Условный диалог – расспрос по теме “My Home”
5 классах
Описание работы
Вопросы составлены по материалам учебника «Звездный английский», 5 класс, модуль 2.
Обучающиеся выбирают номер карточки с вопросами, садится перед учителями. Учитель задает вопросы. Если обучающийся затрудняется в ответе, вопрос задается еще раз. Учитель может перефразировать вопрос или задать дополнительные вопросы из списка.
Список вопросов
1. What type of house do you live in? |
1. I live in a block of flats. |
2. What’s your address? |
2. I live at (number) Gaidar Street. |
3. Is it far from the centre? |
3. Yes, it is. It is far from the centre. / No, it isn’t. It isn’t far from the centre. |
4. Is it in a nice area/a quiet neighbourhood? |
4. Yes, it is. It’s in a .... / No, it isn’t. It isn’t in a .... |
5. What floor is your flat on? |
5. My/ Our flat is on the ... floor. |
6. What's your flat like? |
6. My/Our flat is large and comfortable (spacious, cosy, light, etc.) It’s perfect for living. |
7. How many rooms are there in your flat? |
7. There are ... rooms in our / my flat: a (living room, bedroom, dining room, children’s room). (We also have a bathroom, a toilet, a kitchen and a utility room. / Besides, we’ve got / there is a...) |
8. What is your favourite room? Why? |
8. My favourite room is our ... because it’s large (comfortable, spacious, cosy, light, etc). We’ve got a nice (big, new...) (computer / TV / sofa/fridge)... |
9. Can you describe your room? (3-4 предлога места) |
9. Yes, I can. I can describe my room. (3-4 предложения о расположении мебели). |
10. Do you have your own room? |
10. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I have / don’t have my own room. |
11. Do you share a room with your brother or sister? |
11. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I share / don’t share a room with my brother / sister. |
12. What room is the smallest in your flat? |
12. Our ... is the smallest in our flat. |
13. Is there a carpet on the floor? |
13. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. There’s a carpet on the floor. / There is no carpet on the floor. |
14. Where do you keep clothes (books, dishes)? |
14. We keep clothes in the wardrobe (books – bookcase/ dishes – cupboards). |
15. Are there any armchairs (bedside cabinets, cushions) in your bedroom? |
15. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. There are some / There aren’t any .... |
16. There is a fridge in your kitchen, isn't there? |
16. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. There is (no) fridge in the kitchen. |
17. What (other) appliances have you got? |
17. We’ve got a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, a cooker(a dishwasher, a kettle, a toaster). |
18. What's your favourite thing about your flat? |
18. We’ve got a nice / big / large / modern .... I like to (watch films / read books / etc). And that’s my favourite thing about our flat. |
19. Would you like to live in a skyscraper? Why/Why not? |
19. Yes, I would. I would like to live in a skyscraper because it’s got a great view of the city. / No, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t like to live in a skyscraper because it’s very high. (I’m afraid of height.) |
20. What household chores do you have? |
20. I have a lot of household chores. I ... |
21. How do members of the family share your household chores? |
21. My mother (Vs), my father (Vs) |
22. What do you hoover the carpet (wash clothes, dishes) with? |
22. I/We hoover the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. |
23. How often do you take out the rubbish? |
23. I/We take out the rubbish every day. |
24. How often do you go shopping? |
24. I/We go shopping every day. |
25.Where do you go shopping? |
25. I/We go shopping to the nearest supermarket. |
26. Where can you buy medicine? |
26. I/We can buy medicine at the chemist’s. |
27. Where can you buy gold rings? |
27. I/We can buy gold rings at the jeweller’s. |
28. Where can you do sport? |
28. I/We can do sport in the gym. |
29. Where can you borrow a book? |
29. I/We can borrow a book from the library. |
30. Where can you have dinner? |
30. I/We can have dinner at/in a café or a restaurant. |
Критерии оценивания
Отметка выставляется по совокупности соответствия ответа следующим критериям: владение материалом (содержательная сторона высказывания); логичность высказывания; умение поддержать беседу; лексически-, грамматически- и фонетически верно оформленная речь. Если не дан краткий ответ – оценка снимается на 0,5 балла.
«5» - на все вопросы даны полные ответы (1-2 предложения на вопрос); верно сформирован краткий ответ (где необходимо), обучающийся адекватно реагирует на переформулированный вопрос. 1-2 отдельные фонетические, лексические и грамматические погрешности не затрудняют понимания.
«4» - на все вопросы даны полные ответы (1-2 предложения на вопрос) или не дан ответ на один вопрос, допускаются отдельные погрешности в содержании или логике высказывания; верно сформирован краткий ответ (где необходимо), обучающийся адекватно реагирует на переформулированный вопрос. 3-4 отдельные фонетические, лексические и грамматические погрешности не затрудняют понимания.
«3» - даны неполные ответы на вопросы или не дан ответ на два вопроса (из 6); краткий ответ сформирован (где необходимо), обучающийся реагирует на переформулированный вопрос. 5-6 отдельных фонетических, лексических и грамматических погрешностей не затрудняют понимания.
«2» - ответы на вопросы не даны или не соответствуют данному вопросу, ИЛИ ответ дан в виде слова или словосочетания; допущены фонетические и лексические и грамматические ошибки, препятствующие пониманию ответа.
Students’ Card
1. What type of house do you live in? |
2. What’s your address? |
3. Is it far from the centre? |
4. Is it in a nice area/a quiet neighbourhood? |
5. What floor is your flat on? |
6. What's your flat like? |
7. How many rooms are there in your flat? |
8. What is your favourite room? Why? |
9. Can you describe your room? (3-4 предлога места) |
10. Do you have your own room? |
11. Do you share a room with your brother or sister? |
12. What room is the smallest in your flat? |
13. Is there a carpet on the floor? |
14. Where do you keep clothes (books, dishes)? |
15. Are there any armchairs (bedside cabinets, cushions) in your bedroom? |
16. There is a fridge in your kitchen, isn't there? |
17. What (other) appliances have you got? |
18. What's your favourite thing about your flat? |
19. Would you like to live in a skyscraper? Why/Why not? |
20. What household chores do you have? |
21. How do members of the family share your household chores? |
22. What do you hoover the carpet (wash clothes, dishes) with? |
23. How often do you take out the rubbish? |
24. How often do you go shopping? |
25.Where do you go shopping? |
26. Where can you buy medicine? |
27. Where can you buy gold rings? |
28. Where can you do sport? |
29. Where can you borrow a book? |
30. Where can you have dinner? |
Card 1 1. What type of house do you live in? 2. Is it in a nice area? 3. What's your flat like? 4. There is a fridge in your kitchen, isn't there? 5. What household chores do you have? 6. Where do you go shopping?
Card 2 1. What’s your address? 2. Is it far from the centre? 3. How many rooms are there in your flat? 4. Would you like to live in a skyscraper? Why/Why not? 5. What do you hoover the carpet with? 6. Where can you buy medicine?
Card 3 1. Is your house in a quiet neighbourhood? 2. What floor is your flat on? 3. What is your favourite room? Why? 4. Are there any armchairs in your bedroom? 5. How often do you take out the rubbish? 6. Where
can you have dinner? |
Card 4 1. Do you have your own room? 2. What room is the smallest in your flat? 3. Can you describe your room? (3-4 предлога места) 4. Are there any cushions in your bedroom? 5. How often do you go shopping? 6. Where can you do sport?
Card 5 1. Do you share a room with your brother or sister? 2. Where do you keep clothes? 3. Is there a carpet on the floor? 4. What appliances have you got? 5. How do members of the family share your household chores? 6. Where can you borrow a book?
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