Lawn and Garden Maintenance
1. Read the text and translate the first paragraph written
The Lawn and Garden are two of the most attractive spaces of a house and they are the first areas a visitor sees when they visit your home. A lush lawn and garden will add beauty and increase the property value of your home. Here are the main top tips for maintaining your lawn and garden for a healthy green and beautiful look.
Soil Tips: For a healthy lawn and garden test and correct if needed Your soil pH (acidity) level. You can repair soil pH problems by adding lime to increase the pH level or sulfur to decrease it. Most garden soils require a pH level between 5.0 – 7.0. Most lawns need a pH level between 6.0 – 7.0.
Watering Tips: Cultivate the soil and remove weeds before watering. Cultivating the soil will improve soil structure by releasing nitrogen and reducing compaction. Cultivating helps water reach the roots more quickly and easily. Water your plants daily and your lawn 2 times per week when it’s hot. Water deeply to promote strong and healthy roots. The best time to water is in the morning between 7-8 a.m.
2. Answer the following question:
1. How you can repair soil pH problems in your garden?
2. What pH level is suitable for lawns?
3. What helps water reach the roots more quickly?
4. What time is the best one for watering?
3. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations:
Пышный газон, уход за газоном, уровень кислотности земли, добавить известь, обрабатывать землю, полив, здоровые корни, растения, глубоко, уменьшить плотность.
4. Mach the words with their meanings below:
lawn a piece of land around or at the side of a house, which may be covered with ---------------------------grass or planted with flowers, fruit and vegetables;
garden a living things that has leaves and roots and grows usually in earth, the kind ---------------------------smaller than trees
to water an unwanted wild plants, one which prevents crops or garden flowers from ---------------------------growing property
weed a stretch of flat ground next to the house covered with closely cut grass
plant to pour water on an area of land or a plant
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