Урок - путешествие - это очень интересный прием в изучении культуры. Данный урок поможет в легкой и непринужденной форме изучить тему "Транспорт", узнать больше о достопримечательностях Лондона. Активно развиваются навыки говорения, координация на местности , навыки грамматики, аудирования. Актуальность использования подобных уроков велика.конспект урока
Планконспект урока для учеников 6го класса.
Подготовила учитель английского языка I категории Яманко Сабина
Тема: «London Transport»
Цель урока:
развивать фонематический и интонационный слух учащихся;
формировать лексические умения и навыки в речи;
сформировать грамматические навыки на материале грамматических
структур необходимых для ведения беседы о путешествии, транспорт в
научить добывать информацию из текстов и работать в группах и парах, с
раздаточным материалом;
формировать социокультурную компетенцию учащихся, познакомить с
культурой других стран;
воспитывать положительное отношение к иноязычной культуры
Оборудование: Виды Лондона, тематические картины.
Технические средства: Магнитофон, кассета с записью текста «Лондон»
Раздаточный материал: Карточки с заданием для работы в группах.
Ход урока
I. Организационная часть урока.
Подготовка к восприятию иноязычного материала.
1) Начало урока.
T: Good morning, everybody. I am glad to see you. How are you today?
Ss: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you, too. We are fine today and
what about you, teacher?
T: I’m very well, thank you. Let’s start our lesson. The topic of our lesson is
“London Transport” By the end of the lesson you will be able express your
thoughts on the topic “Travelling in London”.2) Фонетическая зарядка
T: “Let’s start our lesson with a poem “Travelling”
I like to ride in railway train
Through tunnels dark and wide.
Over the bridges crossing the river,
I feel so safe inside.
When water looks very smooth,
I like to sail by ships or boat.
A sea voyage is very good,
When you feel a sea breeze blows.
But airplane is the best of all,
It flies so very high
That people look like tiny dots,
And clouds go sailing by.
II. Основная часть.
3) Актуализация опорних знаний
T: Let’s refresh in our memory all the words combinations with the words “to
travel by”. Pupil 1 will work near the blackboard and the others will help him.
To travel by: Plane
T: Now, let’s answer the question together “Why do we travel?’’to learn more about people’s traditions
to visit new cities
Why do we travel?
for pleasure for business to see places to enjoy nature
Развитие навыков говорения.
T: Let’s ask the questions about your travelling and “Microphone” means of
(P1 – near the blackboard answer the questions)
(Ps – ask the questions)
P2: Have you ever travelled by train?
P1: Yes, I have.
P3: Where did you go?
P1: I went to Odessa.
P4: Who did you go with?
P1: I went with…
P5: Did you like your trip?
P1: Yes, I did.
P6: What did you see through the train window?P1: I saw…
P7: Where do the trains stop?
P1: They stop…
P8: Why do the passengers usually hurry up?
P9: What happens to a person who is late for the train?
P1: …
P10: When must the passengers take their seats?
P11: How do people know that the train stops?
P12: Is the travelling by train comfortable or not?
P1: …
P13: Who drivers the train?
5) Работа в парах
T: Imagine, please, that right now you are at the airport. What will you say to the
clerk? Let’s make up this dialogue.
P1 Passenger
P2 Clerk
Passenger: Can I check for the fight to London here?
Clerk: Yes, sir. May I have your ticket and a passport, please?
P: Certainly. Here you are.
C: What’s the purpose of your visit to London, sir?
P: I want to see a capital of England.
C: How long will you stay here?
P: For two weeks.
C: Will you put your luggage on the scales? It’s all right. You may take your ticket
and passport and here is your boarding pass. Flight is 120. Go to the Gate 5.
P: Thank you.
6) Развитие навыков аудирования.T: And now imagine, please, that we are already in London – the capital of
What do you know about London?
P1: It’s a big city.
P2: It stands on the river Thames.
T: Now, let’s listen and try to understand everything you have heard about
London is the capital of Britain. It is one of the most interesting places in the
world. About eight million people live here. There is a big river in London – the
Thames. There are a lot of bridges over the river. Tower Bridge is the most
famous. It is more than 100 years old.
There are lots of places of interest in London. From Tower Bridge you can see
the Tower of London. From Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is
a museum now. There are hundreds of interesting collections in it. There is a
famous clock in London called Big Ben.
You can see splendid churches in the city. Westminster Abbey is one of the
oldest royal churches. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the most wonderful classical church
in Britain.
London’s park and gardens are really beautiful. In Regent’s park there is the
Zoo. It is one of the biggest and most famous zoos in the world.
There are about 10 thousand streets in London with a lot of shops and cafes,
cinemas and theatres, galleries and museums. Big red buses run up and down the
streets. The oldest metro in the world, called Tube, is here in London, too.
T: Let’s guess the quiz.
London Quiz
1. London is the ….. of England.
a) centre
b) capital
c) part
2. The famous clock in the London calls…3. More than… live in London.
a) Big Boll
b) Big Doll
c) Big Ben
a) 2 mln
b) 18 mln
c) 8 mln
4. From Tower Bridge you can see…
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral
b) The London Zoo
c) The Tower of London
5. The Queen lives in…
a) the Tower of London
b) Buckingham Palace
c) Westminster Abbey
6. Westminster Abbey is famous…
7. In Regent’s Park there is the biggest… in the world.
a) museum
b) royal church
c) circus
a) metro
b) clock
c) zoo
a) Piccadilly Circus
b) Trafalgar Square
c) Regent’s Park
a) 6
b) 1 mln
c) 10 thousands
8. There are… in the centre of London
9. There are… streets in London.
1 b, 2 c, 3 c, 4 c, 5 b, 6b, 7 c, 8,b 9 c.
7) Работа в групах
T: Now, let’s work in 3 groups. Read your text and try to translate it into
Then, you discuss the information with your friends.
Group A: London BusesGroup B: London Underground (Tube)
Group C: Taxi
A. London Buses
If you are on holiday in London, travel by bus. London buses are called
doubledeckers. They have a driver and a conductor. Look at the sign on the
front, on the side or on the back of the bus to know where the bus is going.
Read a notice board at the busstop to know the places on the bus route.
When you get on the bus, the conductor says, "Fares, please." You say
where you want to go, he tells you how much to pay, you pay him and he gives
you a ticket. Keep it till the end of your trip!
B. London Underground (Tube)
You can get to most places in London very quickly by the under ground.
There are many lines on the London Underground. All the lines are of a
different color on the map. Buy the ticket from the ticketoffice at the
Underground station, or from the automatic machine. Keep the ticket till
the end of your journey.
C. Taxi
If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by taxi. Do you know
what a London taxi looks like? Their special shape and black color are
famous all over the world. The black cabs as they are called have become
the symbol of London. Now the taxi drivers have their cabs in different
colors red, green, even silver. And soon the shape is going to change, too.
London drivers have green badges on their jackets. They have to know all the
routes around the capital perfectly.
Заключительная часть.
8) Итоги урока. Рефлексия..
T: What did we do at our lesson today?
What did you like the most?
You worked well and your marks are…
Let’s finish our lesson with the words.
I am a good pupil.
I am a better pupil.
I am the best pupil.