat (an apartment) — снимать квартиру
to share — делить(-ся)
week-days — будние дни
alarm clock — будильник
usually — обычно
roommate — сосед по комнате
rather — довольно
to turn on (off) — включать, выключать
enough — достаточно
completely — полностью, совершенно
to get dressed — одеваться
to serve — обслуживать
make up — макияж
while — пока, в то время как
to prefer — предпочитать
healthy — здоровый, полезный
to miss — пропускать
successfully — успешно
boring — скучный
to gossip — сплетничать
have to be back — должны вернуться
break — перерыв
report — доклад
share — делиться
canteen — столовая
tape-recorder — магнитофон
to brush one's hair — причесывать волосы
it takes me... minutes to get to the Academy by bus —у меня уходит... минут, чтобы добраться до Академии на автобусе
cloackroom — гардероб
upstairs — наверху, вверх по лестнице
downstairs — внизу, вниз по лестнице
to miss classes — пропускать занятия
to pass exams — сдать экзамены
to do well — делать успехи, хорошо учиться
for the first (second) course — на первое (второе) блюдо
to get ready — подготовиться
as a rule — как правило
to get tired — устать
to take pleasure in — получать удовольствие от...
to look forward to — ждать с нетерпением
acquaintance — знакомый
Exercise 2.1. Write one sentence with each word:
1. Usual — usually — as usual — unusual
2. occasion — occasional — occasionally
3. to end — to finish — to be over
4. to start — to begin — to get ready for
5. on Sunday — at five o'clock — in cafeteria...
6. full time student — part time student
7. freshman — second year student — school graduate
Exercise 2.2. Translate into English:
• быть студентом (студенткой) дневного отделения
• рассказать вам о...
• в будние дни
• просыпаться — вставать в 7 часов утра
• включать магнитофон
• принимать душ
• чистить зубы
• одеваться
• слушать последние новости
• У меня уходит час, чтобы добраться до института
• ездить на автобусе (троллейбусе, трамвае)
• опаздывать на занятия
• заканчиваться в 15:50 вечера
• пропускать занятия
• сдать экзамены успешно
• время от времени
• подготовиться к занятиям
• как правило
• устать
• приходить домой
• быть дома
• иметь свободное время
Exercise 2.3. Tell about your typical day. The following questions will help you:
1. Do you get up early?
2. Is it easy for you to get up early?
3. Do you wake up yourself or does your alarm-clock wake you up?
4. Do you do your morning exercises?
5. What do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning?
6. How long does it take you to get dressed?
7. What do you usually have for breakfast?
8. Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you?
9. When do you usually leave your house?
10. Do you work? If yes, where?
11. How long does it take you to get to your Academy (Institute)?
12. Do you go there by bus/trolley-bus or walk?
13. Where do you usually have lunch (dinner)?
14. What time do you come home?
15. How long does it take you to do your homework?
16. How do you usually spend your evenings?
17. Do you have a lot of free time?
18. Do you play any musical instrument?
19. Are you fond of listening to music?
20. What kind of music do you prefer?
21. Do you collect anything (stamps, records, postcards, coins, matchboxes, etc.)?
22. What time do you usually go to bed?
Тест по теме: Описание местоположения объекта
1. Выберите подходящий предлог и переведите предложения.
1) The clock hangs on the wall, … the table. (above/under/on)
2) He has played Hamlet … the stage many times. (on/in/next to)
3) The bank is … the post-office and the beauty salon. (behind/at/between)
4) The ball has rolled … the bed. (on/under/above)
5) Bob and Jane were sitting in the café … each other. (between/behind/in front of)
6) The gym is … my college. (next to/on/between)
7) The monument is … the right. (in/at/on)
8) The office address is … the top of the page. (in/at/above)
9) He spends all his life … work. (in/at/on)
10) The kettle is boiling … the kitchen. (in/at/on)
2. Write your address. Where do you live? Describe your street.
Условия выполнения задания
1. Место (время) выполнения задания: задание выполняется на занятие в аудиторное время
2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: ____45_______ мин.
3. Вы можете воспользоваться англо-русскими словарями.
Шкала оценки образовательных достижений:
Критерии оценки:
«5» - 100 – 95% правильных ответов
«4» - 94 - 75% правильных ответов
«3» - 74 – 50% правильных ответов
«2» - 49% и менее правильных ответов
Контрольная работа по теме физкультура и спорт здоровый образ жизни.
Сопоставьте слова в 2 колонках
Roller-skating Катание на роликах
Skiing Плавание
Swimming Гибкий
Hiking Велоспорт
Cycling Катание на коньках
Skating Катание на лыжах
Tournament Горный туризм
Improve Мускулы
Keep fit Улучшать
Muscles Турнир
Flexible Быть в хорошей форме
Прочитайте тексты, переведите. Составьте на основании этих текстов свое мнение. Для написания ответа-сообщения можно использовать ответы на вопросы после текстов.
Do you agree or disagree?
Hello I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and jump. I don’t like to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching gymnastics .
Hello I am Alex. Sport plays a great role in my life. In fact, it is all I care for. I love every kind of sports football, hockey, volleyball and basketball. I also love to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
Вопросы для написания своего мнения
Are you against or for sports?
Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?
What kinds of sport are popular in Russia?
What sport are you good at?
Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы
At the end of the nineteenth century a Frenchman called Baron Pierrede Coubertin decided to try to revive the Olympic Games. At that time, Europe was divided by wars. Coubertin thought that the Olympic Games could help to bring peace. He thought highly of sport. He described the Olympic spirit in the following words: "The important thing is not winning but taking part." These words are still remembered today. Coubertin believed very strongly that sportsmen must not compete for money, but for glory and for the honour of their country.
At first, nobody was interested in his ideas. But Coubertin did not give up and worked hard. In 1894, he formed the International Olympic Committee and on 5 April 1896, The Olympic Games began again, after nearly fifteen centuries.
In 1913, Coubertin found an emblem of five linked rings. They became a symbol of the Olympic Games. These five rings represent five partsof the world: Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Asia.
Since then the Olympic Games have become he most important sports event in the world. They are held once every four years. The greatest wish for all the sportsmen is to win a medal, or simply to take part in the Olympic Games.
Задание 4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы (Answer the following questions).
1. Why did Coubertin decide to revive the
Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century?
2. Coubertin thought highly of sport, didn't he?
Prove this idea using the text.
3. When did the Olympic Games begin again?
4. What has become a symbol of the Olympic
Games? What does this symbol mean?
5. Are the Olympic Games popular now?
Правильное выполнение заданий 1,2 - оценка «3»
Правильное выполнение заданий 1,2,3 - оценка «4»
Правильное выполнение заданий 1,2,3,4 - оценка «5»
Задания не выполнены-оценка «2»
Контрольная работа по теме: Англоговорящие страны
Great Britain
Вариант 1
I часть
1) The official name of Great Britain is …
a) England
b) Britain
c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2) Where is the UK situated?
a) off the Southwest of Africa
b) off the Northwest coast of Europe
c) off the east coast of Asia
3) How many parts does the UK consist of?
a) 5 b) 4 c) 7
4) Where is the highest mountain Ben Nevis located?
a) in England b) in Scotland c) in Wales
5) What is the Severn?
a) city b) mountain c) River
6) London is situated on the river …
a) Tay b) Thames c) Lochness
7) The population of London is …
a) 5 million b) 11million c) 8 million
8) The City is…
a) aristocratic part of London b) financial part of London c) industrial part
of London
9) The Nelson’s column stands
a) in the Buckingham palace b) in the Tower c) in the
Trafalgar square
10) ―Big Ben‖ is………
a) clock b) fortress c) museum
11) Pre-school education in England begins at the age of
a) 3 or 4 b) 4 or 5 c) 5 or 6
12) Grammar school prepare pupils for
a) universities and colleges b) working professions
13) The majority of secondary schools are …
a) Public schools b) grammar schools c) Comprehensive schоols
II часть
Прочитайте и переведите текст
London traditionally is divided into several parts, The City,
Westminster, the West end and the East End. They are very different
from each other.
The city is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. There are two places of interest in the City: St. Paul’s cathedral and the Tower of London. St. Paul’s cathedral was built in the 17th century. The Tower was built in the 15th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it’s a museum.
Вариант 2
I часть
1) The rose is the Symbol of ….
a) Wales b) Britain c) England
2) What does the UK separate from Europe?
a) the Pacific Ocean
b) the English Chanel
c) the Atlantic Ocean
3) What is the capital of Wales?
a) Edinburgh
b) London
c) Belfast
4) The Population of the UK is more than…
a) 54 mln. b) 45 mln. c) 62 mln
5) The largest cities of the UK are…
a) Liverpool, Oxford b) Glasgow, London c) Belfast, Cardiff
6) The Queen lives …
a) in Westminster Abbey b) in Buckingham palace c) in the Tower
7) The coronation of nearly all kings and queens has taken place in….
a) St. Paul’s cathedral b) Buckingham palace c) Westminster Abbey
8) The West End is…
a) Industrial district b) the richest and most beautiful part
9) The East End is densely populated by
a) working class b) rich people
10) Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated in..
a) Westminster b) East end c) the City
11) Many children of Working class families go to…
a) Public schools b) Modern schools c) Grammar schools
12) When children are 7 they enter …
a) infant school b) junior school c) secondary school
13) if a pupil good at exact and natural science, he learns …
a) Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry b) English literature, music, art
II часть
Прочитайте и переведите текст
Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. There are
Buckingham palace where the Queen lives and the Houses of
Parliament along the north bank the Thames.
The clock tower of house of Parliament is famous for its big hour
bell ―Big Ben‖. Westminster Abbey is the place where the coronation
of nearly all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are
buried here as well as famous people of the country.
Критерии оценивания
За каждый правильный ответ теста 1 балл ( итого 13 баллов)
перевод неправильный, допущены ошибки в понимании основного содержания текста-0 баллов
правильный перевод с 2-3недочетами-3 балла
правильный перевод- 4балла
17-16 баллов-оценка «5»
15-13 баллов оценка «4»
12-10 баллов оценка «3»
Контрольная работа «Человек и природа»
Вариант 1
1. Соедини правильные варианты:
1 . a good deal of cloud
2. mist
3. sunny spells
4. mainly dry
5. strong winds
6. showers
7. patcy rain
8. heavy rain
9. a risk of frost
10. clear spells
a. Ясная солнечная погода
b. Облачно
c. туман
d. переменная облачность
e. заморозки
f. ветер
g. местами дождь
h. сильные дожди
2.Вставьте необходимые модальные глаголы ( must, should, would, ought to, have to, needn’t, can, could, may).
1. I …not to go to the theatre with them last night, I … revise the grammar rules and the words for the test.
2. My friend lives a long way from his college and … get up early.
3. All of us … be in time for classes.
4. When my friend has his English, he … stay at the office after work. He (not) … stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and get home early.
5. …you …work hard to do well in your English?
1. Раскроите скобки используя Will/shall или going to
1. Oh no! Look at the time! I will be/I am going be terribly late.
2. If you want to go to the shop, you can borrow my brother’s bicycle. I’m sure he won’t mind/ he’s
not going to mind.
3. I’ll go/I’m going into town this afternoon. Can I get you anything?
4. Will you hold/ are you going to hold this box for a moment while I unpack it?
1. Переведите на английский язык.
Гроза; гром; ураган; наводнение; молния; разрушение; град; цунами; вулкан; ветер.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) How many seasons do you know?
2) What is your favorite season? Why?
3) What can you tell about winter?
Вариант 2
1. Соедини правильные варианты :
1 . hurricane a. наводнение
2. tornado b. землятресение
3. volcano c. ураган
4. eruption d. буран
5. earthquake e.гроза
6. thunderstorm f. вулкан
7. tsunami g. торнадо
8. flood h. цунами
9. forest fire i. лесной пожар
10. snowstorm j. извержение вулкана
2. Вставьте необходимые модальные глаголы ( must, should, would, ought to, have to,
needn’t, can, could, may).
1. “… discuss this question now?”- “No, we … do it tomorrow afternoon.”
2. I’m glad you …come.
3. “ … you … come and have dinner with us tomorrow?” – “I’d love to.”
4. “ please send them this article.”- “Oh, … I do it now?”
5. You … take an umbrella. It is starting to rain.
3. Раскройте скобки используя Will/shall или going to.
1. I hear the government has announced they will raise/are going to raise taxes again.
2. My car won’t start/My car is not going to start. It must be cold I think.
3. I will start/I’m going to start a new job next week.
4. I’m sorry I forgot your birthday. Why don’t you come round tomorrow. And I will cook/I am going to cook you a meal?
1. Переведите на английский язык.
Водопад; шторм; ураган; наводнение; молния; солнце; град; цунами; вулкан; облако.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
4) How many seasons do you know?
5) What is your favorite season? Why?
6) What can you tell about summer?
Форма экзамена___________________________
Условия выполнения задания
1. Место (время) выполнения задания
2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 4 часа.
3. Источники информации, разрешенные к использованию на дифференцированном зачете, оборудование- словари
Задания для дифференцированного зачета (приводится перечень вопросов, практических заданий, тестов и др.)
Материалы для дифференцированного зачета
Условия выполнения задания:
Задание выполняется в аудитории
Максимальное время выполнения задания: 4 часа
Вы можете пользоваться словарем
За каждый правильный ответ 1 балл
Критерии оценивания:
Максимальное количество баллов – 49 «5» – 44-49 балла «4» – 38-43 баллов «3» – 32-37 балла «2» > 31 балл |
Вариант 1
Задание 1 (7 баллов) Выберите из приведённых ниже слов имена существительные и образуйте от них множественное число:
Window, round, bus, tooth, white, young, picture, man, city, bad, foot, which
Задание 2 (3 балла)
Выберите в скобках правильную степень прилагательного:
Задание 3 (5 баллов) употребить в предложениях глагол to be во времени Present Simple
1. These boys … good tennis players.
2. History … my favourite subject.
3. They … the second-year students.
4. Peter … my old friend.
5. I … from Russia.
Задание 4 (4 балла) Установите соответствие между именем числительным и вариантом его чтения. Одно числительное является лишним.
1) 1437 2) 437 3) 4.37 4) 1,437
a) four hundred and thirty-seven
b) four point three seven
c) four thousand and thirty-seven
d) one thousand four hundred and thirty-seven
e) fourteen thirty-seven
Задание 5 (1 балл) Выберите правильный вариант образования порядкового числительного
двадцать третье февраля:
a) the twenty-third of February c) twenty-three of February
b) the twentieth-three of February d) the twentieth-third of February
Задание 6 (10 баллов) Напишите время цифрами
H-p: It's twenty past five. - 5:20
1. It's half past two.
2. It's ten to three.
3. It's a quarter past ten.
4. It's a quarter to nine.
5. It's twenty to five.
6. It's half past six.
7. It's five past eight.
8. It's twenty-five to four.
9. It's two o'clock.
10. It's ten past ten.
Задание 7 ( 3 балла)
Употребите соответствующий предлог(движения, места, направления). (above, across, around, at, behind, from, in front of, in, into, on, out of, over, through, to, under)
1. There is a garden...our house. 2. The bridge is...the river. 3. All students are...the lesson now.
Задание 8 ( 6 баллов)
Употребите how much or how many
Задание 9 (10 баллов) Прочитайте текст. Заполните приведённую ниже таблицу требуемой информацией.
I know a very nice English family. They are Mary and Jack Johnson. They are from London and they live at 27 Main Street. Their house is small but they like it very much. It has three bedrooms and a little garden.
The Johnsons have two sons, Peter and Mark. Peter is ten and Mark is eight years old. They go to school by bus every day. Peter and Mark like school very much. Peter wants to become an airline pilot and Mark wants to be a circus acrobat. After school the boys usually play football or make model airplanes.
Mrs Johnson is a secretary. She works for a doctor. Mr Johnson is a policeman. Mr and Mrs Johnson enjoy music. Mary plays the guitar and Jack sings. They also like playing golf and tennis. They have an old car. It is a red Ford. They have their Ford for seven years.
1. Surname |
2. Parents’ names |
3. Number of children |
4. Names and ages of children |
5. Address |
6. Number of bedrooms |
7. Father’s job |
8. Mother’s job |
9. Favourite sport |
10. Colour of car |
Максимальное количество баллов – 49 «5» – 44-49 балла «4» – 38-43 баллов «3» – 32-37 балла «2» > 31 балл |
Вариант 2
Задание 1 (7 баллов) Выберите из приведённых ниже слов имена существительные и образуйте от них множественное число:
Box, mouse, happy, house, where, deer, yellow, thin, small, teacher, woman, baby
Задание 2 (3 балла)
Выберите в скобках правильную степень прилагательного:
Задание 3 (5 баллов) Употребите в предложениях глагол to be во времени Present Simple
1. You … my good friends.
2. My nationality … Russian.
3. I ... a first-year student.
4. Anna … a very good swimmer.
5. The days … short in winter.
Задание 4 (4 балла) Установите соответствие между именем числительным и вариантом его чтения. Одно числительное является лишним.
1) 153 2) 1,534 3) 153.4 4) 1534
a) fifteen thirty-four
b) one thousand three hundred thirty-four
c) one hundred and fifty-three
d) one five three point four
e) one thousand three hundred and thirty-four
Задание 5 (1 балл). Выберите правильный вариант образования порядкового числительного
двадцать второе января:
a) the twenty-two of January c) twentieth-second of January
b) the twenty-second of January d) the twentieth-two of January
Задание 6 (5 баллов) Напишите время цифрами
It's a quarter to five.
It's twenty to one.
It's half past six.
It's three o'clock.
It's ten past five.
It's twenty-five to three.
It's five to ten.
It's five past twelve.
It's twenty-five past eight.
It's a quarter past seven.
Задание 7 ( 3 балла)
Употребите соответствующий предлог(движения, места, направления). (above, across, around, at, behind, from, in front of, in, into, on, out of, over, through, to, under)
1. Come... the room.
2. The box was... the bed.
3. He looks... the window.
Задание 8. ( 6 баллов)
Употребите how much or how many
Задание 9 (10 баллов) Прочитайте текст. Заполните приведённую
ниже таблицу требуемой информацией.
My name is Mary Brown. I live in England. I go to school in Greentown, a small town near London.
School begins at nine o’clock in the morning. We have four lessons, each of 40 minutes in the morning. At 12 o’clock we have a break for lunch. In the afternoon we have three lessons. During the breaks we play or walk in the school playground. School ends at four o’clock. Some pupils stay at school after lessons for clubs: music, drawing, drama, sports and others. At school we learn Science, Humanities, Arts and computer science.
The pupils at our school wear a school uniform. This is a white blouse for girls with a dark skirt and a pullover. Boys wear a shirt and a tie, dark trousers and dark pullovers. Pupils wear blazers with the school badge. We don’t like our uniform.
We have holidays three times a year: Christmas, Easter and Summer.
1. Surname |
2. Name of town |
3. Beginning of lessons |
4. Number of lessons а day |
5. Subjects at school |
6. School finishes |
7. Types of clubs |
8. Girls wear |
9. Boys’ uniform |
10. Holidays |
Модельный ответ:
Вариант 1
Задание 1 (7 баллов) Выберите из приведённых ниже слов имена существительные и образуйте от них множественное число:
Windows, buses, teeth, pictures, men, cities, feet
Задание 2 (5 баллов)
1. the happiest 2. best 3. hotter .
Задание 3 (5 баллов)
1 are
2 is
3 are
4 is
5 I am
Задание 4 ( 4 балла)
Установите соответствие между именем числительным и вариантом его чтения. Одно числительное является лишним.
1 e |
2 a |
3 b |
4 d |
Задание 5 (1 балл) Выберите правильный вариант образования порядкового числительного: a
Задание 6
1. 2:30
2. 2:50
3. 10:15
4. 8:45
5. 4:40
6. 5:30
7. 8:05
8. 3:35
9. 2:00
10. 10:10
Задание 7 (3 балла)
1. There is a garden behind our house.
2. The bridge is above the river.
3. All students are at the lesson now.
Задание 8. ( баллов)
1 how much, 2 how many, 3 how much, 4 how much 5 how much, 6 how many
Задание 9 (10 баллов) Прочитайте текст. Заполните приведённую ниже таблицу требуемой информацией.
1. Surname |
Johnson |
2. Parents’ names |
Mary, Jack |
3. Number of children |
2 (two) |
4. Names and ages of children |
Peter, 10; Mark, 8 |
5. Address |
27 Main Street, London |
6. Number of bedrooms |
3 (three) |
7. Father’s job |
policeman |
8. Mother’s job |
secretary |
9. Favourite sport |
golf, tennis |
10. Colour of car |
red |
Вариант 2
Задание 1 (7 баллов)
Boxes, mice, houses, deer, teachers, women, babies
Задание 2 ( 3 балла)
1. more beautiful 2. better 3. the hardest
Задание 3 (5 баллов)
1. are
2. is
3. I am
4. is
5. are
Задание 4.(4 балла)
1 с |
2 e |
3 d |
4 a |
Задание 5. ( 1 балл)
Задание 6. ( 10 баллов)
1. 4:45
3. 6:30
4. 3:00
5. 5:10
6. 2:35
7. 9:55
8. 12:05
9. 8:25
10. 7:15
Задание 7. (3 балла)
1. Come into the room. 2. The box was under the bed. 3. He looks through the window.
Задание 8 ( 6 баллов)
1 much 2 many 3 much 4 many 5 much 6 many
Задание 9. (10 баллов)
1. Surname |
Brown |
2. Name of town |
Greentown |
3. Beginning of lessons |
at nine o’clock in the morning |
4. How many lessons for day |
7 |
5. Subjects at school |
Humanities, Arts and computer science |
6. School finishes |
at four o’clock |
7. Types of clubs |
music, drawing, drama, sports and others |
8. Girls wear |
a white blouse for girls with a dark skirt and a pullover |
9. Boys’ uniform |
a shirt and a tie, dark trousers and dark pullovers |
10. Holidays |
Christmas, Easter and Summer. |
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[1] Зачет, дифференцированный зачет, экзамен.
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