Crossword puzzle "Family" (1 вариант)
Размещаю три варианта кроссворда по теме "Семья" - для средней школы (более подробный), для начальной школы (попроще, только основные члены семьи), и к учебнику "Милли" для 2 класса (с соответствующей учебнику лексикой и формулировками задания).
Первый вариант кроссворда "Семья" (для средней школы):
Look at the family tree and fill in the missing words.
1. Anna is Brian's …………………
2. Jessica is Susan's …………………
3. Michael is Robert's …………………
4. Henry is Laura's …………………
5. Emily is Brian's …………………
6. Henry is Robert's …………………
7. Brian is Henry's …………………
8. Robert is Henry's …………………
1. Peter is Jessica's …………………
2. Robert is Brian's …………………
3. Anna is Peter's …………………
4. Laura is Emily's …………………
5. Laura is Jessica's …………………
6. Emily is Michael's …………………
7. Brian is Emily's …………………
Crossword puzzle "School subjects 1"
Кроссворд по теме "Школьные
предметы" (уроки) предназначен для уроков английского языка в средней
школе. Более простой кроссворд для начальной школы размещён здесь: School
subjects 2.
Объяснения названий предметов, преподаваемых в школе, взяты из учебных
словарей. Если Вы хотите упростить задание к кроссворду, можно заменить
определения на перевод с русского, либо изобразить типичные для этих предметов
символы (например, химические формулы, алгебраические уравнения, геометрические
фигуры и т.д.).
Вы можете составить свой кроссворд в зависимости от уровня Ваших учеников,
воспользовавшись программами для составления кроссвордов. Подробнее о двух
таких программах: EclipseCrossword, Hot
1. A school subject in which you exercise and play sports.
2. A school subject in which you study the earth's physical features and the people, plants, and animals that live in different regions of the world.
3. A school subject in which you study the events of the past.
4. A type of mathematics that uses letters and symbols in place of numbers.
5. A school subject in which you study novels, stories, poems and plays.
6. The main language that people speak in the UK, the USA, Australia and some other countries.
7. A school subject in which you sing and listen to the works of famous composers.
8. A school subject in which you learn how to use computers.
9. A school subject in which you draw, paint, and study the works of famous painters and sculptors.
10. The language that people speak in France, Canada, Belgium, and some other countries.
1. A school subject in which you learn about heat, light, and other forms of energy and how they affect objects.
2. A type of mathematics that deals with relationships between lines, angles and surfaces.
3. A school subject in which you study animals and plants and the natural processes that control how they live.
4. A school subject in which you learn to make things by hand.
5. A school subject in which you learn the spelling and grammar of your native language.
6. A school subject in which you learn the structure of substances and how they react with other substances.
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