Методическая разработка итоговых контрольных работ ("Spotlight 8")
Оценка 4.7

Методическая разработка итоговых контрольных работ ("Spotlight 8")

Оценка 4.7
Методическая разработка итоговых контрольных работ ("Spotlight 8")
8 класс.docx

Spotlight 8              Unit 1                Test       

1. Complete :patient, honest, selfish, flexible, generous, shy, stubborn, caring, unreliable, optimistic.

1. This person doesn`t feel comfortable with people.

2. He always looks on the bright side of life.

3. She tries to stay calm  and doesn`t get annoyed with people easily.

4. This person always wants to do things her own way.

5. They are dishonest, always late, bad at their job.

6.They care only about themselves.

  7. This person  gives  more than people can expect( ожидать).

8.  This person can change your mind easily.

9. She is telling the truth.

10. He always understands how other feel and help them.


2. Complete the gaps with the correct particles: along, down, over, over with,across.

1.I hope you`ll get ….. flu very quickly.

2. Do you get ……. With your sister?

3. She broke ……  after her husband died.

4. The teachers have difficulty to get ….. her ideas to the students.

5. You will get easily ……..


3. Write a card to congratulate your classmate with ending of the first quarter.

Spotlight 8              Unit 1                Test       

1. Complete :patient, honest, selfish, flexible, generous, shy, stubborn, caring, unreliable, optimistic.

1. This person doesn`t feel comfortable with people.

2. He always looks on the bright side of life.

3. She tries to stay calm  and doesn`t get annoyed with people easily.

4. This person always wants to do things her own way.

5. They are dishonest, always late, bad at their job.

6.They care only about themselves.

  7. This person  gives  more than people can expect( ожидать).

8.  This person can change your mind easily.

9. She is telling the truth.

10. He always understands how other feel and help them.


2. Complete the gaps with the correct particles: along, down, over, over with,across.

1.I hope you`ll get ….. flu very quickly.

2. Do you get ……. With your sister?

3. She broke ……  after her husband died.

4. The teachers have difficulty to get ….. her ideas to the students.

5. You will get easily ……..


3. Write a card to congratulate your classmate with ending of the first quarter.


Spotlight 8    Module 2    Test



1. Complete with: well – done, preheat, food, store, nourishing, bunch, much, few, pair, sprinkle.


1. An obento is one of the oldest ___ traditions in Japan.

2. An obento should be ___ and healthy.

3. You can buy a ___ of tulips at the florist`s.

4. Can you buy a ___ of sunglasses at the shopping mall?

5. I go to the department ___ to buy everything I want.

6. Girls spend as ___ money on lunch as boys.

7. Teen girls buy very ___ video games.

8. Before baking a cake you should ___ the oven to 180C.

9. It will be tasty if you ____ herbs  over the top of your dish.

10. I`d like ___ meat, please.



2. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. I ___ (cycle) and my legs are really tired now.

2. Somebody ___ (eat) my cookies. I have no cookies now.

3. How many books ___ she ___ (write)?

4. I ___ (read) all afternoon.

5. They ___ (travel) for months and they ___ (visit) three countries so far.

6. You ___ (spend)  too much time playing stupid game!

7. You ___ (play) tennis since 10 o`clock. How many sets ___ you ___ (play)?

8. He ____ (fish) since he was a little boy.



3. Complete the gaps with the correct particles.

1. The police went after/up him but he went away.

2. How long can people go through/without sleep?

3. The cost of a new house go up/down every day! A haven`t enough money to buy a house now.

4. She`s gone down/through a lot since she stayed alone.

5. If food or drink goes up/off it becomes bad and not fit to eat or drink.


















Spotlight 8 Unit 1

Spotlight 8 Unit 1

Spotlight 8 Module 2

Spotlight 8 Module 2

Методическая разработка итоговых контрольных работ ("Spotlight 8")

Методическая разработка итоговых контрольных работ ("Spotlight 8")
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